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1、托福写作高分常见问题解答 很多托福新手考生因为缺乏对写作评分标准的认识,很容易被一些谬论观点误导而采取了错误的备考方法,从而导致作文成绩不升反降。下面就和大家分享托福写作高分常见4大问题汇总解答,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作高分常见4大问题汇总解答托福写作备考刷机经才能拿高分?这个观点在考生当中是比较有市场的,由于托福机经的热门,很多人把它看成了无所不能的备考材料,总觉得只要考前刷一遍机经自然能够拿到高分,作文当然也不例外。然而事实并非如此,托福作文机经中虽然包含了大量作文题目,而这些作文题目也的确是历年考试中出现过的考题,但这并不代表着官方不会出新的作文题目来考大家。考生如果把



4、了,被名为字数的枷锁限制住一定要写到多少字或者强行堆砌无用文字提升篇幅的做法都是不合理的。作文高分和*字数之间不存在必然联系。多用高级词汇复杂长难句作文成绩更好?会有这种想法的考生其实多少暴露出了一点底气不足的问题。这些同学总觉得作文高分一定要多用高级词汇和复杂的句式,这样才能体现水平。然而托福官方的看法实际上并非如此。托福作文中对于考生的写作能力在遣词造句方面的要求主要集中在独立写作部分,以5分满分的评分标准为例,官方给出的要求是这样的:Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic v

5、ariety, appropriate word choice and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.大家可以看到,其实官方根本就没说一定要用复杂句式和词汇,syntactic variety说的是句式要有多样性,appropriate word choice and idiomaticity说的是词汇短语要用对,然后哪怕有些小的词汇语法错误也是可以接受的。满分要求都是这样,可想而知官方对作文在词句方面其实要求并不是特别高。句式多样大家用一些短句搭配各种简单的从句就能够满足要求,词汇也只

6、要尽量避免重复不要用错词就可以了。那些强行提高难度的词句要求完全是某些考生自己加戏脑补出来的要求,大家可千万不要当真了。综上所述,考生想要在托福写作中收获高分,对高分的认知就必须端正。一些常见的错误看法观点已经为大家逐一盘点和分析过了,希望大家能够明确备考方向和努力目标,练好写作技能拿到理想分数。托福考试作文范例:有钱就算成功吗托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reason

7、s and examples to support your answer.托福考试作文参考分析:不同意此观点。金钱不是衡量成功的唯一的标准,成功的定义更应该基于社会贡献。从多角度论证金钱不是万能的。托福考试作文范文:Since peoples criteria for success differ, there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, in todays society that stresses on in

8、dividual achievement, money provides the best evaluation of ones accomplishment.To begin with, as a standardized measurement used for comparing values, money is objective rather than subjective, so it is considered an authentic reflection of ones achievement. As different people hold different under

9、standings of success, assessing the amount of ones earnings has become universally accepted as a rule to measure ones success. Each year, Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly income, because there are no

10、other methods to rely on.In addition, the amount of money one makes is the consequence of ones hard work and talent. To deny the accomplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs. In the past, I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion t

11、hat the best thing in life involves no money at all. It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion. He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success. Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time, thought and ene

12、rgy. Gradually, I came to realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for self-accomplishment, and thus deserves appreciation and respect.Finally, money is the most powerful possession in ones lifetime. As everyone knows, success is the ab

13、ility to do whatever one wants to and to be satisfied with oneself. There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money. Indeed, with money, one can meet his or her material demand in life, such as taking effective medicines, living in magnificent houses, eating various delic

14、ious food, and so on. Also, with money, one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others, such as donations to poor people. All these will not only satisfy ones need for personal fulfillment, but also add grandness to ones success.In conclusion, money serves as a measurement of ones achieveme

15、nt. But we should keep in mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful.托福考试作文范例:是否所有学科的大学生都应该学习历史?托福考试作文题目:University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.学习任何学科的大学生都应该被要求学习历史课,是否认同?(20XX年9

16、月29日 = 20XX年6月13日)思路拓展:历史学习的利好:1. 阅读本身就是快乐的,学习本身就是一种成长。阅读经典史书,无论是典故,传记,还是语录,都是一种开拓视野,丰富知识,增加文化底蕴的过程。2. 很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间博览群书,钻研历史。学习历史不仅增强了他们的文化底蕴,更加教会他们以史为鉴,理性思考。换言之,他们不断借鉴史书,积累成功的方法,学习失败的经验。当他们走出校园,搏击商海,拓展事业的时候,从历史学习中汲取精神力量帮助他们避免犯类似的错误,危机中做出明智选择。为何不学习历史:我承认,有人也许对于我的立场持怀疑态度。有人认

