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1、刘 君,感叹句详解,所谓感叹句,就是用来表达喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。近年来,感叹句的构成及转换是中考常考的考点之一,因此,掌握感叹句对于中考至关重要。感叹句一般由what或how开头,句末加感叹号“!”。What修饰名词,how修饰形容词、副词、动词。,感叹句,一、由What构成的感叹句,1.What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+(主语+谓语)!”或“What+不可数名词!What a clever boy(he is)!(他是)多么聪明的孩子呀!What fun!多好玩呀!What a pity!多可惜呀2.What+形容词+复数可数名词+(主语+谓语)!What beautiful

2、flowers(they are)!3.What+形容词+不可数名词+(主语+谓语)!What fine weather(it is)!,知识点1:结构:What+(a/an)+adj.+n.+subject+v.!What+形容词+名词+主语+动词!,Exclamations 感叹句,例:What an interesting story it Is!What 形容词 名词 主语 动词 多么有趣的故事啊!What beautiful flowers they are!What 形容词 名词 主语 动词 多么漂亮的花啊!,实战(2011.新疆)_bad weather it is!A.How

3、B.How a C.What D.What a,正确答案:C解析:形容词后出现了非主语的名词,故这个感叹句应该由What来引导.,2)terrible weather we have been having these day!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a解析:weather 为不可数名词,B、D排除。How+adj.后不应有名词。只有A符合句型What+形容词不可数名词!因此正确答案为A,A,二、由How构成的感叹句1.How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+(主语+谓语)+!How clever a boy he is!他多么聪明的男孩!2.How+形容词+主

4、语+谓语!How beautiful the girl is!那位姑娘多么漂亮呀!3.How+副词+主语+谓语!How fast he runs!他跑得多么快呀4.How+主语+谓语!How time flies!时间过得真快呀!,Exclamations 感叹句,例:How lucky we are!How 形容词 主语 动词 我们多幸运啊!How quickly the time passed!How 副词 主语 动词 时间过得真快啊!,知识点2:结构:How+adj./adv.+subject+v.!How+形容词/副词+主语+动词.,实战(2011江苏盐城)_interesting i

5、t is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!A.What B.What an C.How D.How an,正确答案:C解析:看出这个感叹句的结构是“形 主 动”,所以是How引导的.,典型例题:,1)food you are cooked!A.How a nice B.What a nice C.How nice D.How a解析:由于How修饰形容词、副词;What修饰名词。且food为不可数名词,因此排除A,B.C How+adj后面不能再加名词,因此正确答案为D,D,三、陈述句变为感叹句的方法,把一个陈述句变为感叹句时,常使用“一分二加三换位四去掉

6、”的方法。具体步骤为:第一步:“一分”,即在谓语动词后面划一双竖线,使句子分为两部分。如:He is a very honest boy.他是一个诚实的孩子。Li Lei works very hard.李雷学习很刻苦。,第二步:“二加”即如果第二部分的中心词是名词,就加上what;如果是形容词或副词,就加上how.如:He is(what)a very honest boy.Li Lei works(how)very hard.第三步:“三换位”即把第一部分与第二部分互换位置,句号换位感叹号。如:What a very honest boy he is!How very hard Li Le

7、i works!第四步:“四去掉”即原陈述句中含有very,too等程度副词时,在变成感叹句时要去掉。以上两个句子就应该变为以下形式:What an honest boy he is!How hard Li Lei works!,陈述句变感叹句的步骤:,一断 二看 三加 四换,1.It is a long story.2.This book is interesting.,what,how,What a long story it is!,How interesting this book is!,感叹句记忆口诀,感叹句,并不难,what与how应在前。形容词、副词跟着how,what后面名词

