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1、The United StatesI. Choose the correct answer.1. In area, the United States is the largest country in the world.a. 2ndb. 3rdc. 4thd. 5th 2. The Midwest in the US refers to the region .a. west of the Mississippi Valleyb. west of the Appalachian Mountainsc. east of the Rocky Mountainsd. around the Gre

2、at Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley.3. The Backbone of North America refers to the .a. Appalachian Mountainsb. Rocky Mountainsc. Cascade Mountainsd. Sierra Nevada Mountains4. Death Valley is on the western edge of .a. the Great Basinb. Californiac. the Rocky Mountainsd. the Sierra Nevada Mount

3、ains5. Which region might have a dust storm in summer?a. The Deep South.b. The Middle West.c. The Great Plainsd. The Central Valley of California.6. Which area has the highest rainfall in the US?a. The region around the Great Lakes.b. The western part of Washington State.c. The Middle Atlantic state

4、s.d. The Central Valley of California.7. The US primary suppliers of foreign oil are the following countries except .a. Canadab. Japanc. Venezuelad. Saudi Arabia8. The US largest open-pit copper-mining center is in .a. Californiab. Utahc. Montanad. South Dakota9. The over 3 million of early American

5、s in 1790 were mostly of ancestry.a. Spanishb. Frenchc. Britishd. Dutch10. How many immigrants were legally received by the US each year during the 1980s?a. About 270,000.b. About 700,000.c. About 675,000.d. About 800,00011. The official racial segregation continued to be the law of the US until .a.

6、 1860b. 1863c. 1918d. 195412. American Indians now mainly live in the .a. Southb. Westc. Midwestd. Northeast13. The majority of American Hispanics are from the following countries except .a. Mexicob. Cubac. Spaind. Puerto Rico14. According to the text, which region now leads in percentage increase i

7、n population?a. The Northeast.b. The Great Plains.c. The South.d. The West.15. According to the 1994 US census, the second most populous state in the US is .a. Californiab. New Yorkc. Texasd. Washington16. The trend in migration from cities to suburbs now prevailed in all region except .a. the North

8、eastb. the Southc. the Midwestd. the West17. According to the text, the ancestors of the present American Indians came from .a. Europeb. Africac. Asiad. Mongolia18. Which is not correct to explain the reasons for the sudden daring exploration of the unknown in the mid-15th century?a. The ambition fo

9、r the vast lands.b. The strong desire for Eastern goods.c. The improvements in navigation and naval architecture. d. The great spirit of adventure started by the Renaissance.19. On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reach .a. the New worldb. the West Indiesc. Indiad. America20 Among the follow

10、ing navigators who discovered the route to India?a. Christopher Columbus.b. Vasco da Gama.c. Bartholoneu Diaz.d. Ferdinand Magellan.21. Who was sent by the English King to explore the new way to the East?a. Jacques Cartier.b. John Cabot.c. Bartholeneu Diaz.d. Ferdinand Magellan.22. Which colony in t

11、he following was not founded first by the English?a. Virginia.b. Massachusetts.c. New Yorkd. Georgia.23. The breadbasket colonies include the following ones except .a. New Yorkb. Pennsylvaniac. Marylandd. Virginia24. The last one fo the 13 colonies was , which was established in 1733.a. North Caroli

12、nab. South Carolinac. Georgiad. Maryland25. There was a great change in British policy towards the 13 colonies after .a. 1760b. 1763c. 1764d. 176726. Which Act first set a large scale of opposition in the colonies?a. The Sugar Act of 1764.b. The Stamp Act of 1765.c. The Quartering Act of 1765.d. The

13、 Tea Act27. The Tea Act of 1773 was passed by the British Parliament in order to .a. get more money from the coloniesb. provide cheap tea for the American consumersc. help the British East India Companyd. monopolize the American tea business28. The First Continental Congress was attended by the repr

14、esentatives from all the colonies except .a. Delawareb. Pennsylvaniac. Massachusettsd, Georgia29. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in .a. Concord b. Lexingtonc. Philadelphiad. Boston30. Thomas Paines Common Sense urged the American colonists to .a. abolish slavery in the

