2785.B佛山市中小型企业人才战略初探 外文参考文献译文及原文.doc

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录外文文献译文(1).1外文文献原文(1).3外文文献译文(2).7外文文献原文(2).9外文文献译文(3).12外文文献原文(3).14西方经典激励理论之二:赫茨伯格的双因素激励理论激励因素保健因素理论是美国的行为科学家弗雷德里克。赫茨伯格(Fredrick Herzberg)提出来的,又称双因素理论。赫茨伯格曾获得纽约市立学院的学土学位和匹兹堡大学的博士学位,以后在美国和其他三十多个国家从事管理教育和管理咨询工作,是犹他大学的特级管理教授。他的主要著作有:

2、工作的激励因素(1959,与伯纳德。莫斯纳、巴巴拉。斯奈德曼合著)、工作与人性(1966)、管理的选择:是更有效还是更有人性(1976)。双因素理论是他最主要的成就,在工作丰富化方面,他也进行了开创性的研究。 20世纪5O年代末期,赫茨伯格和他的助手们在美国匹兹堡地区对二百名工程师、会计师进行了调查访问。访问主要围绕两个问题:在工作中,哪些事项是让他们感到满意的,并估计这种积极情绪持续多长时间;又有哪些事项是让他们感到不满意的,并估计这种消极情绪持续多长时间。赫茨伯格以对这些问题的回答为材料,着手去研究哪些事情使人们在工作中快乐和满足,哪些事情造成不愉快和不满足。结果他发现,使职工感到满意的都




6、是不同的。但是,这两种理论都没有把“个人需要的满足”同“组织目标的达到” 这两点联系起来。有些西方行为科学家对赫茨伯格的双因素理论的正确性表示怀疑。有人做了许多试验,也未能证实这个理论。赫茨怕格及其同事所做的试验,被有的行为科学家批评为是他们所采用方法本身的产物:人们总是把好的结果归结于自己的努力而把不好的结果归罪于客观条件或他人身上,问卷没有考虑这种一般的心理状态。另外,被调查对象的代表性也不够,事实上,不同职业和不同阶层的人,对激励因素和保健因素的反应是各不相同的。实践还证明,高度的工作满足不一定就产生高度的激励。许多行为科学家认为,不论是有关工作环境的因素或工作内容的因素,都可能产生激励

7、作用,而不仅是使职工感到满足,这取决于环境和职工心理方面的许多条件。但是,双因素理论促使企业管理人员注意工作内容方面因素的重要性,特别是它们同工作丰富化和工作满足的关系,因此是有积极意义的。赫茨伯格告诉我们,满足各种需要所引起的激励深度和效果是不一样的。物质需求的满足是必要的,没有它会导致不满,但是即使获得满足,它的作用往往是很有限的、不能持久的。要调动人的积极性,不仅要注意物质利益和工作条件等外部因素,更重要的是要注意工作的安排,量才录用,各得其所,注意对人进行精神鼓励,给予表扬和认可,注意给人以成长、发展、晋升的机会。随着温饱问题的解决,这种内在激励的重要性越来越明显。The wester

8、n classic encourages two of the theorieseses: The double factor of the He Ci elder brother of ones father space encourages theoriesEncourage a factor-health care factor the theories be Fu thunder in the American behavioral science house gram in Delhi. The He Ci elder brother of ones father space(Fre

9、drick Herzberg) puts forward come of, and then call a pair of factor theorieses. The He Ci elder brother of ones father space once acquired the Ph.D. degree of the soil academic degree and Pittsburgh university of the learn of New York municipal college, hereafter in the United States with more than

10、 30 other nation be engaged in management education and management to consult with a work, is the special grade management of the University of Utah professor. His main work have:Work of encourage a factor (1959, virtuous with elder brother of ones father Na. The Mo Si Na, Ba Ba pull. The Si Nai vir

11、tuous Man matches Zhao), work and human nature (1966), the choice of management: BE someone more effectively or more .(1976)The double factor theories is the achievement of his most, in the aspects of work enrich turn, he also carried on to found a sexual research. 20Century 5 O age last phase, the

12、He Ci elder brother of ones father space and his assistants carried on to investigate an interview to 200 engineers, accountant in the American Pittsburgh, region. Visit mainly around two problems: In the work, which items is to let them feel the satisfied, and estimate this kind of aggressive motio

