On the Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and the Translation 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、Contents摘要.1Abstract.21. Introduction32. The Application of Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements.32.1 Puns on Trademark. 32.2 Puns on Homograph.42.3 Puns on Homophone.52.4 Puns on Parody.62.5 Puns on Illustrations and Words.73 The Translation of Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements73.1 T

2、he Conjunct Translation.83.2 The Splitting Translation.93.3 The Replenishment Translation.103.4 The Avoidance Translation.113.5 The Compensation Translation.124 Conclusion12摘要文章对中英文广告中双关语的应用做了初步探讨。在广告中使用双关是一种非常有效的传递商品信息和吸引顾客眼球的方式,能够使广告更加通俗易懂和易于传播。本文指出双关语在广告的应用中分为不同的形式,且不同的形式具有不同的翻译方式。同时,结合自身对广告的理解,并

3、在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、拆译法、补充译法、回避译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的翻译作了初步的探讨。 关键词: 广告;双关语;互译AbstractThis article discusses the application of puns in English and Chinese advertisement, and points out that there are four basic forms of puns, which are pun on trademarks, pun on homograph, pun on homophone, an

4、d pun on parody. Punning is the most frequently utilized rhetorical method in advertisement, and can convey the basic information of the products and attract the eyes of customers, which make the advertisements easy to understand and remember. Meanwhile, combining the acknowledge of advertisements w

5、ith the translation of them, the writer lists five forms to translate them, which are the conjunct translation, splitting translation, the replenishment translation, the avoidance translation and the compensation translation, and insists that stick to the original meaning is the most essential princ

6、iple in translation. Key word: advertisement; puns; translation On the Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and the Translation 1. Introduction In the modern society, advertising is prevailing in our lives and the forms of advertising become more and more various as the society develop. Advert

7、isements have to convey the precise information of the products and be persuasive in such a short time, hence the skills used in advertising being more than other forms of writing. Therefore, the precise and appropriate using of advertising literary language will influence the effect of advertising

8、language far beyond the advertisement itself. Puns are one of the most common skills used in the advertising to convey information and make the ad catchy. Pun, by definition, is, the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as t

9、o play on two or more of the possible application; a play on words. Because of the wit, humor, unique cultural language conveyed by the puns, it will be much easier for readers to be interested in the product, and make a deep impression on them which make the readers remember the advertisements and

10、propagandize to others.2. The Application of Puns in English and Chinese AdvertisementsThere are different types of puns used in the English advertisements. In the advertisements, producers try to attract more customers and make the product itself more famous around the world. There are five types o

11、f puns commonly used in the advertisements, and they are pun on trademarks, pun on homograph, pun on homophone, pun on parody and pun on illustration and words.2.1 Puns on TrademarksPuns on trademarks are a unique way in advertisement. The obvious effect of this type is, on one hand, being interesti

12、ng and humorous, which makes the readers feel curious about the products and the curiosity will eventually end up with the intent on purchase those products, on the other hand, it can point out the character of the products implicatively. (1) 中意冰箱,人人中意。This is the advertisements about the Zhongyi re

13、frigerator. There are three different meaning in the word “Zhongyi.” First, this band is exploited by both China and Italy. Second, Zhongyi is the name of the band. Third, this refrigerator satisfy the thoughts of customers.(2) Ask for more.This is the advertisements of the More Cigarette. It derive

14、s from the novel Oliver twist, written by Charles Dickens, in which Oliver beg for food when he is in starvation. In this ad, the word “more” has two meanings. One is asking for more cigarettes, with “more” as an adjective here, and the other one is ask for More, with “more” as a noun here. 2.2 Puns

15、 on HomographPuns on homograph are the puns using homographic words which bear at least two meanings in one word. Literally, there is just one word, but, in fact, it conveys two different meanings. Puns on homograph can contribute to a meaningful and significant atmosphere in the profound meanings o

16、f the word.(1) 华达电梯,祝君高升。This ad is a elevator companys advertisement. In this advertisement, the word “高升” has two different meanings. On one hand, “高升” means the elevator will lift you to a higher floor, on the other hand, “高升” means the good wish that the customers will get a higher position in t

