电梯空调中英文使用说明书 141M上海巴陵机电有限公司.doc

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1、BL-KT系列电梯专用空调ELEVATOR AIR-CONDITIONER用户手册USER GUIDE(版权所有,翻印必究)上海巴陵机电有限公司Shanghai Pariss Mechanical&Electrical Co.,Ltd.目录产品特点1技术参数1注意事项2维护保养2操作指南3接收面板操作说明3遥控器使用说明4功能介绍5常见故障及处理办法8用户需知10电气安全要求10感谢您选用我公司电梯专用空调,请你在使用前详细阅读使用操作说明及有关注意事项。如在使用过程中发现故障问题请及时与我公司联系。(本手册中的有关内容可能因产品的更新而变化,若与实物有差异,以实物为准,恕不另行通知。)服务电

2、话:021-54452471 产品特点BL-KT系列电梯专用空调适用于各类乘客电梯、病床电梯、载货电梯、客货电梯、住宅电梯、观光电梯,其主要特点为:u 机体采用一体化设计,无制冷剂外泄,重量轻,体积小。u 低噪音,高效运转,特强送风系统设计,送风均匀,冷量足,使轿厢内保持宁静、舒适。u 独立电源供电设计,不影响电梯正常运行。u 自动恒温,节省能源。u 安装方便,操作简单,安全可靠。u 机身采用优质抗腐蚀材料,豪华美观。u 轿内遥控,可设定时开、关,操作方便。u 多层防御净化装置,有效除去轿内混浊空气;具有静电集尘、杀菌、防霉、除臭、清新空气功能。 技术参数产品型号 TYPEBL-KT325YB

3、L-KTR325YBL-KT332YBL-KTR332Y制冷(热)量2500W2500(2100)W3200W3200(2100)W风量436M3/Hour520M3/Hour工作电压220V/50Hz (2 Phase)电流(制冷/制热)4.6A4.6/7.6A6.0A6.0/7.6A消耗功率950W1260W运行噪音48 dB50 dB重量39Kg49Kg体积560450340MM3640520420MM3防水等级IP4触电保护类型Type I适用梯型1350Kg1350 Kg 注意事项为了延长电梯空调的使用寿命,请您在使用时注意以下事项。1. 请勤于清除空调回风口及机身的防尘滤网。若滤网

4、积上灰尘会对空气的顺利流通造成障碍以致降低制冷效果,在长期使用电梯空调时请每隔两周清洗一次滤网。(操作前要关机、断电、不要用拔掉电源的方法来使空调器停止运转)2. 对电梯维护人员检修电梯时,请提示其勿踩踏显示器连接线,勿踩踏空调主机,以免导致机壳变形。3. 请勿碰撞空调相关的导风管以免照成接口松脱。切勿阻挡回风口,以保证送风顺畅,否则将降低空调器的性能且导致不正常运行。4. 长时间停止使用时请关闭电源开关、拔下轿顶电源插头。5. 在空调发生故障时请及时通知我厂,在没有经过我厂授权的情况下而不要自行拆机检修,否则将失去相关保修资格。 维护保养1. 当你在使用空调的过程中,觉得出风口的风量有所减弱

5、,同时噪音增大时,请检查空调机身防尘网及回风滤网,如有积尘应及时清洗。具体方法如下:把回风滤网取出清扫干净,亦可用清水加小量洗调剂进行清洗,晾干后再放回原位旋上螺丝即可。主机防尘网清洗方法亦一样(注意:清扫前请切断电源关机后才能拔下电源插头)2. 勤于检查接地线是否断线,脱落。小提示:1. 遥控器在长时间不用时请把电池取出;2. 若空调停机后马上再开机,压缩机需等待3分钟后才会启动以保护机器。 操作指南1. 制冷操作使用环境温度约18度以上,53度以下;如果在上述范围以外的温度下长时间操作有可能造成故障;轿厢的湿度大于90%的状态下,空调器长时间运行,有时会在机器表面结露,造成水珠属于正常现象

6、。2. 除湿操作轿厢的温度约18度以上,53度以下;如果在上述范围以外的温度下长时间操作空调器,可能造成故障。 接收面板操作说明1. 开/关:在待机时按此键开机,在开机时按此键关机。2. 模式:开机时按此键选择空调的工作模式。3. +:调节设定温度增加4. -:调节设定温度降低5. 风速:调节输出风量大小6. 定时:此键暂无功能。 遥控器使用说明 遥控器各按键功能示意图 功能介绍1. 自动模式:初次上电,控制器能根据轿厢内温度自动选择工作模式,但并不投入运行,如果要运行,请按开机键。模式选定后不再改变,用户如果要改变模式或其他设置,可通过面板操作。模式自动选择如下:轿内温度模式设定温度轿内风速

