《2900.B玉堂家具有限公司薪酬管理探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2900.B玉堂家具有限公司薪酬管理探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日Contents外文文献译文1外文文献原文7薪酬管理在企业的现代化体制建设中有着非常重要的地位,一般我们认为薪酬管理要达到三个目的:第一、能够保证员工的正常的生活,也就是基本生活的需要;第二、能够提高员工的工作积极性,也就是激励效果;第三保证企业的利润的增长,也就是利润的可持续增长性。现在企业的薪酬管理,应该说第一个目的一般都能够达到,只要你的要求不是十分的高的话,我认为现在企业都能达到这个目的。但是企业的薪酬体制要完成更高的目标就要有周密的计划。 我们知道企业的
3、策的失败。企业在执行这项政策的过程中,要考虑的问题很多,主要有以下两点:员工的心理期望值、员工的心理平衡感。1、员工的心理期望值 在薪酬体系管理过程中,我们发现不同员工的心理要求是不同的,一个中层干部可能需要1000元能调动他的工作积极性,但是到了一个具体的员工身上可能只要200元就可以完成同样的效果了。所以如果你给了一个管理人员500元或者给了一个工人50元就起不到激励的效果,如果你给了他们2000元、400元,就是对企业资源的一种浪费,加大了企业的经营成本。这个能够对员工起到最大激励效果的最小成本我们称为员工的心理期望值。在具体的实行过程中,我们可能要通过多次的测试才能得到这个值。它没有一
4、个具体的定例,可能一个基本工资是5000元的员工的心理期望值是2000元,但是另一个单位从事同一工作的基本工资是2000元的员工的心理期望值就只有500元,因此它需要我们具体问题,具体分析。2、员工的心理平衡感 薪酬的作用是激励,激励的一个前提条件就是要做到公平,公平的概念不仅是领导与工人要站在同一水平线上,而且对从事相同工作的员工也要有同样的政策。根据调查,员工离职的主要原因之一就是不能得到公平的待遇,在工作中总是处在一种受压抑的状态,就是不离开,他的工作效率也不会很高。薪酬管理的作用:1、薪酬管理决定着人力资源的合理配置与使用资源的合理配置问题,被认为是一切经济制度的一个基本问题。资源的有
8、中,为了更合理的配置与使用人力资源,应尽可能采用市场主导型的薪酬管理机制。2、薪酬管理直接决定着劳动效率 对人的管理,对人的管理实质上是让别人去做管理者想做的事,而要被管理者去做管理者想做的事,除非建立一种机制,使被管理者的行为符合管理者的要求,这样管理才能成功。传统的薪酬管理,仅具有物质报酬分配性质,很少考虑被管理者的行为特徵。现代薪酬管理将薪酬视为激励劳动效率的主要杠杆,不仅注重利用工资、奖金、福利等物质报酬从外部激励劳动者,而且注重利用岗位的多样性,工作的挑战性、取得成就、得到认可、承担责任、获取新技巧和事业发展机会等精神报酬从内部激励劳动者,从而使薪酬管理过程成为劳动者的激励过程。劳动
10、报酬之间的关系日益淡化,激励机制也日益丧失,最终演变成了干多干少一个样的“大锅饭”。 现代薪酬管理改变了这种传统的激励机制,注重的是对以下三种机制的综合运用:一是物质机制,它通过按劳付酬来刺激劳动者具备更多、更精的劳动技巧,来提高劳动效率,获得更多的劳动报酬和更好的工作岗位;二是精神机制,它通过个人贡献奖励来肯定劳动者在劳动中的自我实现,从而体现人本主义观念,并使劳动者明了,只有好的敬业精神,才能实现个人的价值;三是团队机制。它通过劳动者个人业绩与组织目标的关系,来鼓励劳动者叁与组织的利润分享,并从组织受益的角度酬谢劳动者所作的努力,使劳动者增强团队意识和合作精神。由此可见,薪酬管理关系到“食
11、物、保障、社会关系以及尊重的需求,对这些需求的满足,而且在某种程度上也能满足自我实现的需求。” 由上可见,现代薪酬管理是一种动力管理,它直接决定着劳动者的劳动效率,实践也证明,成功的薪酬管理往往能极大地调动劳动者的积极性、创造性,反之,则会挫伤劳动者的积极性和创造性。3、薪酬管理直接关系到社会的稳定在我国现阶段,薪酬是劳动者个人消费资料的主要来源,从经济学角度看,薪酬一经向劳动者付出即退出生产领域,进入消费领域。作为消费性的薪酬,保障了劳动者的生活需要,实现了劳动者劳动力的再生产。因此,在薪酬管理中,如果薪酬标准确定过低,劳动者的基本生活就会受到影响,劳动力的耗费就不能得到完全的补偿,如果薪酬
13、会问题;二是在薪酬管理中要防止“工资物价”的螺旋上升给社会生活造成的动荡;三是薪酬水平必须兼顾就业水平,防止失业队伍的过度扩大给社会造成的不安。薪酬既不是单一的工资,也不是纯粹的货币形式的报酬,它还包括精神方面的激励,比如优越的工作条件、良好的工作氛围、培训机会、晋升机会等,这些方面也应该很好地融入到薪酬体系中去。内在薪酬和外在薪酬应该完美结合,偏重任何一方都是跛脚走路。物质和精神并重,这就是目前我们很多企业都要提倡的全面薪酬制度。 1、薪酬与绩效挂钩 单纯的高薪并不能起到激励作用,这是每一本薪酬设计方面的教科书和资料反复强调的观点,只有与绩效紧密结合的薪酬才能够充分调动员工的积极性。而从薪酬
14、结构上看,绩效工资的出现丰富了薪酬的内涵,过去的那种单一的僵死的薪酬制度已经越来越少,取而代之的是与个人绩效和团队绩效紧密挂钩的灵活的薪酬体系。增加薪酬中的激励成分,常用的方法有:(1)加大绩效工资(奖金)和福利的比例;(2)加大涨幅工资(浮动工资)的比例;(3)灵活的弹性工时制度;(4)把员工作为企业经营的合作者;(5)以技能和绩效作为计酬的基础而不是工作量。 2、宽带型薪酬结构 工资的等级减少,而各种职位等级的工资之间可以交叉。宽带的薪酬结构可以说是为配合组织扁平化而量身定做的,它打破了传统薪酬结构所维护的等级制度,有利于企业引导员工将注意力从职位晋升或薪酬等级的晋升转移到个人发展和能力的
15、提高方面,给予了绩效优秀者比较大的薪酬上升空间。雇员激励长期化,薪酬股权化目的是为了留住关键的人才和技术,稳定员工队伍。其方式主要有:员工股票选择计划(ESOP)、股票增值权、虚拟股票计划、股票期权等。 3、重视薪酬与团队的关系 以团队为基础开展项目,强调团队内协作的工作方式正越来越流行,与之相适应,应该针对团队设计专门的激励方案和薪酬计划,其激励效果比简单的单人激励效果好。团队奖励计划尤其适合人数较少,强调协作的组织。 4、薪酬的细化 薪酬的细化首先是薪酬构成的细化,过去计划经济时代的那种单一的、僵死的薪酬构成已经不再适应现代企业的需要,取而代之的是多元化、多层次、灵活的新的薪酬构成。其次是
16、专门人员薪酬设计专门化,例如:营销人员在公司里作用巨大,专业人员的排他性比较强,临时工身份特殊,在设计这些人员的薪酬时不应该采取和其他部门人员相同的薪酬体系。此外,在一些指标的制定过程中,也应当细化,尽量避免“一刀切的做法。例如,职务评价、绩效考评系统,不同职位层和不同性质岗位的考评应该分别制定标准。 5、薪酬制度的透明化 关于薪酬的支付方式到底应该公开还是透明,这个问题一直存在比较大的争议。从最近的资料来看,支持透明化的呼声越来越高,因为毕竟保密的薪酬制度使薪酬应有的激励作用大打折扣。而且,实行保密薪酬制的企业经常出现这样的现象:强烈的好奇心理使得员工通过各种渠道打听同事的工资额,使得刚制定
