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1、 A Once upon a time,there was an abbess in a small abbey.She was very kind,but one day she was abetted by an abject abbot.He abducted her abed!After several months,her abdomen grew high,which abadhed her very much and abased her to some degree.She abjured the abhorrent relationship.The abbot was tak

2、en aback and could not abide her abeyance.So she decided to abdicate.She gave a simple ablution and left the abbey with tears ablaze in her eyes.The pain in her heart abated.She abhorred her baby so much that she abandoned her in the abbey.That day when she left,she only brought with her a lovely ab

3、acus,which had the abbreviation of her name.An aboriginal called Jim was an abnormal man.His wife died from an abortion.His wife and he had lived abreast for 20 years.From then on,he became absolute and abrupt.He abominated the king and one day he a-bombed the kings abode.The A-bomb hurt nobody over

4、 and above the abraded king,causing the abscess.Jim absonded abroad,then was caught aboard a ship.The king was an above board man.Above all,he abnegated imself and found out the reason.Secondly,he absolved Jims death.Thirdly,he organized a meeting and nobody dared to be absent-minded.In the meeting,

5、he abolished or abrogated some laws.By the way,the author abridged the above-mentioned story.Why did Fords accelerator always have an accidental failure on acclivity?Abundant money was abused on this abstruse problem.Ford decided to provide accommodation and food for those engineers who were absorbe

6、d in this abyssal problem.An engineer with an absurd accent came and acclaimed he could accomplish this task.After he had been working with abstinence,the engineer found out that the cold weather was the accomplice,because the ice on the accelerator made this accessory accessible.Adjustments had bee

7、n made and the accelerator acclimatized to the cold weather finally.Many honors accompanied this engineer and he was offered the job of president of Ford academy.Whether acceding to or abstaining from it was not importantbecause he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research.The m

8、an who played accordion in teh dance band was once an accountant.He acquired a bachelors degree in accounting at a business college.Then be became an ace accountant and did his accountancy very well.His fame and wealth accrued quickly.But his boss accused him of lack of accuracy with acid words.The

9、accused had no words to answer.All his acquaintances avoided him.His heart ached.He lost his job and the money he had accumulated soon ran out.His friend,who owned a factory that manufactured acetic acid and acetylene,introduced him to a dance band.They acquiesced to the newsomer.He wasnt accustomed

10、 at first,but he would on no account lose confidence.He continued to achieve his goal and his actions accorded with his determination.According to his skill,he became the most outstanding player in the band.Everybody acknowledged it was acoustic enjoyment to listen to his playing.Some acrobats lived

11、 a poor life though they were adept actors or adept actresses.They were active on the stage only because they were actuated by the life.They must earn adequate money to adapt to their life.Additionally,they were often wounded acutely when they acted.In order to overcome the pain,they used acupunctur

12、e and even used drugs until some of them became addicts.The master of them was an acrid man.But they adhered to him by his controlling the drugs.One day,the actor could not bear his acrimony any longer so he addressed the local judge about it.Unfortunately,the judge was an addle man.With the promise

13、 that the master would give him ten acres of land,he adduced some funny adages and the master was acquitted of the crime acquit the master.Later,this story appeared in the addendum of the adaptation that described the legend of the acrobats.In this canton,many adolescents were the administrators adh

14、erents like adhesive tape.So were his adjuncts and adjutants.The admiral of the adjacent admiralty gave him an adjective:admirable man.But the never admitted it.The adornments with his portrait were popular.The adroit adulation about his legend was adrift from one city to another.Even some important

15、 meetings were forced to adjourn.The administrator could not bear the ado and tried to adjourn this situation.He adopted a decision that he adjured and admonishedthe people not to adore him any longer or he would have them adjudged.This was of no effect.Finally,he said adieu to this canton.Victor wa

16、s an advisable adventurer because of his adult characteristics.With the development of advanced aerobiology and aerodynamics,the aeroboat would be popular and people would research the mystery of the spacss aeon.As a successful advertiser,he realized it and advised his boss to catch this adventitiou

