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1、话题整合,提高中考英语复习课的实效性,前言,突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价及教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师的指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨砺意志、活跃思维、展示个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。,一、话题式复习模式的含义,“话题式”复习模式,就是选择一个中心话题,将与本话题相关的内容从三年的教材中进行有效的筛选、归纳、整合。并将语法结构有机地融入其中,进行听、说、读、写各项语言技能训练。,二话题式复习模式的产 生是各种条件成熟的必然 产物,1.英语课程标准对课程资源的开发与利用的要求。,英语课程标准在对教材的使用建议中明确
2、提出,教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活的和有创造性的使用教材,对教材的内容,编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当发的取舍和调整。,二话题式复习模式的产 生是各种条件成熟的必然 产物,2.以话题为中心的复习模式符合教材的编排特点。,在整套教材中,共有与学生日常学习、生活密切相关的24个话题.分别是:1.个人情况(Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family,friends and people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(
3、Interests and hobbies)7.个人情感(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals,holidays and celebrations),11.购物(Shopping)12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17.语言学习(language learning
4、)18.自然(Nature)19.世界和环境(The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art),二话题式复习模式的产 生是各种条件成熟的必然 产物,3.中考的要求是话题复习课存在的必然条件之一.,二话题式复习模式的产 生是各种条件成熟的必然 产物,4.教师对教材了解、分析 和科学处理的能力越来
5、 越强。,三.科学有效的整合极其重要。,1.“话题”设计的开放性和导向性。教师必须首先了解课本,了解学生。选取的“话题”要找准切入点,既不可难度太大,也不可难度太低,既不可范围太宽,又不可范围太窄。,No.22 Middle School Xu Yingchun,Revision of unit 8(8B)&Unit12(G9),CUSTOMS,greeting,table manners,gift giving,customs,1.You should/may/could.2.Youre supposed to.3.Youd better(not).4.Its better(not)to 5
6、.You need to.6.Why dont you/why not.?7.What about/How about?8.Would you like to.?9.If I were you,I would.,Ways to give suggestions(advice),contest,Health and Environment,No.26 Middle School Che Qiwei,Review of units 1-2(8A)Unit15(G9),Ways to give suggestions(advice),1.Youd better(not).2.You should/m
7、ay/could.3.You need to.4.If I were you,I would.5.What about(a picnic this Sunday?)6.Why dont you/why not.?7.Would you like to.?8.Youre supposed to.,How to make a happy life.,8AU2&8BU2&9U1,Qingdao No.63 Middle SchoolLiu Xiaoxiao,good health,Happy life,Ways to give suggestions(advice),1.Youd better(no
8、t).2.You should/may/could.3.You need to.4.If I were you,I would.5.What about(asking the teachers)?6.Why dont you/why not.?7.Would you like to.?8.Youre supposed to.,World Tour,Revision Topic:Travel Speaker:De Hong Ma-No.39 Middle School,What did you/he/she they do?(Unit 8 Book2),I hung out with my fr
9、iends.He bought a souvenir.She took photos.They saw a big octopus.They watched a dolphin.,How?,By busBy carBy trainBy air/planeBy rocketOn foot,Last vacation,Practice and report,Travel Qingdao No.63 Middle School Du Haiyan,A:Where are you going for vacation?B:Im going A:That sounds great!Who are you
10、 going with?B:Im A:How long are you staying?B:Im.A:How will you go there?B:I will.A:What will you do there?B:I will.A:Wonderful!Have a good time!,我们可以打破只用教案教学的常规做法,以学案为载体实施对学生的指导,将课下与课上相结合,学案与教案相结合,学生自主学习与教师讲解诱导相结合、课本知识与生活实践相结合,知识技能与能力素质的培养相结合,形成全方位、多渠道、多角度的“立交桥”,让学生自主探究主动学习,亲身体验知识形成的过程。,三.科学有效的整合极其
