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1、七年级英语下词组和重点句型练习 Unit 1 &Unit 2 重点词组 笔友 _ _ 来自_ _ / _ _ 在美国_ _ _ _ 她最喜爱的学科_ _ _ 说英语 _ _ 太难 _ _ 给某人写信 _ _ somebody 寻求笔友 _ _ _ 我最喜爱的运动 _ _ _ 在十一月_ _ 在周末_ _ 喜欢的和不喜欢的事物_ _ _ 在附近_ _ 在中心大街上_ Center Street 在的对面_ _ 挨着 _ _ 在前面 _ _ _ 在和之间 _ _ 在图书馆后面_ _ _ 在附近活动区内_ _ _ 邮局 _ _ 投币式公用电话 _ _直向前走_ _ 向左拐 _ _ 步行穿过公园 _

2、_ _ _ _ _ 一个享乐的好地方_ _ _ _ _ _ 一家旧旅店 _ _ _ 一条繁忙的街道 _ _ _ 来我家的路_ _ _ _ _ 在你的右边_ _ _ Unit 1 重点句子 1. Where _ your _ _ (笔友) from? He _ _ _ (来自澳大利亚) Where _ he _ (live)? He _(live) in Sydney. What _ (语言) _ he _ (说)? He _ _ (说英语). 2. _ she _ _ _ _ _ ?(她有兄弟姐妹吗?) 3. I think _ _ _ _ _ _. (中国是个非常令人感兴趣的国家) 4. I

3、 _ _ _ (会说英语) and _ _ _ (一点法语). 5. I like _(go) to the movies _(和) my friends and _ _ (做运动). 6. The Long Weekend is _ _ _(一部动作片). 7. Please write and _ _ _ _.(告诉我关于你的情况) Unit 2 重点句子 1. Is there _ _ (银行) near here? Yes, _ _. Its _ _ _ (在中心大街上). 2. Wheres _ _ (图书馆)?Its _ _ _ _ _ _ (在饭店和超市之间). 3. Is th

4、ere a hotel _ _ _(在附近). 4. Just _ _(直向前走) and _ _(向左拐). Its _(沿着) Bridge Street _ _ _(在右边). Its _ _(挨着) a supermarket. 5. -_ _ _ _(非常感谢)OR _ _ _. -_(不客气)OR _ _ _. 6. _ _ _ _(挨着旅店) is a small house _ _ _ _ (带有一个有趣的花园的) 7. This is the _(begin) of the _ _ (花园观光). 8. Bridge Street is _ _ _ _ _ _(令人玩得开心的

5、好去处). 9. Write _ _ _ (一则旅游指南) for your neighborhood. 10. Turn left on First Avenue and _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ (分享城市宁静的街道和小公园) 11. _ _ _(如果你饿了), you can buy some food in the _(超市). 12. I know you _ _(arrive) next Sunday. 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (让我告诉你来我家的路). 14. You _(经过) a bank _ _ _(在你右边) and then _ _(沿着走

6、) Long Street. 15. I hope you _ _ _ _ (旅途愉快) Units 3 4 重点词句 有几分,挺的_ 吃草_ _ 和她的朋友玩_ _ _ _ 安静些 be _ 在白天_ _ _ 在晚上_ _ 吃树叶_ _ 其他的动物_ _ 银行职员_ _店员_ 努力工作_ 其他年轻人_ 校园剧_ _为杂志社工作_ 一份忙碌的工作_ _ _ 一名报社记者 _ _ _ Unit 3重点句子 1. _ do you like pandas? Because theyre _ _(很聪明) 2. Why _ he _(like) koalas? _ theyre _ _ _ (几分有

7、趣). 3. Where _ lions _(来自于)? They _ _ _ _ (来自南非). 4. What _ _ (其他的动物)do you like? I like _(狗) _? (为什么) Because theyre _ _ _.(友好而且聪明) 5. Molly likes to _ _ _ _ (和朋友玩)and _ _ (吃草). 6. Shes _ _(很害羞). 7. He _ _ _(来澳大利亚 ). He _ _ _ _ (白天睡觉), but _ _ (在晚上) he _ _ _ _ _ (起来吃叶子). 8. He usually _(睡觉) and _ _

8、 _ _(每天休息20个小时) Unit 4 重点句子 1. _ _ _ _? (她是做什么的?) 同义句:_ _ _ _? = _ _ _? 2. My uncle _ _ _ _(在那家饭店工作). 3. _ _ _ _ _ _? (你想从事什么工作) I want _ _ _ _(当演员) 4. I _ _ _ _ _(和人、钱打交道). People _ _ _ _(把他们的钱给我)or get their money from me. 5. I wear _ _ _(白色制服) and I help doctors. Sometimes I _ _ _ _(白天工作) and som

