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1、外研社高一英语Module 3 The Violence of Nature精品学案【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Module 3 The Violence of Nature二. 重难点讲解:1. disaster名词 n. 灾难;祸患 very bad happening Fires, floods and earthquakes are disasters. 火灾、水灾和地震都是灾难。 翻译:We overcame the natural disaster and got in a bumper harvest. a national disaster a traffic disast

2、er a disaster to sb. 某人的灾难 2. flood(1)名词 n. 洪水 a large flow of water Many houses were destroyed by the flood. 许多房屋被洪水冲毁了。 翻译:那场大雨后闹了洪水,我们的家都淹了。 (2)名词 n. 大批,大量 a lot of something I had a flood of letters on my birthday. 我生日那天收到一大堆信。 (3)动词 v. 淹没,泛滥 to fill or cover with water The river has flooded a n

3、umber of villages. 洪水淹没了一些村庄。 翻译: 春雨期间河水泛滥。 (4)动词 v. 充满 fill, cover, or overcome, as if with a flood Letters of congratulation flooded in. 大批祝贺信像潮水般地涌来。 The room was flooded with moonlight. 这房间充满了月光。 翻译:热泪盈眶 3. experience(1)不可数名词 n.U 经验 knowing about things because you have done or seen them He has

4、much experience as an engineer. 作为工程师来说,他是富有经验的。 He is short of experience. 他缺乏经验。 翻译:他们从经验中学习。 (2)可数名词 n.C 经历,体验 something that happens to you I had some interesting experiences in the countryside. 我在农村有过一些很有意思的经历。 翻译: 教学经验 (3)动词 v. 经验;经历;感受 have experience of; meet with; feel We have experienced w

5、hat hardships mean. 我们体验过艰苦生活。 翻译: 他经历了许多困难。 4. cause(1)名词 n. 原因;起因 thing or person that makes something happen The dog was the cause of the accident. 这只狗是造成交通事故的原因。 翻译: 事故的起因 confuse cause and effect 混淆因果关系 (2)名词 n. 事业;(奋斗的)目标 something that people care about and want to help We should struggle for

6、 the cause of communism all our lives. 我们要为共产主义事业奋斗终身。 (3)动词 v. 使产生;使发生;引起 make something happen The book caused great interest and argument. 这本书引起了人们的极大兴趣和争论。 翻译:什么引起他改变主张的? cause sb. anxiety 使某人担心 cause sb. trouble 给某人添麻烦 5. occur(1)不及物动词 vi. 发生;举行 happen, take place At the beginning of June an ev

7、ent occurred. 六月初发生了一件事。 What has occurred? 发生了什么事? When did the accident occur? 那事故是什么时候发生的? (2)不及物动词 vi. 存在 exist Many mistakes occur in your composition. 你的作文出现了许多错误。 6. strike(1)名词 n. 罢工 time when workers will not work because they want more money or are angry about something The truck drivers u

8、nion has called a strike. 卡车司机工会已经发起了一场罢工。 (2)名词 n. 打;击;敲 a blow; a hit Three strikes of the hammer drove the nail in the wood. 三锤子把钉子敲进了木头。 (3)及物动词 vt. 打;击;撞击 hit someone or something He struck me with a stick. 他用一根棍子打我。 He struck the ball. 他(用力)击球。 The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。 Ive struck my foot

9、on a stone. 我把脚踢在石头上了。 He struck the table angrily. 他气得拍(或锤)桌子。 The stone struck him in the eye. 石头打中他的眼睛。 The tree had been struck by lightning. 那棵树被雷击了。 (4)及物动词 vt. (钟)敲响报时 sound a bell to tell the hour At midday the clock strikes twelve. 正午时,钟敲十二点。 (5)及物动词 vt. 擦(火柴等);打(火) produce by striking Thes

10、e matches are too wet to strike. 火柴太湿,划不着。 (6)及物动词 vt. 引起;激起(某种感情) inspire with His strange appearance struck terror into their hearts. 他那奇怪的外貌使他们感到害怕。 (7)及物动词 vt. 使感到;使突然想;给以印象 An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个主意。 How does his plan strike you? 你感到他的计划怎么样?(你对他的计划反应如何)? It strikes me that the man w

11、as not telling the truth. 我感到那个人没说真话。 翻译: 她的美貌给我留下了深刻的印象。 (8)不及物动词 vi. 打;击;撞击;攻击;冲击 hit His head struck against a stone. 他的头撞在石头上。 He struck the ground heavily. 他重重地摔在地上。 (9)不及物动词 vi. 罢工;闹罢工 stop working because people want more money or are angry about something The workers at the factory are strik

12、ing for more pay. 工厂工人为提高工资正在罢工。 7. damage(1)及物动词 vt. 损害,毁坏 to harm or break something The fire has badly damaged the house. 大火严重地烧坏了这座房子。 翻译:我的妻子遇到意外事故,把自行车弄坏了。 翻译:庄稼受到风暴的严重损害。 (2)不可数名词 n.U 损害,损失 harm, loss How much must I pay for the damage? 我该赔多少损失费? Most of the damage was caused by your sister.