11、重要,2.“话题”因其开放性和导向性,使得 学生探究的过程离不开一个个实际 的问题.因而话题是不能脱离问题而 存在的.教学中,教师确定一个内涵 丰富而紧扣教学内容的话题,学生 根据“话题”内容确定讨论的具体问题,学习的角度。,How to make a happy life.,8AU2&8BU2&9U1,Qingdao No.63 Middle SchoolLiu Xiaoxiao,A:What should he/she do if?B:He/she.,Dear Lucy,I know it isnt easy to learn English,but I have some ideas t
12、hat may help you.If _,why dont you_?If you cant _,you can_.If Yours,_,2.划线单词harvest 的含义:A 报答 B 收获 C 收割 D 成绩3.将划线句翻译成汉语“Failure is the mother of success.”_.4.写出划线句的同义句“Attitude decides everything.”Everything _ attitude.5.用文章中完整的句子回答问题How do you face failure?_.,Task3-2),Review ofMaking polite requests
13、(8AU11;8BU7;9U11)Zhao Yugang,Group work,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,1.Choice of language_ the relationship and situation.2.Speaking politely _ to be more difficult than being direct.3.The barber _ me a terrible haircut and it annoyed me.,change;give;put out;drop;depend on;seem;lead in,depends on,see
14、ms,gave,Problems&Solutions,青大市北附中,郑文,Unit 2(G8A),Unit2,Unit 5(G8B)&Unit 1(G9),pairwork,A:What should she do if B:She should.,solutions,fail the exam,Careful reading:,find English difficult,Make a survey,Report:,In our life,we have many problems._ _ _.,Health and Environment,No.26 Middle School Che Q
15、iwei,Review of units 1-2(8A)Unit15(G9),Dear Uncle,I think youd better go to bed early,dont stay up too late.You said you only eat food that tastes good,I think you should _.Too much coffee and smoking too much is bad for your health,If I were you,_.As for exercise,you _after work.Vacation is very im
16、portant,dont put it off.What about _this weekend?,Dear Miss.Che,I think youd better go to bed early,dont stay up too late.You said you only eat food that tastes good,I think you should _.Too much coffee and smoking a lot are bad for your health.If I were you,_.Do some sports after work.Vacation is v
17、ery important,dont put it off,so what about _this weekend?,Our planet is ill.New cars and trucks are produced every day.The polluted air is dangerous to health.Millions of trees are cut down every year.Pollution is everywhere.Something must be done to save this planet.Stop cutting down trees.Turn of
18、f lights when leaving a room.Say no to paper towels!Walk,bike,run.Use your legs,Its lots of fun!We love our planet,we need fresh air,clean water and grass.Better environment,better life!,Task 1 Find out the solutions.,三.科学有效的整合极其重要3.建立互动合作小组。现代教学论认为,课堂上的教学活动不仅仅是教师与学生之间的双边活动,更是学生与学生之间交流的多边活动。课堂教学对于学生
19、的个体发展来说,一个不容忽视的优越性就在于学习集体的交互作用,相互影响。,talent show,full,groupwork,make a toast,The more,the better.,Make a survey,make polite requests,三.科学有效的整合极其重要4.强化课堂过程管理,建立多元化的评价体系。学生有着自己的知识背景、理解 分析的方式、情感价值取向,在分析问题时总是带着已有的经验去构建知识,获得感悟。,三.科学有效的整合极其重要5.教师主导定位,关注整体。教师是教学的引导者,是课堂各个环节的设计者,也是整个英语教学的主导者,因而课堂教学还有一个关键的环节是要关注整体而非局部。,四话题式复习模式的有力前景1.有利于提高师生积极性2.有利于培养学生的语言综合运 用能力3.有利于养成学生自主学习与合 作学习的习惯,新型话题式复习课的基本模式是:启动阶段:创设话题 情境;联动阶段:化大为小,生成问题;能动阶段:合作探究、得出结论;创新阶段:优化组合、化为知识为能力。过程运用方式:互动、合作。辅助手段:媒体、评价。,Thanks for listening!Wish a good time!,