18、制度,描述务必详细,尽可能不让员工产生误解;(5)设立一个员工信箱,随时解答员工在薪酬方面的疑问,处理员工投诉;(6)有弹性、可选择的福利制度。 公司在福利方面的投入在总的成本里所占的比例是比较高的,但这一部分的支出往往被员工忽视,认为不如货币形式的薪酬实在,有一种吃力不讨好的感觉;而且,员工在福利方面的偏好也是因人而异,非常个性化的。解决这一问题,目前最常用的方法是采用选择性福利,即让员工在规定的范围内选择自己喜欢的福利组合。 7、薪酬信息日益得到重视 外部信息:指相同地区、相似行业、相似性质、相似规模的企业的薪酬水平、薪酬结构、薪酬价值取向等,外部信息主要是通过薪酬调查获得的。能够使企业在
19、制定和调整薪酬方案时,有可以参考的资料。 内部信息:主要是指员工满意度调查和员工合理化建议。满意度调查的功能并不一定在于了解有多少员工对薪酬是满意的,而是了解员工对薪酬管理的建议以及不满到底是在哪些方面,进而为制定新的薪酬制度打下基础。 The Compensation management has the extremely important status in enterprises modernized system construction, we thought generally the Compensation management must achieve three goa
20、ls: First, can guarantee staffs normal life, also is the basic life need; Second, can enhance staffs work enthusiasm, also drives the effect; Third guarantee enterprises profit growth, also is the profit sustainable growth. Now enterprises Compensation management, should say the first goal all can a
21、chieve generally, so long as your request is not the extremely high speech, I thought the present enterprise all can achieve this goal. But enterprises Compensation system must achieve a higher goal to have to have the thorough plan.We knew the enterprise the drive measure mainly has three kinds: Th
22、e Compensation drove, the sentiment drove, the system keeps the human. The sentiment drove mainly is refers to between staffs working conditions, colleagues between relations as well as upper and lower layer relations and so on, in the concrete operating processes it may be said but is because of bu
23、siness different , you may through between the enlarge and staffs dialogue, enhance staffs and so on to complete this project in business management process participation degree. The system keeps the human, mainly is refers in the process which the enterprise develops, enterprise policy which is pro
24、moted to staffs position, if the enterprise can complete the first two items, but enough is not promoted for the staff the opportunity speech, staffs enthusiasm can drop equally. Now we look at the first item: Compensation drive. The Compensation management is one kind looked but resembles simply, o
25、perates has the very great difficulty system. It may the simple induction rise the wages to the staff. We can encounter such situation frequently in the reality, was rose the wages to the staff, but arrived finally it is changes job , this was the Compensation drive policy defeat. The enterprise in
26、carries out in this policy process, must consider the question are very many, mainly has following two points: Staffs psychological expected value, staffs psychological equilibrium sense.1、staffs psychological expected valueIn the Compensation system management process, we discovered the different s
27、taffs psychological request is different, medium echelon cadre possible need 1000 Yuan to be able to arouse his work enthusiasm, but arrived on a concrete staff body possible so long as 200 Yuan might complete the similar effect. If therefore you have given administrative personnel 500 Yuan or give
28、worker 50 Yuan not to get up the drive effect, if you have given them 2000 Yuan, 400 Yuan, is to the enterprise resources one kind of waste, has enlarged enterprises cost of operation. This can get up the biggest drive effect smallest cost to the staff we to be called staffs psychological expected v
