【英语论文】中国汉语成语翻译策略Study on Translation Strategies of Chinese Idioms.doc

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1、中国汉语成语翻译策略Study on Translation Strategies of Chinese IdiomsA paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University摘要随着中西方文化的日益交流,汉语文化的传播也日益重要。汉语成语作为汉语言文化表达的重要组成部分,在汉语言文化传播中占有举足轻重的地位。由于汉语具有典型的语言表

2、达特点,同时,汉语中又包含大量的中国文化特点和背景知识,因此,在汉语成语翻译过程中,不仅要注意语意间的转换,同时,更应注意,汉英两种文化间的差异,从而使汉语成语翻译工作得到进一步发展。文章首先简述了成语翻译的基本理论,并介绍了相关成语的翻译策略,之后,作者从词典中随机抽取了30个汉语成语作为研究语料,进而对它们进行更细致的分析和研究。最后,就成语翻译应采用的翻译技巧提出建议。希望本文的研究成果能够对汉语成语翻译实践有所裨益,作者希望看到人们给予成语翻译更多的关注,为其发展作出更多的努力。关键词:成语翻译 翻译策略Abstract Accompanying with the developmen

3、t of cross-culture in recent days , the Chinese culture is much more important than before. Due to Chinese idioms have typical features in language expressing, at the same time , Chinese idioms carry a lot of Chinese cultures. As a result , not only do we have to focus on the transference of meaning

4、, but also have to pay more attention on the culture differences between Chinese and English. The paper begins with a review of basic theories about translation , and introduces some translation strategies . and then the author selected 30 Chinese idioms from dictionary , and will give those datas c

5、oncrete analysis. At last , the author will propose some suggestions about translation skill.It is hoped that research can be useful for future Chinese idioms translation practice, The author looks forward to seeing more attention paid and effort devoted to the development of Chinese idioms translat

6、ion. Key words: Chinese Idioms Translation Translation StrategiesTable of contentsPage1.Introduction -11.1 Research Background.1 1.2 Research Objective.2 1.3Paper Organization32. Rationale- 32.1 Definition About Translation.42.2 Criteria For Translation5 2.3 Strategies About Chinese Idioms63. Data D

7、escription-74. Data Analysis-7 4.1 Methods Of Analysis8 4.2 Analysis Of Datas.135. Results and Suggestions-14 5.1 Results 16 5.2 Suggestions.196. Conclusion -20Bibliography-Appendix I-241. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Analyze the data in no less than 1,000 words by using one or some of the methods reco

8、mmended in Step 2 and Step 3 of Stage 7 in Writing Your BA Paper Through Practical Translation Project Design. The analysis should be based on the examples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.2) The heading for this section has been given. You may decide on your o

9、wn subheadings if there are any.3) Insert your analysis of the data in paragraphs, tables, diagrams or listings in the space below.4. Data Analysis 4.1 Methods Of AnalysisThe purpose of research is focuse on the strategies of Chinese idoms. In order to provide good translation of Chinese idioms , so

10、 appropriate translation strategies is very important. Whatever strategy is selected , one thing must bear in mind : to provide a translation that can be well understood and fully appreciated by English readers as much as how the original text is by the original reader. In the following discussions

11、, the author will list 30 examples from dictionary and will give concrete analysis of each other.4.2 Analysis Of DataIn example 1 , 哀鸿 means sad wild gooses, which it implies famine refugees . If metaphrase is used here , the English translating version of 哀鸿遍野 shoud be as sad wild gooses moaning ev

12、erywhere. Due to the differences between Chinese and English cultures in understanding the wild gooses , here is a paraphrase is a proper way to translaing this Chinese idiom, that is disaster victims moaning ererywhere. In example 2 , the original meaning of 鞭长莫及 is even if the whip is so long , ho

13、rse belly is still can not be lashed by the whip . Obviously , English readers must be confused when they read the metaphrase version . So the better version for translating 鞭长莫及 should be beyond the reach of ones power.In example 3 , 不足为奇 can be metaphrased as there is nothing suprising that, becau

