1、Conversion 1 Community Planning in the Colonial Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and her United StatesHistory professor. Professor So Amanda youve asked a lot of questions about trade during the colonialperiod of the United States. Has our discussion clarified things for y
2、ou Student Well yeah but now I think writing about trade for my paper isnt going towork. Professor Oh so your questions about shipping routes were for your research paper Student Yeah. But now I see that I probably need to come up with a new paper topic.Actually there was one other idea I had. I hav
3、e been thinking about doingsomething about community planning in the early British settlements in EasternNorth America. Professor Oh. OK. I am curious. Why are you interested in doing something oncommunity planning in colonial times Student Well I am much more into architecture. lts my major and I m
4、ean planningout a town or city goes along with that. I mean not that I dont like history.l aminterested in history really interested. But I think you know for a careerarchitecture is more for me. Professor Thats great. Ive gotten some very thought-provoking papers from studentswhose interests go bey
5、ond history. Student OK. But for the paper you wanted us to try to include a comparison right Professor Yes. Actually that was really the purpose of the assignment. The way theUnited States developed or perhaps I should say the colonies since the land thatwould become the Eastern United States uh.th
6、ere were British colonies there fourhundred years ago. But anyway uh. development in the colonies differed greatlydepending on geography. I am looking for papers that have ideas aboutsomething that happened one way in the Northern colonies happened adifferent way in the Southern colonies. Student Is
7、 that true in terms of urban planning Professor Very true. Towns in the Northern colonies were centralized and compact. Theyprovided a meeting point for exchanging goods for participatory governmentand for practicing religion. Houses would be built along the roads that led intotown. And just outside
8、 the developed area there would usually be an open areaof some sort for grazing animals and also group activities. Actually the model forplanning a town in the Northern colonies was not unlike the model for thedevelopment of towns in medieval Europe. After all the colonists had just comefrom Europe
9、and the medieval period was just ended. Student Medieval Europe. But what about the South lf I remember correctly. In theSouth at least initially they didnt build towns so much as they built trading posts. Professor Thats right. Most of the settlers in the North wanted to start a whole new life.But
10、most of the people who came from Europe to the South just wanted to makesome money and then go back. It is not surprising that some of most commonbuildings were storage facilities and port facilities. Lecture1-Music Ancient Greek Music amp Plato Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a music class.
11、 Professor Today we are going to do something a little different. In the past few classesweve listened to traditional music from around the world and weve talked aboutthe characteristics of these music what makes these styles distinctive what kindsof instruments are used. And youve talked about what
12、 sounds familiar to you andwhat sounds strange. And many of you found some of what weve listened to verystrange indeed. Well today I want to start talking about western music and I am going to startin ancient Greece. But now heres the part thats different. Were not going to talkvery much about the a
13、ctual music. Instead we are going to talk about what theGreeks believed about music. Now there are some very good reasons to approach the material in this way.First well we dont have very much ancient Greek music studied. Only about 45pieces survived uh.these are mostly records of poems and songs. A
14、nd we are notsure how well we can reproduce the melodies or rhythms because they wereapparently improvised in many cases. So we really dont know all that muchabout what the music sounded like. What we do know about - and this really is the most important reason I amapproaching todays lecture the way
15、 I am - is the Greek philosophy about musicand its continuing influence on western attitudes toward music. Now if were going to understand the philosophy we have to first understandthat music for the Greeks was about much more than entertainment. Yes therewas music at festivals and we have sculpture
16、s and paintings showing peoplelistening to music for many of the same reasons that we do. But this isnt the wholestory. The important thing about music was that it was governed by rulesmathematical rules. And for those of you who are also studying music theory youllsee that it is in fact highly math
17、ematical. Um.and for the Greeks the same mathematical principles that govern musicalso govern the universe as well as the human character the essence ofpersonality. Peoples characters were believed to be very sensitive to music.1f youstarted playing around with the rules you know messing up the math
18、ematicalorder you could do serious harm. Thats why music was considered so powerful. Ifyou knew the rules it could do great good. But if you broke them you could dogreat harm to the character of the listener. So we have this Greek idea that music is directly related to human characterand behavior. T
19、he philosopher Plato talks about this in the context of education. For Platomusic is an important element in education but only the right kind of music. Thatmeans the kind of music that builds the kind of character a good citizen or afuture leader would need. Yes. For Plato there is a kind of music
20、that instills thequalities of leadership just as there is a kind of music that makes a person soft andweak. Now Plato has very specific very conventional kinds of music in mind. He isnot fond of innovation. There were musicians in Platos day who wereexperimenting with different melodies and rhythms.