29、alue. In concrete implements in the process, we possibly must be able to obtain this value through many times test. It does not have a concrete common practice, the possible base pay is 5000 Yuan staffs psychological expected values is 2000 Yuan, but another unit is engaged in the identical work the
30、 base pay is 2000 Yuan staffs psychological expected values only then 500 Yuan, therefore it needs our concrete question, analyzes specifically.2、staffs psychological equilibrium senseThe Compensation function is the drive, drove not only a prerequisite is must achieve fair, the fair concept is the
31、leader and the worker must stand in the identical level line, moreover to the staff who is engaged in the same work also must have the similar policy. According to the investigation, one of primary causes which the staff leaves job on cannot obtain the fair treatment, always occupies in the work one
32、 kind the condition which constrains, does not leave, his working efficiency cannot be very high.Compensation management function:1、 Compensation management is deciding the human resources reasonable disposition and the use:The resources reasonable disposition question, was considered is an all econ
33、omic system basic question. Resources finiteness and scarcity already for theory and practice full proof. In resources limited and under scarce condition, causes the resources through certain method to carry on the combination in the different realm of production, enable it to obtain the fullest use
34、, displays its biggest potency, this then is the resources reasonable disposition question. In the management process essence is each kind of resources disposition and the use process. The resources may divide into the material resources, the financial resource resources and the human resources thre
35、e kinds on the whole. In these three kind of resources, the human resources disposition and uses very important, because the human is in each element of production the decision performance moves the function the essential factor. As the labor force person, its ability to work is many and varied, its
36、 latent ability tendency and the development direction also have the very big difference, thus how causes as the labor force people all energy “to enable each person to develop his talents as far as possible, only then it uses”, then becomes in the modern management a core question. In addition, hum
37、ans ability to work full display and free development, but also relates the entire social development finally ideal and most highest value goal and so on choice as well as with this correlation politics, culture, ethics realizations, therefore, the human resources reasonable disposition and the use
38、has the specially significant significance in the social economy development. The Compensation took the realization human resources reasonable disposition the essential method, is playing the extremely vital role in the human resources development and the management. On the one hand the Compensation
