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1、英文辩论大赛选题及论点现代化与民生The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase peoples efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time. 技术提高的主要目的使人更有效率,以给人更多时间.Partially agree(1) Admittedly, technological advances do increase peoples efficiency to some extent (aero planes, calculators).(2) H

2、owever, with the development of technology comes diminished leisure time, for the purpose that, keeping pace with new technology in order to survive the severe competition nowadays depletes peoples time for leisure activities. (As far as we students are concerned, in order to be well prepared for fu

3、ture job, we attend after-school training and try to get a certificate that we are competitive and qualified.)(3) Moreover, it is inevitable that development is always accompanied by problems. (It is human nature that enables people to pursue higher and higher efficiency and thus profits. Just like

4、a person, once he is no longer struggling with hunger, he is more likely to look for something that can satisfy his other needs, such as art, music and so forth.) Consequently, the quicker technology advances, the more new problems will come into being, which compels people to work harder than ever

5、before, and thus, longer working time is unavoidable.(4) Actually, the primary goal of technological advancement should be facilitating life for human beings rather than creating more leisure time (advances in medicine, genetics, communication, education, etc.). Confessedly, the advancement sometime

6、s involves improved efficiency, yet efficiency is merely a means to more important ends such as health, safety, education and freedom. NO.118成功学 In any field of endeavor - the sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, industry, etc. - it is not the attainment of a goal that matters, but rather

7、the ideas and discoveries that are encountered on the way to the goal. 任何领域的努力,自然科学、人文科学、社会科学、工业等等,我们最大的收获是成功路上的经验和发现,而不是成功本身的获取。 Partially agree(a) Admittedly, the ideas and discoveries that are encountered on the way to the goal are of great significance themselves. During human history, many achi

8、evements are made casually while the initial aim failed to be realized (the discovery of America) (Sir Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin). Besides, the ideas and discoveries encountered along the way is the encouragement that heartens people to strive for the final goal (marathon).(b) However,

9、 the goal itself is of equal importance. (a) It is like the Polaris that pinpoints the direction of termination. (without it, we can simply get lost and probability of success is little)(b) It is the impetus that compels people to strive and persevere (Thomas Edison invented bulbs, who failed a thou

10、sand times before he succeeded).(c) The two are intertwined. Without the goal, we will never set out to strive for it, let alone the ideas and discoveries along the way to accomplish it; meanwhile, the ideas and discoveries along the way are what our final goal is based upon and sometimes the import

11、ance of them may even overweigh the goal. NO.126成功学 Societys external rewards are no measure of true success. True success can be measured only in relation to the goals one sets for oneself. 社会对成功的额外奖励并不能代表成功的价值。真正的成功的价值只与成功者为自己设立的目标有关。(社会所给予额外的奖励不是真正成功的衡量标准。真正的成功只能通过自己所设立的目标来衡量。) Partially agree(1)

12、 Admittedly, internal recognition is one measurement that tells whether a person is a successful one or not (marathon-anyone who fills the whole journey could be considered to be a success no matter he is the first or the last one to reach the terminal).(2) However, it is irrational to contend that

13、societys external rewards are no measure of true success. True success should include contributions to society, while external rewards are a gauge of them, and thus a measure of true success.(3) In short, both external rewards and internal recognition are measures of true success. The only different

14、iation between them is that they focus on different aspects. Internal recognition mainly cares about whether a person reaches the personal standards he has initially set up for himself while external rewards stand on behalf of the interest of the majority. They measure success from respective perspe

15、ctive, although sometimes they are not consistent with each other, neither should be neglected. NO.192 成功学 Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning.各个领域的成功更多来自机遇或冒险,而非深思熟虑的计划.Disagree(1) In any realm of life, careful and cauti

16、ous plans are the foundation of success. Working without planning is like wondering without orientation - it is possible you will get to your terminal eventually, but a waste of great time and energy is inevitable. In addition, a good planning may to a great extent help people realize the obstacles

17、and thus help them get prepared in advance. (In business field, before any action is taken, a budget should be carefully made and the minimum and maximum of money needed is expected in order to prevent over-consumption. Moreover, what measures the opponents are likely to take must also be taken into

18、 account in advance in case that anything unexpected should happen.)(2) The ability to discover chances and risks, and what is more important, to take advantage of them is also necessary to success. (A good case in point is the discovery of X-ray. Roentgen and his colleague all saw the exposure of a

19、 film during their experiments. While all his colleagues regarded it as the low quality of the film, Roentgen did not believe so and after in-depth researches discovered the X-ray.)(3) Chances favor those who have prepared. (4) Regard chances as the buds of a flower, and then careful and cautious pl

20、anning is the soil that fosters the flower. That is, careful and cautious planning is the prerequisite of our successes, chances included. For example, if a youngster decides to get preeminent in society, he should first plan what he must do, such as a sound education, tight relationship with some p

21、eople. This is the process of his planning. Vacant of these virtues and planning, however conspicuous and prehensile the chances are, he would definitely pass them by. NO.99成功学 In any realm of life - whether academic, social, business, or political - the only way to succeed is to take a practical, r

22、ather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options. 在生活各个领域,不管是学术、社会还是政治要想成功,只能靠实际的观点而非空想.程序化的行为保证了基本的生存,而空想只会被更简单、更急迫的选择取代。 Disagree(1) Pragmatic behavior does guarantee survival. However

23、, for the sake of further success, idealistic views are of equal, if not more importance.(2) A good case in point is academic students. Researches have indicated that those who become preeminent in their adulthood are mostly not the best students in their adolescence. Those who are the very best one

24、s tend to cut every corner that is needed to optimize their grades, while those who learn for the sake of interests sacrifice the overall grades, but the earnest participation in class activities, the abilities to deal with different situations are the basis of their later success.(3) People live on

