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1、Analysis and Design of Inventory Management Information System of a Retail ShopAbstractIn todays business environment,even many smaller businesses have come to rely on computerized inventory management systems.Automated systems can replace the cost and time consuming processes that were once complet

2、ed by hand while proving companies with more accurate data.Inventory control is important to ensure control in businesses that handle transactions revolving around consumer goods.Without proper inventory control,a store may run out of stack on an important item.A good inventory control system will a

3、lert the retailer when it is time to reorder. It will also aid in the prevention of theft and product loss.Overall,a good inventory system will increase the value of your business,satisfy your customers and create more freedom in your life.Thesis is based on the business of a retail shop for topic b

4、ackground.Discussed the significances of the project,elaborate the system development methodology and related technologies;using system engineering principles and methods,analyze the system requirements and system design.In system requirements analysis stage,business flowcharts,use case diagram are

5、ensure for detailed analysis of business requirements and functional requirements. In system design stage,system overall design and individual modules design,module function structure diagram and IPO design are given.Then use entity relation diagram and database table to design database in detail.Fi

6、nally,summarize the thesis and discuss future perspective of the inventory management information system.Keywords:inventory management;information system;analysis and designChapter One:Introduction1.1Topic background and significancesAn inventory control system is a system that encompasses all aspec

7、ts of managing a companys inventories; purchasing,shipping, receiving,tracking,warehousing and storage, turnover,and reordering. In different companies the activities associated with each of these areas may not be strictly contained within separate subsystems,but these functions must be performed in

8、 sequence in order to have a well-run inventory control system.Computerized inventory control systems make it possible to various functional subsystems that are a part of the inventory management into a single cohesive system.In todays business environment,even small and mid-sized businesses have co

9、me to rely on computerized inventory management systems.Certainly,there are plenty of small retail outlets,manufacturers,and other businesses that continue to rely on manual means of inventory tracking.Indeed,for some small businesses,like convenience stores,shoe stores or nurseries,purchase of an e

10、lectronic inventory tracking system might constitute a wasteful use of financial resources.But for other firms operating in industries that feature high volume turnover of raw materials and finished products,computerized tracking systems have emerged as a key component of business strategies aimed a

11、t increasing productivity and maintaining competitiveness.Moreover,the recent development of powerful computer programs capable of addressing a wide variety of record keeping needs-including inventory management-in one integrated system have also contributed to the growing popularity of electronic i

12、nventory control options.Given such developments,it is little wonder that business experts commonly cite inventory management as a vital element that can spell the difference between success and failure in todays keenly competitive business world.Telecommunications technology is critical organizatio

13、nal assets that can help a company realize important competitive gains in the area of inventory management. Companies that make good use of this technology are far better equipped to succeed than those who on outdated or unwieldy methods of inventory control. Automation can dramatically impact all p

14、hases of inventory management,including counting and monitoring of inventory items;recording and retrieval of item storage location;recording changes to inventory;and anticipating inventory needs,including inventory handling requirements.this is true even of stand-alone systems that are not integrat

15、ed with other areas of the business,but many analysts indicate that productivity-and hence profitability-gains that are garnered through use of automated systems can be further increased when a business integrates its inventory control system with other system such as accounting and sales to better

16、control inventory levels.Business executives are increasingly integrating financial data,such as accounts receivable,with sales information that includes customer histories.The goal:to control inventory quarter to quarter,so it doesnt come back to bite the bottom line.Key components of an integrated

17、 system are general ledger,electronic data interchange,database connectivity and connections to a range of vertical business applications.1.2 Current status of inventory management information system in my countryManufacturing in my country is still s young child.Only a few large companies are able

18、incorporating inventory management system into their manufacturing process.But with the continuous development of information technologies in my country,even mid-size companies to personal business are now able to integrate information system into their business process to handle the information gen

19、erated during product design and development. Manufacturing planning and financial data.Properly handing this information is now an important issue for modern firms.Currently, in my country,there are a few supermarket chains most of which have their own inventory management systems.The largest one c