17、s and advantageous chance.But his boss would not advert.In fact,his boss was adverse to Victor and waiting for the advent of the right chancebecause Victor once pointed out that the boss had adulterated one advertisement.Now the accused Victor of adultery.The advocates of the boss were adversaries o

18、f the company.What would happen when Victor was in such an adversity?Peter went afield to an aeronautical college.His family lived in affluence so they could afford to send him to college.An affluent of a famous river near the college was very beautiful.Its afflux was to teh east.Peter liked to see

19、aeroplanes take off from teh aerodrome.There were two subjects he liked best:space aeronautics and aesthetics.He was affiliated to the Student Union.They had an afforestation project during that spring.Everyone affixed his signature to an agreement.Peters heart was afire with his colorful life.But h

20、e was afflicted by one affray.That is,some bad words were afloat.John,his classmate,affirmed he had affinity with the principal.The principal was an affable and affectionate person.But John affronted him,saying the principal was an affected man.Peter was aflame with passion and hit John heavily.It w

21、as an age of aggression.In order to aggrandize afresh their power,the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again.The aforesaid things happened very year!The weak countries were agape and aghast.One year one of them was robbed of its business shop, which was full of agate.Furth

22、ermore,the aggressor wrote contumelious words aft.All the people in the country were agitated.The weak countries were aggrieved and aggravated.After all,their dominion was hole.This agglutinated them ad agglomerated them.They aggregated and decided to fight against the aggressor.They set up a common

23、 agency and found an agile agent who would be its leader.Though the man was in aftercare,he would be in charge of the agenda.The action afoot played an important role.A new airdrome had been built recently.It held quite a few airbuses and aircraft.Airy schoolboys always stood near the aisle at the a

24、irport,and watched as teh airliners took off and landed.They were astonished at the alacrity of the airplanes.Before long,the airlift service spread quickly.People could receive an airletter or airmail within one day.Tom was an agriculturist and working hard on agronomy.But the newly built airdrome

25、ailed him and was the cause of his ailment.Sometimes,the airforce would practice airraids there.The loud alarm on the air could be heard everywhere.The noise would so ajar that Toms heart was full of agony.Some agitators encouraged him to be against the airline.But with the aides help,was akin to To

26、m,Tom was clearheaded again.So the agitators plan was aground.As a reward,the aide was given a nice album,which was full of songs in the air.An alien once was famous in the field of algebra.But when he was 40,he fell in love with alcohol all at once.This alienated him from his science.Soon he lived

27、on alimony.One night he drand a lot and walked into a blind alley.He could not find a way out,so he lay down in an alcove.An alert policeman found him with an alight torch and sent him to the hospital.The doctor was his old classmate.He used a kind of alkali to alleviate his pain but found he was al

28、lergic.So the doctor read a lot of allegories or jokes to allay his pain.My dear frined,he said.On the face of Allah,you should pay attention to alimentation.Albumen will do good to you.All right.Thank you.Not at all,you know we were an alliance all the time.When he recovered,he decided to go back t

29、o his own country by using an alias.His fiends laughed at him,Nobody will trust your alleged allegiance.But on the day that he arrived in his motherland,he found many people aligned at the airport and welcomed him.Country A and country B were allied and allies.They exchanged alloy and almond in trad

30、e.The government allotted the tax and allocated different tasks to each province.One year,county A was hit by a natural calamity.There were almshouses and almsmen everywhere.Many people were allured to go abroad.According to the allusion of the almighty lmanac,the government decided to set an altar

31、on top of an alp which once was an alluvion.The Alma Mater was sung and an alphabet was placed on the altar.People altercated and alluded acutely.There was no alteration after that.Every country except country B was aloof from country A.Country B contributed a lot of alms and allowances to help it g

32、et out of trouble.A war was going on in a country.The country was invaded because it had plenty of alum,aluminum and amalgam.A horse was ambling to the ambulance.There was an amazon and a wounded ambassador on horseback.When the ambassador measured the altitude of the hill by using an altimeter,he w

33、as shot!The amazon was an altruism.She amassed her amazing strength to help hime ride the horse.Her amber eyes and her alto voice were comfort to him.On the way to the ambulance,they were confronted by an ambush.They had no alternative but to fight.Finally they arrived at their destination but the a

