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1、移植C/OS-II这篇文章介绍如何将C/OS-II移植到不同的处理器上。所谓移植,就是使一个实时内核能在其他的微处理器上运行。为了方便移植,大部分C/OS-II的代码是用C语言编写的:但是,仍需要用C语言和汇编语言编写一些与处理器硬件相关的代码,这是因为C/OS-II在读/写处理器寄存器时,只能通过汇编语言来实现。由于C/OS-II在设计前就已经考虑了可移植性,所以它的移植相对来说是比较容易的。要使C/OS-II正常运行,处理器必须满足以下要求:(1) 处理器的C编译器能产生可重入型代码:(2) 处理器支持中断,并且能产生定时中断(通常为10-100Hz);(3) 用C语言就可以开关中断;(4

2、) 处理器能支持一定数量的数据存储器的硬件堆栈;(5) 处理器有将堆栈指针以及其他CPU寄存器的内容读出、并存储到堆栈或内存中去的指令;如果已经了解处理器和C编译器的技术细节,那么移植的工作是非常容易的,测试一个像C/OS-II这样的实时内核其实并不复杂,甚至可以在没有任何应用程序下测试,换句话说,就是让内核自己测试自己。有两种原因要这样做:第一,避免使本来就复杂的事情变的更加复杂化;第二,如果出现问题可以知道问题出在内核代码中,而不是应用程序中。刚开始时,可以运行一些简单的任务和时钟节拍中断程序。一旦多任务调度成功运行了,再添加应用程序的任务就更加容易了。1.1 开发工具如前所述移植C/OS

3、-II需要标准的C交叉编译器,并且是针对所使用的CPU的;因为它是一个可剥夺的内核,只能通过C编译器来产生可重入型代码。同时C编译器还要支持汇编语言程序。绝大部分为嵌入式系统设计的C编译器都包括汇编器、链接器、定位器。链接器用来将不同的模块(编译过或汇编过的文件)链接成目标文件;定位器则允许将代码和数据放置在目标处理器的指定内存空间中。所用的C编译器还提供另一种机制,能在C编译器中开中断和关中断。一些编译器允许在C语言源代码中直接插入汇编语句,这就使得插入相应的处理器中的指令开中断和关中断变得容易了。1.2 文件(1)INCLUDES.H文件INCLUDES.H是一个头文件,它出现在每个.C文

4、件的第一行,如下:# include “ includes.h ”INCLUDES.H文件使得工程项目中的每个.C文件无需分别考虑它实际上需要哪些头文件。使用INCLUDES.H文件的唯一缺点就是它可能包含一些与当前要编译的.C文件实际上不相干的头文件。这意味着每个文件的编译时间都会增加;但由于他增加了代码的可移植性,所以还是决定使用这种方法。也可以通过重新编译INCLUDES.H文件来增加头文件,但是头文件必须添加在文件列表的最后。(2) OS_CPU.H文件OS_CPU.H包含了用#define语句定义的、与处理器相关的常数、宏以及类型。OS_CPU.H文件的大体结构如程序清单T1所列:#

5、ifdef OS_CPU_GLOBALS#define OS_CPU_EXT#else#define OS_CPU_EXT extern#endiftypedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;typedef unsigned char INT8U;/* 无符号8位整数*/typedef signed char INT8S;/* 有符号8位整数*/typedef unsigned int INT16U;/* 无符号16位整数*/typedef signed int INT16S;/* 有符号16位整数*/typedef unsigned long INT32U;/* 无符号32位

6、整数 */typedef signed long INT32S;/* 有符号32位整数*/typedef float FP32;/* 单精度浮点数 */typedef double FP64;/* 双精度浮点数 */typedef unsigned int OS_STK;/* 堆栈入口宽度为16位*/#define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() ?/* 关中断*/#define OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() ? /* 开中断s */ #define OS_STK_GROWTH 1 /* 定义堆栈方向:1=向下递减,0=向上递增 */#define OS_TASK_SW() ?