20、ontrol their inventory by central warehouse and many sub warehouse all of which controlled by headquarter.And deliver goods by using a central-managed inventory system which they developed to suit their requirements. The headquarter check the daily sale records and send the required goods to their b

21、ranches. The second largest one controls their inventory by using a warehouse per branch system. Although they also use an inventory management system, their system are not connected which lead to data inconsistencies between branches. Practically they are different supermarkets sharing the same nam

22、e. This system complicates the business process of both supermarkets an vendors.Chapter Two: Relevant Theoretical Research2.1 Theoretical basis of inventoryBefore starting research on inventory management,we need to know first what is inventory . The concept is that in order to keep the continuity o

23、f manufacturing process,companies store all necessary materials related with manufacturing process like raw materials.utilities and equipment in warehouse manager.Modern concept of inventory is not limited to warehouse and factory but starting from the whole supply chain. Also include the materials

24、in-transit,semi products from production line and final products before selling. This let inventory management has more diverse usage.Being an important part of manufacturing, inventory influences the flawlessness of production process . During production, companies purchase raw materials from suppl

25、iers,store then in raw materials warehouse,making them into final products and store in products warehouse. Finally deliver to each selling point and sell to the customers.2.2 Inventory control methodsInventory control is the companies management, control, prediction and storage strategy based on th

26、eir materials requirement. Result in a financially acceptable inventory level and generate profit for the companies.Chapter Three:System Requirements Analysis3.1 Business overviewThis topic based on a small retail clothes shop. Their main business is purchasing clothes and fashion accessories from v

27、arious suppliers, display then in the shop and sell them to the customers.3.2 Main business descriptionAt the start of the business,the shop owner negotiates with various suppliers. After terms and condition are agreed, the shop owner let his procurement administrator to make a procurement plan and

28、procurement is made. When suppliers deliver the products to the warehouse, inventory administrator check the delivered products with procurement plan for products type, quantity and check for quality. If everything met with procurement plan, the inventory administrator accepts the products and trans

29、fer into the warehouse for storage. When the shop requires certain type of inventory, the inventory administrator delivers the products to the shop and record the delivery. Salesman accepts the products and displays them for sale. Customers come to the shops, choose what they like and buy it . Sales

30、man then sells the products to the customers and creates a sale record.Chapter Four :System DesignAny engineering projects need design before entering production stage,so is software engineering. Software design is an important step of software development which needs to be done before coding proces

31、s is started. Software design directly affects the quality of the software. If the software functional requirements are all confirmed at software requirements analysis stage, it will be much easier for software development. All these requirements are stated in software requirements specification. Ne

32、xt step will be designing software functional structure, database structure and user interface. All of this must be done to produce model design diagram to reflect the soft design.In taking full account of system overall objectives and application environment, the system design will strictly follow

33、the design principles; practical principles, normative principles, and security principles.4.1 System database designEntity-relationship model is a data model for describing a database in an abstract way. It is first proposed in 1970 and then the concept of database normalization is introduced. Data

34、base normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency. Normalization usually involves dividing large tables into smaller and less redundant tables and defining relationships between them. The objective is to isolate data

35、so that additions, deletions and modifications of afield can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database using the defined relationships.The normal forms of relational database theory provide criteria for determining a tables degree of vulnerability to logical inco

36、nsistencies and anomalies. The higher the normal form applicable to a table, the less vulnerable it is. Each table has a Highest Normal Form(HNF). HNF is that a table always meets the requirements of its HNF and of all normal forms lower than its HNF. It can also be seen as a table fails to meet the

37、 requirements of any normal form higher than its HNF.Chapter Five:Summary and future perspective5.1 SummaryThis thesis is based on a small retail sales shop which handles inventory records manually. After in depth understanding of the shop business workflow, finally designed an inventory management

