外教聘用合同英文版 Foreign Teacher Employment Contract.doc

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1、Foreign Teacher Employment ContractAgreement dated_, by and between The TEFL AcademyAnd Mr./MS ._., In order to perfect teaching and improve educational quality, to ensure The TEFL Academy for international standard, and in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations hereinafter set forth,

2、both parties agree to sign the contract on the principle of willingness, equality and mutual benefit.Under this contract, both parties have the following obligations and rights:1. Employment & Termination1). The TEFL Academy hereby employs Employee for a definite period commencing from _ and expirin

3、g on _. Employee hereby accepts such employment. 2). At the end of the contract, assuming a favorable assessment of your performance and upon mutual agreement, the employment agreement may be extended for an indefinite period of time.3). Three months probationary period will be applied starting from

4、 the commencement date. If either party decides to terminate the employment agreement within the probationary period, one week advance notice in writing must be given to the other party or payment be made in lieu of advance notice. 4). Thereafter, the employment agreement may be terminated by either

5、 party at any time, with due observance of the statutory notice period (one month), taking exception to the following described case. see 6 (3). The employment agreement may only be terminated in writing. The party who terminate the contract without one month advance notice in writing has to pay a m

6、onth salary to the other party as fine. Upon the termination or expiration of this Contract, The Teacher shall hand over, in writing, all information, documents and experience relating to the Employees job, including but not limited to clients names, contacts, and other information required by the E

7、mployer, to any person designated by the School. 2. Position1) Employee shall be employed as an English Trainer. Employee shall perform such duties as are assigned to him from time to time (orally or in writing) by the management, and shall make and maintain such reports as the management may requir

8、e. Employee shall diligently report to the management any and all information relevant to his employment.2) The employee will be required to work five days a week and up to 25 hours per average week of in-class teaching and 15 office hours per week to be delivered. The working hours may be scheduled

9、 between 9:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Sunday.3) Employee may work overtime outside of normal working hours whenever appropriate performance of his/her duties approved by his/her manager. And compensation will be made by the extra working hours as 100 yuan / hour, which is based upon students evaluat

10、ion. 4) The employee is also obliged: (1) to teach in other schools or corporations which have cooperative programs with the TEFL Academy according to the management. (2) To help the School with attending workshops, seminars and faculty/staff meetings, interviewing students for placement testing, de

11、veloping materials and participating in marketing activities and participating the schools promotional activities. (3) To make the Schools routine teaching plan his/her first priority.5) The employee should do their teaching jobs based on the working schedule which is made by the management staff. T

12、he employee is required to puncture working card to record his/her working hours every day. The employee is not allowed to leave the school during working time except for lunch/dinner without the permission of Education Director. Certain amount of money will be deducted from the employees salary if

13、the employee is late for work or leave early. If the employee is late for work, however, his/her salaries will be deducted as follows:5 minutes = RMB 106-10 minutes = RMB 3011- 20 minutes = RMB 5021 - 50 minutes = RMB 10051+ - No Show=RMB 500Teachers are also supposed to make up the classroom time m

14、issed by lateness.3. Time Devoted1) During his employment with The TEFL Academy, Employees full time and best efforts shall be devoted to his duties to The TEFL Academy and to advancing The TEFL Academys interests, and Employee shall not engage in, be employed by or in any way provide advice or serv

15、ices to any other business.2) During the teaching period in China, the foreign teachers should abide by Chinese laws and regulations. The foreign teachers should respect his / her colleagues and Chinese culture, vice versa.3) The foreign teachers should be patient and careful to answer the students

16、questions related to study and should not influence the class efficiency because of personal emotion. Otherwise, any consequences will be taken charge by the foreign teachers and his / her salary will be deducted by 50-100yuan regarding the events severity level.4. CompensationDuring his employment

17、with The TEFL Academy, Employee shall receive the compensation described, payable in accordance with The TEFL Academys normal payroll policies then in effect:1) During probation, the employee will get a basic salary of RMB_6500_ (before tax). For the accommodation, the employee finds the accommodati

18、on and pays water, electricity bill by himself/herself, the school will pay 1200 yuan/ month for house allowance. 2) After probation, the employee will get a basic salary of RMB_7500_(Tax is payable on any sum over RMB 5,000 at bands of 5% and 15%). 3) If the employee leaves before 6 months the visa

