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1、毕业设计/论文外 文 文 献 翻 译院 系 经济管理学院 专 业 班 级 财务管理0802 姓 名 李亚辉 原 文 出 处 北京法律评论 评 分 指 导 教 师 郭福珍 华中科技大学武昌分校2012年1月11日毕业设计/论文外文文献翻译要求:1外文文献翻译的内容应与毕业设计/论文课题相关。2外文文献翻译的字数:非英语专业学生应完成与毕业设计/论文课题内容相关的不少于2000汉字的外文文献翻译任务(其中,汉语言文学专业、艺术类专业不作要求),英语专业学生应完成不少于2000汉字的二外文献翻译任务。格式按华中科技大学武昌分校本科毕业设计/论文撰写规范的要求撰写。3外文文献翻译附于开题报告之后:第一

2、部分为译文,第二部分为外文文献原文,译文与原文均需单独编制页码(底端居中)并注明出处。本附件为封面,封面上不得出现页码。4外文文献翻译原文由指导教师指定,同一指导教师指导的学生不得选用相同的外文原文。 中国企业所得税的税收法律体系的结构研究 摘要中华人民共和国企业所得税法于2008年1月1日起颁布实施,根据这部法律,企业所得税法律制度已经改变。这部法律经历了较长时间才得以颁布,并且需要一定时间对该法从宪制性法律到税收政策进行系统地整合。宪法约束下的征税权力的缺乏,基本税法的沉默,以及税收政策的任意颁布导致了企业所得税法体系的不稳定。立法者应宣布根据宪法法律的征税权力,形成一个一般的税收法律,一

3、段时间来筛选税收政策,使税收系统得到进一步的完善。关键词:企业所得税法 重组 比较作者: SJD麦迪逊 美国威斯康星 - 麦迪逊大学法学院 出处: 北京法律评论1.简介公司所得税是一个针对公司每一纳税年度的应纳税所得额而征收税款的税种。它长期、广泛地被应用于世界各国,例如美国的公司税。而中国长期实行的公司所得税是“企业所得税”,2008年最新颁布的法律被命名为“中华人民共和国企业所得税法”(以下简称“企业所得税法”)。它针对企业的各项收入,如销售、服务、利息,或出租所得进行征税,税收是在中国起着越来越重要的作用。然而中国的所得税结构是不稳定的,主要有两个原因。首先,企业所得税的税收法律体系正在









12、它仍然是空白的。3. 税收政策和裁决的筛选大部分企业所得税的政策或裁决是由官方意见所领导的国家税务部门发布的,他们整合个别纳税人的要求和应用规则来制定意见。当企业所得税个案在税法中找不到法律依据时,就由暂行条例来裁决如何处理。在找不到其他方法来解决问题时,就要求发布裁决来填补空白。在中国,国家税务总局主要以 “通知”或“回复”的形式发布税收政策和规则。由于税法中的不足,本应由税法规定的规则、条例、税务裁决等都由法规来规定,这使得法规担负起了本不属于它的职责。至于企业所得税,制订大量税务条例导致了矛盾和不稳定。2008年1月1日之前,双重规定是不稳定因素的原因。也就是说,国内企业适用1994年颁


14、使其不致陷入僵局,就是把第二和第三层级合并到一起。我认为,虽然法律是由全国人大还是全国人大常委会制订应有所差异,但至少它们都是法律,因此无需将它们进一步划分为其是否是基本法。这是一个简单的方法,但并非是最佳选择。在我看来,应坚持完善体系的结构,并将其作为一个最终目标。该国应该制订的基本税法以及税收征管法,同时修订“企业所得税法”。中国完善企业所得税法律体系的项目已经启动,我们很高兴看到这样良好的开端。然而还需要耗费更多的时间和经历去努力工作,我们期待看到中国立法机构为解决这些问题而取得跨越式的进步。Research on the Structure of Chinas Enterprise I

15、ncome Tax Law SystemAbstract:The PRC enterprise income tax law was enacted on January 1, 2008, with accordance to which the enterprise income tax law system has been changing. It took a long time to promulgate the law just as it takes and will take certain period to integrate the system from the con

16、stitutional law to tax polices. The lack of taxing power under constitutional law, the silence of a basic tax law, and the arbitrary of tax policy issuance lead to an unstable structure of enterprise income tax law system. Lawmakers shall announce the taxing power under the constitutional law, form

17、a general tax law, and take time to screen tax policies to improve the system.Key words: Enterprise, Income Tax Law, Restructure, Comparison Author: S.J.D., Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison, Law School, USA Source: Beijing Law Review, 2011, 2, 63-731. IntroductionCorporate income tax is a tax

18、 imposed for each taxable year on the taxable income of every corporation 1. It is the term that widely used in the world, for example, known as Corporate Tax in the US. However, the term China adopts for the corporate income tax is “enterprise income tax”, and it named the new law promulgate in 200

19、8 the “Enterprise Income Tax Law of Peoples Re-public of China” (hereinafter “EIT Law”). Imposed on various incomes of enterprises such as incomes from sales, services, interests, or the rental property 2, the tax is playing a more and more important role in China.However, the enterprise tax structu

20、re in China is unstable. There are two major reasons. First, the enterprise income tax law system is under construction. Laws and regulations have been made, amended, or revised to meet the needs of society or economic development in the past decades. The same to the history of enterprise income tax

21、 law system development. Not only have great efforts been made to fill the blank of enterprise income tax law field such as the EIT Law was promulgated in 2008, but also regulations and rules have been expelled or organized to meet the WTO requirements, for instance, the State Administration of Taxa

