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1、六年级英语(上册)重点、难点知识汇总及自测Unit 1. 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/ 下午好 / 晚上好。 .区分:Good evening!(答语) Good night.(答语) 例如: Morning. . 2. How are you! 你好吗? Im , thanks. 我很好,谢谢! ? 你呢?(你好吗?)Im fine, too.另外注意:How _ your mother? 你的妈妈好吗?She _ fine. 她身体好。例如: Tom is fine.(提问) Tom?.BBC: 英国广播公司 USA:美国 UK:英

2、国 UN:联合国:中国Unit 2. 1. Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?(= ? 这个是什么?) a map / an orange. 它是一张地图 / 它是一个桔子。例如: This is a pen.(提问) this (in English)? That is an apple.(提问) ? These are desks.(提问) ?总结: 用英语_ 用汉语_ 回答语中若是单数不要漏掉a/an。冠词a,an的用法是: 。例如: _eraser, ID card, English book, orange sweater, hour, _apple t

3、ree 2. Spell it, please. 请拼写它。 = it? 你怎样拼写它? P-E-N.Unit 3. 1. is it? 它是什么颜色? red / blue / black and white. 它是红色 / 蓝色 / 黑白色。例如: Her pen is white. (提问) her pen?总结:颜色_红色(的)_黄色(的)_绿色(的)_蓝色(的)_黑色(的)_白色(的)_紫色(的)_棕色(的)_2.列出五个元音字母(大小写)。_3. 从26个字母中找出含有共同元音因素的字母。_Unit 1-3 当堂检测一、 理解下列短语 . the key to the door .

4、what color . black and white .the answer to the question二.写出下列字母组合表示的意义。1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5. _.三. 请找出下列单词中划线部分的读音与所给音标的选项。( ) 1. /e / A. spell B. these C. evening D. hello( ) 2. /aI / A. fine B .is C. this D. Cindy( ) 3. /I / A. hi B. it C. white D. fine( ) 4. /a:/ A. am B. Dale C. what D. afternoo

5、n四. 在空格处填入适当的单词,补全对话。(5分)A: Good morning!B: _ morning! Whats this _English?A: Its _orange.B: Can you _ it?A: O-r-a-n-g-e五. 请写出它们的缩写形式。(10分)1. I am _ 2. What is _ 3. It is _4. My name is _ 5. He is_ 6.She is_六写作。根据下面的卡片, 以My good friend为题目, 写一篇英语短文, 介绍你的好朋友吉姆。词数: 3040个。首句已给出, 不计入总词数。Name:JimGreenAge(

6、年龄):13TelephoneNumber:210-6577IDCardNumber:2015003Favorite(最喜欢的)color:red【参考范文】 My good friendI have a good friend. He is a boy. He is 13 years old. His first name is Jim. His last name is Green. His telephone number is 210-6577. And his ID card number is 2015003. His favorite color is red.Unit 4. 1

7、. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? Jenny. = Jenny. _ ? 她 / 他叫什么名字?_ names .她的/他的名字是.例如:My name is John.(提问) name?Her brothers name is Tim.(提问) Whats_ name?总结:代词 (pron.)第一人称单数第二人称单数和复数第三人称单数(三单)第一人称复数第三人称复数人称代词我你 / 你们他她它我们他们主格宾格物主代词我的你的/ 你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的形容词性2. Whats your first name你的名字是什么? My first name is. W

8、hats your last / family name? 你姓什么?(last name = family name)My last/family name is .姓氏:Green, Miller, Smith, Brown, Hand, David, Hall, Clark, Black, White总结:中文姓名是 (用英语填)在前, (用英语填)在后;而英文名刚好相反,是 (用英语填)在前, (用英语填)在后。例如: My name is John Smith. is my family name, is my first name. Her names Li Hong. Her l

9、ast name is .3. Im Mary. = My name is Mary. 我叫玛丽。 She is Mary. = Her name is Mary. 她叫玛丽。4. Nice to meet you! 见到你真高兴。 , too. 见到你也很高兴。(注意:问答 )5. your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么? Its 5753010. Whats her/his phone number? Its 5762353.总结: 对 提问用 。例如:Amys phone number is 5763212.(提问) Amys phone number?Unit

