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1、Nathaniel Hawthorne,Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864),NovelistShort Story WriterCentral Figure of American Renaissance,Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864),Life StoryLiterary CharacteristicsDr.Heideggers Experiment,Life Story,ChildhoodEducationCareer,Childhood,Birth:Salem,Massachusetts;July 4,1804Prominent a

2、ncestors:colonial magistrate(Quakers)judge(Salem Witchcraft Trial in 1692)father:sea captain dying in 1808Leading a secluded life,The Salem Witchcraft Trials,Time:May-October of 1692 One of the darkest times in American history of religious toleranceAmong the last outbreaks of the persecution of acc

3、used witchesReasons:an ongoing frontier war,economic conditions,congregational strife,teenage boredom,and personal jealousies,Trial of an accused witch in Salem,Examination of Sarah Good by Judges Hathorne and Corwin,What evil spirit have you familiarity with?None.Have you made no contract with the

4、devil?No.Why do you hurt these children?I do not hurt them.I scorn it.Who do you imploy then to do it?I imploy no body.What creature do you imploy then?No creature.I am falsely accused.,Education,Bowdoin College(1821-1825)Friends:H.W.Longfellow&Franklin PierceGraduating 18th of 38 students,Career,18

5、25-1827:Salem(reading and writing)1839-1840:Boston Customs House1842:getting married and living at the Old Manse1846-1849:Salem Customs HouseBuying“Wayside”1853-1857:United States Consul at Liverpool 1857-59:Rome and Florence 1860:returning to America1864:death,Literary Characteristics,Major WorksBl

6、ack VisionHawthornes Point of ViewAestheticsStyle,Hawthornes Major Works,Two collections of short stories:Twice-told Tales 故事新编Mosses from an Old Manse 古宅青苔,2)The Scarlet Letter 红字,masterpiece,which establishedhim as the leading American native novelist of the 19th century,Hawthornes Major Works,3)T

7、he House of the Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子4)The Blithedale Romance 福谷传奇5)The Marble Faun 大理石雕像Short stories:Young Goodman Brown 小伙子古德曼布朗The Ministers Black Veil 教长的黑面纱The Birthmark 胎记,Black Vision,Evil exists in the human heartEveryone possesses some evil secretEveryone seems to cover up his innerost evi

8、lEvil seems to be mans birthmarkSin will eventually get punishedEvil educatesOverweening过于自信的 intellectsource of evil,Hawthornes point of view,Hawthorne is influenced by Puritanism deeply.He was not a Puritan himself,but he had Puritan ancestors who played an important role in his life and works.Mel

9、ville:“霍桑描写黑暗的巨大力量,是由于受到加尔文派交易关于与生俱来的堕落与原罪思想的影响。没有一位思想深邃的人能完全摆脱这种思想所发生的各种形式的影响。”Hawthorne评价Melville:“他既不肯信教,又对自己的不信感到惶恐不安。”对霍桑同样适用。,Hawthornes point of view,(1)Evil is at the core of human life.,Hawthorne,sense of sin and evil in life,“black”vision of life and human,is haunted,Evil exists in the hum

10、an heart,human heart is the source of evil.Everyone possesses some evil secret.Evil is mans birthmark.,a most disturbed and tormented one,discuses sin and evil in almost every book,literary world,rejects the Transcendentalist optimism,looks more deeply and more honestly into life,finding much suffer

11、ing&conflict in it,Hawthornes point of view,(2)Whenever there is sin,there is punishment.Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation.,The House of the Seven GablesColonel Pyncheon takes the land of Matthew Maule and builds a house on the land-is haunted by ghost-his offspring wither and

12、die out,“God will give him blood to drink”,霍桑在探讨罪恶时,不是宣扬加尔文教义,而是抨击了它对人性的摧残,是要使人正视罪的存在,并把人从泯灭人性的罪恶感中解脱出来。,Hawthornes point of view,(3)Evil educates.Achievement is“under the impact of and by engagement with evil”经历过犯罪,受到其影响,人们才能有所成就Man is better for the crime which brings about the fall.人在犯罪后才能更好的完善自己

