外研版小学英语五级下册《Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing》精品教案(一起点) .doc

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1、小学英语优质课比赛教案(6号)Book 10 Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing.【教材分析】语言功能:运用一般过去时态谈论事件。教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学生能够运用单词amazing, thought;(功能句:It was amazing.)b.语言技能目标:能够听懂、会说并运用一般过去时谈论事件。c.情感态度目标:学生通过描述过去的旅行经历,体现热爱生活的情感,并学会与他人分享。教学重、难点:重点:掌握单词amazing, thought;功能句:It was amazing.并能运用一般过去时在实际情景中运用。难点:在情景中运用功能句;运用一般过去时谈论事

2、件。【学生分析】本单元的学习主要是运用一般过去时对事件的描述。学生在四年级的教材中已经学习过一般过去时的表达方法。因此本课主要是复习,巩固,提高和拓展的过程。教师要调动学生已有的知识储备,调动学生学习的积极性,为学生创设语言情境,以学生个体的实际情况和兴趣为出发点,为学生梳理知识,让学生系统掌握。【设计理念】语言离不开情境。因此本节课在利用教材中的情景之外,运用任务型教学,为学生创设与学习、生活贴近的语言情境,让学生在情境中展开思维和想象,充分的运用语言知识,培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力,真正达到在学中用,在用中学的教学目的。一. Warm up.1. TPR:复习动词原形和过去式。T: E

3、verybody stand up. Lets do some actions. Please follow me. play, played最后一组think, thought是新词,教师很自然的教读。2. Free talk: What did you do last weekend? 教师与学生自然交流上周做的事情,为导入文本做好准备。二. Presentation.1. Watch and find: Where did Lingling go last Saturday?2. What do you know about Stonehenge? 让学生简单说说他们的了解。Now le

4、ts enjoy a video about it. 播放video,教师讲解。Stonehenge is about five thousand years old.Some stones are on top of others. 3. Lingling went there with Amys family. What do you want to know about their trip?引导学生提问题,教师将问题写到黑板上: When did they go there? What did they do? This time , Read the letter and under

5、line the key words. 指导阅读策略,让学生自己找出关键点,然后教师引导学生:Where did Lingling take photos? 引出生词helicopter. They took a helicopter ride. What about this pic? 操练take a ride. 4.They took photos .Which photo did she take? A or B? Why not A? Because she took the photos from the air. Whats Stonehenge like from the ai

6、r? 让学生再读课文,找出Mr. Smart说的话。The stones are big. But from the sky, they will look small.5. Now here are some photos taken from the sky. Lets enjoy them. 看完后,教师引导学生说出自己对Stonehenge的感受。I think its 教师顺势提问;What did Lingling think? She thought it was amazing! 教学生词amazing. 通过表情来帮助学生操练。并通过北京奥运会开模式和上海世博会展馆的图片,引

7、导学生加深对amazing的认识。6. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate the sound.教师对课文的第一个长句子进行朗读的指导。7.Lets talk about Linglings trip. Last Saturday Lingling went to _. She had _ _there. She took a _ride . And she _ _with her camera. It was _. Work in group . Then show it.三Practice.1Lingling had a wonderful trip. Di

8、d you have a good trip before? Me too. Lets enjoy some photos I took. Now can you write something about your trip? talk in pairs and then write it down.2. What wants to read your letter? 学生分享一下他们写的旅游经历,并自然的进行提问和交流。3. What will you do this summer? 和学生自然交流今天他们的旅行计划,并引导他们回家写下来一起交流。四SummaryYouve got plans for the holidays. I wish you will enjoy your trip a lot! All of you did a very good job today. Im proud of you. Thank you! Homework: 1. Listen and repeat the text. 2.Activity book P24板书设计: Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing. When did? What did they do? They had a picnic. took photos.


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