8、连。名词若是可数单,前带冠词a或an。主语、谓语放后面,省略它们也常见。,看我七十二变,The cat is cute.,How _ the cat is!,cute,The pandas are lovely.,How _ the pandas are!,lovely,She swims wonderfully.,How _ she swims!,wonderfully,He runs fast.,How _ he runs!,fast,She is a pretty girl.,How _the girl is!a girl she is!,pretty,Work out the rule

9、s:,How cute the cat is!,How lovely the pandas are!,How fast he runs!,形容词/副词,How wonderfully she swims!,1How _ 主语谓语!,How pretty a girl she is!,2How _ a/an单数名词主语谓语!,形容词,Situations:,1.You failed the exam.,How _ I am/feel!,sad/sorry,2.She won the competition.,How _ she is!,happy,3.Jack provided a lot of

10、 food for the poor.,How _ Jack is!,kind/generous,Statements(陈述句),4.The water is important.,How important the water is!,5.English is difficult.,How difficult English is!,6.Lucy dances well.,How well lucy dances!,7.He is a strange man.,How strange a man he is!,My sister broke my mobile phone.What a ca

11、reless girl you are!,What,it is!,Its a beautiful flower.,a beautiful flower,How beautiful a flower it is!,the flower is!,an exciting film,What,it is!,Its an exciting film.,(Yewen),lovely birds,What,they are!,They are lovely birds,cold weather,What,it is!,cold weather,Work out the rules:,What a beaut

12、iful flower _ _!,What cold weather _ _!,What an exciting film _ _!,What lovely birds _ _!,it is,it is,it is,they are,主语+谓语,noun phrase名词短语,What_主语谓语!,单数可数名词,复数可数名词,不可数名词,学以致用Lets have a try!1.It is a sunny day.2.Li lei runs very fast.3.He studies very hard in our school.4.My farther always works ver

13、y hard.5.Sally has a sweet voice.,What a sunny day it is!,How fast Li lei runs!,How hard he studies in our school!,How hard my father works!,What a sweet voice Sally has!,课堂检测:一、用How,What(a/an)填空_ delicious food it is!_interesting film!_bad weather!_good day!_tall the boy is!_good news it is!_beauti

14、ful clothes they are!_ nice teacher he is!_nice Tom is!_ hard work!_ hard job!,WhatWhat anWhat What aHowWhat What What a How What What a,12、_ a heavy box!13、_ heavy the box is!14、_ hard work!15、_ hard the work is!16、_ wonderful the film is!17、_ a wonderful film!二、句型转换 1.What a heavy rain!_ _ the rai

15、n is!2.How interesting the boy is!_ _ interesting boy,What,How,What,How,How,What,How heavy,What an,What 与How 大转换,1.What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2.How difficult the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3.How big the factory is!_ _ big factory _ _!,How pretty,What difficult questions,What a,it is

16、,4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _!5.How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _!6.What interesting books they are!_ _ the books _!7.How funny the girl is!_ _ funny girl _ _!,How clever,are,What a,she is,How interesting,What,they are,is,8.How old the man is!_ _ old man _ _!9.What nice books they are!_ _

17、 the books _!10.How amazing the building is!_ _amazing building _ _!,What an,he is,How nice,are,What an,it is,将下列句子改为感叹句The girl is very pretty.How pretty the girl is!What a pretty girl she is!2.This is an old watch.How old this watch is!What an old watch it(this)is!,3.The food is so nice.How nice t

18、he food is!What nice food it is!4.These questions are very easy.How easy these questions are!What easy questions these are!,注意:(1)感叹句中的主语、谓语通常可以省略。e.g.What a nice girl(she is)!多好的女孩啊!What bad news(it is)!多坏的 How handsome(he is)!真英俊!What a nice coat(it is)!多美的大衣!(2)感叹句除了上述的what,how引导之外,也可以 用单词、短语或句子加