17、heir careers. Customers will feel satisfied with the good bless hid in the advertisements and somewhat be more willing to buy the elevator.(2) The unique Spirit of Canada: we bottled it.The complete version of Lord Calvert Canadian whisky ad is “The unique spirit of Canada: we bottled it. Right to t

18、he finish, its Canadian spirit stands out from the ordinary. What keeps the flavor coming. Super lightness. Super taste. If that is where youd like to head, set your course for Lord Calvert Canadian.” In this case, there are three different homographic puns hidden in the advertisements. First, spiri

19、t means both liquor and the spirit of human. Second, bottle means both putting the wine in the bottle and maintaining something. Third, course means both the way and one course of food. In this ad, there are both literal meaning and implied meaning, which make the readers feel profound.2.3 Puns on H

20、omophoneHomophonic puns have words which of the same or similar sound with the other one or more words, which make the readers, feel interesting and have to sense the other meaning of the word.2.3.1 Close Sound PunClose pun means pairs or more of words having the same sound but different meanings. (

21、1) An ideal marriage is one in which the wife is a treasure and the husband treasury. 理想的婚姻太太是宝贝,而先生是金库. (2) Nowadays, a pair of dice is made a paradise.如今,一副股子就可以成为乐园 In the two examples above, both the two advertisements successfully convey the satirical tones of the two English sentences. Neverth

22、eless, neither“宝贝”, “金库”nor“股子”, ”乐园”reflect the similar sounds of “treasure, treasury” and “pair of dice, paradise”. It just puts one layer of the double meanings into Chinese and the pun disappears without any trail.(3) Centrum with beta-carotene From A to Zinc More Complete富含胡萝卜的珍多美,从A到锌,应有尽有,营养更

23、全,口味更新! This is one of food advertisements named centum. “From A to Zinc” is similar with the English phrase “From A to the Z”, the latter meaning refers “comprehensively, complete”. The pun here wants to explain that this kind of food is nutrition rich in prominent, and all contains from Vitamin A

24、(namely carrot element) to the zinc element, which has the extreme power of persuasion. 2.3.2 The Same Sound Pun The same sound pun means the words have the same sound but have different meanings. (1) Have a nice trip, buy-buy!祝君旅途愉快,拜拜/快买! “Buy-buy” is a new-creating spelling, and it has the same s

25、ound of “bye-bye”. Airport store says goodbye to the passenger, and the purpose is to remind everybody to buy a present or other thing just before leaving. “Buy-Buy”, in one hand, persuades the customers to buy the product, in the other hand, is a polite way to wish the customers to have a good trip

26、.(2) Forget hot taste Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolness Come up to Kool.忘掉辛辣的感觉, 只有“酷”牌,纯正的薄荷口味给你特别清凉的酷酷感觉, 想酷你就来! This is one of the cigarette advertisements. The word “kool” is a unison pun, which both refers to cigarette and the cool feeling. In order to prominent produ

27、ct out of the ordinary cool characteristic, the advertisement maker fabricates word “kool” to take the cigarettes name, using the “cool” unison, and the “hot” in first sentence also further strengthens this “cool” meaning, contrasting the Kool sign cigarette with the consumers to the “cool” feeling

28、in the mouth. (3) Foyled again? Try Dillon.又失望了?那就来Dillon书店看看吧。 This is an advertisement of the bookstore which is named “Dillion”, while “Foyle” is another bookstores name. The advertisement maker intends to add up a “d”, and then causes union with the “foiled” with the meaning of “suffering setbac

29、ks” or “get obstructed”, which means this store has the books the consumers can not find by themselves. Therefore, this advertisement actually reveals to the reader: If you have any books that can not be found in the “Foyle” bookstore, welcome to the “Dillon” bookstore. The pun meaning here gives a

30、challenge as well as a pressure to the opponent. 2.4 Puns on ParodyPuns on parody mean combining with the famous words, sentences, aphorisms and idioms, and then slightly changing the words and form to create a new pun. This form of puns reflects the artistry of advertisements, and makes the adverti

