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1、Lets.em,lets not have many people come in, I would like to do . is anybody like to do it in here. 那个,不要让太多人进来。Could everybody split? 大家可以散开一下么?As I like to be here. Thanks 我想在这里待一会,谢谢- Maybe we can keep . - And close the door - 也许我们可以. - 把门关上- Keep people away from the door.lock it is no good? - 别让外

2、人靠近这里.要不要上锁?Yep.Thank you 好的,谢谢这种感觉从未在我的身上如此刻骨地发生过我的灵魂与我之间距离如此遥远,而我的存在却如此真实。 - Albert Camus.(法国哲学家,作家)给HenryI wasnt good in school 我在学校表现不好I didnt care for school 我也不关心学校的事Um . It was nice socially 嗯.就我自身的经验而言Based on my own experience 学校有助于培养一个人的社交技能But I cant just went along . 但我不敢独自一人去上课I started

3、 over in Music Major 我当年主修音乐I was gonna be Rock-n-roll Star 希望能成为摇滚明星But that didnt quite worked out. 不过这个梦想最终还是没能实现In 1985 在1985年During the hurricane,hurricane Gloria 飓风格洛丽亚逼近的时候I was taking a train into the city to work 我坐列车到市区上班I was . I gone to work and I was on the phone with my brother-in-law

4、在车上,我和我的表兄通电话who . he had just started teaching 当时他刚开始在学校教书He said that he was off from school 他说他们放假了Now, wait a second, 我说,等等,You off from school for hurricane, I am going to the city . 你因为飓风不用去学校,我却还要进市区.To work in the Office building? 去写字楼里上班?Its an pretty good game, right. 你的工作还真好做啊,是吧。My mothe

5、r was a teacher 我的母亲是老师I knew it without a shadow of a doubt 在我还是个孩子的时候From the early childhood 我就清楚地知道这一点that the one job I would never do is become an teacher 我这辈子最不想从事的职业就是教师Ill be shepherd. Anything. 我宁愿去当个牧羊人。或者其它的什么Rather than become an teacher 也不想成为一名教师And I decided to be a teacher because I

6、wanted to do something with my life besides 我决定成为一名教师是因为what I was doing which I was driving a truck 我想让自己的人生在为公司开货车这件事之外For a company and, 获得更多的目标And decided that I want to do a little bit to better myself, so I started teaching a little bit, when I went back school, 我想要做点什么,让自己变得更好, 我开始用业余时间教书,回到学

7、堂的那一年I was at age of 37 我已经37岁了A friend of mine from the College 我的一个大学同学His aunt was the . 他的姑妈是.Principal of the all-girls in the city school in New York 纽约一所城市学校的女生教导主任In New Jersey 在新泽西州They were desperate for teachers 她们亟需师资So I thought Great, I can do this for a year 于是我想,成,我可以在那里做一年It will ke

8、ep my father from getting me a job for prudential. 这个决定同时出于避免我父亲替我找了现成工作之后And then I figured it out what I wanted to do 我才后知后觉自己到底想要从事哪一行的麻烦Well they called me up as for an interview 他们叫我去参加一场面试And I happily get a job, and 我很幸运地得到了一份工作,In a Junior High school in Queens 在纽约皇后区的一所中学And I ended up . 最后

9、.I started it - my. what was now reached 30 years 也就是现在,我已经在这里教了30年书Most of the teachers here,that one point 这里的大部分教师,他们都相信一件事They believed 他们相信They could make a difference 他们能为学生做一些事I know how important it is 我知道这些事的重要性After guidance and to have . 后天的引导以及.Someone help you to understand the complexi

10、ties of the 一个帮助你理解world that we living, I didnt really 你所生存的世界的复杂性的人,在我的童年里have that . growing up 并不存在这样的人,我孤独地长大I aint money 我不是钞票I change hands like a dollar bill which is been robbed by a lab 但我却像一张被揉过的纸币,在社会上流动着就像纳博科夫一样 (俄裔美国作家,代表作洛丽塔/微暗的火)我记下的往事足以集结成册But the tears were of myself 而我把写出的眼泪全都还给了自

