1、金阳外国语实验小学学校简介我校成立于2010年9月,是金阳新区开办的第一所公立外国语实验小学,学校由香港新世界公司投资兴建,占地两万余平方米,校园内绿树掩映,环境优美。学校与贵州大学外国语学院合作,由贵州大学外国语学院王建芳院长担任学区顾问,外籍教师担任口语教学教师,倾力打造专业化、精品化的外国语学校。办学一年来,在全体老师的共同努力下,我校分别荣获贵州省金阳新区青少年科技体育艺术节“才艺秀秀秀”一等奖、贵州省“祖国好 家乡美” 暨十二届“班班有歌声”合唱比赛小学组二等奖等。学校设施:学校硬件设施齐全,配有250米塑胶跑道、足球场、室内篮球馆、多媒体教室、美术教室、音乐教室、舞蹈教室、计算机机
2、房等,能充分满足现代化的教学要求。 办学特色:学校着眼于当今社会发展的实际需要,依托贵州大学外国语学院的专业优势和成熟英语教学经验,以外国语教育为特色,各学科并重发展,为学生营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,学校开合作办学之风,兼中西文化之优,让学生真正喜欢英语,使其英语水平得以提高; 班级设置:学校现开设小学一至六年级共13个教学班,学校充分参照西方先进教育优点,开展小班式的教学,便于管理和教学。学校还开设了音乐合唱、舞蹈、美术、体育的兴趣班,让孩子减轻课业压力,在趣味和欢乐中学习知识。师资队伍:学校现有一批35人的专职教师团队,他们青春洋溢,满怀热情,学有所长,其中具有研究生学历1人,本科学历3
3、4人,党员16人。在金阳新区教育局的正确领导下,他们得以施展拳脚,扬己所能。学校会定期组织教师进行业务培训,参加区域教研,让新教师得以快速成长,取长补短。相信在学校全体教师的精诚合作下,我们定能厚德载物,教书育人! 联系方式:13985188033 舒校长QQ:512368504Email: jywgysyxxOur school was founded in 2010. It is the first Foreign Language Experimental School of Jinyang District. Our school covers an area of two milli
4、on square meters. Many trees are around our campus. Beautiful environment, hardware facilities are our features. There is a standard plastic track, football pitches, indoor basketball hall, multimedia classrooms, art rooms, music rooms, dancing rooms, computer rooms etc. in our school. It can fully
5、meet the requirements of modern teaching. We build a professional quality of the Foreign Language School with Guizhou University. WANG Jian-fang, the Dean of Foreign college, Guizhou University is the director of study district. We hire some foreign teachers as our oral English teachers. Our school
6、focuses on the development of the actual needs of todays society. We create a good English learning environment for students with foreign language education as a feature of both the development of various disciplines. We build a professional quality of the Foreign Language School with Guizhou Univer
7、sity. We lead the direction of cooperative education, take the road of combining education and research, absorb a long educational experience abroad, get the financial advantages of Western culture, improve individual teachers and students expertise and educate the talent of the world. Enable studen
8、ts to receive an education to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically. Teachers and students make progress together and build a harmonious campus. Characteristics, international, qualified are our purpose of running school. We will make efforts to be a characteristic school with professional teachers and outstanding students.