14、se its literal meaning is also its acutual meaning .In example 4 , 重足而立,侧目而视 is a vivid image in describing someone fear extremely in Chinese , however , if it is metaphrased totally, it will surely make the English readers feel confused a little , so free translation will be good here , which is tr

15、anslated as very much scared ,In example 5 , 戴罪立功 can be translated directly as atone for ones crimes by doing good deeds . Obviously , English readers will easily understand the metaphrase version , due to the literal meaning is the same as the its genuine meaning.In example 6, 发扬光大 should be parap

16、hrased as foster and enhance , Obviously , when the idiom is translated directly as make the light large , surely , English readers must feel confused , and also will feel ridiculous about this . So here paraphrase is a proper way when doing translation.In example 7, 甘心情愿 should be translated direct

17、ly as willingly and gladly , because we can get the actual meaning from its literal meaning.In example 8, 鬼斧神工 is a rhetorical way when desctibing someone is extremely skillful , of course , when metaphrase is used here as ghosts ax and gods skill , it is surely that will make the English readers a

18、little bit puzzled. However , finger of God is an equivalent idiom , which share the same meaning from 鬼斧神工 , So subsititution is a better way here when doing translation.In example 9, 欢欣鼓舞 means full of joy , metaphrase is the better way to be used here. Since its literal meaning is also its actual

19、 meaning.In example 10, to be all embracing is a proper translation for Chinese idiom兼容并包In example 11, 九死一生 can be translated directly as only one chance of life in ten , which means someone is survival after many hazards, so its vivid image can be accepted by both Chinese and English readers , at

20、the time , it also has an equivalent idiom in English , which is substituted as a near escape, So both the metaphrase and substitution are the appropriate way here. In example 12 , 乐不思蜀 is a typical Chinese idiom which carries typical Chinese culture background. Obviously , it certainly can not be m

21、etaphrased as so happy as to miss Shu Han. As a rusult , it is a better way to translate its genuine meaning here as to indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty.In example 13 , if 马革裹尸 is translated as to wrap the corpse in horse skin , even if Chinese readers will get confused when they read it

22、 . In fact , this set phrase is often used to describing someones lofty quality of which sacrifice ones life for country in the battlefield.So the paraphrase version should be to die on the battlefield . In example 14 , 目光炯炯 should be translated directly as eyes bright and shining , Here its literal

23、 meaning is also its actual meaning , So the metaphrase is enough to be used here.In example 15 , 平白无故 is also a Chinese idiom , which its literal meaning is its actual meaning . So without any cause or reason is a proper English version here.In example 16, 枪林弹雨 often means fight fiercely , which it

24、s vivid image surely understood by both Chinese and English readers according to its literal meaning , So storm of shots and shells is a better translating version here , At the same time , it also can be substituted as under heavy fire .In example 17, 人山人海 can be metaphrased as a sea of people , wh

25、ich means huge crowds of people , In Chinese , 山 and 海 both are images used here to describe people are in huge crowds, and also English readers will gain the same effect from its images , So a sea of people is a good tranalation here.In example 18, 赏心悦目 either can be translated as to gladden the he

26、art and please the eye according to its literal meaning , or it can be substituted as to feast ones eye on . Both the way of translation are appropriate here.In example 19, according to the literal meaning , 事与愿违 is translated as events do not happen as one wishes . In this case , metaphrase strateg

27、y is a better choice.In example 20, the literal meaning is its genuine meaning , so 所向无敌 can be metaphrased as to be invinable wherever one goes.In example 21, if we translate 投鼠忌器as to hestitate to pelt a rat for fear of smashing the vase beside it , surely its implied meaning would be understood b

28、y English readers. At the same time , we could also translate its implied meaning directly as to hold back from taking action against an evil-doer for fear of involving good people.In example 22, 文不对题 could be metaphrased as to go off on a tangent , since its litreral meaning is the same as its actu

29、al meaning.In example 23 , the implied meaning of 狭路相逢describe the one is not compatible with another . In order to keep the style and meaning of the source language in a better way , it is necessary to translate it word by word . On the other hand , due to its vivid image also could be understood b

30、y English readers, So it should be metaphrased as to meet in a narrow path.In example 24, 心有灵犀一点通should be paraphrased as hearts which have a common beat are linked . Obviously , if we translate it word by word , the word 灵犀 surely will make the English readers confused , because they even do not kn