19、感叹号构成。e.g.Wonderful!精彩!Good luck!祝你好运!The book is so interesting!这本书真有趣!,中考真题导学:1._beautiful day it is!Lets go and have a picnic in the park.-Good idea!A.How B.How a C.What D.What a2.Kate has won the first prize in the singing competition.-_pleasant surprise this gave her classmates!A.What B.HowC.Wh

20、at a D.How a3._ great man Huang Furong is!He lost his life while saving the students in the Yushu earthquake.A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 4._exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an,D,C,D,D,5._wide the streets are!A.What B.How C.What a6._happily the children are f

21、lying kites!AWhat BWhat aCHow DHow a7._ hard work you have done!-Its very kind of you to say so.WhatB.How C.What a D.How a8.-Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderful?Yes._ wonderful film it is!WhatB.What aC.How D.How a9._ meeting it is!What a important B.What important C.How an important D.What an

22、important,B,C,A,B,D,Group Competition,1._ clever boy he is!2._ cold it is today!3._ nice weather it is!4._ hard they are working!5._ well he writes!6._ noisy place(it is)!7._ beautifully he draws!,What a,How,What,How,How,What a,How,用What,What a/an,或How填空。,Exercises,5,8._ well you look!9._ interestin

23、g film it is!10._ carefully he is drawing!11._ hard he works!12._ hard work it is!13._ pretty a girl she is!14._ honest boy Tom is!15._ slowly it moved!,What an,How,How,What,How,What an,How,How,How cold weather it is!,How lovely birds they are!,right or wrong判断正误,How cold the weather is!What clever

24、the boys are!What high the planes fly!,What,What,How,How,3,How tall the man is!What a tall man(he is)!,tall,4,Wow,what a big pumpkin it is!How big the pumpkin is!,big,Have a try 试试我的身手,1.Look at the photo of the Smiths._happy they are!A How B what C How a D What a 2._beautiful music it is!I like it

25、very much.A What B How a C What a D How3._kind girl Nancy is!A What B What a C How D How a,A,A,B,6,4.You cant imagine _great fun it is to play the games.A what B how C what a D how a,A,5.No matter _hard the life is in the future,I am sure I will win in the end.A what B how C what a D how a,B,6._ day

26、 it is!Its rainy again.A.How bad B.What a bad C.How fine D.What a fine7._the mooncakes are!A.How deliciousB.How a deliciousC.What deliciousD.What a delicious,B,A,2.The food is so nice.How nice the food is!What nice food it is!3.These questions are very easy.How easy these questions are!What easy que

27、stions these are!4.She has long hair.How long her hair is!What long hair she has!,将下列句子改为感叹句1.This is an old watch.How old this watch is!What an old watch it(this)is!,7,1.He is a handsome boy.2.The girl is beautiful.3.Peter runs fast.4.It is raining heavily.,What a handsome boy he is!,How beautiful

28、the girl is!,How fast Peter runs!,How heavily it is raining!,Try more sentences:,1.You are stupid.2.I had a tasty meal.3.Our classroom is very clean.4.They are polite boys.5.It is raining heavily.6.Time flies.,How stupid you are!,What a tasty meal I had!,How clean our classroom is!,How time flies!,W

29、hat polite boys they are!,How 主语谓语!,How heavily it is raining!,What 与How 大转换,1.What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2.How difficult the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3.How big the factory is!_ _ big factory _ _!,How pretty,What difficult questions,What a,it is,5,4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _

30、!5.How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _!6.What interesting books they are!_ _ the books _!7.How funny the girl is!_ _ funny girl _ _!,How clever,is,What a,she is,How interesting,What,they are,is,8.How old the man is!_ _ old man _ _!9.What nice books they are!_ _ the books _!10.How amazing the bui

31、lding is!_ _amazing building _ _!,What an,he is,How nice,are,What an,it is,Practise,1、她是多好的女孩啊!2、它是多好的新闻!3、它们是多美的花啊!,What a good girl she is!,What good news(it is)!,What beautiful flowers(they are)!,用what翻译,1、多冷的天!,2、多干燥的天气啊!,3、多高的树啊!,How cold the day is!,How dry the weather is!,How tall the trees a

