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9、脏代谢正常。沈雁英指出,要保护肝脏,还要了解它最怕的是什么。首先,肝脏最怕烟和酒。尼古丁能对肝造成伤害,而酒精更是肝脏的“毒药”。肝脏害怕生活不规律,情绪不稳定。它害怕病毒侵害,因此定时接种甲、乙肝疫苗能有效保护肝脏。肝脏最怕垃圾食品,过量油炸食物和咖啡因会增加肝脏负担。Chinais adisease powers,investigation shows that,for each of the 12Chinese,a manwith liver disease.In recent years,in our side,to,suffer from fatty liver,alcohol li

10、ver,hepatitis A,hepatitis B,cirrhosisand evenliver cancer,liver disease,more and more people.How can weprotect ourliver,a lot of peoplewant to know.Toprotectliver,must know whatis the liverwant most.The peoples Liberation Army No.302 Hospitalof Chinese and Western medicinecombined withan articlelive

11、r diseasetreatment andResearch CenterDeputy DirectorLiu Shijing recentlypublished in his blogattracted a lot of attention.He toldlife timesreporter,the liveris the largest digestive glandin the human body,but alsothe new supersedes the old.The most exuberantorgans,a hugechemical plantit is like,chem

12、ical reactions take placemore than 1500day.Liveris the key,must provideadequate nutrition forit,in order to maintainthefactoryoperation.Liu Shijing said,the following seven kinds ofnutritionand liverrelationship. Fattyliveris nottheenemy.More and more people arelooking aroundto fatty liver,many peop

13、le think offattyliver.In fact,no matter whether thefatty liver,liverfatareessentialnutrients,without it,the liver isnot work.Liu Shijing said:some patientshavefatty liverand began toeat onlyvegetables and fruits,which is a bigmistake.Evenwithfatty liver,also need notcompletelyandmeatgoodbye.DalianNu

14、trition Society executive member of the Council,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical Universitynutrition division chief physician Wang Xingguo toldlife timesreporter,tonourishing and protecting liver,eat thefood,fat and protein percentagesare bestaccounted for 20%,the remaining 60%to car

15、bohydrates,alsois the staple food.Liverfat,butdoes notneedtoo much fat,solean,low-fat milk,shrimp and otherlow-fatfoodis preferred.The protein canrepair the liver.Egg,bean curd,milk,fish,chicken,sesame seeds,pine nuts and otherhigh protein,low caloriefood,isthe mostloveliver.Asthe liverproteinrichin

16、 their foodrepair,torepairliver cells,promote theregeneration of liver cell.Liu Shijing said,the high quality proteinin normal humandaily intakeshould be more than90 grams,theliver damageand weaken thepeople,appropriate to eat morehigh protein foodis more conducive to theliverto restore health,to pr

17、event itfrom further damage.Patients with acutehepatitispersondaily intake of proteinshould not be less than 80grams;liver cirrhosispatientscannot be less than 100grams.Livereatsugar.Most people do not know,sugaris an importantmaterial for protectingliver.Each gram ofglucose canprovide theenergyneed

18、s of the bodyabout 70%,if a person islong timein lack ofenergy state,willaffect liver function.Sugarcan synthesizealiverglycogen,stored in the liver,can prevent theingestion of thetoxin on the liver cell damage.Except in diabetic patients,ordinary people canby body weightevery dayshould eatmuch suga

19、r.Per kilogram of body weight1 gramsof sugar,60 kgadultdailyintakeshould not exceed 60grams ofsugar.According to thisstandard,not only will not cutShou,will bebeneficial to health.Generally speaking,the mainsource ofcarbohydrateswithsteamed rice,pasta,white sugar,honey,fruit juice,fruit,etc.Aspoonfu

20、l ofjam of about 15 grams of sugar,1 cans of colacontains about37 grams of sugar,3 small pieces ofchocolatecontains about9 grams of sugar,1chicken rollsice creamis about 10 grams of sugar.Vitamin Aagainst hepatocellular carcinoma.The liver isthe body storesof vitaminwarehouse.When the liveris damage

