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1、中国传统思想对现代工业设计的启示摘要: 21世纪是设计的世纪,工业设计作为策划人们更为合理的生活行为的有效方法而深入人们的生活,它在处理人类与社会、环境的关系上起到重要的作用。中国传统思想对我国古代的器物、建筑等的设计影响深远,也为当代工业设计提供了思想源泉。把传统造物思想包括精神观念、价值体系、行为制度、民族风貌和现代工业设计中的设计观、思维方式、社会风尚融为一体,形成一套在美观实用的基础上拥有本民族文化特色的设计思想。关键字:中国传统思想 造物艺术 工业设计中国传统文化思想在中华民族长期的社会实践和中国历代伟大思想家的概括、提炼中交融、凝聚、会通、更新,形成了独立于世界民族之林的基本精神。

2、中国 “天人合一”、“器以载道”的造物思想为现代设计提供了可以借鉴和传承的精神宝库。中国的工业设计应在保持文化连续性的基础上开拓创新,以适应新时代人的精神和物质需求。从现存的文献与实物的考察中,大致可以对中国传统思想归纳出以下几个基本特点:1中国传统思想的根基“礼乐制度”中国文化史上,周公的礼乐制度作为一种顽强的封建伦理观念,对中国文化的精神面貌与基本审美观念的形成产生了极大的影响。远古图腾歌舞,巫术礼仪进一步完备和分化,到了以周公为代表的西周统治者继承、完善从而系统地建立了一套关于“礼”、“乐”的固定制度。“礼”、“乐”制度都是与美学相连。首先是“礼”。“礼”是一套从祭祀到起居,从军事、政治









11、有“器以载道”的设计思想,这一思想体现了中国传统设计文化语义价值观。易 系辞上曰:“是故形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。”形是指形制与结构,是器物上可感知的形与质,具有物质性;器强调的是器物的使用功能,具有一定的实用性。形是外在的、具象的,器是内在的、功能的,道是隐喻的、意向的,三者是构成器物设计的三大要素,形成了中国传统的设计系统。因此,器物不仅以外观之美体现古人对形式美的认识,更是通过有形之器传达无形之道,从而突破了器物普遍的物质意义,达到追求人生价值的精神意境。中国古代历史上有“以玉比德”的典故。古代先民在磨石制器的经验中,发现某些坚韧不朽的美石,琢磨后会散发光泽,因而相信这类美石富含精





16、文化特色的设计思想。参考文献1尹定邦.设计学概论.湖南:湖南科学技术出版社,2004.2张燕.论中国造物艺术中的天人合一哲学观.J文艺研究,26(6):363李砚祖.造物之美.M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000:83.4罗军.造物艺术的文脉与伦理观念.J设计艺术,2004(1):68-69.5李泽厚.美学三书.M天津:天津社会科学出版社,2003.6朱光潜.西方美学史. M北京:人民文学出版社,2003.7苏珊朗格.艺术问题. M江苏:南京出版社,2006.8张道一造物的艺术论.M福建:福建美术出版社,1989.9阿木尔巴图. 蒙古美术研究.M沈阳:辽宁民族出版社,1997.10盖山林 .

17、丝绸之路草原民族文化.M乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版社,2001.11满都夫蒙古族美学史.M沈阳:辽宁民族出版社,2000.12王海霞.中国民间美术社会学.M江苏:江苏美术出版社,1995.The Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Ideologieson Modern Industrial DesignAbstract: The 21st century is a century of design. Industrial design has entered peoples daily life as an effective method of plan

18、ning more reasonable conduct of life for people, which plays a very important role in coping with the relationship between humans, society and environment. Traditional Chinese ideology has a profound influence on Chinas antique utensils and architecture. Meanwhile, it has provided sources of ideas f

19、or modern industrial design. It integrated many traditional ideologies of creation art including mental concepts, value systems, standards of conduct and ethnic styles and features together with the design concepts, modes of thinking and social fads, with which to take the form of a set of design id

20、eas which is possessed of native ethnic cultural characteristics based on elegance & utility.Keywords: traditional Chinese ideology; creation art; industrial designTraditional Chinese cultural ideology has always been blending, spreading and developing in the long-term social practice of the Chinese

21、 and the summarization and refining process of all previous Chinese thinkers and it has already become the basic spirit that stands proudly in the family of nations. Such Chinese ideologies of creation art as “man is an integral part of nature” and “utensils are meant to convey truth” have provided

22、referential and inheritable spiritual treasury for modern design. Chinas industrial design should keep on innovating while maintaining cultural continuity thereby meeting the spiritual & material demands of the people of the new era. According to literature available and investigations into material

23、 objects, the following fundamental features of traditional Chinese ideology can be summarized:1. The foundation of traditional Chinese ideology “system of Chinese rites & music”In the history of Chinese culture, as a kind of obstinate feudal ethics & concepts, Chou Kungs system of Chinese rites & m

24、usic has a profound impact on the spiritual outlook of Chinese culture as well as the formation of basic aesthetic standards. Immemorial totem singing & dancing and mediumistic rites were getting more and more complete and finally became divided. In the times of Western Zhou Dynasty, the rulers of t

25、his dynasty represented by Chou Kung inherited and perfected this and finally systematically established a fixed system related to Chinese rites & music. The system of Chinese rites & music is bound up with aesthetics. The first is “rites”. Rites are a general reference to a set of rites of sacrific

26、e, daily life, military and politics. Their fundamental features are that they make compulsory requirements, restrictions and control of individuals in terms of extrinsic behavior, activities, movements and appearances. Via restrictions on codes of individual conduct, the stability and unity of grou