10、51.parent (复数) , family(复数) 2. grandfather = grandpa, grandmother = grandma3.family photo 全家福4.家人的照片 5. _ (that) are his parents.6. 肯定/否定回答 - Is this/ that Jim? - / - Are these/ those his sisters? - / - Is he/ she your uncle/ aunt? - / - Are they her grandparents? - / . - Is Mary his mother? - / - A

11、re Tony and Jack your friends? - / 7.愿你们玩的高兴。_.8.这有两张我家人的照片。_.Unit 6. 1. Excuse me. Is this / that your pencil? 这个 / 那个是你的铅笔吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的,它是。/ 不,不是。( 回答时常用it替代上文中的this和that )区分:excuse me 用在 。而sorry 用在 。例如: ,I lost your pen. Never mind.(用excuse me或sorry 填空) 2. This / That is my rule

12、r. 这个 / 那个是我的尺子。改错: That is a her book._ Those are she pencil._总结:This/That is his dictionary. 改为一般疑问句并作肯定/否定回答。_ 改为复数句子_ 将处的复数句子改为一般疑问句并做肯定/否定回答。_ 3. Is this his green pen?(同义句) Is this green pen _?代词 (pron.)第一人称单数第二人称单数和复数第三人称单数(三单)第一人称复数第三人称复数人称代词我你 / 你们他她它我们他们主格物主代词我的你的/ 你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的名词性物主代词4.

13、 Please call Mary at 495-3539. 请给Mary 打电话:495-3539. 总结:call sb at + 电话号码(at译为“按照”,此短语意思是“按照某个电话号码给某人打电话) 电话码前常用介词 。Please call Mary. 请给Mary 打电话。 Please call Mary 495-3539. 5. lost and found失物招领 the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里 6. 一串钥匙/书籍/音乐CD唱片 感谢你的帮助_ 我必须要找到它_ 去老师那里拿_Unit - 当堂检测一翻译句子。1 早上好,Alice! 2

14、下午好,Dale!3晚上好,Helen!4 这个用英语怎么说?是地图。5 你的背包是什么颜色的?是黄色的。6 这是一个黑色的文具盒。 7 他的夹克衫是蓝白色的。 8 你姓什么?9.你怎样拼写字典?二完成句子。1 请给432-3738的Mary打个电话。_ Mary _432-3738.2 你的电话号码是多少? 6678954。_ your telephone _? _6678954.3 请原谅,这是你的钥匙吗?_ _,_ _ your key?4 他的尺子是什么颜色的?_ _ is _ ruler?5.这是一本英语字典吗?不是,是一本英语书。_ _ a _? No, it is _ Engli

15、sh book .七. 句型转换1. Is that your father?(改为复数)_2. Those are erasers. (改为单数)_3. It is a dictionary.(改为复数)_4. This is her sister.(改为复数)_5. Is that his grandfather?(否定回答)_三写作。1.假如你是李婷, 请写一篇文章介绍你的全家福照片。要求: 不少于50个词。 My family photo Hello, Im Li Ting. Look! This is my family photo. These are my parents. My

16、 mother and father are teachers. I love them. This is my brother, he is 9. And this is my sister, she is in Class Three, Grade 6. And the girl is me, I am in Class 7, Grade6. I love my family. Its a big family. Do you like your family? 2. 今天下午,我在操场拾到一个包,里面有一支笔、一本笔记本和钥匙。我的电话号码是4756333。请失主与我联系。Found:

17、A schoolbag.It is a red and black schoolbag. There is a pen, a notebook,and a set of keys in it. Is this schoolbag yours? E-mail me at maryz.Unit 7 Wheres my schoolbag?一、 考一考,根据汉语填单词桌子_ 床_ 书架、书柜_ 沙发_ 椅子_书桌_ 房间_ 帽子_ 头_ 收音机_ 时钟_ 手表_ 录音机_ 飞机模型_二、译一译1、 翻译下列短语在沙发上_ 在书包里_ 我的文具盒_ 在床下_ 我的电子游戏机_ 在你祖父母的房间里_在你

18、的头上_他的英语课本_ 我们的房间_在书柜里_2、翻译下列句子-你的书包在哪里?-在桌子底下。_-它在你的桌子上吗?不它不在椅子下。_我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。_英语书在收音机下。_我很爱整洁,但是吉娜却不。_吉娜的书到处都是。_吉娜总是问:“我的书包在哪里?”_三、想一想They are in the bookcase.(改为一般疑问句)_The ruler is in my book.(对划线部分提问)_Cat, under, is, your, chair, the.(连词成句)_The chairs are under the table.(改为单数形式)_The books are

