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1、Unit4练习题一、 选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. wear B. hot C. warm D. cold ( ) 2. A. rainy B. snowy C. weather D. cloudy( ) 3. A. shirt B. jacket C. sweater D. shoes( ) 4. A. coat B. cold C. sweater D. shirt ( ) 5. A. play B. wear C. umbrella D. take( ) 6. A. windy B. window C. sunny D. cloudy ( ) 7. A. yellow B. b

2、lue C. warm D. white( ) 8. A. three B. cool C. six D. eight 二看图写单词我最棒! 1.黑板 _ 2.风扇 _ 3.门 _4.窗户_ 5.图片 _ 6.短裙_7.连衣裙_ 8.夹克 _ 9. 衬衫 _10.T恤 _三用划线单词的对应词或反义词填空。 1. My shoes are old. Your shoes are _. 2. This is a TV. _ is a computer. 3. I like big apples. My sister likes _ apples. 4. I like black shorts an

3、d _T-shirt. 四、阅读,为问句选择合适的答语,将序号填写在题前的括号内。 ( ) 1. What colour is this T-shirt? A. Its Amys. ( ) 2. Whose jacket is it? B. Its black and white. ( ) 3.What time is it? C. Its near the door. ( ) 4.Where is my seat? D. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. Is this a teachers desk? E. Its two oclock. 五将下列句子翻译成汉语。 1.Its, war

4、m, in, Kunming (.) 2.Put, on, your, coat (.)_ _ 3.Where, are, my, jeans (?)_4.Whats, the, weather, like, there (?)_5.Whats, the, matter, with, you (?)_ 六阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F )。 Hello! My name is Lingling. Im from Beijing. Its sunny today. Its hot, too. I can wear my T-shirt and shorts. The T-shirt is g

5、reen. The shorts are white. I have a new skirt. Its yellow. But its too small. I want to buy a new dress. ( ) 1.Its hot and cloudy in Beijing. ( ) 2.I can wear my T-shirt and shorts.( ) 3.The shorts are blue. ( ) 4.The skirt is yellow. ( ) 5.I want to buy a new shirt.Unit 5 练习题一 拼单词。1.p a l p e_ 2.r

6、 a g e o n_3.n o g l _3.n a b a n a_5.o t r h s_6.e r p a _二找出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。( ) 1.cute A.cup B. tube( )2.umbrella A.busB. blue( )3.toothbrush A. but B. put( )4.student A. music B. much( )5.hurry A. buy B. much三、根据要求写单词。 1、shorts(复数)_ 2、they(宾格)_ 3、buy(同音字) _ 4、here(对应词)_ 5、 know(同音字)_写出下列词的反义词或对应

7、词。 1.small _ 2. long _ 3. she _ 4. tall_ 5. woman _ 三下列句子均有一处错误,圈出来,并在括号里改正。 ( )1. I want a pair of shoe. ( )2. How much is the sneakers? ( )3.They are thirty five yuan. ( )4.How many is the T-shirt? ( )5.It fits me good. 四读对话,排序。Lily 来到商店买书包。 ( )L:Mum,it looks nice. How much is it? ( )S:Can I help

8、you? ( )L:Yes,I want a schoolbag.( )S:Its thirty-five yuan.( ) L:Oh,thats cheap.( )L:Ill take it.( )S:Heres a very nice schoolbag.( )S:Here you are. Goodbye.五请你帮他们排排队。1. at that Look dress _.2.much How the skirt colourful is_?3.cheap This sweater is_.4.help you I Can _?5.pair a I want sandals of_.6.

9、also ten watermelons I want_.六根据短文,选择正确的答案。Assistant:Can I help you?Lucy:Yes, I want a pair of boots.Assistant:What colour do you like ?Lucy:Black.Assistant:How about this pair?Lucy:Theyre nice, but theyre too small.Assistant:How about this pair?Lucy:Theyre too big.Assistant:What size do you want?Lu

10、cy:Size six.Assistant:Try this brown pair on.Lucy:Great. They fits me .How much are they?Assistant:Ninety-eight yuan.Lucy:OK. Ill take them.1. Lucy ( ) at school.A. is B. isnt C. are2. Lucy wants a ( ).A. pair of boots. B. dress C. pair of slippers3.Lucy likes ( ).A. yellow B. black C. red4.The boot

11、s are size ( )。A. four B. five C. six5.The boots are ( ) yuan.A. ninety-nine B. ninety-eight C. seventy-eight.Unit 6 练习题一 选出正确的一项补全单词。( )1.h_se A.or B.er C.ou( )2.c_t A.o B.a C.e( )3.th_teen A.ar B.er C.ir( )4.d_ck A.o B.u C.e( )5.r_bbit A.o B.a C.u( )6.p_g A.i B.o C.a二 同类的写“ S“,不同类的写“ D ”( )1.A. do

12、g B. hen C.lamb( )2.A.cat B.fat C.cow( )3.A.thirteen B.ten C.eight( )4.A.sheep B.twelve C.there( )5.A.onion B.tomato C.carrot( )6.A.potato B.pig C.cucumber三 找朋友,给下面的问句找到答案,并连线。1.How many cows do you have?A.They are onions.2.Are they dogs? B.Yes,they are.3.What do you see in the picture? C.Fifteen.4.

13、What are those? D.I see six apples.四看图,选择正确的表达方式,并将序号填在图片下面的括号中。AShear a sheep. B.Hold a lamb. C.Milk a cow.D.Feed the hens. E.Ride a horse. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四 精挑细选,将最合适的答案序号填在题前的括号中。( )1.I like _ . A.potatoes. B.potato C.potatos( )2.The cucumbers_ fresh. A.is B.am C.are( )3.-Are_sheep? -Yes,they

14、 are. A.this B.those C.that( )4.I see five _. A.dog B.cat C.cats( )5.How many _do you have? A.sheep B.a sheep C.sheeps五发挥你的聪明才智,阅读下面的小短文,选出正确的答案。Sam:Look!Theyre goats,John.John:Yes,Are they small,Sam?Sam: No,they arent. They are big. Whats that?John: Its a hen. Is it thin?Sam: No, its fat.John: That

15、s right.Do you like hens?Sam: Yes,I do.John: Whats your favourite animal?Sam: Monkeys.I think theyre very clever. What about you?John: My favourite animal is a panda.Sam: Why?John: Its very pretty.( )1.The goats are _. A.small B.big( )2.The hens are _. A.thin B.fat( )3.Sams favourite animal is a _. A.monkeys B.panda.( )4.John likes _best. A.monkeys B.pandas( )5.Where are they? AAt school B.At a farm


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