Unit 3 The Land of Lock.ppt

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《Unit 3 The Land of Lock.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 The Land of Lock.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 3 The Land of Lock,全新版大学英语第三册,Unit 3 The Land of Lock锁 之 国,http:/攀登英语网 友情提供河南城建学院外语系,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Teaching Objectives 教学目标,1.Grasp the main idea of the passage.掌握文章的主要内容2.Understand why America has been turned into The Land of Lock.理解文章的主要内容即:为什么说美国已经成为锁之国。2.Get some tips of self-pro

2、tection.学习一些自我保护常识。,A Question for You 请思考二个问题,1.What does“The Land of Lock”refer to?“锁之国”的涵义是什么?2.Why people name it like this?“锁之国”是如何得名的?,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Quoted from http:/Shot,3 Killed in Alabama Campus Shooting 阿拉巴马校园枪击案3死6伤,Leading-in News 新闻导入,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,With Shooting inc

3、ident raging,a tragedy happened nearly every month.American people take possession of 250 million guns,which makes the security situation even worse.,Leading-in 导入,People Killed in America by Gun美国枪击案死伤人数统计 2008,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,General Introduction 内容简介,The Land of the lockAmerica is deterio

4、rating from“the Land of Free”into the“the most insecure nation”.,to make or become worse or lower in quality,value,character,etc,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,1.Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or rural areas.“路不拾遗,夜不闭户”成为历史,Evidence to show that America has been transformed into the land of l

5、ock,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,2.Security Systems were put to use 防盗设备层出不穷,Dead-bolt locks,security chains,electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,3.Steel Bars against theft 防盗窗遍布,Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.郊区的许多人家安装了玻璃滑门,内侧

6、有装得很讲究的钢条以防撬开,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,4.Notices against burglary 防盗警示,Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of the most pleasant homes.,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,5.Access cards are required 通行证成为必须,Access cards are required of those who work with medium-to larg

7、e-size companies.,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,6.High Intensity Light in the neighborhood,Our neighborhood are bathed in high-intensity light.社区强光整夜不息。,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,7.Airport has tightened up security checks 机场加强警戒,Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.,Un

8、it 3 The Land of Lock,The Lock of Soul 心灵之锁,We lock our soul inside steering clear of crimes,but we lock our fear,honesty inside just as a prisoner.,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Summary 本课总结,Security Devices,Security chains,Electronic alarm system,trip wire,Dead-bolt locks,Sliding glass doors withSteel b

9、ars,Access Card,Electronic X-ray equipment,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Conclusion 结论,We may have locked the evils out,but in so doing we have locked ourselves in.We have become the prisoners of ourselves.我们或许是把邪恶锁在了门外,但在这么做的同时 我们把自己锁在里边了。我们成了自己的奴隶。,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Tips of self-protection 安全常识,Ar

10、range to have a friend or colleague pick up your newspapers,mail,or other deliveries daily.Secure your home.Close and lock all windows and doors.Dont forget to lock garage or gate doors.Consider purchasing timers to turn on outside and inside lights automatically at various times throughout the nigh

11、t.If possible,ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway(if you are taking yours).Ensure all personal and home insurance policies are up-to-date and that your coverage is adequate.Quoted from the State Department of USAhttp:/www.state.gov/m/ds/rls/rpt/19773.htm,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Assignment 课后作业,Finish the exercise on Page 36Write a composition about the following topic Who is responsible for“the land of lock”?,Unit 3 The Land of Lock,Thank you very much for your attention!,


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