19、 in the bookcase.(改为否定句)_四、练一练She, under, have, on, everywhere, and, but, we, ask, be Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. Im tidy, _ Gina is not. In _ room, my books and tapes _ in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I _ a clock. Its _ the desk. Ginas books are _ - on her bed, on the sofa _ under

20、 the chair. The white model plane is _. Its _ the desk. “Where are my keys? Wheres my ruler? Wheres my schoolbag?” Gina always _.练一练(in, on, under, near, next to, behind, in front of)Unit 8一、英汉互译:1.soccer ball_ 2.tennis bat_ 3. 看电视_ 4. 轻松的_ 5.排球_ 6. basketball _ 7.网球_ 8.乒乓球_ 9.球拍_二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. _

21、you _ (have) a tennis racket?2. We have many sports _(club).3. These questions are very d_.4. That s_ interesting.5. I dont w_ TV in the evening.6.Lets play tennis. No, its b_.7. He _ (have) a book. 8. You _ (not play) _(sport) everyday.9. She _ (not, watch TV) in the evening. She _ (study) English

22、every day.10. Lets_ (play) volleyball with _ (she).She _ (play) it every day.11. Let your sister _ (play) the computer game.12.Let watch _(they)on TV.13.Let _(we)play tennis. 14.Thats an _(interest)computer game. 三、句型转换:句子变脸,会按要求给下列的句子变变脸吗1.I have some baseball bats.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_2.The baseball i

23、s under the bed.(改一般疑问句)_3.We have a big TV in our house. (改为否定句)_4.Kate has some balls in her room.(改为否定句)_5.The books are in the bookcase.(改否定句)_6.The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问)_7.Is the CD on the sofa?(做肯定回答)_8.Are the chairs next to(紧挨着) the table?(做否定回答)_四写一篇短文介绍你的体育用品收藏。至少50词。_Unit 9一.

24、将你学过的单词按要求填入下表。Foodfruitvegetable思考_ 水果沙拉_ 那听起来不错._ 吃的好_饮食习惯_ 问某人某事_ 我真的很喜欢它._最后一个问题_ 早饭你喜欢吃什么?_晚饭我喜欢鸡肉。_ 我不想变胖._二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Dont take the vegetables to Alice. I need _ (they).2. _ (That) are my _ (friend). _ (It) are nice.3. There are some _ (photo) on the wall. They are very beautiful.4. I ha

25、ve much _(milk) to do。三.句型转换.1.They like oranges. (改否定)They _ like oranges.2. He doesnt like ice cream. (改肯定) He _ ice cream.3. Sandy has milk for breakfast.(就划线提问) _ _ Sandy have for breakfast?4. I like a strawberry (改成复数句) _5.Jenny likes salad.(变为一般疑问句) _ Jenny _ salad? Yes, she _. 6. Jim and Tom

26、watch TV every day. (变为一般疑问句) _ Jim and Tom _ TV every day? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.7. He has a strawberry. (用they改写) They _ _. 8. We _ have ice cream. (否定句)9. My father _ play tennis. (否定句)10. Lets _ fruit _ breakfast.四当堂检测。( )1. Do you like hamburgers? _ A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont like.

27、 ( ) 2. I have some apples. Apples are my favorite_ A. fruit B. fruits C. vegetable D. vegetables()3. My mother likes eggs _breakfast. A. in B. for C. has D. have ( ) 4. He doesnt have any bananas. He only _ apples. A. bring B. have C. need D. eats ( ) 5. Mary _watch TV, but Mike _ .A. doesnt ; does B. doesnt ; doesnt C. doesnt ; watches D. does ; doesnt五请写一篇短文,介绍一下你一日三餐的饮食情况。(至少50词)_Unit 10 How much are these socks?一、考一考,根据汉语填单词n. 短袜_ T恤衫_ 短裤_ 毛衣_ 裤子_ 鞋_ 裙子_adj. 大的_ 小的_ 长的_ 短的_单位 美元_ 人民币_Num. 十一_ 十二_ 十三_ 十四_ 十五_ 十八_ 二十_ 三十_v. 需要_ 看上去_ 买下,拿, 取_ 购买 卖_二、译一译1、翻译下列短语七美元_


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