11、己And thats where all went wrong 这是所有不幸的发端* Phone ringing *Hello, Robe, Dean Mathias here 你好,这里是Robe,Dean Mathias在么Im sick and wont be coming in today 我生病了,今天请假alright. 那就这样Get to the point, Dr. Harward I have to school today, alright. 讲重点吧,Harward博士,我今天还有课要上Day school gone down at the state for last

12、 three years 我们这个州的全日制学校在过去三年中变得越来越不景气Dont pretend that you know the game 别装出一副什么都明白的样子You ink-mark my school and the chance be done to the worst kids in this district 你玷污了这所学校也玷污了我们拯救这个地区最糟糕的孩子们的行为Children deserve an education Dont you agree? 孩子们需要得到教育,你同意这一点么I agree, you joking of it and wasting m

13、y time 我同意你是在浪费我的时间Get to the point, Dr. Harward . 讲重点,Harward博士We need a consensus builders 我们需要达成共识A new methodology 教育需要新的方法论You corruptized the system 你破坏了我们的教学模式No, were cleaning house 不,我们只是在做必要的清理Super-intended fuels,that its time you step down. 现在你该采取措施给学校注入新血了Babe, you got some fucking nerv

14、e come to my yard with the heart your fucking self. 亲爱的,你来就是为了和我说这些神经兮兮的屁话么Carol, it was a time you were an educator Carol,别忘了你也曾经是名教师You were well respected. 一名让人尊敬的教师Why dont you go out and talk? 你怎么不出去说呢?Everybody to sit down and shut up, alright stop pulling out the referrals 大家都坐下,安静,都别乱跑了Sit 坐

15、下Sit down. 都坐下I am starting the DVD 我要开始放DVD了I am starting the DVD! 我要开始放DVD了!- Barthe or Barthes - Barthes- Mr. Barthes - Yes maam 是的,女士Mr.Henry BrathesSo youve been taking an long term assignments at the . 所以你在Lark & Arthur Lark & Arthur长期供职.The Fringe (边缘人学校)Ah thats what the works are. 没错This is

16、 a month-long assignment 试用期一个月Until I can fill it permanently 到期后转为正式教师I was asked to meet with you because you come the highly recommended the best sub in the whole sheet. 他们在推荐信里说你是一名极其出色的代课教师I agree, Mr. Barthe 我同意你说的,Mr.BartheYoull find many of your students functionally well below the grade le

17、vel 你会发现你将面对的学生多少都有点问题That is your task is trying to get them caught up 你的任务就是让他们在学习上赶上进度Teach the curriculum 别脱离课表要求is most importantly 这一点是最重要的Understood? 理解?- Good morning - Good morning 早安Im Mr. Barthe 我是Barthe老师你们当中大多数的英语都不错吧- Yes - Yeah 嗯Listen up, I have one rule 听好,我有一个原则Just one. 就一个If you

18、dont wish to be here 如果你不想上课Dont come 那你就别来学校Dude, what does that mean? 伙计,这话是什么意思?Its not dude, its Mr. Barthes 不是伙计,叫我Barthes老师The letter S for silent 肃静的S- You are fucking gay - Marcus, Shut up! - 真他妈娘炮 - Marcus,住嘴!No, you shut up! 该住嘴的是你!A diet Bitch 成天节食的贱货Hey Marcus 嘿,MarcusGuess what 你猜怎么着Wha

19、t? 什么?You are free to leave 你现在可以从教室出去了- Right now? - yah right now. - 马上? - 对,马上- hiya . - See you later, man - 吔! - 待会见,伙计- What the fuck, you want me to go to the Deans Office? - I dont care where you go. - 你到底想怎么着,要我去教导主任的办公室? - 你想去哪我管不着Everyone pull it out a sheet of paper 每个人拿出一张纸I would like