31、sements easy to be remembered.(1) 默默无蚊的选择。This is the advertisements of Huali mosquito dispeller. It imitates the idiom “默默无闻”, and presents the effect and feature of the mosquito dispeller and the band vividly, which is to drive the mosquito away quietly and sacrifice itself for the customers silen

32、tly.(2) A mars a day helps you work, rest and play.This is the advertisements of Mars chocolate, which combine the idiom “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” in the main form and the idiom “all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy” in the parallel of “work, rest and play”. This advertisement bo

33、rrows not only the forms of idioms, but also the meanings, meaning if you eat Mars chocolate everyday you will become healthy and not dull.2.5 Puns on Illustrations and WordsSome puns in advertisements sometimes are combined with illustrations. The establishment of puns can not leave the illustratio

34、n sometimes, and the illustrations have a tight relation to the puns.(1) 50% off, with the illustration that six lamps with half of them off.It is the ad of E-spirit Shanghai franchise house, which is presented in the show window in the New Year eve of 2010. In this case, the apparent meaning of the

35、 illustration is half lamp off, implying fifty percent off.(2) Stop at two, with the picture that Winston Churchill holding two fingers up that structure the letter “V”.This is the public service advertisement of the population and community development associations (PCDA) in Thailand, which courage

36、s the conjugality in this country to have two babies at most. In this illustration, the gesture “V” has two means, one being the number “two”, and the other “YEAH”, which means this is good for the benefits of the society.3. The Translation of Puns in English and Chinese AdvertisementsPunning is the

37、 most frequently used rhetorical ways in the advertisement. The difficulty of translation lies in that translators should not only translate the superficial meaning of the ad but also the implied meaning behind the puns. So translators should first point out the pun or puns used in the ad, and then

38、try to translate it into Chinese completely and precisely. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to translate the ad taking into the need to put account the precise meaning and the complete meaning into just one phrase or sentence. So translators should better spilt it into two different sentence or

39、phrases taking care of the two different meanings included.3.1 The Conjunct TranslationBecause of the balance between the translation of both the meanings hid in the puns and sticking to the original text, it is always arduous to translate certain pun into exactly proper certain sentence or phrase.

40、It is not absolute, however, that puns are untranslatable. Sometimes, translators can meet the bilingual coincidence of the ad. Rare and difficult, conjunct translation is the highest form of translating puns.(1) What pleasure it gives to own the Bosom Friend in ones lifetime! Translation: 人生得一知音足矣!

41、 This is the advertisement of Bosom Friend magazine, with the trademark puns. In this ad, the Bosom Friend with every first letter in capital means both the intimate friend and the magazine itself. It not only emphasizes the real friend that is hard to find in life, but also the rare and good qualit

42、y of Bosom Friend magazine.(2) Easier dusting by a stre-e-etch!Translation: 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。 As a brand name of the cloth of clear dust, “stre-e-etch”, on one hand,it puts quality together with write to make a longer fancifulness, which implies the original meaning of the phrase is “extension”. On the oth

43、er hand, it lets the person feel that divide dust is so easy. In other words, it can prolong the function of the hand and arm; it is realistic but also is an imaging effect, because it exaggerates the cleaning effect of this kind of cloth. Translators translate the inside meaning of word and pull th

44、e literal meaning into the original text .as a result of that , the phrase becomes extensive on the felling. At the same time, the four words with the characteristics of the Chinese make the ad terminal and wonderful.3.2 The Splitting Translation Although there exists the exception of conjunct trans

45、lation, because of the big cultural gap between Chinese and English, it is always hard to translate puns into certain phrase or word that includes the complete meaning of them. So mostly, because the more significant of the original meanings, when translators translate puns into Chinese, the most co

46、mmon way is splitting translation, which means to split the two different meanings contained in the pun into two different phrases or sentences to make sure the complete meanings of the original text.(1) 劝君莫失良机。Translation: You can never afford to lose such a chance to get the quality pagerThis is a

47、 pager companys ad. In this case, the pun is the word “良机”, which presents both the pager device itself and the good quality of the pager. In Chinese “良机” can present both of the two meanings, but in English, it is not easy to find the corresponding word. Therefore, to stick to the original meaning of the ad, translators split the sentence into two. In this way, readers can understand the meaning of the ad.(2) Im


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