27、ps and organizations are guaranteed. The core of the system of “rites” signifies that the reigning crux has shifted from “deity” domination to the emperor, which confirms the important institutional alteration from the collegiality of aristocracy groups to autocratic monarchy. However, influenced by

28、 the system of “rites”, the traditional Chinese system of creation art was taking shape and evolving further in the form of materialization.The system of “rites” is the restriction and standard of peoples daily conduct, which involves the aspects of perceptual forms of appearances, movements and pat

29、terns and so on as an expression of materialization. This aspect is relevant to “pulchritude”. Chinese rites and music include formalized requirements for a series of sequences such as various kinds of movements, conduct, expressions, apparel and colors and so on. In terms of the combination relatio

30、nship of utensils, there are very clear reflections of this on bronze wares. In Zhou Dynasty, cooking vessels was substituted for drinking vessels as sacrificial vessels, and inscriptions recording feats and conferring titles of nobility on somebody started to turn up the utensils, thereby declaring

31、 and intensifying the strength of monarchs and aristocrats benevolence and benefaction. On that basis, “Nine ding” system of rigid hierarchies came into being gradually. Hierarchical differences were embodied by progressive decreases in order in “Nine ding and eight gui”.Influenced by the system of

32、Chinese rites & music, hues of ancient creation art became symbolic emotional elaboration besides a simple visual and perceptual form. The hue concepts and sequences of the hierarchy of Chinas ancient society are greatly embodied in architecture and apparel. Yellow tiles and red walls were mostly us

33、ed to build imperial palaces of royal households and aristocrats, while their apparel gave priority to the hues of red and yellow. Meanwhile, ordinary residential houses were usually built with black bricks and black tiles, and the civilians apparel was mainly made of cloth of blue, brown or other c

34、olors. Whats more, there were strict restrictions on the colors of officials dress, which means different ranks of officials differed from one another in the styles, hues, materials and trappings of their dress. The yellow color of imperial robes was regarded as the exclusive color of emperors dress

35、, and the system of costumes was a ranking system based on colors.In the ancient society, however noble or humble someone was, he or she was definitely graded, and creation art was the material manifestation for hierarchy. From material to varieties and from patterns to mixing colors, there were dif

36、ferences between the noble and the humble, which was unbridgeable. Therefore, the system of Chinese rites & music is the core of China thousands of years political systems, and this concept is deeply stamped with the brand by Chinas traditional system of creation art. There were always patterns whic

37、h stood for some meaning on traditional Chinese utensils, thereby systematizing utensils via the system of Chinese rites & music so that the combination relationship, ornaments, connotations and functions of utensils could form a system of a deep-going structure of significance.2. The traditional Ch

38、inese ideology “man is an integral part of nature”“Man is an integral part of nature” is an important ideology raised during the development of traditional Chinese culture, and this reflects harmonious outlooks on society and nature. This ideology is embodied in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Th

39、e ethic sequence of Confucianism is Jade Emperor, Yama, monarchs, relatives and teachers, which illustrated the sovereignty of Jade Emperor and Yama. Thus, Confucius put forward the ideologies of “harmony is the most precious”, “joy aims at harmony” and “seeking harmony without uniformity”. This pro

40、posed the interpersonal harmony and the harmony of people and society in the value of ethics. It is written in Yizhuan that “as heaven revolves, gentlemen should strive to improve themselvesthe greatest morality in the world is cherishing life”. It is written in Taoism that “people emulate earth, th

41、e earth emulates heaven, heaven emulates the ethics, and the ethics emulate nature.” As the main successor of Laozi, Zhuangzi proposed his concept of “heaven-human-ethics”, which supplemented Laozis concept of “harmony”. Zhuangzis basic creed is that “I coexist with heaven and earth, and all things

42、on earth and I prove to be one.” In terms of “heaven and earth are of indescribable magnificence”, heaven refers to nature here. Therefore, Confucianism advocates “natural humanization”, while what Zhuangzi recommended is actually “naturalization of humans.” The former talks about “man is an integra

43、l part of nature”, which describes and complies with human affairs by means of nature. The concept of “man is an integral part to nature” which was raised by Zhuangzi indicates that the relation between people and heaven is not antagonistic and running counter to natural laws is not advised. This em

44、phasizes that humans must give up their sociality so that their naturality will not be stained and they will integrate naturally with the universe. This sort of world outlook can help people regard everything with a lenient attitude and observe the objects which will be remoulded with the spirit of

45、diversified harmonious coexistence and the mind of bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of humankind. Finally, nature and humans can coexist harmoniously.The traditional concept of “man is an integral part of nature” is not only a concept of long prevalence in Chinese aesthetics

46、and artistic creation, but also an aesthetical principle all Chinese artists of past dynasties abided by. Based on this principle, the ancients took the utility relationship with the natural environment into account first when examining production practice of construction and handicrafts. Traditiona

47、l Chinese utensils emulated natural laws and applied such laws to utensil designing. It is recorded in Kao kung chi which was written during the Spring & Autumn Period and the Warring States Period that “Making utensils requires conforming to weather, adapting to geographic elements, high-quality ma

48、terial and ingenuous craftsmanship. Only with these four elements can fine utensils be made” Thereof, “weather, geography and material” proceed from characteristics which comply with natural laws, and “craftsmanship” refers to the process and manufacture of forms and shapes of utensils, which gives

49、prominence to peoples subjective initiative during the manufacture process. Only when work of nature and manual work are combined can fine utensils be made. This is a kind of concept of creation art and such concept respects nature and material, thus to integrate humans, utensils and nature.Creation art relies heavily on nature. In ancient China, metal, wood, water, fire and e


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