19、 costs will be deducted from the back pay.4) The School will reimburse the Teacher up to a maximum of RMB8,000 towards the cost of a direct round-trip airfare to and from China. (If the contract duration is half year, the school will reimburse the teacher up to a maximum of RMB4,000 towards the cost

20、 of a direct one-way airfare to China.)The first half of the air ticket will be reimbursed after 6 months. The other half will be reimbursed on the expiration date of this Contract if the teacher has fulfilled the requirements of this Contract. No air ticket or flight allowance will be provided for

21、the employee in the case where he/she enters a contract period of less than 6 months. 5) If the employee introduces his or her friend to teach in The TEFL Academy when necessary, The TEFL Academy will pay RMB500 for him/ her if his/ her friend teaches as a full- time tutor (after the probation) and

22、pay RMB300 if his/ her friend teaches as a part-time tutor(after the probation).6)All the money mentioned above, including the salary will be paid at pay-day (10th of the month).5. EvaluationAccording to the evaluation of the school and students, the director will fix upon the amount of bonus the em

23、ployee will get. The bonus = RMB600evaluation score%. For example, if the employee gets an evaluation score of 80 for this month( students feedback will be carried out at the end of each month.), the bonus he/she will get is 60080%. So the final bonus for this month is 480. However, if the one who h

24、as got the evaluation score below 60, he/ she will get no bonus. The evaluation details include school evaluation and students evaluation two parts. 6. Complaints and punishment1) The first time students complain, school will give an oral warning.2) The second time students complain, school will giv

25、e a written warning.3) The third time students complain, school will consider terminating the contract. If the school decides to terminate the contract, a written notice will be given 3 days (for probation) /a week in advance. In this case, the TEFL Academy will take no penalty for terminating the c

26、ontract.All complains should be admitted by the school.7Sick Leave and private affairs leave1) The Employee shall notify, and seek approval for sick leave from the Director of Studies or his/her deputy immediately in the event of sickness. All sick leaves must be supported by a doctors certificate u

27、nless prior approval from the Center Manager is obtained. The Employer can provide reasonable assistance to obtain the doctors certificate upon request. Upon return to work a sick leave form must be completed and approved by both the Director of Studies and Center Manager.2)Any unauthorized sick lea

28、ve shall be counted as unpaid leave deducted from salary and will be penalized by disciplinary measures.3)If the sick leaves amount to less than 30 days within one contract term(one year ), the employees should be paid with 100% of the salary. In case the leaves exceed 30 days, the employer has the

29、right to terminate the contract, or, if the contract is not terminated, the 30% of the salary will be paid until the normal work is resumed. 4) Private affairs leaves of the employees shall be approved by the employer. The employer will deduct the salary by day. In the contract term, the private aff

30、airs leaves should not exceed 10 days. The continuous private affairs leaves should be no more than 3 days, and two days salary will be deducted for each day thereafter.8. Confidentiality1) The Employee will keep all information about the Employers consulting/training methods and administration proc

31、edures confidential, including all Operation Manuals of the company.2) The Employee will not disclose the details of the consulting/training materials and systems of the company.3)The Employee will not disclose details of his/her contract.4) The Employee will not use the Employers consulting/trainin

32、g method and materials in the instruction of any private client and/or with another Employer.5) Failure to comply with the requirements above will result in the termination of this agreement.The TEFL Academy has the right to deduct one month salary if the employee discloses any of the points above.9

33、. Entire Agreement; No ModificationThis Agreement contains the entire agreement between The TEFL Academy and Employee related to the subject matter hereof and may not be changed orally. Any modifications shall not be made by either party without mutual agreement. All matters not mentioned above coul

34、d be discussed and agreed by the two parties. 10. Governing Law1)Both parties should fulfill all provisions, such as obligations, right, alternation and termination of the contract, breaking contract and so on, stipulated by Chinas Foreign Expert Bureau for both parties of engagement.2)Employee shou

35、ld observe the rules and regulations of The TEFL Academy, abide by the stipulations and requirements of Chinas Foreign Expert Bureau3)Employee must obide the (TFEL Adacemy) schools regulation (it will be given).4)In accordance with the stipulations of The State Bureau of Foreign Experts in China:Whe

36、n either the Employer or the Employee fails to fulfill the contract or fails to fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, that is, breaks the contract, it must pay a breach penalty of one- month salary.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The TEFL Academy and Employee have signed this Agreement on the date set forth above. The TEFL Academy EmployeeSigned By Signed ByDate: Date:


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