9、etimes _ _ (在晚上). 6. My work is interesting but _ _ _(有点危险). _ _ _ _(贼不喜欢我). 7. I like _ _ _(和人们谈话)。 I meet interesting people every day and _ _ _(问他们问题). 8. I _ _ (工作到很晚). I _ _ _(很忙) when people _ _ _ _ (出去吃饭). 9. Where does your sister _(work)? She _ _ _ _(在医院工作). 10. We have a job for you _ _ _(

10、当服务员) 11. We are _ _ _ _ _ _ _(为512岁孩子开办的一所国际学校). 12. We want a P.E. teacher _ _ _ _ _ _(教足球、排球、网球). 13. We also want _ _ _(一名音乐教师) _ _ _ _ and _(来教吉它、钢琴、小提琴). Units 5-6 重点词组 做作业_ _ 看电视_ _ 吃饭_ _ 在电话上说话_ _ _ _ 去看电影_ _ _ _ 写信_ _ _ 等候_ _ 和某人说话_ _/_ somebody 看书_ _ 为感谢_ _ 在第一幅照片里_ _ _ _ 打篮球_ _ 在游泳池_ _ _

11、在最后一幅照片里_ _ _ _ 和某人在一起_ _ somebody 一幅我家的照片a _ _ _ _ 踢足球_ _ 玩电子游戏_ _ _ 打篮球_ _ 为感谢某人_ somebody _ 度假_ _ 拍照_ _ 在沙滩上_ _ _ 看_ _ 这群_ _ of 惊奇_ _ 在这么热的天里_ _ _ 一个有趣的地方_ _ _ 在法国_ _ 玩得高兴_ _ _ _ Unit 5 重点句子 1. -What _ you _(do)? -Im _(watch) TV. 2. -Whats he _(do)? -He _ _ _(做作业). 3. -Whats she _(do)? -She _ _(看

12、书). 4. -Do you want _ _ _ _ _(去看电影)? -_(当然), this TV show is _(没意思). -_(什么时间)do you want to go? -_ _(让我们去)at six oclock. 5. Whos he _ _(等待)? 6. Whats he _(读)? 7. Who are they _ _(谈话)? 8. What are they _ _(谈论)? 9. _ _(感谢) your letter and the photos. 10. Here are _ _ _ _(我的一些照片). 11. In the _(第一) phot

13、o, Im _ _(打篮球) at school. 12. In the second photo, Im _(游泳) at the pool. 13. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We _ _ _(吃晚饭). 14. In the _(最后的) photo, Im _(在一起) my sister-Gina. Shes _ _(做作业)-Im _ _(看电视). 15. -Are you _(游泳)? -No, _ _. Unit 6 重点句子 1. -_ _ _(天气怎么样) today? / _ _ _ _(天气怎么

14、样) today? -Its _ _ _(热而且潮湿). 2. -_ _ _(近来情况怎么样)? -_(好极了)! / Pretty good. / Not bad. / Very bad. / _(糟糕透了)! 3. _ _ _ _(谢谢参加) CCTVs Around the World show. 4. Its a _, _(美丽的,晴朗的) day! 5. There are _ _(许多人) here _ _(度假). 6. _(有些人) are _ _(拍照), _ _ _(另一些人躺着) on the beach. 7. _ _(看) this _(群) of people pl

15、aying beach volleyball. 8. Im _(惊讶) they can play in this heat. 9. This is _ _ _ _(一个非常有意思的地方). 10. The people are _ _ _(的确非常放松). 11. _ _(这是冬天) in France. 12. Everyone is _ _ _ _(玩得高兴). 13. Friends are _(喝东西) in restaurants. 14. What do you do _ _ _(当天下雨的时候)? Units 7-8 重点词组 看起来像_ _ 短发_ _ 长发_ _ 卷发_ _

16、 直发_ _ 中等身高_ _ 中等身材_ _ 戴眼镜_ _ 短的直发_ _ _ 非常受欢迎_ _ 有点儿_ _ _ 有点儿沉默_ _ _ _ 说笑话_ _ 喜爱做某事_ to do something 黑色长发_ _ _ 停止做某事_ doing something 喜欢做某事_ doing something 流行歌手_ _ 带着眼镜_ _ 一幅新面孔_ _ _ 去购物_ _ 哪种_ _ _ 牛肉西红柿面条_ _ _ _ 桔子汁_ _ 绿茶_ _ 饺子馆_ of _ 一大碗面条_ _ _ _ _ Unit 7重点句子 1. -What _ your friend _ _? -She is _