34、mbience was a little ambiguous,her battle companion regarded her as a spy.The doctor thought her would die.But the amazon insisted,You are not always true.Please do have a try.So the doctor tried his best to save him and asked her to act as a nurse.Although she was an amateur,she had a great ambitio

35、n to help the doctor.The ambassador recovered soon.When he left,he promised to ameliorate the equipment of the ambulance.Harry was working on how to extract ammonia from aminoacid.His ultimate purpose was to create a kind of ammunition in amorphism.which was equipped with an amphibian.He only had so

36、me ammeter and an ampoule.He worked hard and was called amoeba because nobody could find him.But one day,the police broke into his room and caught him.The trial was held in an amphitbeatre.The amplifier was used.The judge was an amiable man,but Harry didnt think he was amicable to him.On trial,Harry

37、 explained for himself,I always respect the law and am amenable.The ammunition I was working on was only a gift to my wife.You know,I am an amorous man.The judge answered,Dear sir,the reason isnt ample.This case is amoral.OK,lets see the response of the jury.Amid the jury,more than 10 persons pitied

38、 Harry.So with the passing of the last amendment,Harry was given an amnesty but the should pay amends.The amount was one thousand dollars.Is it amiss?the judge asked.No.I think now I can get back to amity with my wife.Harrys voice was full of amenity.Edward set sail in his boat Angelto an ancient is

39、land in the spring.He tried to find out his ancestry and who were his ancestors and so on,because there was no analogy between he and his family.The island was an anarchical island.There were many amusing anecdotes about it.He anchored close to the island with the help of his anemometer.Unfortunatel

40、y,and anaconda attacked him.The local people sent him to the hospital.The doctros were proficient in anatomy.They decided to amputate his right arm with the analysis of the analogue computer.The operation was successful under the anesthetic.But from then on,Edward had anemia.He amused himself,Its an

41、 anachronism.Tomorrow will begin anew.After that,he enjoyed angling.An angleworm was his favorite bait.Aleck was an angular but animated young man.He woked for a famous annual called Anode.Anode had annexed many a little annual and was prepared to annihilate all the competitors.Aleck was well known

42、for his anomalous animation.He liked to use anil to draw.It was easy to understand his animation even without annotation.It was said he would be recorded in annals one day.On the day of the anniversary,he attended the party.At the party,the announcer announced an annunciationthat the annuity of work

43、ers would be annulled beginning the next year.Aleck was annoyed at the news and his heart was full of angst.When he walked back home carelessly,he was struck in the ankle by a stone.He anguished at once.Having eaten some anodyne and having anointed his ankle,he went to bed.The next day,he reported t

44、his to his boss.But the boss refused to furlough him.Animosity raised from his heart.He resigned quickly.Anon,the boss received an anonymous letter,which was full of snap.An antiquarian had interest in anthropology.In order to antecede his antagonists in this field,he set said to the Antarctic.There

45、 was no antecedent at all in history.Reporters asked him one question after another.But his answer was,It isnt answerable.He brought with him some useful things:antennas for keeping in touch with others,anthologies for reading and antiaircraft for avoiding air raids,antidote and antibiotic were prep

46、ared in case of sickness.Every morning after having sung the anthem,he began to burn the anthracite to cook antelope.One day,he met an anthropoid out of anticipation.It was running anticlockwise with an antic that caused him a feeling of antipathy.But it was an antipode to the anthropoid.It seemed v

47、ery happy.They looked at one another.Suddenly,the antiquarian ran quickly back to his house and hid himself in his antechamber.It was a modern age anywise.But modern here looked like an antonym.Antiques were antiquated.Nobody protected the antler or anvil with antiseptic.Apartheid made people apathe

48、tic apiece even though they lived in one apartment,not to mention those that lived apart.Nobody would be apologetic when he let the ags out from his anus in front of a loady.There was no aphorism any longer.Everyone was apolitical.With the antithesis of past time,men chased money.They had anxiety about it.When someone succeeded in some field,others aped


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