20、to assess each of you individual writing skills you have . 现在我来测试一下你们的个人写作技巧What do you think if I got no paper? 要是我说我没有纸呢?Okay here is the situation 我们假设Youre dead. 现在你死了- Alright, write an brief but detailed essay about . - Hey jackass, . - 以此为背景写一篇着重心理的短文. - 喂,蠢货I have a fucking question 我他妈的在问你问

21、题呢. about what a friend or your parents . 想想你的朋友和父母Might say about you during your funeral 在你的葬礼上会说些什么- Okay, you have 30 minutes - Bullshit . - 你们有30分钟的时间 - 混蛋.(class laughing.)I asked your motherfucking question, didnt I? 我他妈的问了你一个问题,没错吧?Anything else? 还有什么问题么?You had better fucking up before I am

22、 fucking up your rat shit 你最好给我把皮绷紧点,不然我就.That bag . 那个包It doesnt have any feelings . 它没有任何感觉Its empty 它是空的I dont have any feeling that you can hurt either 我也没有能供你损害的某种感情Okay? I understand youre angry 知道么?我能理解你的愤怒I used to be very angry too, okay. 我曾经也因为一些事非常愤怒,知道么。I get it. You have no reason to be

23、 angry with me, because . 你完全没有冲我发火的理由,因为.I am only the few people that to see trying to give you an opportunity. 我是会对这样的你给予机会的极少数人中的一个Now I am going to ask you 现在轮到我对你说了you just sit down 你可以试着And do your best 坐下来And I will give you a piece of paper 我给你一张纸Hows that? 怎么样?Can I get a fucking pen too?

24、能他妈的再给我支笔么?Kids dont have any attention spent 孩子们不喜欢消耗自身的注意力Theyre bored 他们对此感到乏味So how you supposed to review the man with class literature they dont . if they dont believe . 因此,你要如何跟一个人谈论文学,如果他们不相信.that you .你Have something meaningful to share 想要和他们分享一些有意义的事的话Thank you 谢谢Why you fell Marcus out of

25、 the class but not Jerry? 你为什么把Marcus赶出教室却不管Jerry呢Well I got to make an example out of somebody 我只需要一个人做范例you know Marcus has been expelled from this unit, and this would not be allowed in my classroom 你已经知道Marcus被赶出班级了,你知道你不能在我的课上做这种事What they were saying to me is just material 他们对我说的话只不过是物质存在的一种形式

26、罢了Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?MeredithNice to meet you, Meredith 很高兴认识你,MeredithSo you dont really care what the kid say to you? 所以你不在意他们对你说的话么?Perhaps I used to it 也许我已经习惯了I wish to be that strong 我也想变得这么坚强It doesnt take that strength, Meredith 这和坚强无关,MeredithYou must understand that unfortunately most

27、 of people are act on their self-awareness 要知道,很不幸地,大多数人都选择听从自我而行动You should really keep that in mind and you will have that chance at your second period 记住一点,你在往后的人生阶段里仍要面临这样的问题You will meet them again at every age 每个年龄段都存在这样的人I want to see the Principal! 叫你们教导主任出来!Thats her, mom 妈,就是她Youre bitch w

28、ho expelled my baby? and for what? 你就是那个把我家孩子赶出教室的婊子?因为什么?- Excuse me, maybe you would like to . - Because you cant handle it? . - 不好意思,你听我. - 因为你没办法管那么多学生是么?Bitch why are you here? You want to be at home everyday like that?! I dont have time for this bullshit! 贱货,你以为你是谁?你是不是想回家蹲着?我没那闲工夫和你扯!- Keep y

29、our voice down! - Why are you here? - 小声一点! - 你在这干什么吃的?Hey Madam, clam down 嘿,夫人,冷静点We will talk about this in the Deans Office 我们去教导主任的办公室谈I wouldnt go anywhere with you 我不去Look, I know youre angry, but 我知道你很生气,但是.But they wont listen to you, you need to talk to me. 他们不会听你的,你需要和我谈谈- Racist bitch co