21、 A definite no-no for Plato. Hethinks that breaking with tradition leads to all sorts of social problems seriousproblems even the breakdown of the fabric of society. I am thinking back now towhen I first started listening to rock amp roll and I remember my father saying it was abad influence on us.
22、I think he would have gotten along well with Plato. Anyway I dont need to tell you what I think about Platos ideas aboutinnovation do l Though I have to say its interesting that the same argumentsagainst new music and art are still being made. Perhaps like the Greeks werecognize and maybe even fear
23、the power of music. Lecture2-Geology Movement of Tectonic Plates Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a geology class Professor As weve discussed Earths crust is made up of large plates that rest on amantle of molten rock. These plates uh.now these tectonic plates support thecontinents and oceans
24、. Over time the tectonic plates move and shift whichmoves the continents and the ocean floors too. Once it was understood howthese plates move it was possible to determine past movements of Earthscontinents and how these slow movements have reshaped Earths features atdifferent times. OK. Well as stu
25、dying the movements of the plates can tell us about thelocation of the continents in the past it can conceivably tell us about theirlocation in the future too right So in recent years some geologists have usedplate tectonic theory to make what they call: Geopredictions. Geopredictionsare guesses abo
26、ut what Earths surface might look like millions of years from now. So we know how certain continents are currently moving. For example thecontinent of Africa has been creeping north toward Europe. And Australia hasbeen making its way north too toward Asia. Does anyone know whats happening to the Ame
27、ricas l.l think weve talkedabout that before. Lisa Student They are moving westward away from Europe and Africa. Right Professor Right. And what makes us think that Student The Atlantic Ocean floor is spreading and getting wider so there is moreoceans between the Americas and Europe and Africa. Prof
28、essor OK. And why is it spreading Student Well the seafloor is slipt. There is a ridge a mountain range that runs north andsouth there. And the rock material flows up from Earths interior here at the splitwhich forces the two sides of the ocean floor to spread apart to make room forthe new rock mate
29、rial. Professor Good. And that means over the short term uh and by short term I mean 50million years thats a blink of the eye in geological time. Um over the short termwe can predict that the Americas will continue to move westward farther awayfrom Europe while Africa and Australia will continue to
30、move northward. But what about over the long term Say 250 million years or more. Well overthat length of time forecasts become more uncertain. But lots of geologistspredict that eventually all the continents including Antarctica will merge andbecome one giant land mass a super continent one research
31、ers callingPangaea Ultima which more or less means the last super continent. Now how that might happen is open to some debate. Some geologistsbelieve that the Americas will continue to move westward and eventually mergewith East Asia. This hypothesis is based on the direction the Americas are moving
32、 innow. But others hypothesize that a new super continent will form in a different way.They think that a new subduction zone will might occur at the western edge of theAtlantic Ocean. Paul can you remind us what a subduction zone is Student Yeah. Um.basically a subduction zone is where two tectonic
33、plates collide.So if an ocean floor tectonic plate meets the edge of a continent and they pushagainst each other the heavier one sinks down and goes under the other one. Sothe um.the oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock so it begins to sinkdown under the continental plate and into the ma
34、ntle. Professor Right. So the ocean floor would kind of slide under the edge of the continent.And once the ocean plate begins to sink it would be affected by another force slab pull. Slab pull happens at the subduction zone. So to continue our example. As the ocean floor plate begins to sink downint
35、o the mantle it would drag or pull the entire plate along with it. So more andmore of this plate the ocean floor would go down under the continent into themantle. OK So as I said currently the Atlantic Ocean floor is spreading getting wider butsome researchers speculate that eventually a subduction