17、 _(中等身材), and she _ long hair. 2. I think I _(认识) her. I _ _ _ _(觉得不认识) her. 3. She _(总是) _ a red dress and white shoes. 4. Wang Lin is the _(队长) of the basketball team. 5. He is very _(受欢迎). 6. Shes _(模样好看) but shes _ _ _ _(有点沉默). 7. Xu Qian loves _ _ _(说笑话). 8. Shes short and _ _ _ _(有点胖). 9. She

18、_ _ _(从不停止说话). 10. He likes _(读书) and _ _(下棋). 11. He is _ _ _ _ _(一个戴眼镜的高个子男人). 12. _ _(有些人) dont like his _ _(新容貌). 13. “_ _ _ _ _ _(我觉得他没那么伟大),” says Ruth from New York. “But my mom _.” 14. I can _ _(去购物), and _ _ _(没有人认识我). Unit 8重点句子 1. -_ _ _ noodles _ you _? -Id like beef and tomato noodles,

19、please. 2. What size bowl of noodles _ _ _? Hed like a _/_/_(小/中/大) bowl of noodles. 3. 在餐馆内的对话 -_ I _ you? -Id like _ _, please. -What kind of noodles would you like? -What kind of noodles _ you _? -We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato, -OK. Id like mutton and potato noodles, plea

20、se. -Sure. And what size would you like? -What sizes _ you _? -We have _, _ and _ bowls. -Oh, a _(中) bowl, please. -Is that all? -Thats all right. 4. I like dumplings, fish _ orange juice. 5. I dont like onions, green tea _ porridge. 6. At the House of Dumplings, we have _ _ _(一些很棒的特色食品)! 7. Special

21、 1 _ beef and onions, and is just RMB10 _ 15. 8. _(来) and _(吃) your dumplings today! 9. What size of dessert would you like? _ _ _ _(小的、中等的还是大的)? 10. Would you like _ _? 11. Thatll be thirty-two RMB. Units 9-10重点词组 在周六早上_ _ _ last weekend_ 在下午_ _ _ 有点难_ _ _ 上个月_ _ 整天_ _ 度假_ _ 挺的_ _ 迷路_ _ 悲伤be _ 打扫房子

22、_ _ _ 打扫房间clean the room 为我做饭_ _ _ _ 做作业_ ones _ 做阅读_ _ _ 洗东西_ _ _ 做运动_ _ 享受周末_ _ _ 感到高兴_ _ 发现某人正在做某事_ somebody _something 回家_ _ 出去散步_ (_) for a walk 去买东西go _ 去一个美丽沙滩go to a _ _ 去夏令营go to _ _ 去图书馆go to _ 去电影院go to _ 去池塘go to _ _ 去大山里go to _ _ 度过一个忙碌的周末/一天have a busy weekend/day 开晚会_ _ _ 做事中获得乐趣_ _ d

23、oing something 帮某人做某事_ somebody (to) do something 寻找_ _ 让某人做某事make somebody _ something 下棋_ _ 玩电子游戏_ _ _ 踢足球_ _ 和我的朋友踢足球_ _ _ my friends 做运动_ _ 打网球_ _ 打排球_ _ 弹吉他_ _ _ 和某人玩_ _ somebody 练习英语_ _ 练习吉他_ _ 坐下_ _ 呆在家里_ _ _ 为数学考试准备_ _ the math test 为考试准备_ _ _ 学习地理_ _ 拜望朋友_ _ 参观博物馆_ _ 看电影_ _ _ 看电视_ _ 观察某人做某事

24、_ somebody _ something Unit 9 重点句子 1. -How was your weekend? -It was _(棒极了)! / It was _(好). / It _(不是)very good. 2. -What _ you _(do) last weekend? -I _(stay) at home and _ _ _ _ _(为数学考试准备). -_ _ your friend, Carol? -She _(去看望)her aunt. 3. _ _ _(在周六晚上), Lucy went to the movies. 4. _ _ _(对于大多数孩子), the weekend was fun. 5. On Saturday afternoon, five kids _ _(去购物), and three went to the library. 6. I _ _ _ _(过了一个忙碌的周末). 7. On Saturday morning, I went to the library. I _ _ _ _ _(读了一本关于历史的书). 8. Do you think everyone _ _ _(享受周末)? 9. _ _(上个月), he _ _ _ _(去散步)with his cute dog. 10.


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