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1、并列句,I.句子的分类(按结构),1.简单句(Simple Sentences),2.并列句(Compound Sentences),按结构可分为:,3.复合句(Complex Sentences),1.简单句,例句:1.She goes to work every day.2.Tom and I found her there.3.We all breathe,eat and work.,说明:由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。,1.Hearingwhathesaid,everybodylaughed._2.Moststudentsinmyclasslikeplay


3、,V,IO,DO,P,P,()1.The weather _.A.wet and coldB.is wet and coldC.not wet and coldD.were wet and cold()2.The apple tasted _.A.sweetsB.sweetlyC.nicelyD.sweet()3.He got up _ yesterday morning.A.latelyB.lateC.latestD.latter()4.The actor _at the age of 70.A.deadB.diedC.dyedD.deaded()5._ were all very tire

4、d,but none of _ would stop to take a rest.A.We,usB.Us,weC.We,ourD.We,we,并列句,Which one is 并列句?,1.He often helps her and takes good care of her.2.He helps her and she helps him,too.,并列句,例句:1.Give him an inch and he will take a mile.2.Harry likes eggs,but he doesnt like chicken.,说明:由并列连词(如:and,so,but,o

5、r等)把 两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。并列句=简单句+并列连词+简单句,并列连词,一、表转折的并列连词主要有 but(但是),yet(可是),while(而,却),however(然而),still(仍然;尽管如此),on the contrary(相反),等。,我本该早写信的,但我生病了。(but)I would have written before but I have been ill.我失败了,但我还要尝试。(yet)I have failed,yet I shall try again.你爱打网球,但我爱看书。(while)You like tennis,while

6、 Id rather read.雨下得很大,我们却不得不出去。(however)It is raining hard,however we have to go out他不是个吝啬鬼,相反,没有人比他更慷慨了。(on the contrary)He is not a miser,on the contrary,no one could be more generous我虽然喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,可是不喜欢它的式样。(while)While I like the colour of the hat,I do not like its shape,二、表选择关系的并列连词主要 or(或者,否则),e

7、itheror(不是就是),neithernor(既不也不),otherwise(要不然)等。如:,快点,要不然你就赶不上那班火车了。(or)Make haste,or youll miss the train当心你讲的话,否则你会后悔的。(or)Be careful about what you say or you may regret it.你要么道歉,要么滚开!(eitheror)Either say youre sorry or else get out!他既不抽烟也不喝酒。(neithernor)Neither does he smoke nor does he drink.要抓住

8、机会,否则你会后悔的。(otherwise)Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it.注:neithernor连接两个句子,注意用倒装语序。,三、表平行关系的并列连词主要有 and,not onlybut also(不但而且),when(=and just at this time 就在这时),on(the)one handon the other hand,neither,nor等。如:,你不仅风趣而且机智。Not only are you funny,but also you are witty他正要上床睡觉,这时电话铃响了起来。He wa

9、s about to go to bed when the telephone rang.他没有去,他的兄弟也没有去。He did not go,nor did his brother go吉姆踢足球,他的兄弟也踢足球。Jim plays football and so does his brother一方面我得工作,另一方面我又有许多来访者。On the one hand I have to work,on the other(hand),I have agreat many visitors,四、表因果关系的并列连词主要有:for(因为),so(所以),therefore(所以),thus

10、(因此)等。如:他摇了摇头,因为他有不同想法。He shook his head,for he thought differently.他让我这样做,于是我就这样做了。He told me to do it,so I did it.我对中国不十分了解,所以我无法给你出主意。I dont know much about China,therefore I cant advise you about it我们相信他会成功的,因为他有才华。We believe that he will succeed,for he has talent,注意:,so不能与because连用。but,while不与a

11、lthough连用,但yet,still可与although连用。,1.Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll soon open.固定结构:“祈使句+and+句子”前面的祈使句暗示一种条件,and后面的表结果。2.Find ways to praise your children often,_youll find they will open their hearts to you.2.同上。,and,and,一、单句填空,运用,3.One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away

12、_my daughter heard cries for help.这里的when意为“这时候”。表示正在做某事时,突然又发生另一件事。4.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,_he felt very happy since the crop did“grow”higher.因very happy与前面的very tired是转折关系,而这两句之间是逗号且没有连词,故填连词but或yet。,when,but/yet,5.I then realized she had no arms _ legs,just a head,nec