32、re!,归纳总结:,How+形容词/副词+the+名词+谓语!,用how改感叹句,Practise,1、多好的女孩啊!2、多好的新闻!3、多美的花啊!,用How 引导,How good the girl is!,How good the news is!,How beautiful the flowers are!,二、感叹句训练。(一)用“what”或“how”将相应的句子改为感叹句。1、Wu Peng jumps high!_ high Wu Peng jumps!2、Its an interesting film._ an interesting film it is!3、The sun

33、 is bright._ bright the sun is!4、The book is very interesting._ interesting the book is!,How,What,How,How,(二)、将下列句子改为感叹句,注意what,how的使用及词序:l.the classroom is clean.(how)2.the elephant is very heavy.(how)3.she is a happy girl.(what),How clean the classroom it is!,How heavy the elephant it is!,What a h

34、appy girl she is!,4、Its a nice coat.(what)5、The beds are dirty(脏).(how)6、The teachers are very busy.(how),What a nice coat it is!,How dirty the beds they are!,How busy the teachers they are!,7、I t s a heavy box.(what)8、The children are very happy.(how)9、The flowers are very beautiful.(what),What a h

35、eavy box it is!,How happy the children they are!,What beautiful flowers they are!,(三)、将下列句子变成感叹句:1.It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!2.We have fine weather today._ _ weather we have today!3.Its sunny today._ _ sunny day it is today!,What,a,What,fine,What,a,4.The children are working hard._

36、 _ the children are working!5.She played basketball wonderfully._ _ she played basketball!,How,hard,How,wonderfully,(四)单项选择。1._ a nice watch it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.How a2._ bright the lights they are!A.What B.What a C.How D.how a 3._ interesting the film is!A.What B.What an C.How 4._ sunny da

37、y!Lets go out for a walk.A.How a B.How C.What a D.What,B,C,C,c,5._ hard work it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an 6._ day it is!Its rainy again.A.How bad B.What a bad C.How fine D.What a fine 7.beautiful flowers they are!A、How B、What C、How a D、What a8.terrible weather it is!A、What B、What a C、How D、

38、How a,B,B,B,A,9、()the mooncakes are!A、How deliciousB、How a deliciousC、What deliciousD、What a delicious10、()-thick ice!Would you like to go skating?A、What B、How C、What a D、How a,A,A,11._ great day July 1,1997 will be!A.How a B.What a C.How D.What12._ expensive trousers!A.What B.What a C.How D.What an

39、13._ useful work they have done!A.What B.How C.What a D.What an,B,A,A,14._ nice picture you gave me!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an15._ careless he is!A.What B.How C.So much D.How much,C,B,16._ girl she is!A.What bright a B.How a bright C.How bright a D.What bright 17._ weather we have today!A.A fin

40、e B.What a fine C.How a fine D.What fine,C,D,Exclamations 例题讲解,请在横线上填上你认为正确的单词 1._ great film it is!2._ exciting they are!3._ a pretty girl she is!4._ kind you are!5._ bad weather it is!点拨:牢记感叹句的两个基本结构:What+(a/an)+adj.+n.+subject+vHow+adj./adv.+subject+v.,参考答案:1.What a2.How3.What4.How5.What,Exercise

41、.把下列各句改成感叹句(注意分析句子的结构).1.They are very beautiful flowers._ _ _they are!_ _ _ flowers are!2.The woman is very kind(善良的)._ _ the woman is!_ _ kind woman!3.They had a good idea._ _ _ idea they had!.单项选择.1._ clever the young man is!()A.Who B.When C.What D.How 2._ fresh air it is in this village!()A.How B.What C.When D.Which 3._ the workers are working now!()A.How hard B.How hardly C.What hard D.What a hard,Thank you and see you later.,


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