《绘本阅读课:the very hungry caterpillar.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《绘本阅读课:the very hungry caterpillar.ppt(36页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、绘本阅读课 北京东路小学校本阅读课,Picture Reading lesson,colour,Food,animal,insect,30 Non-stop talking小组内说属于这一类的单词,30 秒内尽量不要间断、不要重复哦!,What insects do you like?,Some stories or books about insects,A caterpillar,Do you like the caterpillar?Why or why not?,Soft?,Beautiful?,Small?,ugly?,lovely?,发挥你的想象力,给故事起一个精彩的名字吧!,Gi
2、ve the book a name!,The very?caterpillar,Do you have any questions about this hungry caterpillar?,Enjoy reading 享受阅读第1步:带着问题进入故事。,One Sunday morning the warm sun comes up and pop!-out of the egg comes a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.,He starts to look for some food.,In the light of the moon,a lit
3、tle egg lies on a leaf.,Now he isnt hungry any more-and he isnt a little caterpillar any more.He is a big,fat caterpillar.,Guess!What happened?(根据前后文猜一猜发生了什么呢?),Enjoy reading 享受阅读第2步:带着想象预测故事。,The caterpillar goes to buy some food?,The caterpillars mother feeds(喂)him every day?,The caterpillar meets
4、 a boy who gives him a lot of food?,Or.?,The caterpillar eats and eats,Guess the meaning of the new words from the pictures and context.借助图片及上下文理解生词。,Enjoy reading 享受阅读第3步:带着好奇理解内容。,What does he eat?(读图片及文字内容,了解毛毛虫都吃了些什么),Guess how to read the new words by the syllables.通过拼读音节猜测生词读音。,Enjoy reading 享
5、受阅读第3步:带着好奇理解内容。,one pickle(酱黄瓜),one slice of Swiss cheese(一片瑞士奶酪),one salami(一根意大利香肠),one lollipop(一根棒棒糖),one piece of cherry pie(一块樱桃派),one sausage(一根香肠),小组内30 秒钟说一说毛毛虫所吃的食物,Make your own picture book(再读,根据线索把图片排序,完成故事),Pay attention to the words which can show you the sequence.注意暗示先后顺序的标志性词语。,If
6、you finished your story,read together again and check.完成故事后连起来完整地读一读,检查是否通顺。,In the light of the moon,a little egg lies on a leaf.,Story Time,Enjoy reading 享受阅读第4步:带着期待聆听故事。,One Sunday morning the warm sun comes up and pop!-out of the egg comes a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.,Story Time,He start
7、s to look for(寻找)some food.,Story Time,On Monday,he eats throughan apple,but hes still hungry.,On Tuesday,he eats throughtwo pears,but hes still hungry.,Story Time,On Wednesday,he eats through three plums(李子),but hes still hungry.,On Thursday,he eats through four strawberries,but hes still hungry.,S
8、tory Time,On Friday,he eats through five oranges,but hes still hungry.,Story Time,On Saturday,he eats through one piece of chocolate cake,one ice-cream cone,one pickle,one slice of Swiss cheese,one slice of salami,Story Time,one lollipop,one piece of cherry pie,one sausage,one cupcake and one slice
9、of watermelon.That night,he has got a stomachache.,Story Time,The next day is Sunday again.The caterpillar eats through one nice green leaf,and after that he feels much better.,Story Time,Now he isnt hungry any more(不再)-and he isnt a little caterpillar any more.He is a big,fat caterpillar.,Story Tim
10、e,He builds a small house,called a cocoon(茧),around himself.He stays inside for more than(多于)two weeks.Then he nibbles a hole(咬一个洞)in the cocoon,pushes his way out(向外推)and.,Story Time,he is a beautiful butterfly.,Story Time,Read your story again,try to tell the story再读故事,你能试试讲述这个故事吗?,Enjoy reading 享
11、受阅读第5步:带着感情讲述故事。,Get help from the pictures.借助图片讲述故事。,Use the words which can show the sequence.使用能够表明事情发展经过的词语,如:One Sunday morning,On Monday。,Show us how you feel about this story.让听众感到你的情感,享受你的故事。,Enjoy reading 享受阅读第6步:带着欣赏与他人分享。,Make a recommendation card(读书推荐卡),Content:(内容),Name of the book,Mai
12、n story(主要故事),Why do I like it?(推荐理由),Writer and illustrator(作家、插图者),Your name(推荐人名),Eric Carle,http:/www.eric-,He eats for a week!What does he eat?,On Monday,he eats throughan apple.But hes still hungry.,On Tuesday,he eats through two pears.But hes still hungry.,On Wednesday,he eats through.,On Thu
13、rsday,he.,On Friday,.,Questions:,Why does the caterpillar get a stomach ache?,What makes him feel better?,If you are the caterpillars mother,what will you say to him?,egg,caterpillar,cocoon,butterfly,A caterpillar comes out of an.He is very.He looks for some.He eats some from Monday to Friday,and he eats a lot on.Hes got a,so he eats a green and he feels.Now he is a and caterpillar.Hemakes a and becomes a beautiful.,tiny,egg,hungry,food,fruit,Saturday,stomach ache,leaf,better,big,fat,cocoon,butterfly,Can you give a brief story?(你能完成这个简短的故事吗?),