13、大部分损坏是你妹妹造成的。 The storm did great damage to the crops. 暴风雨对农作物造成极大的损害。 (3)可数名词 n.C 法律损害赔偿 law money must be paid for causing damage The court ordered him to pay 1500 damages to the person he had hurt. 法庭让他付给被他伤害的那个人1500美元赔偿费。 cause damage to property 造成财产损失 do damage to sth. 损害某物 三. 重难点词汇辨析 becauses

14、inceasfor这四个词都是表示原因或理由的连接词,但是as,because,since是从属连词,引导原因状语从句,for是并列连词,所引导的不是原因状语从句,而是表示理由的对等句子,是对前面所讲内容补充和说明。在语气上由强至弱依次为becausesinceasfor。because引导的从句多置于句末,表示直接的原因或理由,表示产生那种结果的必然的因果关系,在回答why的提问时,必须用because作答。 如:We stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我们呆在家里。 as与since引导的从句多置于句首,不过as表示十分明显的原因,只说明一般的因果

15、关系,可译为“因为、由于”;而since则表示稍加分析、对方已知的原因,一般可译为“既然”。如: As he was not feeling well,I decided to go there alone. 由于他身体欠佳,我决定独自去那里。 Since everyone is here,lets start. 既然大家都到了,咱们就开始吧。 for引导的从句一般放在句末,其前用逗号,它所叙述的理由是间接的,即推测性理由,或是对前面叙述的事实或看法的补充说明。如: There must be nobody in the classroom,for the light is off. 教室里一

16、定没有人,因为灯灭了。(推测性理由) believe;believe in believe作及物动词时,其后可跟名词,表示“相信”;后接从句或复合宾语时,表示“认为;料想;相信”等。如: I believe what he says. 我相信他的话。 I believe that he will succeed. 我相信他会成功的。 believe in 是一个动介型短语动词,表示“信奉;信仰”(指对某种思想、主张、观念、行动具有信心)和“信任(have trust in)”。如: They believe in God. 他们信仰上帝。 I believe in having plenty

17、of exercise. 我相信多锻炼有好处。 believe和believe in后均可接表示人的名词或代词,但含义不同。试比较: I believe in him(I think he is a trustworthy man). 我信任他。 I believe him. (I believe what he says). 我相信他的话。 【典型例题】Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work by train. He liked wal

18、king from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some exercise.One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets, I stopped you in th

19、is street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me 5, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the way to success.”Mr Grey thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story!” “Well,” answered the stranger, “are y

20、ou still willing to take a chance?”1. How did Mr. Grey get to his office?A. He went up to work by train.B. He walked to his office.C. He went to his office on foot unless it rained.D. He usually took a train to the station and then walked to his office if the weather was fine.答案:D2. Mr Grey liked wa

21、lking to his office because _.A. he couldnt afford the buses B. he wanted to save moneyC. he wanted to keep in good health D. he could do some exercises on the way答案:C3. Mr. Grey had been willing to lend money to a stranger in order to_A. give him a start in life B. help him on the way to successC.

22、make him rich D. gain more money答案:B4. One morning the stranger recognized Mr. Grey, and_A. wanted to return Mr. Grey the moneyB. again asked Mr. Grey for moneyC. would like to make friends with himD. told Mr. Grey that he had been successful since then答案:B5. In the second paragraph, “take a chance”

23、 means _.A. Mr. Gray happened to meet a strangerB. Mr. Grey had a chance to help a strangerC. Mr. Grey helped a stranger by chanceD. Mr. Grey took the risk that the stranger would not give back the money which he lent him答案:D【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only abou

24、t seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you

25、 throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls(旋转)around.Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape(逃出)the

26、earths gravity and carry you into space.1. In this passage, the word “gravity” means.A. the pull of everything.B. the force of attraction(吸引)among objects.C. the force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earthD. the force which attracts the earth towards the sun.2. When you slip(滑)you a

27、lways fall to the ground becauseA. the earth always turns round. B. the earth has gravityC. the earths gravity is greater than your weight. D. you are careless.3. Gravity is strong that A. it can throw a ball into the air. B. it makes you jump only seven feet.C. it can let you fly away from the eart

28、h. D. it can keep everything on earth.4. Because of gravity,A. water flows everything. B. we can go everywhere by ship.C. water always flows downwards. D. fish can live in water.5. We can get away from the earth by spaceship becauseA. the spaceship goes very fast. B. the earth cant pull the spaceship.C. the spaceship has a strong force. D. the spaceship can jump higher than other things.【试题答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A


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