7、3分钟,则关压缩机.空调器防结霜后,当盘管温度7,且压缩机停超过3分钟,允许再次启动压缩机,空调器风速保持不变。3. 送风模式:当遥控器上设置为除湿模式或单冷机制热模式时进入送风功能1) 风速:按设定运行。 2)压缩机关。4. 制热: 四通阀开 清除余热功能:为了充分利用电加热及蒸发器上的余热, 在压缩机停止后,风机低风运行1分钟。 风速:1) 如果空调盘管温度轿内温度+5,则低风2分钟后转设定风速。2) 如果空调盘管温度轿内温度+5,则低风1分钟后转设定风速。(除霜时除外,压缩机停后再启动需三分钟) 除霜:智能除霜开始条件:a. 制热模式b. 压缩机累积运行45分钟以上c. 压缩机累积运行1

8、8分钟以上d. 外传感温度-5e. 以上条件同时满足进入除霜,除霜时间8分钟除霜运行过程:当除霜开始时,压缩机停,风机按压缩机停机情况下运行。55秒后,风机停止,四通阀断电;1分钟后,压缩机启动,进行除霜。除霜结束过程:除霜结束后,压缩机停止,风机运行。1分钟30秒后,四通阀上电;2分钟后,压缩机启动,进入正常制热状态。5. 循环定时设置:A先将电控板开机:B先设置好其他功能,如风速、设定温度、模式等,最后才设置定时功能;C定时操作行为:先将遥控器的时钟调好为北京时间然后在需要定时开的时间去设置定时关即可。例如:要设置早上8点开,下午6点关,则在早上8点钟去设定下午6点钟关机的时间即可,无需设

9、置定时开机的时间;D一旦设置好定时后就不能再使用遥控器,如再用遥控器修改其他功能则又要重新设置定时,总之定时功能在最后设置;E循环定时功能一旦设置好后控制器每天自动开关机;F无单次定时功能,一旦进入定时就为循环定时。6. 保护功能:A初次上电时允许压缩机立即启动。B压缩机停机后再次启动时,至少应有3分钟的间隔。C温度传感器断电、短路保护。D空调温度传感器故障时显示E1,控制器正常工作,但无恒温停机功能。E盘管温度传感器故障时显示E2,控制器正常工作,但无防结霜保护。 常见故障种类和处理方法故障现象原因处理方法不启动停电等待电网恢复电源开关未接通接通电源开关电源开关保险丝烧断更换保险丝遥控器内电


11、闪烁,遥控接收器显示“E”,拨下电源插头再重新插上启动后仍然闪烁;2、保险丝熔断频繁或断路器失误频繁;3、水或其它物质进入空调机内。与本公司售后服务联系l 非空调器故障现象下列现象并非表示空调发生异常。1、 系统不运转在按下遥控器上开/关按钮以后,系统不立刻开始运行。如果运行指示灯亮,则表示空调器处于正常的运行状态。不立刻开始运行的原因是为了防止发生过负载、系统内的安全装置动作的原故。经过3分钟以后,空调器压缩机将自动开始运行。2、 空调器的噪音在停止运行后的短时间内,可能听到“嘶嘶”声。这是冷媒停止流动或改变流量时发出的声音。当空调器运行或停止运行时,可能听到“吱吱”声,这是由于塑料件温度变

12、化时,自燃膨胀或收缩发出的声音。3、 从空调器吹出灰尘长期未使用、首次使用时,进入空调器内的灰尘将被吹出。4、 空调器发出异味空调器吸收井道、轿厢内或香烟等气味,在运行时散发出来。5、 “制冷”模式转换为“送风”模式室温已经下降到设定温度时,空调器会自动关闭压缩机,转为“送风”模式,待室温回升到设定温度以上,压缩机重新启动,恢复到“制冷”模式。6、 3分钟保护功能压缩机停机3分钟内不能启动。 警告1、 空调器的主电源开关应设在机房中的独立电源。2、 在雷雨天气,请断开主电源开关,否则闪电可能使本机受损。3、 清洁本机或进行保养维护之前,请断开主电源开关,否则可能发生意外。4、 切勿使用液体清洗