13、,Hawthornes point of view,(4)He has disgust in science.One source of evil is overweening(too proud of oneself)intellect.His intellectual characters are villains,dreadful and cold-blooded.,Hawthornes point of view,(1)Evil is at the core of human life.(2)Whenever there is sin,there is punishment.Sin o

14、r evil can be passed from generation to generation.(3)Evil educates.(4)He has disgust in science.One source of evil is overweening(too proud of oneself)intellect.,point of view aesthetic ideas,He took a great interest in history and antiquity.To him these furnish the soil on which his mind grows to

15、fruition(fulfill).Trying“to connect a bygone time with the very Present”,he makes the dream strange things look like truth.,point of view aesthetic ideas,(2)He was convinced that romance was the best form to describe America.,the poverty of materials,romances rather than novels,allow him to avoid of

16、fending the Puritan taste,To tell the truth and satirize and yet not to offend:That was what Hawthorne tries to achieve.,style typical romantic writer,a man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in,the use of symbol,revelation of characters psychology,the use of supernatural mixed with the actual,

17、The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality.It can be found everywhere in his writing,He is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology.There isnt much physical movement going on in his works,style typical romantic writer,his stories are parable(allegory)to teach a lesson,use of ambigui

18、ty to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty multiple point of view,Dr.Heideggers Experiment,first published as The Fountain of Yonder in 1837included in the collectionTwice-Told Tales.,PlotCharactersStyle Symbol,Main plot,shows them a rose and asks them if it would bloom again,Dr.Heidegger cal

19、ls his four old friends for an experiment,The rose bloomed,a vase with some water inside from the Fountain of Youth,They drank this magical water,His old friends were very eager to taste this water,ventured off to Florida for more water,recreate their previous mistakes,Plot,An eccentric aging physic

20、ian,Dr.Heidegger,calls together his old friends and contemporaries to test his waters of the fountain of youth.As the doctor himself sits by to enjoy the show,each of his four aged friends eagerly quaffs more and more of the magic potion,each draught further carrying them backwards into their shared

21、 youth.Having grown young,smooth-skinned and agile again,the three men begin to fight for the favors of the fourth compatriot now restored to her former beauty.,Plot,In the heat of the fracas,they begin to grow tired and within minutes the effect of the water has worn off.The participants in the bri

22、ef respite from old age are devastated by the transience of the experience.Despite Heideggers warning that he has learned to appreciate the advantage of age by watching the four of them make themselves fools,they learned no such lesson and resolve to make a pilgrimage to Florida to seek the Fountain

23、.,Characters,Dr.Heidegger-a scientist who is the protagonist of the story.Colonel Killigrew-a man who throughout his life has had many different sexual partners and many different pleasures.Mr.Medbourne-once a rich man who lost most of his money gambling,but claimed that he lost it in a stock invest

24、ment.Mr.Gascoigne-a politician whose career was cut short.Widow Wycherly was formerly a beautiful woman loved by the three gentlemen.When the four drink the liquid,she becomes beautiful again and everybody starts to compete for her hand.,Style,GothicParableDark Romanticism,Symbols,The Bust of Hippoc

25、ratesThe Skeleton in the Closet and The Portrait of the Lady,A roseA Butterflyimmortality,soul,and life/death/life.A mirror truth and reality.,Withered:death to lifefreshlife、love and passion,Remarks,Ambiguitypeople have a futile and self-destructive desire to relive their pasts instead of moving on

26、ward and accepting their fates.,UncertaintyThe unnamed narrator opens many aspects of the story to more than one interpretation and enhances the revelation of the theme through uncertainty,Conclusion,remain notable for their treatment of New England Puritanism,personal guilt,and the complexities of moral choices.Though Hawthorne was perpetually dissatisfied with his body of work throughout his life,he remains lauded as one of the greatest American writers.,


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