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1、 英语广告中语篇的分析 学 生: 指导老师: 摘 要: 随着经济的飞速发展,在二十世纪的最近二十年,越来越多的跨国公司把目标从国内市场转移到国际市场。这种经济全球化的趋势也给中国的广告业带来了契机。因此中英广告翻译在实践和理论研究上凸显其重要性。广告是沟通消费者与产品的桥梁,所以好的广告应与众不同、抢人眼球。因此在这篇论文中作者将谈论一些广告中的句法和修辞特色。通过对书面英语广告的语言分析,总结出广告英语在词汇句法上的语言特点。并且以日用品广告,科技设备广告和服务业广告为例,根据语言的意义,风格及功能分析广告英语的特点。关键词: 英语广告;词汇;句法;特点An Analysis of Text

2、 Features in English AdvertisementsUndergraduate: Supervisor: Abstract: As the fast development of the economy, from the last two decades of the twentieth century, more and more multinational companies have shifted the focus of their attention from the domestic market to the foreign ones. This trend

3、 of economic globalization has brought dramatic changes to the Chinese advertising industry. Thus the advertising translation between English and Chinese has been gaining significance in the practice and translation studies as well. Advertisement is a bridge connecting the readers and products. So a

4、 good advertisement should be distinctive and attractive. This thesis presents an analytical study of the language features of English advertisements at lexical, syntactic levels. It is hoped that through the survey of three kinds of advertisements: namely, daily consumers goods ads, technical equip

5、ment ads, service ads, features in advertisements language can be summarized and possible reasons will be given in the light of the meaning and the function of language. It is also hoped that the study can shed light on the language features of advertisements and provide help to advertising English

6、learners.Key Words: English advertisements;lexical;syntactical;featuresContents1. Introduction.12. Lexical features.22. 1 Few verbs.32. 2 Emotive words.32. 3 Pun & Alliteration.42. 4 Gender identity.52. 5 Selection of adjectives.52. 6 Compound words & pronouns.63. Syntactical features.73.1 Headlines

7、.73.2 Sentences.84. Conclusion.10Bibliography.11Acknowledgements.121. IntroductionWe live in a world of advertising. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of product or service information from various media including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and

8、internet, etc. Advertising provides a valuable service to society and its members, because it defines from consumers the meaning and the role of products, services, and institutions. It indicates the difference that exists between brands, services, and alternative services, as well as the distinguis

9、hing characteristics of companies and institutions. Advertising also tells the consumer what a specific product, brand or service should do when it is used and thus helps him or her to understand and evaluate experience with the products and services that he or she uses. On the other hand, by making

10、 people aware of products, services and ideas, advertising promotes sales and profits. Finally, advertising is one of the major forces that are helping improve the standard of living around the world. Combined with all these communicational, marketing and social functions, Advertising becomes indisp

11、ensable in the world. Naturally, advertising in English have become an important means of communicating ideas, demonstrating a variety of linguistic features of its own. Generally speaking, advertisements can be divided into two types: public relation ads and commercial ads. The former tries to advo

12、cate reputation for a social group, whose purpose is to leave a favorable impression upon the potential audience. The latter leads to the acting of purchasing the products or using the recommended service. Commercial ads are much more presented through mass media for the reason that manufacturers an

13、d companies are willing to spend a large sum of money to make a certain products known or to boost the image of a certain brand. In some cases, competitors spare no expense to launch advertising campaigns to win over the market share. Commercial advertising can be divided according to the target aud

14、ience into two groups: consumer advertising and business advertising .Most of the ads in the mass media are consumer advertisements. They are typically directed at consumers. By contrast ,business advertising tends to be concentrated in specialized business publications , professional journals , tra

15、de shows targeting at a certain group of people involved in some business , since consumer advertising is most accessible to common people ,the present study on will focus on consumer advertising. Daily consumer goods are necessities of daily life, such as food, detergent, hygiene, etc. technical eq

16、uipment is technical toys and electric equipment such as camera, vehicle, hi-fi, etc, service covers bank, insurance, fund, etc. Actually, advertising works effectively some of the time and doesnt work other times. The single crucial reason that advertising does not work is that in specific instance

17、s the information it conveys never reach the consumer at all, or is judged by consumer to be neither redundant, meaningless, or irrelevant .For example, a motorbike advertisement will probably be invisible to housewives on the lookout for new cutlery .Social status and individual interest decide tha

18、t ads consumer goods ads are mainly targeting at women while technical equipment ads are largely aiming at men. The amount of shared knowledge between the advertiser and the audience together with the thinking habit of the audience directly influences the advertising language. Since products and aud

19、ience change in every advertisement in order to achieve high advertising effectiveness, language used differs in different advertisements. Thus, in this paper we discuss not only the similarities of language shared by all types of advertisements but also differences of language used in different kin

20、ds of advertisements. In order to make the information accessible to audience effectively, the choice of words in advertising is very cautious and skillful .The aim of the advertiser is quite specific. It wishes to capture the attention of the members of a mass audience and by means of impressive wo

21、rds to persuade them to buy a product or behave in a particular way, such as going to Hawaii for all their holiday needs. Both linguistic and psychological aspects are taken into consideration in the choice of words .sharing the same purpose of advertising to familiarize or remind consumers of the b

22、enefits of particular products in the hope of increasing sales, the techniques used at the lexical level by advertiser do not vary markedly .The following points are some prominent similarities.The present study attempts to examines these features at lexical and syntactical, in the hope of bring the

23、m to light and, thereby, offering help to advertisement writers and language learners. According to the definition committee of American marketing association(方薇,1997:2),advertising is defined as follows: Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persua