38、information system. Described the system based on system requirements analysis and system design . Business workflow diagrams and user case diagrams are given, alter thorough analysis of business requirements, functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements. On the basis of overall system arc

39、hitecture design,system modules function and database are designed in a detail manner. Although analysis and design of inventory management information system of a retail shop is done, knowledge in software engineering field is still limited. There are some aspects of system architecture and functio

40、n need more detailed design. This need more technology, experience, research data and future more experiments and developments. If this all worked, the system will be of great help to improve the inventory management of the retail shop.5.2 Future perspectiveIn our increasingly digital world, busines

41、s is changing at entry level. What used to take employees and business owners three hours takes five minutes. Something is difficult as inventory management is much easier thanks to inventory management software and other technological advances. One of the best thing about business technology is tha

42、t it keeps on getting better. With this in mind, I imagine some thing that I think will happen in the world of inventory control.Mobile business technology will rule the roost. Most retail business will transition to an inventory management system and warehouse management system that relies heavily

43、on handheld devices . Even now,there are bar code scanning apps for most smartphones. You dont even need expensive var code scanners anymore.Inventory tracking via handheld devices will enable workers and business owners to scan a product, and information about that product will immediately be sent

44、over a digital network to the companys inventory database. A large number of business owners will access information about their inventory on-the-go, from their smartphones and tablets. Most business will use inventory tracking software that is cloud-based. In fact, most business software will likel

45、y be cloud-based in the future.Employees will carry around portable printers with handheld devices. Those portable printers will be used to print out labels quickly and efficiently. When the price of a product needs to be reduced, employees can easily print out new price tags and labels. The majorit

46、y of good quality of this software will be offered at a reasonable price. So,startups will be able to manage their inventory efficiently and affordably.So,in like five years from now , I can only guess that it will be more portable with the help of handheld devices and software in the cloud.零售商店的库存管


48、需求分析阶段,业务流程图、用例图是详细分析业务需求和功能需求的基础。在系统设计阶段,系统总体设计和各个模块的设计,模块功能结构图和IPO设计已经给出,然后使用实体关系图和数据库表设计数据库。最后,总结论文,讨论库存管理信息系统的未来展望。关键词:库存管理;信息系统;分析和设计第一章 :简介1.1课题的背景和意义库存控制系统是一个包括所有方面的管理一个公司的库存,采购、运输、接收、跟踪、仓库和存储、营业额和重新排序的系统。不同的公司与这些业务相关的活动可能不是严格地包含在单独的子系统,但是这些功能必须为了有一个运行良好的库存控制系统而按顺序执行。电脑化的库存控制系统可以把各种功能子系统的一部分整

49、合到一起形成库存管理系统。在今天的商业环境下,甚至中小型企业也依靠于计算机库存管理系统。当然,有很多小零售店,制造商和其他企业,继续依靠手动库存跟踪的方法。事实上,对于一些中 小企业来说,像便利店,鞋商店或托儿所这样的,购买电子库存跟踪系统可能构成金融资源的浪费使用。但是对于其他公司,比如在行业运营特性高容量的原材料和成品周转的旨在提高生产力,保持竞争力的公司,电脑跟踪系统已成为企业战略的一个关键组成部分。此外,最近开发的功能强大的计算机程序能够能够处理各种各样的需求。库存管理的集成系统也因此成为越来越受欢迎的一种电子库存控制的选择。考虑到这种发展,难怪业务专家普遍认为库存管理是一个至关重要的元素,可以在当今激烈竞争的商业世界决定成功和失败。电信技术是至关重要的组织资产,可以帮助公司实现重要的竞争领域的库存管理。能够充分利用这种技术的公司远比那些使用过时或笨拙的库存控制方法的公司更容易成功。自动化可以显著影响库存管理的所有阶段,包括计算和监测库存物品;记录和检索项存储位置,记录库存变化;和预测库存需求,包括库存处理需求。即使独立的系统,也不与其


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