21、d,warehousevitamin storagewill also decline.Research shows that,vitamin A canprotect the liver,preventandinhibit cancer cellproliferationin the liver.It enables organizations to resume their normalfunction,but also helpreduce the recurrence rate of cancerpatients undergoing chemotherapy.Wang Xingguo

22、 said,the human body needs a daily intakeof vitamin A:male800 micrograms,750 micrograms ofwomen,do not exceed 3000micrograms,so as not todamage the liver.Eatinga carrot,65 grams per day,200 grams ofchicken livercanned tunaor a cup ofmilk to meet.Tomato,carrot,spinach,animalliver,cod liver oiland dai

23、ry productsalso containa lot of vitamin A. www.jnqy-Vitamin Bis the livergas station.Vitamin Bisin theoil,it can accelerate themetabolism,let theminto energy,not only can give thelivergas,canrepair theliver function,preventfatty degeneration of the liver,therebypreventingfatty liver in mice.People l

24、ove to drinkespecially tosupply more,as research shows,vitamin Bcan enhance thetolerance ofthe liverto alcohol,which play aprotective effect.Becausevitamin Bcan bedissolved in water,only a few hoursin vivo retentiontime,thereforewe must supplement every day.Wang Xingguo said,has beensuffering from l

25、iver disease,daily intakeshould be between10 mg,30 mg,the maximumnot exceeding 30 mg.Pork,soy,rice,mushroomsand other foodsrich in B vitamins,butintake for all the more difficult,may be appropriate toselect somesupplements. Vitamin E isprotectingnew weapons.Saidthe Spanishqueen SophiaUniversityHospi

26、talscientistsrecently,vitamin E canplay to prevent theagingeffect ofliver tissue.The United StatesNational Institute of diabetes,digestive and Kidney DiseasesResearch Institute senioradviser PatriciaROBICalso pointed out:vitamin E willbecome a new weaponin the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver.B

27、arley,soybean,vegetable oils,nuts,green leafy vegetables,aren addition,experts point out that,in addition tonutrition,liveris most neededandgood sleep:the new supersedes the old.Hepatobiliarybeganat 11 p.m.,thento sleepcan makethe liver forself repair,the bad influenceto a minimum.Every dayto drink

28、1000to 1500ml of water,can alsohelp liver detoxification,greatlyreduce the damageof metabolites andtoxinsto the liver.In order to makethe liver strong,but also learn tosuppressemotion,try tobe in a calm mood,optimistic and cheerful,be light of heart from care,in order to makethe normal germinal Qi,s

29、mooth.After dinner sit in10- 30minutes beforeexercise,can guarantee thenormallivermetabolism. n addition,experts point out that,in addition tonutrition,liveris most neededandgood sleep:the new supersedes the old.Hepatobiliarybeganat 11 p.m.,thento sleepcan makethe liver forself repair,the bad influe

30、nceto a minimum.Every dayto drink 1000to 1500ml of water,can alsohelp liver detoxification,greatlyreduce the damageof metabolites andtoxinsto the liver.In order to makethe liver strong,but also learn tosuppressemotion,try tobe in a calm mood,optimistic and cheerful,be light of heart from care,in ord

31、er to makethe normal germinal Qi,smooth.After dinner sit in10- 30minutes beforeexercise,can guarantee thenormallivermetabolism.Shen Yanying points out,toprotect the liver,but also to understandwhat it ismost afraid of.First of all,most afraid oftobacco and alcoholliver.Nicotine cancause damage to th

32、eliver,liverandalcoholisthepoison.Liverafraidnot the law of life,emotional instability.It is afraid ofviruses,sotimingvaccination armor,hepatitis B vaccinecan effectivelyprotect the liver.The liveris most afraid ofjunk food,friedfood andexcessivecaffeine canincrease the burden of liver.Shen Yanying

33、points out,toprotect the liver,but also to understandwhat it ismost afraid of.First of all,most afraid oftobacco and alcoholliver.Nicotine cancause damage to theliver,liverandalcoholisthe poison.Liverafraidnot the law of life,emotional instability.It is afraid ofviruses,sotimingvaccination armor,hepatitis B vaccinecan effectivelyprotect the liver.The liveris most afraid ofjunk food,friedfood andexcessivecaffeine canincrease the burden of liver.


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