17、为,大学所有专业的学生都被要求学习历史也许不可取,因为不是人人都对历史感兴趣,历史学习不一定对于每个专业的学生都有实际的利好。例如,对于植物学专业的学生而言,学习历史可能耽误时间,分散精力,因此,积累历史知识对于未来的就业可能影响不大。但是,我想反驳的是:对于历史学习的兴趣是可以培养的,通过学习历史获得的精神乐趣,培养的辩证思维对于每个人的未来都是有利好的影响。【基础语料库】1. instill confidence into oneselfv灌输自信解析:instill v灌输2. foster ones rational thinking and critical thoughtv培养理性

18、思维和批判思维3. get a clear perspective of oneselfv了解自己4. make sound judgment onv对于做出理性的判断解析:sound adj理性的;健康的5. enhance ones literacyv增强一个人的读写能力6. avoid making similar mistakesv避免犯相似的错误7. enlarge ones scope of knowledgev增加知识面8. broaden ones mental horizonsv拓宽视野拓展: expand ones mind v开拓视野(口语推荐)9. exert a po

19、sitive impact on the futurev对于未来有积极影响10. learn the relevant experiences from the historical eventsv从历史事件中学习相关经验11. learn the methods of addressing the problemsv学习解决问题的方法12. if ones major is totally irrelevant to history如果一个人的专业和历史完全无关解析:such as botany or zoology 例如动物学和动物性13. to learn history will di

20、stract ones energy and waster ones timev学习历史会分散精力,浪费时间14. take history as a mirrorv以史为鉴15. foster ones analytical, creative and rational thinkingv培养人的分析性思维,创造性思维和理性思维点评:可以支持历史,文学,哲学等课程。16. mature ones thoughtv成熟思想17. reflect on oneselfv自我反思18. deepen ones insight into lifev 加深对于生活的洞察解析:insight into

21、= understanding about v对于的洞察19. brings about a great many benefits to ones spiritual growthv给人的精神成长带来很多利好20. have nothing to do with our current lifev和我们当前的生活联系不大解析:is irrelevant to v和的关系不大点评:让步段使用【原创语料库】1. People have been debating for many years whether or not the college students as a whole shoul

22、d be required to study history without reaching any consensus人们在争议是否大学生应该被鼓励学习历史,没有达成共识。2. All university students, regardless of their majors,are supposed to spend some time learning history-related courses.每个大学生,无论学习何种专业,都应该花点时间学习和历史相关的课程。3. College students of all fields ought to know some common

23、 sense about the past.学习任何学科的大学生都应该对于过去有些基本常识。4. The pleasure of acquiring history knowledge lies in the process of reading itself.学习历史知识的乐趣在于阅读本身。5. To travel in the ocean of history-related books, no matter what one reads such as stories, biographies or analects,is a good way to expand ones mental

24、 horizons,enlarge ones scope of knowledge and strengthen ones cultural deposits.阅读经典历书,无论是典故,传记,还是语录,都是一种开拓视野,丰富知识,增加文化底蕴的过程。6. Examples from many fields could be quoted to justify my stand. A lot of social elites ranging from top stars to eminent entrepreneurs all take a keen interest in studying h

25、istory-related courses and reading extensively, which conduces to their later achievements in personal career.很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间,钻研历史, 博览群书。7. The acquisition of history knowledge not only strengthens their cultural deposits, but also fosters their rational mode of thinking, for

26、they have learnt to take history as a mirror.学习历史不仅增强了他们的文化底蕴,更加教会他们以史为鉴,理性思考。8. In other words, they constantly benefit form the past histories by means of learning successful figures and mirroring the experiences of failure.换言之,他们不断借鉴史中,积累成功的方法,学习失败的经验。解析:mirror = reflect v反思9. After finishing uni

27、versity life, they dived into bossiness world or expanded personal career, what they spiritually gained from history learning helps them avoid committing blunders and make sound judgment.当他们走出校园,搏击商海,拓展事业的时候,从历史学习中汲取精神力量帮助他们避免犯类似的错误,危机中做出明智选择。10. Admittedly, some people might take skeptical attitude

28、 towards my standpoint.我承认,有人也许对于我的立场持怀疑态度。11. Someone might argue that it is not feasible to inspire students of all fields to study history because not every individual can be attracted by the idea of knowing the past and the energy spent in history might fail to benefit their future directly.有人认为

29、,大学所有专业的学生都被要求学习历史也许不可取,因为不是人人都对历史感兴趣,历史学习不一定对于每个专业的学生都有实际的利好.12. Confronted with the tremendous pressure of academic study , only few students will allocate energies and time to history learning学习压力大,学生们不愿意学习历史.解析:allocate to v分配解析:allocate time to doing sth = is unwilling to do sth = is reluctant to do sth v不愿意做13. Ones interest in history can be cultivated对于历史学习的兴趣是可以培养的.14. The mental pleasure and dialectical thinking deriving from history learning could impose a proud influence on ones future.通过学习历史获得的精神乐趣,培养的辩证思维对于每个人的未来都是有利好的影响。英语写作


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