13、剂,液化清洗剂及腐蚀性清洁剂擦拭本机或往机身上洒水,会损坏机身塑料件,严重时可能发生电击。 危险1、 切勿使空调器沾水受潮,否则可能发生短路或者火灾。2、 切勿在空调器附近使用或存储如发胶、油漆、汽油等可燃气体或液体,否则可能发生火灾。3、 若发现异常情况,如异常躁声、气味、烟雾、温度升高、漏电等现象,请理解切断电源,然后与当地经销商或上海巴陵机电有限公司服务中心联系,切不可自行修理机器。 用户须知1. 用户应具备与空调铭牌标示一致的合格电源,其电压应在额定电压值的90-100以内。2. 电源电路应有漏电保护器或空气开关等保护装置,其容量应大于空调器最大电流值的1.5倍。3. 一定要使用专用线

14、路及空调器随机插头匹配的有效接地插座。本机的插头已带接地插子,请勿自行更改。4. 请使用规定的保险丝或断路器。5. 必须确保空调器良好接地,即空调器的开关必须有的接地线。6. 不要拉本机电源线,如果要更换电源线,必须由上海巴陵机电有限公司工程服务中心或其他委派专业人员操作。 电气安全要求该空调器的安装应符合GB7588-1995电梯制造与安装安全规范的规定及本说明书的要求。建议由专业安装技术人员安装本机。1、 电源连接线是按颜色区分的,接线时,请您遵守接线规则。2、 电源插头已接好地线,请不要随意更改若要更换,请与本公司工程服务中心联系。其插座必须有可靠的接地线,并在随机电源线所及之处。制冷量

15、电源插座规格保险丝规格2500/3200W220V50HZ10/16A10/16ABL-KT Elevator Air-ConditionerUSER GUIDECONTENTSlGuidelines2lthe product features2lthe maintenance of air conditioning unit3lAir conditioners operating conditions3lRemote control device3lFunctioning operating guidelines3lOn remote device battery replacement4l

16、fault phenomenon and analysis4l GuidelinesTo extend the useful life of the lift air-conditioning, while enjoying the cool, please pay attention to the following matters.1) Please diligently remove the dust of the body and air-conditioning back air filter. The reality is that dust air will cumber air

17、 smooth flow such that lower refrigeration effect .In the long-term use of air conditioners, please clean the filter every two weeks. (turn off AC and cut off the power supply before operation. Do not use power socket uprooted to make air conditioner stop).2) As elevator maintenance personnel overha

18、ul of the lift, call presentation to not tread display links, not stamp on the air conditioning main engine to result frame deformation.3) Dont collide with guide duct related air-conditioning to avoid interface loose. Do not stop air supply outlet and back inlet to ensure fans smoothly, otherwise i

19、t would lead to lower air conditioners performance and abnormal operation.4) Please close the power switch as long prolonging , and unrooted ceiling assembling electrical power switches.5) As air-conditioning malfunction, please inform us in a timely manner . If you detach the machine without our au

20、thorization, you will lose its related warranty eligibility.l the product featuresSelection of the world famous compressors and micro-computer chips control, reliable performance.1) The automatic choice operation - wireless remote control lift air-conditioners, and controller automatically chooses r

21、efrigeration, dehumidification and air supply status according to car interior temperature change, achieve comfortable results.2) Supply the new wind function - inspire a large of anion by anion generator, it can balance effectively the Air cation & anion concentration ,disinfect and accelerate car

22、dust sedimentation function ,so that air is fresh and health.3) summer drop temperature - in hot weather, the air conditioners can eliminate heat and make the temperature drop.4) damp season dehumidification - pump inter humidity at the case of no reducing car temperature in general ,make car comfor

23、table.l the maintenance of air conditioning unit1. When you use air-conditioning, you find air output somewhat weakened, while increasing noise, please check the AC body dustproof screen and dust filter network of back air, if accumulated dust, they should be cleaned timely. The specific method is a

24、s follows : take out the dust filter network of back air and clean down, or wash with water and a small amount of detergent, air dry, then screw it to bring back original. Mainframe dust Network cleansing method is the same.(Note : Please cut off power before cleaning machines and pull out power soc

25、ket after turnning off it. )2. Diligently check whether grounded lines is broken or break off .On small tips1) please put out the batteries of remote control device if long time is unused.2) If turning on machine the again immediately after turning off it, the compressor needs three minutes before l

26、aunch to protect the machine.l Air conditioners operating conditionsTo using the air conditioner correctly, please operate by the following conditions .1. Refrigeration operationIt is suitable for use that rang environmental temperature from 18 degrees Celsius to 53 degrees Celsius;If you operate it

27、 outside the rang for long time ,might result in some fault.If relative humidity of the car is greater than 90% , the surface of machine could produce dew in the sometimes for prolonged operation and cause drop of water ,which is normal.2. excessive operationThe car temperature is about between 18 d

28、egrees and 53 degrees Celsius.Prolonged operation outside temperature of the range is likely to result in failure.l Remote control deviceThe name and role on the click of the remote control device 1) Note:1. Ensure no obstructions between the remote control device and the window of signal reception.