30、me on, I will sue your ass . - Come on, ladies . - 你这个种族主义的臭婊子,我要起诉你 - 好啦女士们.This way 这边走- Ladies - What happened? 怎么回事?贱人,你居然让我在班里出丑,你怎么敢(方言.), 我要踹爆你的屁股!Excuse me 不好意思Are you new here? 你是新来的?Yes,em, first day 是,嗯,第一天上班Welcome 欢迎That was quite a scene back there. 办公室每天都有这种事I was a little stunned 我刚才

31、有点被吓着了But its actually safe here 不过这里其实很安全Sorry I am Miss Madison 我叫MadisonI am Henry, Henry Barthes 我是Henry,Henry BarthesWhenever on my mind, I say there was a feeling 有一种感觉无时不萦绕在我的脑海里I am truthful to myself 我对自己很诚实I aint young 我不再年轻I am old and I am bored up to my soul 我正在老去,开始厌倦自己身体里的灵魂So many ti

32、mes 有好几次I am out of face and I am gone 我用光了所有表情,从人群中仓皇逃走I am just like you 就像你当年那样Patricia* knocking the door*PatriciaPatriciaPatricia(Phone ringing)- Hello - Henry, its Rita, from the hospital - 你好 - Henry,我是Rita,医院的那个Hes done it again, you need to get down here 他又那样了,你得过来一趟Bastard, leave me alone!

33、 混账,让我一个人呆着!Why arent you handling this? 为什么不是你处理这种事?I cant get him out! 我没法叫他出来- You come and get him . - Patricia - 你过来把他.Thanks 谢谢Grandpa, come on 好了,爷爷Its Henry, open the door 我是Henry,把门打开PatriciaNo, its Henry, its Henry 不是,我是Henry,Henry- Who? - Its Henry - 谁? - HenryGrandpa, please, open . open

34、 the door . 爷爷,快点,请你把门打开Wow, sweetheart 哇,小宝贝I thought that you were your mom 我把你当成你妈妈了Your dress okay, there . 你穿成这样.Were you going somewhere? 你要去哪?Now I go to work 我要去上班啊You are retired 你已经退休了You are retired, okay? 你退休了,知道么?Its very very late so I need you to go to sleep, okay? 现在很晚了,你该上床睡觉了,好么?Le

35、ts come to bed 来,上床How you doing, huh? 感觉怎么样?Some people they sleep a lot before they died. 有人说,人在死之前会沉睡很长一段时间Is that so? 是这样么?Fuck. 操Henry, everything okay? Henry,怎么样?Shut up 闭嘴You listen 你给我听着I know youre just a under-educated drunk who 我知道你就是个没受过教育的酒鬼Passing your time with these old dying people

36、混迹在这些行将就木的老人堆里打发时间But I paying you to assist him for living 但是我付了钱请你照顾他的生活起居Youre not assisting him! 你根本就没在照顾他!I told you that take the lock off of his bathroom door! 我告诉过你去把洗手间上的锁拆掉!you know how he get up at night and he forget 你知道他常常半夜醒过来,也很健忘So you have to be there for him 因而你必须陪着他Make him feel s

37、afe 让他有点安全感Let me be very clear here 我现在就跟你挑明一点You stop neglecting his needs 你别再漠视他的需求or I would stop fucking with yours! 不然我也同样会漠视你的I would have you fired! 我会把你炒掉!There is going to be your family 你也有自己的家庭Your children 自己的孩子how can he be in risk! 你怎么能这样对他!You got it?! 你,明白?I got it. 我明白了Dont make me