7、 程序清单 T1 OS_CPU.H,与编译器相关的数据类型因为不同的微处理器有不同的字长,所以C/OS-II的移植包括了一系列的数据类型的定义,而确保其可移植性。尤其是,C/OS-II代码从不使用C语言中的 short, int 及long等数据类型,因为它们是与编译器相关的,是不可移植的。相反,定义的数据结构等既是可移植的,又很直观。举例来说,INT16U数据类型总是代表16位的无符号整型数。这样C/OS-II就可以断定,声明为该数据类型变量的范围都是065535。将C/OS-II移植到32位的处理器上,就意味着INT16U实际被声明为无符号短整型数,而不是无符号整数,但是,C/OS-II处

8、理的仍然是INT16U。你必须将任务堆栈的数据类型告诉C/OS-II。这是通过为OS_STK声明恰当的C数据类型来实现的。如果处理器的堆栈是32位的,那么就应该将OS_STK声明:为:unsigned int,所有的任务堆栈都必须声明使用OS_STK作为它的数据类型。用户需要做的只是查阅编译器文档,找出对应于C/OS-II的标准的C的相应数据类型。 OS_CPU.H,OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()和OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()像其它的实时内核一样,C/OS-II需要先关中断再处理临界段代码,并且在处理完毕后再重新开中段。这就能够保证临界段代码免受多任务或中断服务子程序的破坏。通

9、常每个处理器都会提供一定的汇编指令来开关中断,C编译器必须有一定的机制直接从C语言中执行这些操作。有些编译器允许在C源代码中直接加入汇编语句,这就使得插入处理器指令来开关中断变的容易,有些其它的编译器提供语言扩展功能,可以直接从C语言中开关中断。为了隐藏编译器厂商提供的不同实现方法,以增加可移植性,C/OS-II定义了2个宏,用来关开中断:OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()和OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(),如T1:它们都是成对出现的,分别加在临界段代码的前面和后面;C/OS-II Service Function OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();/*临界段代码*/OS_EXI



12、都会涉及到这个问题,需十分小心。一个通用的办法是,应该在中断允许的情况下调用C/OS-II的系统功能函数。 OS_CPU.H, OS_STK_GROWTH绝大多数微处理器和微控制器的堆栈都是从上往下递减的,但是也有某些处理器使用的是相反的方式,C/OS-II被设计成对这两种情况都可以处理,只要再用配置常数OS_STK_GROWTH指定堆栈的方向就可以了:置OS_STK_GROWTH为0,表示堆栈从下(低地址)往上(高地址)递增:置OS_STK_GROWTH为1,表示堆栈从上(高地址)往下(低地址)递减。 OS_CPU.H, OS_TASK_SW()OS_TASK_SW()是一个宏,是在C/OS


14、中断服务子程序或指令陷阱处理函数(也叫做异常处理函数)的中断向量地址必须指向汇编语言函数OSCtxSw()。例如,在Intel或者AMD80X86处理器上可以使用INT指令,但是中断向量必须指向OSCtxSw()。有些处理器如Z80,并不提供软中断机制。在这种情况下需要想办法将堆栈结构设置成与软中断发生后的堆栈结构一样。在OS_TASK_SW()函数中调用OSCtxSw(),而不是将某个中断向量指向OSCtxSw()。实际上C/OS-II已经被移植到了Z80处理器上,C/OS-II也同样是可以的。(3) OS_CPU_A.ASMC/OS-II的移植实例要求用户编写4个简单的汇编程序:OSSta

15、rtHighRdy()OSCtxSw()OSIntCtxSw()OSTickISR()如果编译器支持插入行汇编代码,就可以将所有与处理器相关的代码放到OS_CPU.C文件中,而不必再有单独的汇编语言文件。 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSStartHighRdy()OSStart()函数调用OSStartHighRdy()来使就绪态任务中优先级最高的任务开始运行,在调用它之前,要已经建立了至少一个应用任务。OSStartHighRdy()假设OSTCBHighRdy指向最高优先级任务的任务控制块。就像先前提到的,在C/OS-II中处于就绪态任务的堆栈结构看起来就像刚发生过中断一样,所有的寄存器


17、ng是FALSE),还是在正常的任务切换之中(OSRunning是TRUE)被调用的。 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSCtxSw()任务级的切换是通过执行软中段指令,或者依据处理器的不同,执行TRAP指令来实现的。中断服务子程序,陷阱或异常处理的向量地址必须指向OSCtxSw()。如果当前任务调用C/OS-II提供的功能函数,并使得更高优先级任务进入了就绪态,在系统服务调用的最后,C/OS-II会调用OSSched(),并由此推断出当前任务不是需要运行的最重要的任务了,OSSched()先将最高优先级任务的地址装载到OSTCBHighRdy,再通过调用OS_TASK_SW()执行软中断或陷阱

18、指令。注意变量OSTCBCur已经包含了指向当前任务控制块的指针。软中断指令会强制将处理器的一些寄存器保存到当前任务的堆栈中并使处理器执行OSCtxSw()。OSCtxSw()示意性代码如T2,这些代码必须用汇编语言编写,因为用户不能直接在C语言中访问CPU寄存器。void OSCtxSw(void)保存处理器寄存器;在当前任务的任务控制块中保存当前任务的堆栈指针:OSTCBCur-OSTCBStkPtr = Stack pointer;Call user definable OSTaskSwHook();OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy; OSPrioCur = OSPrioH

