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1、 全球变暖英语演讲稿(精选多篇)第一篇:全球变暖英语演讲稿第二篇:英语作文全球变暖第三篇:全球变暖英语作文第四篇:英语作文范文全球变暖第五篇:英语作文全球变暖更多相关范文正文第一篇:全球变暖英语演讲稿?y?2?.txt10e?a?3?3?e?1a¥?y?3?o?e?3a?2?global warmingthere is little doubt that the planet is warming. over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit . the warme

2、st since the mid 1800?s was the 1990s. the hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2014, 2014, 2014.the united nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century?s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted.if the ice caps m

3、elt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. monuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including new york city.so now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet?the a

4、nswer is simpler than you may think. you don?t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend masses of money. if you try to follow the few simple steps that i shall now give you, you will have started to help us all.firstly, plant a tree. this could be easier than it sounds. join or help out

5、a local wildlife group and ask to plant a tree. trees, when fully grown, will help keep the planet cooler. on the same point, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests. this is the same principle, we need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping them down to create ro

6、ads or homes.something as simple as walking instead of taking the car will help reduce pollution. as well as stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our bodies. so the next time you get into your car, or your motorbike, think - do i have to make this journey by

7、vehicle or can i walk?when you are at home, and your getting a little cold. put a jumper on and do not adjust the heating.the extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet. so try wearing an extra layer in winter.if possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. and try to

8、avoid imported goods. the more foreign food that we import the more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create.keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. the more you speed the more petrol you are going to use, making the pollution higher. also, suv?s make about six times thei

9、r own weight in co2 each year. a small efficient diesel car covering the same distance not only uses much less fuelit makes two thirds less.if possible use solar energy, after all it is freeall you need to buy is the equipment. you can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even gen

10、erate electricity.reduce, reuse and recycle. only buy what you needdon?t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. it really is as simple as that.finally turning off unused sources of power such as te

11、levisions and heaters will help the environment, as well as save you money.if everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. so please take into consideration what i have said, and try to do your part. after all, it will be our next generation that will feel

12、 the effects.第二篇:英语作文全球变暖全球变暖environmental protectionno one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. according to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.there are nu

13、merous causes for this problem. on one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving

14、 of the it is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. first, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved go

15、od results. in a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .many people believe that human activity is causing the earths temperature to rise. they say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flo

16、oding. mwhat should governments do to help prevent global warming? give reasons for your suggestions.the earths temperature is rapidly changing. as a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, w

17、hich is polluting the earths atmosphere. this could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. they can act in three waysby supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.firstly, governments can support research. for example, they sho

18、uld encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. they should also supportalternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. as well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to t

19、he problem.secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit. private companies should be rewarded for following these laws. they should also be punished for creating pollution.finally, everybody is affected by global warming. therefore, it is importan

20、t thatgovernments involve individuals in the problem solving process. for example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. they should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone. a

21、nother way of saving energy is by public transport systems. governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy.in summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming. they should involve co

22、mpanies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the planet.第三篇:全球变暖英语作文全球变暖英语作文作文一people around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree winters.

23、 drought lasts longer in some dry areas. people find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days.the side effects of global warming are alarmins. a warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. what is more, it disturbs weather patterns,

24、causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes. people suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.to stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. we hope the situation will soon change. global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect ou

25、r later generations. we cannot wait any longer. do it. do it right. do it right now.作文二全球变暖directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic environmental protection. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响2. 引

26、起全球变暖的原因3. 我们需要采取的措施environmental protectionno one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. according to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.there are numerous ca

27、uses for this problem. on one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the p

28、roblem.it is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. first, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved goo

29、d results. in a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .作文三全球气候变暖是目前人类面临的最大环境问题。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,为“节能减排”献计献策。背景随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳,这也是全球变暖的主要原因之一后果海平面上升;自然灾害频繁。措施1.多使用清洁能源,少用煤、油;2.在可能的情况下以步代车;3.4.要求:1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容要点,可适当发挥,措施中3、4点由考生自由发

30、挥;2. 词数:100左右。with the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. co2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. it has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natu

31、ral disasters to strike. so we must take effective measures to save our planet. first, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn co2 into oxyge

32、n. more importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.作文四ladies and gentlemen,good morning, i am li hua from tianjin, china . its my great honor to be here to talk about the global warming problem and ways of dealing with it.lately , global warming is becoming a serious pr

33、oblem. several factors contribute to it. first of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factoriesfurthermore, the loss of forests is another cause of global warming.global warming will cause some harmful effects. firstly, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. s

34、econdly, extreme weather results from global warming. when temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. besides, some animals and plants will disappear, thus destroying the ecosystem.so we should protect the earth from greenhouse gases. we should plant trees and reduce the amount of car

35、bon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. hope our earth can become better and better.thats all. thank you.作文五to control the global warmingduring the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings.nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace an

36、d development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. in my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their resibonsibilities.i can remember big snow came every year when i was a child, and the weather w

37、as so cold that i couldnt go outdoors without my scarf and hat. but these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in december, you neednt wear too much because its not cold at all. the climate is changing. in the past decades, global warming arouse many countries attention and they do took some m

38、easures to ease this problem. however, though the kyoto protocol was signed, some countries are not willing to hold their pace of economic development. to drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. on th

39、e issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. so, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between developing economy and solving this environmental problem. then, some effective p

40、olicies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse mon peoples involvements are the key to ease the global warming. one persons ablity is slight, but if every one can make a little effort, the achivement will be incredible. what can we do for it? i think first, we can learn something

41、 about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our resiponsiblities to this planet. in addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specificlly, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.if we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. i think glo

42、bal warming will certainly be solved in the near future.作文六the crisis of global warmingbackground: 全球变暖cause: 温室气体排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳.consequence : 海平面上升 自然灾害频繁measures: 1节约家用电器 2少用机动车辆 3.植树造林词数120个global warming has become one of the biggest environmental concerns for people all over the world.with the

43、 development of economy, the emission of the greenhouse gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been steadily increased, contributing greatly to the global warming. the increase in the temperature of the earth has caused many harmful effects. it melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. it di

44、sturbs weather patterns, causing frequent natural disasters such as floods, droughts, severe storms, hurricanes , and so on.actually, its easy for everyone to do something to save energy and reduce the emission ofgreenhouse gas. for example, turn off an electrical appliance if it is not used. walkin

45、g, cycling, carpooling or using public transportation instead of using motor vehicles are all good ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.we are also supposed to plant trees and preserve forests. every individual counts and individuals together makes a big difference.作文七倡议书1 据报道,在过去的十年间,北极圈内的

46、平均气温比以前升高了23摄氏度。2 2014年12月的哥本哈根世界气候峰会要求各国减少温室气体排放,拯救地球。3 2014年新年刚开始,极度寒冷的天气袭击了亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。恶劣的天气正是全球变暖的后果。(就素材号召同学们行动起来积极应对地球变暖)dear fellow students,it is reported that the average temperature within the arctic circle has risen by 23 degrees celsius in the past ten years. at the copenhagen climate summ

47、it 2014 all nations were required to reduce the greenhouse gas emission to save the earth. at the beginning of 2014, extremely cold weather hit asia, europe, and north america, which is the evidence of global warming.as is known to all, our environment has been worsening due to human activities. if

48、we dont take effective measures now, human beings will not be able to survive in the future. if we can save energy, recycle waste and plant more trees, we can make the earth a better place. so lets take action from now on! lets save the earth.作文八ladies and gentlemen,good morning. im li hua from fujian, c


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