24、sive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. Usually, advertising communicates information in three types: audio, visual, and language. It is a more common case that advertisement is a mixture of the three. Advertising language, playing a role of

25、 communication and pervasion has developed its own features. This paper will focus on the language features of English advertisements at lexical and syntactic levels. It is hoped ,by a contrastive study of advertisements on three types of products (daily consumer goods ,technical equipment and servi

26、ce),similarities and differences of three types of advertisements will be summarized and possible reason will be given in the light of the meaning, and function of language. 2. Lexical features Lexical features play a quite major role in the advertisements for lexical meanings are basic constituents

27、. 2. 1 Few verbs G.N. Leech English linguist lists 20 most used verbs in his English in advertising: linguistic study of advertising in Great Britain (方薇,1997). They are: make, get, give, have, see, buy, come, go, know, keep, look, took, need, love, use, feel, like, choose, take, start, taste. You m

28、ay have encountered those ads:We will make this quick. (Hertz Car Return)Get great coverage thats so weightless and water-fresh. (ALMAY)All you need is a taste for adventure. (Millstone Coffee)Dont have much of a personality? Buy one. (Honda Motor)You will love it even more. (Olympus Camera)Most of

29、used verbs have Anglo-Saxon origin that is common core of English vocabulary. Linguistic study shows that English native speakers tend to use words of Anglo-Saxon origin, because native words have comparably stable meaning. These simple words can win the consumers by their exact, effective expressio

30、n and a kind of closeness. Even the two words, use and taste which are from ancient French, have long become indispensable lexical items in the stock of common core vocabulary of the English people, developing their stable meaning and usage.2. 2 Emotive wordsA close scrutiny of recent advertisement

31、suggests that the soft-sell technique is now popular. By soft-sell technique we mean the one that favors a more emotive and less directive approach to promote a product, mainly focusing on the building of brand image .As a result, emotive words, most of which are pleasant adjectives, are greatly enc

32、ouraged to use. The most frequently used adjectives are as follows: new, good, better, best, fresh, free, delicious, sure, full, clean, wonderful, special, crisp, real, fine, great, safe, and rich .For example:Nothing comes closer to home. (Vegetable and Chicken Pasta Bake)Think Lysol is the best di

33、sinfecting spray. (Disinfecting Spray)The worlds coolest CDs are not made in New York, London or L.A .They are made in my apartment. (Philips CD Recorder)The Compaq armada family is lighter, which new rounded edges for easier packing. (Compaq)These adjectives help to build a pleasant picture in read

34、ers minds and manage to create a belief in the potential consumer: if I buy this product or if I choose this service, I will lead a better life .In addition, comparatives and superlatives occur to highlight the advantage of a certain product or service.2.3 Pun and AlliterationPun is an amusing use o

35、f a word or phrase that has two meanings which is called polysemy or of words with the same sound but different meanings which is called homonymy. Pun, the game of words, will leave a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit and humor. However, to make a successful and impressive pun is no

36、t easy .Except for its own meaning, the word used as a pun is usually closely related to the characteristics of a certain product or the brand name of the products such coincidence does not occur often. Here we present several classic pun-used advertisements. For example:Give you hair a touch of spr

37、ing. Ask for more. (A piece of advertisement)Give your business the sharp edge. (Share corporation)As More is a famous brand of cigarette, for instance, by using pun, this advertisement will be easily remembered by the readers. In addition, filled with humor and wit, puns help the advertised product

38、 win favor from readers.Alliteration is the use of words that begin with the same sound in order to make a special communicative effect. For instance:Everything you need for that big bargain basement special Vitamin E to leave skin soft and smooth.Treat your weary ghosts and goblins to a warm bowl o

39、f chill.As it shows, it is pleasing to ears because of the clever choice of the word buy the advertiser .In addition, the repletion of the beginning sound emphasizes the meaning the advertisements want to express. 2.4 Gender identity Whiles we found quite a lot of similarities in the choice of words

40、, we have also fond some delicate differences in the choice of words in the three types of advertisements as classified before: daily consumer goods ads, technical equipment ads, and service ads.Language, as a communicative tool, is not only to impart information, to communicate ideas, about a produ

41、ct, etc, but also to convey information about the relationship between the addresser and the addressee. An intimate relationship between the advertisement and the audience is always hoped to be achieve. So according to different audience, language applied is different.What constitutes a female and a

42、 male identity, according to advertising? Data based on the language of advertising (tobrben vestergaard& kim schr der,1981:74),give the commodity profile of two gender-identified magazines: women and playboy and also provides the distribution of the different types of advertisements.According to da

43、ta collected, beauty, food and detergents ads are dominant in the womens magazines while technical equipment ads prevail in mens magazines. The reason is that women are potential purchasers of daily consumer goods while men are potential purchasers of technical equipment. So, advertising language tr

44、ies to win its audiences by noticing audiences gender identity. In addition, since the subjects involved in advertisements vary from simple to complex, shared knowledge by the addresser and addressee varies. For example knowledge of technical equipment sometimes demands high educational background o

45、r special interests in a certain field. To convey different knowledge clearly, advertisements don not speak in the same way.2.5 Selection of adjectives Adjectives, as emotive and exciting words are used to enhance the facts of a certain products or service. In the study of adjectives, we have first

46、divided adjectives into two groups: descriptive adjectives and evaluative adjectives. The former is used in objective description and the latter give the advertisers subjective comments. Descriptive adjectives in daily consumer goods ads such as fresh, crispy, and soft, tend to convey the sense of sight, touch, and taste. The temptation aroused by this vivid descri


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