13、k and torso.在否定句中表示并列,用or。6.He took the o1d man not just across the river,_to his home.搭配:not just.but(also).不但而且;句意为:他不但送老人过河,而且送老人到家,or,but,7.the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population,rather than one which is stable _in decline.,表选择,“或者”。意思是:一个发达国家

14、的政府想看到的是慢速增长的人口而不是一个稳定不变的人口或下降的人口。,or,8.Stand over there _ youll be able to see the oil painting better.这是“祈使句(表条件)+and+简单句”句型。9.He found it increasingly difficult to read,_his eyesight was beginning to fail.补充说明原因用for。,and,for,10.Start out right away,_ youll miss the first train.这是“祈使句+or+陈述句”句型。11

15、.We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.表示正在做某事时,突然又发生另一件事。,or,when,12.We are going to the bookstore in Johns car.You can come with us _ you can meet us there later.12.表示选择。13.At last,we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade _sat down to eat our picnic lunc

16、h.13.因sat 与found是并列谓语。,or,and,14.Some of us dont have much pocket money,_they feel unhappy.14.前因后果,引出结果,用so。15.79.3 of the surveyed netizens say that their main motivation is to help their parents to live a better life _ 67.7 claim that they work hard in order to change their own fate.15.表示对比或对照,相当于

17、“而,却”。,so,while,Work hard,_ you will pass the during test.Stop cutting trees,_ the earth will become worse and worse.Bill put his hands behind his back,_ nobody could see his hands.We get knowledge _from books _from life.Yes,both are important.How do you like the two pairs of shoes?They dont fit me

18、well.They are too big too small.,练习,3.复合句,说明:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成 的句子,从句是主句的一个成分。,例句:1.I believe you are right.2.If he studies harder,he will pass the exam.,II.句子成分详解,1.主语(Subject),表示句子说的是“什么人”或“什么事”。通常由名词、代词、主语从句或动名词短语等充当。,例如:1.My teacher hates telling lies.(指老师这个人)2.Great changes have taken place in

19、 China in the past thirty years.(所发生的事情 变化),2.谓语(Predicate),说明主语“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”。通常由动词或动词短语结合时态、语态、语气等充当。要弄清两个概念:及物动词:后面直接接宾语的动词;不及物动词:后面不能直接接宾语的动词。,例如:1.Children like playing games.2.They were talking about a new film.,3.宾语(Object),常指及物动词或介词后面使之意思完整的词或短语。常由名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词短语等充当。,例如:1.She has finishe

20、d doing the experiment.2.We like English and are good at it.,4.表语(Predicative),与系动词连用,一起构成谓语,说明主语的性质特征等。常由名词、代词、形容词、数词、短语或从句等充当。英语中常见的连系动词有:look;sound;feel;seem等。,例如:1.Her grandfather is an engineer.2.The two countries were at war then.3.The fact seems that he didnt notice the car.,5.定语(Attributive)

21、,常指修饰名词的词或短语。常由形容词、形容词性物主代词、名词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词短语等充当。,例如:1.The black sweater is mine.2.We have eight classes every day.3.The coffee cup on the table is mine.,6.状语(Adverbial),常指修饰动词、形容词或副词的成分,修饰动词时表示动作发生的时间、地点、目的或方式等;修饰形容词或副词时表示它们的程度等。状语常由副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词短语等充当。,例如:1.The miners work very hard.2.She

22、 often helps Mike at school.3.Hearing the news,he couldnt help jumping.,7.宾语补足语(Object Complement),常指补充说明宾语的成分,逻辑上与宾语是“主谓”关系。常由形容词、名词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词短语等充当。,例如:1.She keeps the house clean every day.2.Nobody calls me a liar.3.We last saw him playing on the playground.,III.简单句的五种基本句型,1)主+动 例如:I work.我工作。

23、,2)主+动+表 例如:John is busy.约翰忙。,3)主+动+宾 例如:She studies English.她学英语。,4)主+动+宾+补 例如:Time would prove me right.时间会证明我是对的。,5)主+动+间宾+直宾 例如:My mother made me a new dress.我母亲给我做了一件新衣裳。,IV.并列句的常用连词,我们常用并列连词and,not onlybut also等 连接联合并列句,用not onlybut also 时,前面一句要用部分倒装。例如:1)Use your head,and youll find a way.2)N

24、ot only does he want to come,but the students also need him.,我们常用并列连词but,while,yet等连接转折并列句。例如:(09北京)21.John plays basketball well,_ his favorite sport is badminton.A.so B.or C.yet D.for,3.我们常用并列连词or,eitheror,otherwise 等连接选择并列句。如:Either you leave this house or Ill call the police.,4.并列连词so,for等连接因果并列