13、n to continuously have another long time; Have again which items is to let them feel the dissatisfied, and estimate this kind of negative motion to continuously have another long time. The He Ci elder brother of ones father space with to these question answer for material, begin to study which affai

14、rs make people are in the work happiness with satisfy, which affairs result in displeased and dissatisfied foot. Result he discover and make the officers and workers feel to satisfiedly and all belong to a work or work contents; Make the officers and workers feel the dissatisfied, all belong to a wo

15、rk environment or work relation. He is called the former to encourage a factor and the latter is called a health care factor.The effect which cares a satisfy of factor to produce to the officers and workers is similar to at the health care to the function that the healthy body have. Health care the

16、cancellation does harm to healthy thing from the persons environment and it cant directly raise healthy level, but have the prevention paroxysm the effect; it isnt a treatment of, but prevention of. Care the factor includes a company policy and manages the work condition, wages, welfare.etc. of the

17、measure, direct, social interaction, material. When these factors worsen the level that people see fit to accept the following, the meeting creation is to the be dissatisfied with of work. But, when people think these factor very good, it is to remove dissatisfied, and will not cause aggressive atti

18、tude, this became a certain since isnt a satisfaction, again isnt a dissatisfied neutral appearance.Those can bring an aggressive attitude, satisfaction with encourage the factor of function to be called encourage a factor, this is those can satisfy personal ego carry out a demand of factor, include

19、: Achieve, appreciate, the work, augmentative work responsibility of challenge, and the opportunity of growth and development. If these factors had, can produce to largerly encourage to people. Set out from this meaning, the He Ci elder brother of ones father space thinks to traditionally encourage

20、an assumption, such as wages stimulate, the improvement of social interaction, provide a good work condition etc., will not produce to largely encourage; They can remove to be dissatisfied with, prevent from a creation problem, but these traditional encourage a factor seven attain the best degree an

21、d cant produce, either to actively encourage. According to the opinion of He Ci elder brother of ones father space, management authorities should know a health care factor is essential, however it once make dissatisfied after moderate, cant produce more aggressive effect. Only encourage a factor the

22、n can make people have better work result.The He Ci elder brother of ones father space and its colleague later and then to various profession and not the industrial organization of profession carried on many inquisitions, they detection, because of investigate object and conditional of dissimilarity

23、, belong of various factor is some differences, but total of to see, encourage a factor to basically and all belong to a work or work contents, care a factor is basic to all belong to work environment and work to relate to.But, the He Ci elder brother of ones father space notice, encourage factor an

24、d the all how many layer after layer phenomenon of the health care factor, if appreciate to belong to encourage a factor, basically rise positive effect; But while being not appreciate, may rise negative effect again, express again at this time for care a factor. The wages cares a factor, but can so

25、metimes also produce to make an officers and workers a satisfied result.The double of the He Ci elder brother of ones father space factor theories contains the place of likeness with Ma3 Si Luo4s demand layer theory. The demand, affection demand.etc. of the physiology demand, safety that health care

26、 factor equal to Ma3 Si Luo4 whom he put forward put forward are lower of demand; Encourage then a factor the demand being equal to be subjected to the demand that the person respect and carry out by ones own etc. more deluxe demand. Certainly, their concrete analysis reaching agreement to release i

27、s different. But, these two kinds of orieses all didnt satisfy of personal demand together attain of organization target contact gets up this 2:00.Some western behavioral science house means a doubt to the double of the He Ci elder brother of ones father space the accuracy of the factor theories. So

28、meone did many experiment, can not also confirm this ories. The He Ci is afraid the space and what its colleague do experiment and is have of the outcome which criticizes for the method that they adopt of the behavioral science house: People always so return knot as a result at own effort but not an

29、d so lay the blame on on objective condition or others body as a result, the questionnaire didnt consider this kind of general mental appearance. Moreover is investigated represent of object sex also not enough, in fact, the person of different occupation and dissimilarity stratum, each to encouragi

30、ng a factor and caring a respond of factor not same. The fulfillment also proves that height of the work satisfy to produce height not necessarily of encourage. Many behavioral science house think, in spite of is the factor of the factor concerning work environment or work contents, may produce to e