39、 is representing the different ability to work quantity and the quality which the worker may provide, is reflecting the labor force supplies aspect basic characteristic, on the other hand is representing the employer the type, quantity and the degree which needs to the human resources, is reflecting
40、 the labor force demand aspect characteristic. The Compensation management also is must utilize in the Compensation this human resources the most important economical three numbers, guides the human resources to the reasonable direction movement, thus realization organization goal maximization. In t
41、he Compensation management, has two kind of different management mechanisms.One kind is the government leading Compensation management mechanism. This kind of mechanism mainly is through administrative, the instruction, the plan method comes the direct determination different type, the different qua
42、lity each kind of workers Compensation level, the Compensation structure, thus guidance human resources disposition. Because this kind of mechanism is unable to reply the human resources have used whether truly in the place which most needs, also is unable to determine whether the human resources di
43、d use in most being able truly to display his function place, thus very difficult truly to solve the good person transport charges source reasonable disposition problem. Another kind is the market leading Compensation management mechanism. In this kind of machine-made essence is one kind of efficien
44、cy mechanism, it mainly is through the labor force flowing and the market competition, forms the Compensation level and the Compensation difference in the balance between supply and demand guides the human resources the disposition. Obviously, not only this kind of mechanism can prompt, reflect each
45、 kind of labor force accurately the scarce degree, the position which also through the flowing moreover can exchange occupation or post realization Compensation maximization found when the worker tries the best, thus causes the human resources the disposition and the use is more reasonable. Therefor
46、e, in the Compensation management, for a more reasonable disposition and the use human resources, should use the market leading as far as possible the Compensation management mechanism.2、 Compensation management is deciding the labor efficiency directlyTo humans management, is lets others to humans
47、management essence in make the matter which the superintendent wants to do, but must do by the superintendent the matter which the superintendent wants to do, only if establishes one kind of mechanism, causes to tally by superintendents behavior superintendents request, like this manages can be succ
48、essful.The traditional Compensation management, only has the material reward assignment nature, very little considers by superintendents behavior characteristic. The modern Compensation management regards as the Compensation the drive labor efficiency the main release lever, not only attention material rewards and so on use wages, bonus, welfare from exterior drive worker, moreover the attention use post multiplicity, the work challenging, obtains the achievem