15、coloniesb. continue a shipping trade with Englandc. win independence through peaceful meansd. declare their independence31. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence was .a. Benjamin Franklinb. Thomas Jeffersonc. George Washingtond. John Adams32. Which victory was considered as the tur

16、ning point of the War of Independence?a. The victory at Trenton.b. The victory at Boston.c. The victory at Saratoga.d. The victory at Yorktown.33. The Confederation created in 1781 was a .a. very loose union of statesb. very powerful central governmentc. very firm league of statesd. weak government

17、without the legislative power34. Who was called the Father of the US Constitution?a. George Washington.b. Benjamin Franklin.c. Alexander Hamilton.d. James Madison.35. According to the text, the Constitution was framed on the following ideas except that .a. there should be three branches of governmen

18、t: one to make laws, another to execute them, and a third to settle questions of lawb. the three branches should be able to check and balance the otherc. the national government is a government of the people, and not of states aloned. the new government should impose its authority on the people thro

19、ugh states36. Those who supported the Constitution and preferred a strong national government were called .a. Democratsb. Republicansc. Federalistsd. Antifederalists37. How many states were needed to ratify the Constitution?a. Eightb. Ninec. Elevend. Thirteen38. Which is incorrect to comment on the

20、Federalist Papers?a. They support the ratification of the Constitutionb. The defend the principles of the Constitutionc. They help dispel the fears of a national authorityd. They spell out the peoples right39. The amendment of the Constitution requires the approval of at least of the states.a. one-t

21、hirdb. two-thirdsc. three-fourthsd. three-fifths40. When the Second War of Independence broke out in 1812, the US president was .a. Thomas Jeffersonb. James Madisonc. John Adamsd. James Monroe41. The Monroe Doctrine had the following features or ideas except .a. non-colonizationb. America for Americ

22、ansc. non-interventiond. Latin America for Europeans42. The US continental expansion was almost complete by .a. 1840b. 1845c. 1846d. 184843. Cotton became the most profitable crop in the South mainly because of the .a. use of irrigation on plantationb. Whitneys cotton ginc. slave labourd. improved a

23、gricultural techniques44. in 1854, the Republican Party was founded by some .a. slaveholdersb. abolitionistsc. democratsd. proslavery persons45. In his inaugural address in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he .a. would abolish slavery in the Southb. would not abolish slavery immediately but to pres

24、erve the Unionc. would wage a war against slaveryd. had no idea to abolish slavery in the South46. Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is not accurate?a. It immediately freed all slaves living in the United States.b. It freed slaves only in the Confederacy.c. It bro

25、ught many blacks to serve in the Union Army.d. It gave the North a high moral reason for continuing the war.47. the most important advantage the North had over the South in the Civil War was its .a. manpowerb. superior military leadershipc. European alliesd. industrial superiority48. An advantage th

26、e South had over the North was its .a. great mineral resources b. great number of railroadsc. manpowerd. superior military leadership49. The first US president who faced impeachment proceedings was .a. James Buchananb. Andrew Johnsonc. Ulysses S. Grantd. Rutherford B. Hays50. The radical Reconstruct

27、ion was ended under President .a. Abraham Lincolnb. Andrew Johnsonc. Ulysses S. Grantd. Rutherford B. Hays51. Gold was discovered in California in .a. 1828b. 1838c. 1848d. 185852. The first transcontinental railroad in the US was completed in .a. 1850b. 1859c. 1869d. 189053. Telephone was invented i

28、n 1876 by .a. Thomas B. Edisonb. Alexander D. Bellc. Guglielmo Marconid. George Westinghouse54. According to the text the value of manufactured goods in the US was worth twice as that of her agricultural products by .a. 1860b. 1890c. 1894d. 190055. The first imperialist, the US-Spanish War, broke ou

29、t in .a. 1886b. 1890c. 1898d. 190056. After US-Spanish War, the US acquired all the following areas except .a. Puerto Ricob. Guamc. the Philippinesd. Cuba57. By the beginning of the 20th century the country that took the first place in economy in Europe was .a. Germany b. Francec. Britaind. Russia58

30、. When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon the American people to .a. be ready for the warb. observe strict neutralityc. give financial help to the Alliesd. end the trade relations with Germany59. The US joined the First World War in .a. 1914b. 1915c. 1916d. 191760. W