31、ncourage a function, but not only is make the officers and workers feel contented, this many conditions which be decided by the mental aspect of the environment and officers and workers.But, the double factor theories urges a business enterprise a manager to notice the importance of factor of the wo

32、rk contents, especially they together work abundant turn the relation which satisfies with work, so have aggressive meaning. The He Ci elder brother of ones father space tells us, satisfy what various demand cause to encourage depth is different from the effect. The material is demanding contented i

33、s necessary, having no it will cause disaffection, but even acquire satisfy, it of the function is usually very limited and cans not last. To adjust moving aggressive not only need to notice exterior factors, such as material benefits and work condition.etc., more important want to notice the arrang

34、ement of work, measure to just employ, each gets what he needs, the attention carries on spirit encouragement to the person, give to give public recognition with approbation and notice to person to grow up, develop, promote of opportunity. Because When Bao3s problem resolve, this kind of is inside t

35、he importance for encourage be more and more obvious.西方经典激励理论之三:波特和劳勒的期望激励理论这是美国行为科学家爱德华。劳勒和莱曼。波特提出的一种激励理论。爱德华。劳勒在美国的布朗大学获学土学位,在加里福尼亚大学伯克利分校获博士学位,曾在耶鲁大学任教,以后在密歇根大学任心理学教授和社会研究所组织行为室主任。他还是西雅图的巴特勒纪念研究所人类事务所研究中心的访问学者。莱曼。波特也是美国著名行为科学家,在耶鲁大学获得博士学位后,在加州大学伯克利分校任教十一年,并在耶鲁大学管理科学系任访问教授一年。以后,他在加州大学管理研究院任院长和管理及心




39、励理论在20世纪60至70年代是非常有影响的激励理论,在今天看来仍有相当的现实意义。它告诉我们,不要以为设置了激励目标、采取了激励手段,就一定能获得所需的行动和努力,并使员工满意。要形成激励努力绩效奖励满足并从满足回馈努力这样的良性循环,取决于奖励内容、奖惩制度、组织分工、目标导向行动的设置、管理水平、考核的公正性、领导作风及个人心理期望着多种综合性因素。The western classic encourages three of the theorieseses: The wave encourages theories with the expectation of Lao Lei es

40、peciallyThis be Edward in the American behavioral science house. Lao Lei and Lai Man. Wave especially put forward of 1 kind encourage theories. Edward. Lao Leis Brown University in the United States gets to learn soil academic degree, at the California university elder brother of ones father gram be

41、nefit cent the school get a Ph.D. degree, once was Yale University allowing to teach and will allow psychology professor and social graduate school organization behavior room a director in the airtight Xie root university hereafter. He be still Ba of Seattle especially the Lei celebrate the intervie

42、w scholar of mankind business office research in the graduate school center. Lai Man. Wave especially is also American Zhao behavioral science house, after Yale University acquiring a Ph.D. degree, at the University of California elder brother of ones father gram benefit cent the school term teach f

43、or 11 years, and is Yale University managing science to fasten to allow an interview to teach for a year. After, he manages an institute for research term director and management and psychology a professor in the University of California. Wave especially-Lao Lei Sis hoping to encourage theories be w

44、hat they in 1968 of management attitude and result put forward in one book come.The characteristics of this mode is: 1.Encourageing to cause a person whether make great effort and the degree of its effort; 2.The actual results of work is decided by the size of ability, diligent degree and concretely

45、 speak to the depth needed to complete mission comprehension, role concept is the role that a person plays to oneself understanding whether explicit, whether own of diligent the direction of direction exactitude, held tight own main job or mission; 3.The reward wants to take results as a premise, is

46、nt first to have results behind have reward, but have to complete organization mission first then can cause spirit of, material of reward. When the officers and workers see their reward and the result connection badly, the reward wont can become the incitement thing which raises results;4.Prize and

47、punishment measure whether will produce a satisfaction, be decided by to be encouraged to think to acquire of recompense whether candor. If he thinks to match a fair principle, certainly feel satisfied, otherwise feel dissatisfied. Well-known fact BE, the satisfaction will cause further effort.1967Y

48、ear, the wave meant result with Lao Lei still in they the cooperation of the result the rightness the work the contented influence one text especially to satisfy a kind of ories mode of influence: The concrete contents of this kind of mode BE, a person gets two types of guerdon after making result. Include wages, position, prom


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