25、 rice, but not live for rice. (The idea of American people to turn over the British government and set up a government “by the people, of the people, for the people”. Their belief was that “all men are created equal, and are endowed with the rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.)(the dre

26、am of flying like a bird contributes to the emergency of the aeroplane)(Maxwells hypothesis of electromagnetism).(4) Admittedly, a practical point of view is indispensable to success. Without practical attitudes, any idealistic dream is merely a dream which would never become reality. Nevertheless,

27、an idealistic point of view point out the target we are striving, not only for survival, but also for a better life. Leo Tolstoy once said, Ideal is the beacon; without ideal, there is no secure direction, and without direction there is no life. NO.188成功学 Success, whether academic or professional, i

28、nvolves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it. 成功,不管是学术上的还是专业上的,都有在新环境中适应并最终改变新环境的能力。 Disagree(1) Environment does play an important role in success. However, in different areas, success involves either the ability to survive in a new environment or change it, and

29、sometimes both.(2) As in professions of law and medicine, success involves only the ability to survive in any new environment. Time and energy spent to change the environment could only diminish the practitioners effectiveness.(3) On the other hand, however, as in professions of business and scienti

30、fic research, success depends to a great extent on the practitioners ability to change the environment as well as the ability to survive it.(4) As for the space exploration, all it matters is the ability to change the environment for human race to take advantage of. NO.25 创新 Anyone can make things b

31、igger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction - in other words, to make things as simple as possible. 每个人都能把事情搞大搞复杂。而真正需要努力的却是相反的即要把事情越简单化越好。 Partially agree(1) The world is the recurrence of complication and simplification. To make things as simp

32、le as possible does require effort and courage, while sometimes to make things bigger and more complex requires effort and courage as well that not everyone could do so.(2) It is human nature to make things bigger and more complex (The more convenience todays vehicle has provided for us, the more de

33、stinations we want to get to; the more time-saving devices that come into being, the more tasks we want to finish in given time; the more information we could find, the more we have to assimilate each day). In that case, to make our life simpler and easier does ask for effort and courage. It require

34、s clear mind to tell apart the central and the peripheral, the essential and the accessorial.(3) In scientific research, however, not everyone has the ability to make things bigger and more complexin other words, to gather the necessary information for further study. Yet it requires more effort and

35、courage to abstract simple conclusion out of the mass information (Statistics, for example, original data provided, and conclusion of whether several factors are relative, or what the relationship is among them could thus be made)(the simple formula).(4) In other areas, nevertheless, to make things

36、bigger and more complex is of equal importance which demands for effort and courage (to set up a database) (to design a robot). Sometimes, it is the prerequisite of further simpler results (The ancestor of calculator is a far more complicated device which could only do the operation of addition and

37、abstraction). NO.173创新 Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways. 创意不是指想人们没有想过的东西;而是指把旧的观点放在一起形成新的观点。 Partially agree(1) Originality could mean either thinking something that was never thought before or putting old ide

38、as together in new ways.(2) In realms such as linguistics, new expressions come into being everyday, while any is the new combination of words, the fundamental elements. Were we insist on rejecting all the traditions and create modern ones, we would have nothing to say.(3) Even in realms such as art

39、, where a majority of people might think that pure originality would exist, however, it never does so. Any so-called originality is based on the same elements and principles as old ones (visual designs on the principles of symmetry, balance and harmony sightly to eyes, modern music as the new combin

40、ation of seven notes to create euphonious pieces)(4) When it comes to natural science and invention, new ideas could either result from pure originality, something that was never thought before, or the new arrangements of old ideas. (Absolutely new theoryNoimans idea of computer. New arrangements of

41、 old thingsthe Theory of Relativity). NO.165 创新的动机 In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority. 在任何领域,领导作用总是来自于这些人,他们并不为传统的观念所动,而是极力渴望表达那些和主流思想不同的观点和想法。 Partial

42、ly agree(1) It is true that in many cases, especially during the development of natural science, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority (Copernicus, Polish astronomer who adva

43、nced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun-Heliocentricism, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy that earth is the center of solar system-Geocentricism) (Darwinism).(2) However, the leading voices do not always come from people who hold different opinions of the

44、majority (deviants such as terrorists, religious extremists).(3) On the whole, the principle of judging the leading voices does not lie in the extent to which they accord with the majority. In fact, as in areas of natural science, it lies in whether these opinions and ideas proposed could accord wit

45、h facts. And in areas of social science, it lies in whether it could boost the development of human society and benefit human race. NO.175 创新来自个人 It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and

46、 unique perception of an individual. 总是某个个人推动了革新;由团队完成细节,但是真正的革新却来自于公司和某个个人独到的见解。Partially agree(1) It is true that very often the impetus for innovation comes from individuals. Nevertheless, the statement above overlooks the synergistic relationship between individual effort and team-work in other

47、cases.(2) Admittedly, with respect to business innovation, it is often the vision and commitment of key individuals, such as the founder or chief executive, from whom the business burgeon, the innovative products, services, as well as marketing and administration strategies emerge. Michael Dell, who

48、 owns a Fortune 500 company, invented the personal selling, which saved a lot of money and energy for his company and enabled it to become more competitive.(3) However, it is unsound to ascribe all innovations to individuals. A good case in point is the foundation of calculus. It is true that the or

49、iginal idea of calculus came from Newton and Leibniz, yet it is unfair to ascribe the foundation of calculus merely to Newton and Leibniz. Consider that a group of scientists, such as Riemann, Darboux, Weierstrass, etc. are involved, many of which discussed their new ideas through communications, and the emergence of calculus could thus be regarded as the efforts of team-work. D


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