22、tion issued two notices to screen enterprise related tax rules, one in the year 2006 10 and the other in 2008 11, especially the second notice because the EIT law was en-acted so that old policies under old laws could not be applied anymore. Such kind of adjusting is an ongoing process and will cont

23、inue into the future.Second, the quick economic development involves arbitrary issuance of tax policies and rulings. China is making progress each year, accompany with which the market changes and becomes more and more sophisticated. Meanwhile, problems have appeared case by case, some of which have

24、 similar situation while others are particular or unique. Since making a new law requires complicated processes and is time-consuming, a quick and effective way instead is to issue policies. Moreover, it is unlikely to make laws for each case unless the problem goes wild in the country. That is the

25、reason many explanations, measures, and notices have been issued to rule individual cases or to deal with particular law application problem.Three aspects compose the incompleteness of the structure of enterprise income tax law system: the lack of taxing power under constitutional law, the silence o

26、f a basic tax law, and the arbitrary of tax policy issuance. In the following sections, each aspect is discussed one after anther through introduction of countries with comparatively more sophisticated corporate income tax law sys-tem such as the US and the UK for the purpose of pro-viding China wit

27、h possible options for the restructure of the system. When the taxing power is announced under the constitutional law, a basic tax law is made, and tax rulings are simplified and consistent, the disproportionate layer of enterprise income tax law system will be fixed.2. Taxing Power under the Consti

28、tutional LawThe power to tax is a basic incident of sovereignty. A tax is primarily a means of raising revenue, and the power to tax involves the power to destroy. Given such a characteristic, this power is normally controlled and limited by the constitutional law, the highest legal authority within

29、 the territory, and is exercised by the top legislature, such as the Congress or the perspective governing branch in individual countries. The purpose of such arrangement is to lower the possibility of power abuse in the democratic society. The enterprise income taxing power shall be part of it. How

30、ever, such mechanism has not appeared in China.In ancient times, it was easy for the King or Emperor to issue orders to levy taxes or to make changes because his orders were absolute regulation that all citizens had to obey, which prevented power limitation from being established. Highly centralized

31、 government tended to the arbitrary use of tax privilege. At that time, the dominant concept was that all things within the country be-longed to King. Therefore, he could decide when and how to take what from his people. Taxes were among these. People had no legal right to fight for ownership agains

32、t the authority because their ownership was not protected. The powerless mass could only obey the order and pay taxes.The situation had not changed until the foundation of Modern China. It was the first time that the government attempted to regulate taxing power, not specifically enterprise income t

33、axing power, under the constitutional law. However, the warlord era and the political struggle did not bring China into a democratic era. As a result, the first trial failed. The harsh social climate that lacked democracy, law and order substantially delayed the embodiment of ideal power in the cons

34、titutional law.The stronger the centralized power was, the less possibility the limitation of power appeared. The similar situation appeared again under the planned economy after the country was founded. No other power had the chance to balance it under such circumstances. To limit the central power

35、s ability to impose taxes in any way such as through the Constitution was not possible.The “reform and open-up policy” in 1978 began to change the countrys economic and social structures, but it has not made any difference in regulating taxing power in the constitutional law till today. Only the obl

36、igation of citizens to pay taxes can be found under PRC Constitution. The power to tax enterprises is not under the constitution.Constitutional law is supreme to all laws in a country and it regulates sources of powers. Basic principles, national affairs, fundamental rights of people and authorities

37、 of the government are included. A power that may limit the exercise of peoples rights or the use of personal properties shall be declared under the constitutional law. The tax, especially the enterprise income tax, as the means of collecting revenue from people without considerations, belongs to th

38、is kind. Without the highest-level legal authorization, power is easily abused and the people would have been suffered, similar to the situation in the history. Therefore, the constitutional law, as the mother law in a country, has to take the responsibility to draw lines of imposing taxes with the

39、due process.Magna Carta opens a new page of UK constitution by limiting kings power including imposing taxes to the law. Originally issued in the year 1215, it was the first document forced onto an English King John I by a group of the barons in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect thei

40、r privileges. It bound the king to grant to all freemen the rights and liberties the great charter described, and with Magna Carta, King John placed himself and Englands future sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law. It says, “No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled

41、 or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice”. That means the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above th

42、e law was established. In that case, no tax should be levied by the king arbitrarily but by the law and the people that being taxed on.Unlike the arrangement in United Kingdom, United States authorizes taxing power to the Congress under the codified Constitution. Article 1 section 8 Clause 1 was kno

43、wn as Taxation Clause, which says, the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. The

44、 Congress represents the people of the United States. Therefore, the right to tax is in the hands of its people.Except the UK and the US, there are two more types in regulating taxing power. One is the Italian Constitution that mentions peoples obligation to pay taxes but without the clause stating

45、the power to tax. It is similar to Chinas current Constitutional Law. The other type is represented by Japans Constitutional Law, which includes peoples obligation to pay taxes as well as the principle of no tax above the law. But compare to the US or the UK constitutional laws, the government branc

46、h that is authorized to make laws to impose taxes is not assured.In my opinion, articles in the constitutional law should be general, simple and highly condensed since it is the mother law in a countrys legal system. There is no need to specify any tax matters due to the particular need of taxation.

47、 Principles of fairness, transparent, efficiency or no tax above the law is suitable, but others such as basic procedures or separation of powers are too detailed to fit in. Another subject is very important that has to be put in the constitutional law, the judicial review over tax legislations. It

48、is a good example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system. Nevertheless, it is left blank in current Chinas tax law system.3. The Screening of Tax Policies and RulingsMost enterprise income tax policies or rulings are issued by national tax administrations upon official opinions of applying rules. They are bridging over demands of individual taxpayers and the application of rules. When an enter


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