25、句。如:It was late,so we went home.,注意:在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构中,当前后 两部分为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反 关系时,用or。如果将前面的祈使句转换成由 if引导的条件状语从句,要将and 或or 去掉。例如:Hurry up,and well be there in time.=If we hurry up,well be there in time.,2.并列连词so 不能与because连用;并列连词 but不能和although或 though连用。,V.句子的分类(按用途),句子按用途可分为:陈述句(Declarative S

26、entences)疑问句(Interrogative Sentences)祈使句(Imperative Sentences)感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences),用来说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。例如:1)Light travels faster than sound.光比声传播速度快。(说明事实)2)The film is rather boring.这部电影很乏味。(说明看法),1.陈述句(Declarative Sentences),要特别注意陈述句的否定结构,首先,否定转移:主句谓语动词是think,expect,believe,suppose,guess 等表“认为”的

27、动词时,宾语从句的否定习惯上前移到主句谓语上.例如:1)I dont think I know you.2)She doesnt believe you are wrong.注意:hope 不在此列.误:I dont hope it will rain.正:I hope it wont rain.,第二,句中含有never,seldom,hardly,scarcely,rarely,barely,nothing,nobody,nowhere等词时,应视为否定句。例如:1)I could hardly hear anything.2)He rarely comes to see me.3)Non

28、e of us has been to Beijing.4)I saw nothing in the darkness.5)We could find her nowhere.,第三,部分否定和全部否定:all,both,either,every,everybody,everyday,everywhere,always与not 连用时,表示部分否定。表示全部否定要用no,neither,none,nobody,nothing,never,nowhere 等词.,肯定:All the ants go out for food.部分否定:Not all the ants go out for fo

29、od.或:All the ants dont go out for food.全部否定:None of the ants goes out for food.或:Not any of the ants goes out for food.,用来提出请求,建议或发出命令,肯定的祈使句用动词原形开头,否定的祈使句用Dont 或 Never+动词原形开头。例如:1.Sit down,please!2.Dont be nervous!,2.祈使句(Imperative Sentences),有些祈使句还可以没有动词。例如:Silence!No parking!,有时为了加强语气还可以在动词前面用上助动

30、词do。例如:Do come earlier,please!,表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪,常用what 或how来引导。常见的句型结构是:What+名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语!,例如:1)What good news it is!2)What a silly question he asked!3)How cool it is today!4)How hard the students are working!,3.感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences),a.一般疑问句(General Questions):常指用yes或no回答的句子,常把助动词b

31、e、have、do或情态动词等提到主语之前,例如:Can you finish the work in time?你能按时完成工作吗?,用来提出问题,有以下四种:,b.特殊疑问句(Special Questions):指用 疑问词开头的疑问句,不能用yes或no回答,例如:Where do you live?你住哪儿?,4.疑问句(Interrogative Sentences),c.选择疑问句(Alternative Questions):这种疑问句通常提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择,供选择的部分常用or 连接。例如:1.Would you like some tea or coff

32、ee?2.Which jacket did he buy,the green one or the red one?,d.反意疑问句(Tag Questions):在陈述句后附上一个简短问句,表示说话者对所叙述的事实虽有一定见解,但没有把握,提出疑问,希望得到对方的证实。常见句型结构是:前肯定后否定;前否定后肯定两种。要注意陈述句中的否定有多种形式,除了用not之外,还可以用hardly,few,little,never,seldom,nobody,nothing,nowhere等词表示否定,但否定的前缀和后缀不算否定。,例如:1)Work is a big part of your life

33、,isnt it?2)They all had a good time,didnt they?3)She dislikes pets,doesnt she?4)He doesnt know her,does he?5)Nobody came here just now,did they?6)Tom can hardly cook,can he?,注意:1.陈述部分为含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,通常要对主句主语进行反问;但如果陈述部分是“I(dont)think/suppose/believe 等+宾语从句”时,则要对宾语从句的主语进行反问。,例如:1)He has told you that he will go to America,hasnt he?2)I dont think he will go to America,will he?,2.陈述部分为祈使句时,不论祈使句是肯定形式还是否定形式,反意疑问句部分通常用will you;但lets 引起的祈使句的反意疑问句部分通常用shall we。例如:1)Come here this evening,will you?2)Dont make a noise,will you?3)Lets go out for a walk,shall we?4)Let me do it again,will you?,Thank you!,


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