36、zone will occur wherethe oceanic plate meets the continental plate of the Americas. If that happensslab pull could draw the oceanic crust under the continent actually causing theAmericas to move eastward toward Europe and the ocean floor to get smaller.That is the Atlantic Ocean would start to close
37、 up narrowing the distancebetween the eastern edge of the Americas and Europe and Africa. So they forma single super continent. Conversation 2 Credits for Internship Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee at theuniversity center for off-campus study. Student Hi. I am Tom
38、 Arnold. I am supposed to pick up a packet from the regionalcenter for marine research. I am doing an internship there this summer. Employee Yes. I have it right here. The mail carrier dropped it off a few minutes ago. Student Thanks. Um.l wanted to ask about getting credits for the internship. I do
39、ntknow if Employee I might be able to help you with that. Is there a problem Student I just wanted to make sure the details have been corrected. The systemshould show that I am registered to earn four credits. But as of Friday nothing wasshowing up yet. I was told it would be fixed this morning. Emp
40、loyee Well I can check on the computer for you. Tom Arnold right Student Yes. Employee Well it is showing credits but only three. Student Really So now what These all have to be finalized last week. Employee Well yes. The course enrollment period ended last week. But since our officewas supposed to
41、get this straightened out for you before then. Let me see what Ican do. Uh.did the university give approval for you to earn four credits for thisinternship Because the other students at the center for marine research are onlygetting three. Student Um.l am pretty sure those other students are doing t
42、he internship at thecenters aquarium taking classes in marine biology and then teaching visitorsabout the various displays. I am doing a special research internship with thecenter. WeII be collecting data on changes to the seafloor out in the openocean. Employee Oh. That sounds quite advanced. Stude
43、nt Well the internship requires me to have scuba diving certification and to be asenior oceanography student. I want to do advanced study in oceanographywhen I graduate. So I really want to get a sense of what real research is like. Employee I see. Now lets try and see if we can. Oh. OK. I see the p
44、roblem. There aretwo kinds of internships listed here-regular and research. Yours is listed as regular soit is only showing three credits. Student Can you switch it Employee Not yet. But it lists Professor Leonard as Student She is in charge of all the internships. Employee She just needs to send an
45、 email so I have an official record. Then I can switchit. And that should solve everything. Student Great And I know Professor Leonard is in her office this afternoon so I can gothere later. It will be such a relief to get all these paperwork completed. Lecture3-Marine Biology Coral Reefs amp CoT st
46、arfish Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biology class. Professor Weve been talking about the decline of coral reefs in tropical areas all overthe world_um. how natural and man-made stresses are causing them todegrade and in some cases to die. So now lets focus on a specific example o
47、f a natural predator that can causea lot of damage to coral reefs-the Crown of Thorns or CoT starfish. The Cot starfishis found on coral reefs in the tropical Pacific Ocean and it eats coral. Now in smallnumbers the starfish dont affect coral reefs dramatically. But periodically starfishpopulation e
48、xplodes. And when that happens the reefs can become badlydamaged or even destroyed something we are trying very hard to prevent. Forexample during the 1960s there was an outbreak of CoT starfish in the GreatBarrier Reef off the east coast of Australia. Luckily the CoT starfish populationgradually de
49、clined on its own and the reefs recovered. But we were left wondering - what cause the population to increase sosuddenly Well over the years weve come up with a few hypotheses. All still hotlydebated. One hypothesis is that its a natural phenomenon that the starfish naturallyundergo population fluctuations fol phenomenon that the starfish naturallylowing particularly good spawning years. There are also several hypotheses that suggest some sort of human activitiesare partly responsible like fishing. There are fish and snails that eat starfishparticularly th