31、ilsons Fourteen Points did not include the point of .a. disarmamentb. creation of an international organization of nationsc. freedom of the seas, in peace and ward. creation of an international peacekeeping force61. Which statement about the US in 1920s is not true?a. The gross national product rose

32、.b. Only the rich could afford new consumer goods.c. The youth suspected the values of the older generation.d. There was a fast urbanization in the whole country.62. In responding to the Depression, President Hoover thought that the basic role of the Government was to .a. provide government aid for

33、the poorb. create conditions favorable to the development of private enterprisesc. intervene in the affairs of economyd. take the responsibility for the welfare of the people63. The agricultural Adjustment Act was an attempt to deal with the farmers problem of .a. soil erosionb. declining labor supp

34、lyc. inflationd. overproduction64. Which one is not right to comment on the New Deal?a. It relieved unemployment through a vast scheme of public works.b. It offered relief to farmers through providing money at low rates of interest.c. It brought in old age and unemployment insurance through providin

35、g a system of pension.d. It reduced the commodity prices by limiting production and devaluing the dollar.65. Between 1935 and 1939, American foreign policy included all of the following except .a. the prohibition of the sale of arms or equipment to nations at warb. the prohibition of loans to bellig

36、erent nationsc. cash-and-carry policyd. active intervention to prevent aggression66. The US formerly entered the Second World War in .a. 1937b. 1939c. 1940d. 194167. Normandy Landing took place on .a. June 6, 1944b. July 6, 1944c. April 30, 1945d. April 12, 194568. At which conference did Roosevelt,

37、 Churchill and Stalin agree to call a conference of all the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945?a. The Conference in Teheran, on Nov. 28, 1943.b. The Conference in Cairo, on Nov. 23, 1943.c. The Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, in the fall of 1944.d. Yalta Conference, in Feb. 1945.69. The pos

38、t-World War II program of economic assistance to Western Europe was known as .a. containment policyb. Truman Planc. Marshall Pland. Communist prevention70. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated the philosophy of .a. economic equalityb. nonviolencec. military protestd. black power71. Thousands of Am

39、erican soldiers were sent to Vietnam under President .a. Dwight D. Eisenhowerb. John F. Kennedyc. Lyndon B. Johnsond. Richard M. Nixon72. The formal diplomatic relation at the ambassadorial rank between China and the US was established under President .a. Nixonb. Carterc. Reagan d. Bush73. The power

40、 of the state in the US is actually from .a. the central government b. the state constitutionc. the US Constitutiond. both b and c74. The supreme law of the United States includes .a. the US Constitutionb. treaties under the authority of the United Statesc. laws to ensure the constitutional power be

41、ing practicedd. all the above three75. The terms of the senator and representative are and years respectively.a. twofourb. twothreec. twosixd. sixtwo76. Which Amendment provided for the direct election of senators?a. The 16th Amendment (1913)b. The 17th Amendment (1913)c. The 18th Amendment (1919)d.

42、 The 19th Amendment (1920)77. Certain presidential appointments must be approved by a majority vote in .a. Congressb. the Housec. the Supreme Courtd. the Senate78. All revenue or tax bills must be originated in .a. the Cabinetb. the Housec. the Senated. the Executive Office79. Who is second in line

43、in presidential succession?a. The Speaker of the House.b. The Vice President.c. The president pro tempore.d. The leader of the majority party in the Senate.80. In the House, the power to decide when the full House will hear the bill is vested in .a. the Rules Committeeb. the standing committeec. Sub

44、committeed. the select committee81. Which one in the following limits the President to two successive terms only?a. The 20th Amendment (1933)b. The 21st Amendment (1933)c. The 22nd Amendment (1951)d. The 23rd Amendment (1961)82. The American President has all the following powers except .a. deployin

45、g armed forcesb. making treatiesc. declaring war on another countryd. granting pardons83. The presidents major appointments should be approved by .a. Congressb. the Housec. the Senated. the Supreme Court84. Which is not correct to explain the executive agreement?a. An agreement between the president and another country.b. It has the force of a treaty.c. I


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