29、2) Keep the remote control not to drop or randomly throw.3) Prohibit any liquid from putting into the control device, shined directly or under very hot place.l Functioning operating guidelinesGeneral steps :1) Connect power,then press on/off key,so air-conditioner will start up.2) Press the mode but

30、ton,then select the required operating mode.3) Press the wind speed key, set wind speed.4) Press the +/- key, set the required temperature.5) Press time key ,then Press +/- key set appointment time.Note: When selecting automatic operation mode, the air-conditioning will automatically choose a suitab

31、le operation mode according to the car interior temperature, make environment comfortable. (At this point, display without light function)l On remote device battery replacementRemote control device uses two 7th alkaline batteries1) Slide the remote device battery cover downwards, take old batteries

32、out, two new batteries replaced (note polarity correct)2) Reclose the battery cover.l fault phenomenon and analysis1. No running :1) Whether the power cut?2) Whether the power plug is inserted properly or off?3) Whether the fuse or switch break apart?4) Whether Voltage is higher than 242V or less th

33、an198V?5) Whether the remote device sets to regularly switch ?2. Poor refrigeration:1) Is the air outlet or inlet of the car blocked ?2) Whether the AC body dustproof screen and dust filter network of back air accumulate excessive dust?3) Whether air volume is located in the weak wind?4) Whether the

34、 car interior temperature set in a suitable mode?3. Compressor sometimes running sometimes parking:Whether the car interior temperature reached the setting temperature?4. Lose control of remote control device :1) When air-conditioners undergo abnormal interference or frequent conversion of function,

35、 the controller occasionally lose control. At this time only cut off power, and re-transmission of electricity will be able to resume its normal work.2) Whether the battery voltage of remote control device is adequate or the need to replace batteries.5. A release of gas :1) Operation in refrigeratio

36、n, cooling air sometimes will blow off from air outlet for sake of air cooled quickly6. Air conditioners operating noise :1) Like water voice; This is the voice of cyclic freon in the air-conditioning. 2) Like shower voice; This is the voice of condensing water evaporated in air conditioner.7. As if

37、 condensing water leak out from air-conditioner:As the air conditioner cool hot air, the metal surface of car would produce condensed water ,it would be eliminated by sticking with warming cotton.8. Water dripping from air conditioner :Has the air-conditioner tilted?9. Neither activate immediately a

38、fter turning off nor operate it in the process of adjusting the function of air-conditioner, please wait for 3 minutes.1) It is aim at protecting the air conditioner.2) Wait 3 minutes before running again.Note : If the fuse on the control panel damaged, another fuse with the same specification is re

39、quested and fix on by the professional replacement. If the following situations happened, please cease operation immediately, and pull out the power plug , then , contact with the local after-sale service center of air-conditioning company. 1) Abnormal switching2) The fuse or switch often breaks apa

40、rt;3) Impurity or water goes into its body for sake of careless4) The superheat of wire or the breakdown of shield occurred.5) Other abnormal mode.BL-KT Elevator Air-ConditionerInstallation1. IntroductionTo ensure the normal operation of the system, you must read the manual carefully before installe

41、d, and the strictest possible by the hand for the installation. At installation, air-conditioners must be reliable grounded, after installed, the user must use in accordance with the provisions of the air-conditioners use manual. Please take good care of the manual for future maintenance purpose.2.

42、Installation requirements 1) Be sure of firm and no vibrating position, (if not installed firmly,might have caused noise and vibration, and even cause accidents such as falling). 2) Be sure that air can reach the car smoothly 3) Avoiding the lubricating oil splash to the air-conditioning body.4. Bet

43、ween the monitors and fluorescent strip lights should be at a distance (Due to might hinder the normal work of monitors).3. Use for power 1) Rated voltage and voltage range: 220V+10% .Excessive high voltage might result electrical components easily damaged; Be low voltage position, refrigeration com

44、pressors violent vibration would lead to refrigeration system damage, and it can easily lead to compressor and electrical components no moving. 2) Must be reliable ground conduction : Air conditioners must use specialized socket, sockets and wiring should comply with national wiring norms and reliab

45、le grounded. In the fixed lines, should have appropriate capacity air switches and leakage protection switches.4. Power installation 1) Power substation should be at a convenient point to take account of cutting off power supply in emergency. 2) Power should be used from the professional circuit. 3) Wiring should match with air conditioners and sockets polar (left zero right phase).4) Connecting the power cord and power cord specifications should be consistent with relevant standards.


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