19、ighRdy;得到将要重新开始运行的任务的堆栈指针:Stack pointer = OSTCBHighRdy-OSTCBStkPtr;从新任务的任务堆栈中恢复处理器所有寄存器的值;执行中断返回指令; T2 OSCtxSw()的示意性代码 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSIntCtxSw()OSIntExit()通过调用OSIntCtxSw(),在ISR中执行任务切换功能。因为OSIntCtxSw()是在ISR中被调用的,所以假定所有的处理器都被正确地保存到了被中断任务的堆栈之中。OSIntCtxSw()的示意性代码如T3所示,这些代码必须用汇编语言编写,因为在C语言中不能直接访问CPU寄存器。

20、如果编译器支持插入汇编语言代码,就可以将OSIntCtxSw()的代码放在OS_CPU_C.C文件中,而不放在OS_CPU_A.ASM文件中。实际上如果需要,可以跳转到OSCtxSw()中相同的代码,以减少代码量。void OSIntCtxSw(void)调用用户定义的 OSTaskSwHook();OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy;OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy;得到将要重新执行任务的堆栈指针:Stack pointer = OSTCBHighRdy-OSTCBStkPtr;从新任务堆栈中恢复所有处理器寄存器;执行中断返回指令;T3 OSIntCtxSw()

21、的示意性代码 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSTickISR()C/OS-II要求用户提供一个周期性的时钟源,来实现时间的延迟和超时功能。时钟节拍应该每秒发生10100次/秒。为了完成该任务,可以使用硬件定时器,也可以从交流点中获得50/60Hz的时钟频率。必须在开始多任务后,即调用OSStart()后,启动时钟节拍中断;然后,可以在OSStart()运行后,C/OS-II启动运行的第一个任务中初始化节拍中断。通常容易犯的错误是,在调用OSInit()和OSStart()之间打开了时钟节拍。(如程序清单T4所列)。 void main(void)OSInit(); /* 初始化 C/OS-II

22、 */* 应用程序初始化代码 */* 调用 OSTaskCreate() 建立至少1个任务 */开时钟节拍中断; /* 千万不要在这里开中断 */OSStart(); /* 开始多任务 */T4 在不正确的位置启动节拍中断Porting C/OS-IIThis article describes in general terms what needs to be done in order to adapt C/OS-II to different processors. Adapting a real-time kernel to a microprocessor or a microcon

23、troller is called a port. Most of C/OS-II is written in C for portability, however, it is still necessary to write some processor specific code in C and assembly language. Specifically, C/OS-II manipulates processor registers which can only be done through assembly language. Porting C/OS-II to diffe

24、rent processors is relatively easy because C/OS-II was designed to be portable. A processor can run C/OS-II if it satisfies the following general requirements:(1) You must have a C compiler for the processor and the C compiler must be able to produce reentrant code. (2) You must be able to disable a

25、nd enable interrupts from C.(3) The processor must support interrupts and you need to provide an interrupt that occurs at regular intervals (typically between 10 to 100 Hz).(4) The processor must support a hardware stack, and the processor must be able to store a fair amount of data on the stack (po

26、ssibly many Kbytes).(5) The processor must have instructions to load and store the stack pointer and other CPU registers either on the stack or in memory.Porting C/OS-II is actually quite straightforward once you understand the subtleties of the target processor and the C compiler you will be using.

27、 Depending on the processor, a port can consist of writing or changing between 50 and 300 lines of code! Porting C/OS-II could take you anywhere between a few hours to about a week.Once you have a port of C/OS-II for your processor, you will need to verify its operation. Testing a multitasking real-

28、time kernel such as C/OS-II is not as complicated as you may think. You should test your port without application code. In other words, test the operations of the kernel by itself. There are two reasons to do this. First, you dont want to complicate things anymore than they need to be. Second, if so

29、mething doesnt work, you know that the problem lies in the port as opposed to your application. Start with a couple of simple tasks and only the ticker interrupt service routine. Once you get multitasking going, its quite simple to add your application tasks.1.1 Development ToolsAs previously stated

30、, you need a C compiler for the processor you intend to use in order to port C/OS-II. Because C/OS-II is a preemptive kernel, you should only use a C compiler that generates reentrant code. Your C compiler must also be able to support assembly language programming. Most C compiler designed for embed

31、ded systems will, in fact, also include an assembler, a linker, and a locator. The linker is used to combine object files (compiled and assembled files) from different modules while the locator will allow you to place the code and data anywhere in the memory map of the target processor. Your C compi

32、ler must also provide a mechanism to disable and enable interrupts from C. Some compilers will allow you to insert in-line assembly language statements in your C source code. This makes it quite easy to insert the proper processor instructions to enable and disable interrupts. 1.2 Files(1) INCLUDES.