38、 come down here again to sort this out, okay? 别让我再有过来处理这种事的机会,知道了么?Okay? 知道了么?Give me the fucking money! 你他妈快付我钱!You heard me? Give me the fucking money! 听见没?你他妈快点付钱!Give me the fucking money now! 现在,给我付钱!You think I love you? 你觉得我喜欢你么?Give me the fucking money! 快把钱给我!- You want the money? - Now! -

39、你要钱? - 就现在!Why are you following me? 你跟踪我做什么?I am not, its late, you should be home, Im just a schoolman 我没有,现在很晚,你该回家了,我只是个老师而已What? Are you crazy now? 什么?你有毛病么?- What the fuck is your deal, huh? - Keep away from me - 你这么清高,嗯? - 离我远点Why you let the guy beat shit on me? 那你刚才怎么没有阻止那个男人打我?- Huh, you s

40、elfish like a fucking lemon or something - Excuse me, I dont wanna talk to you - 你自私得就像什么一样 - 不好意思,我不想和你谈这些Dont you think therere something wrong with that? 你不觉得这样做不对么?Listen 听着Little kid, I dont know how old you were, and when all went wrong. 孩子,我不知道你几岁,也不知道你干这行多久了But this is the fucking answer, ok

41、ay. 但这就是我要告诉你的Figure it out, you gonna be really old really quick. 想想吧,你很快就会变老- You should know that - Why are you mean to me? huh - 你要知道,你没法这样混一辈子 - 你干嘛这么刻薄?You dont think that I have feelings? 你不觉得我也有感情么?Do you? Do you have feelings? 你有么?你有感情么?Listen, pal 听着,老兄In between you and me 在你和我之间You look

42、like even have more problems than me 你的问题看起来比我的还多Oh really? 哦,是么?- Yes really, so come on, I mean I will make you better - What are you doing, get off from me please, you alcoholic? - 是,来吧快点,我可以让你好受点 - 你在干什么,走开,你喝醉了么?Nothing, I just want to free anything out with you if you want me, and I. 没什么,我就是想问

43、你愿不愿意.- I dont wanna hang out with you - I dont know you seem lonely - 我不想和你做什么? - 你看起来很孤独Maybe we can get back to your place just relax . 也许我们可以到你家,放松一下.You fragile dont like it? 不想么?Im afraid I fuck the way you done so many times, I get used to it. 我不知道你这套把戏用了几次,我是不吃这一招的Fuck you, man! 去你的,混蛋!Fuck

44、off, queer. 滚远点,你这个基佬Have a good night, yeah 正合我意,晚安Yeah, yeah, just walk away? hey? 好,好,你就这么走了?嘿?Where are you going? 你去哪里?He just fuck their shit up and the . “他们都非常苦逼”The ladies cried for me . “女人们为我哭泣”At the funeral “在葬礼上”Because I aint around no more to, “因为我无法再.”Dig that splited up . “从土里挖出.”R

45、aw shit . “新鲜的狗屎.”And my boys all get faded . “男孩们的脸上黯然无光.”Leave that gunk shit and fuck. “让那坨玩意自生自灭吧。”TonyYou know its funny that I spend a lot of time 有件事很有趣,我一直Trying not to have the deal 试着不要去想Not really committed 不去承认I am a substitute teacher 我只是个代课教师的事实There are no real responsibility to teach

46、 我其实没有认真教学的必要The responsibility is to maintain the order 我只需要保持班级的秩序Make sure that nobody has killed anybody in the classroom 确保没有学生在教室里杀人And then make that into next period 就这样进入第二个阶段She used to be an sweet girl “她曾经是个贴心的女孩”She never seems to be satisfied with her life. “她似乎从不对她的生活感到满足.”And why should she have been? “为什么她要感到满足?”Her mother of mine gave her everything she needed . “她的母亲会满足她的一切物质需要。”So why she did become so angry? “那她为什么会生气呢?”So miserable and mean all of a sudden “突然间她变得暴躁而刻薄”We dont know. “我们不知道她怎么了”Frankly, it doesnt reflected on us. “诚然,这和我们无关”


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