31、ow what 灵犀 exactly is , so here paraphrase is a better choice .In example 25 , 烟消火灭 can be metaphrased as the smoke drifted away and the fire went out , which means something disappear completely . Because its image also will be comprehend by English readers. In example 26, it is the same as the exa

32、mple 25 , which both of them can be translated by its literal meaning , so the English version of 一呼百诺 should be as one commond draws a hundred answers.In example 27, we can translate 以防万一 by its literal meaning , which is to prapare against one out of ten thousand , because its literal meaning is e

33、asily understood by English readers, which enable us keep original style and meaning as much as possible. However , it is also can be substituted as just in case , surely , it will make the Englsh readers feel warmly , In this case ,both metaphrase and substitution are well when doing translation. I

34、n example 28, it is surely 有天无日 could not be translated word by word , because if so , even if Chinese readers will feel confused by its literal meaning , much less the English readers also will do , As a result , translation devoid of justice will be good here.In example 29, when we translate朝不谋夕,

35、metaphrase will be better way to be used here , because its vivid expression will enable us easily associate with its actual meaning. As a result , it should be metaphrased as not to know in the morning what may happen in the evening. In last example , its literal meaning is also its actual meaning

36、, so 惴惴不安 can be translated as to be anxious and fearful. ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST FOR TUTORSPlease tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below. In-text comments should also be offered if necessary.评价项目(Assessment Items)评价指标(Assessment Criteria)评估(Accept

37、able/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改语料分析 Data Analysis 1. 与研究目标相关。The analysis is related to the objective of the research.2. 以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。The Analysis is supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the Rationale.3. 针对语料中原语与译语的差异(建议从语言、体裁、修辞或文化等角度比较),或同一原语的不同译语间的差异(建议从翻译的社会背景、目标、对象或译者的翻译倾向等角度比较),具体

38、分析语言、文化或社会因素对翻译的影响。The analysis illustrates the effects of linguistic, cultural or social variants on translation by comparing and contrasting the source language with the target language (from the linguistic, stylistic, rhetorical, cultural or other perspectives), or different translation version (

39、in terms of the social background, translation purpose, target reader, translators approach to translation, etc.).4. 分析充分详细,涵盖语料中的相关示例或相关示例代表,代表不少于3例。The analysis is adequate and detailed, based on the examples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.5. 语言准确,表意清楚,逻辑连贯

40、。The analysis is presented in clear, correct and coherent English.6. 字数不少于1,000字。The analysis contains no less than 1,000 English words.7 格式(标题、字体和行间距)符合要求。 The analysis is formatted as required.Tutors Comments:2. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Derive the results from the analysis you have made above, an

41、d then based on these results, make some suggestions on the future translating practice. The section of results and suggestions should contain no less than 1,000 English words.2) The heading for this section has been given. You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert the result

42、s and suggestions in the space below. 5. Results and Suggestions 5.1 Results In order to finding out the better way of C-E idioms translation , first of all , we have to focuse on the characteristics of Chinese dioms . Based on the above analysis of 30 examples, we find that when doing C-E idioms tr

43、anlation, the features of Chinese idioms can be divided into two categories, In one category , those Chinese idioms all have its vivid images. In the other category , Chinese idioms are those which have no vivid images. When we translate Chinese idioms that have vivid images, different translating s

44、trategies will be used in different conditions. So when we translate Chinese idioms with vivid images , it mainly has four different conditions , which will be discussed as following : in the first condition , metaphrase being used when doing translation , such as : example 17 as 人山人海, example 23 as

45、 狭路相逢 , example 25 as 烟消火灭 , example 26 as 一呼百诺 , example 29 as 朝不谋夕. Those Chinese idioms all have its vivid images, and also its vivid images can be understood by English readers when we translate them word by word. So slecting metaphrase will be a better choice here. In the second condition , metaphrase and substitution are both used when doing translation. For instance, example 11as 九死一生 , example 16 as 枪林弹雨 , example 21 as 投鼠忌器, because these three Chinese idioms can be


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