33、H INCLUDES.H is a MASTER include file and is found at the top of all .C files as follows:# include “includes.h”INCLUDES.H allows every .C file in your project to be written without concerns about which header file will actually be needed. The only drawback to having a master include file is that INC

34、LUDES.H may include header files that are not pertinent to the actual .C file being compiled. This means that each file will require extra time to compile. This inconvenience is offset by code portability. You can edit INCLUDES.H to add your own header files but, your header files should be added at

35、 the end of the list.(2) OS_CPU.HOS_CPU.H contains processor and implementation specific #defines constants, macros, and typedefs. The general layout of OS_CPU.H is shown in listing #ifdef OS_CPU_GLOBALS#define OS_CPU_EXT#else#define OS_CPU_EXT extern#endiftypedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;typedef unsig

36、ned char INT8U;/* Unsigned 8 bit quantity*/ (1)typedef signed char INT8S;/* Signed 8 bit quantity*/typedef unsigned int INT16U;/* Unsigned 16 bit quantity*/typedef signed int INT16S;/* Signed 16 bit quantity*/typedef unsigned long INT32U;/* Unsigned 32 bit quantity*/typedef signed long INT32S;/* Sig

37、ned 32 bit quantity*/typedef float FP32;/*Single precision floating point*/ (2)typedef double FP64;/* Double precision floating point */typedef unsignedint OS_STK;/*Each stack entryis 16-bit wide*/#define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() ? /* Disable interrupts*/ (3)#define OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() ? /* Enable interru

38、pts*/ #define OS_STK_GROWTH 1 /* Define stack growth: 1 = Down, 0 = Up*/ (4)#define OS_TASK_SW() ? OS_CPU.H, Compiler Specific Data Types Because different microprocessors have different word length, the port of C/OS-II includes a series of type definitions that ensures portability. Specifically, C/

39、OS-IIs code never makes use of Cs short, int and, long data types because they are inherently non-portable. Instead, I defined integer data types that are both portable and intuitive The INT16U data type, for example, always represents a 16-bit unsigned integer. C/OS-II and your application code can

40、 now assume that the range of values for variables declared with this type is from 0 to 65535. A C/OS-II port to a 32-bit processor could mean that an INT16U is actually declared as an unsigned short instead of an unsigned int. Where C/OS-II is concerned, however, it still deals with an INT16U.You m

41、ust tell C/OS-II the data type of a tasks stack. This is done by declaring the proper C data type for OS_STK. If stack elements on your processor are 32-bit and your compiler documentation specify that an int is 32-bit then, you would declare OS_STK as being of type unsigned int. All task stacks MUS

42、T be declared using OS_STK as its data type.All you have to do is to consult the compilers manual and find the standard C data types that corresponds to the types expected by C/OS-II.OS_CPU.H, OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()C/OS-II like all real-time kernels need to disable interrupts in

43、order to access critical sections of code, and re-enable interrupts when done. This allows C/OS-II to protect critical code from being entered simultaneously from either multiple tasks or Interrupt Service Routines (ISRS). Every processor generally provide instructions to disable/enable interrupts a

44、nd your C compiler must have a mechanism to perform these operations directly from C. Some compilers will allow you to insert in-line assembly language statements in your C source code. This makes it quite easy to insert processor instructions to enable and disable interrupts. Other compilers will a

45、ctually contain language extensions to enable and disable interrupts directly from C. To hide the implementation method chosen by the compiler manufacturer, C/OS-II defines two macros to disable and enable interrupts: OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(), respectivelyT1.C/OS-IIs critical secti

46、ons are wrapped with OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() as shown below:C/OS-II Service FunctionOS_ENTER_CRITICAL(); /* C/OS-II critical code section */OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();T1Method #1:The first and simplest way to implement these two macros is to invoke the processor instruction to disable int

47、errupts for OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and the enable interrupts instruction for OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(). There is, however, a little problem with this scenario. If you called the C/OS-II function with interrupts disabled then, upon return from C/OS-II, interrupts would be enabled! If you had interrupts disabled, you may have wanted them to be disabled


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