高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(24)模块8 Unit 24 Society(含解析) 北师大版.doc

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《高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(24)模块8 Unit 24 Society(含解析) 北师大版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(24)模块8 Unit 24 Society(含解析) 北师大版.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、课时作业(二十四)模块8Unit 24 Society(限时:40分钟) .单项填空1“It is not only you but also Tom who_,” said the teacher after knowing what had happened.Aare to be blamed Bis to be blamedCare to blame Dis to blame2_ the difficult things happened when I cant adjust myself?AWhat about BWhat withCWhat if DWhat for3Its high

2、 time you _. Astart to working Bwould start to work Chad started to work Dstarted working 4The reason _he told us for his absence was _ he was knocked down on the way to school.Awhy; that Bwhy; whyCwhich; that Dwhich; why5Whenever possible, John _ how well he speaks Japanese.Ashows up Bshows aroundC

3、shows off Dshows out6This Englishman is good at writing, reading and _ is kind to others.Aabove all Bfirst of allCin all Dafter all7How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?_, but Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam.AAll right BSounds greatCI cant DNo, I am terribly sorry8Bef

4、ore the computer _, people could never imagine it could bring about such great changes to human life. Acame into being Bwas discoveredCwas come into being Dwas formed 9At present, the government has paid more and more attention to the village children _ parents are away working in big cities.Ato who

5、m Bof whomCwho Dwhose10Experts call on parents, especially _ of the broken families, _ the full responsibilities and better care and love for children.Athat; to burden Bthem; to take onCthose; shouldering Dthose; to shoulder.完形填空Every country has its own dining customs. Americans feel that the first

6、 rule of being a(n)_11_ guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner at six thirty, the hostess _12_ him to be there at six thirty or _13_ a few minutes after. Because she usually does the cooking, and she has to time the meal _14_ the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at thei

7、r best when the guests come. If they are late, the food will not be so _15_, and the hostess will be _16_. _17_ the guest cannot come on time, he should call his host or hostess on the phone, give the reason, and tell _18_ what time he can come. _19_ the situations, guests sometimes bring a box of c

8、andy, a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers to give to the hostess as a _20_ of appreciation.As guests continue to arrive, it is usually considered polite for the _21_ in the group to _22_ when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she is seated._23_, most young people and some groups

9、 of elder people _24_ stress equality of the sexes no longer observe the custom. A visitor should be _25_ to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present. When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is a _26_ for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. Howeve

10、r, some Americans _27_ do this, so the visitors must notice what others do and do the _28_. _29_ the meal is under way and if the dinner is in a private home, a guest _30_ avoid embarrassment by talking to someone else. 11. Apolite Belegant Chonored Dserious12. Atells Bexpects Casks Dhopes13. Aat mo

11、st Bless than Cat least Dmore than 14. Ain case Bas long as Cso that Don condition that15. Atender Bnutritious Cgood Denough16. Aangry Bnervous Cshameful Ddisappointed17. AIf BUnless CWhether DAlthough18. Aat Bin Con Dabout19. ALooking at BCombined with CDepending on DRelated to20. Amatter Bheart Cs

12、ense Dsign21. Ahost Bmen Chostess Dwomen22. Asmile Bstand Capplaud Dnod23. AAs a result BMoreover CIn addition DHowever24. Awhose Bwhat Cwho Dwhich25. Aaware Bsimilar Cactive Dsensitive26. Acustom Bregulation Chabit Dprinciple27. Aeven Bno longer Cstill Dno more28. Afollowing Bsame Cdeed Dexample29.

13、 AUnless BUntil CWhile DAfter30. Ashouldnt Bmust Cneednt Dmay.阅读理解AMy wife passed away a few years ago,and I went through the worst time in my life.I even wanted to kill myself.Just for my kids,I had to continue to live and work as a smalltown doctor at my medical clinic in Hawaii.My kids had gone t

14、o live on the mainland,and I was alone.Then they asked me to have a family trip.On our trip, we turned on the TV at the motel and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. Seeing it falling down,I said to my kids:“Im going to Afghanistan.”And a few weeks later,International Medical Cor

15、ps sent me to set up 20 clinics in provinces where people had no health care.In these field clinics surrounded by frightening shoots or deadly bombs,we were eventually serving 27,000 patients a month in a very busy schedule.Tired and nervous,I gradually had a sense of achievement, a sense of purpose

16、,and my depression went away.In the years to follow,I went to Indonesia after the tsunami(海啸),Pakistan after the earthquakes,Sudan after the civil war, and Iraq after more and more bombs.Each time after disasters one after another, hundreds of people were killed,wounded and many more had to flee.We

17、once set up movable clinics in an area with 19,000 refugees,_and it was supposed to hold 13,000 originally.Flu broke out, one of the biggest killers of kids in refugee camps, and it spread like wildfire.Water and food were also serious problems.“Adventures or not?” I often asked myself.When my wife

18、passed away,I thought my life was done.But in reality, it was just getting started.At the end of her life,she went unconscious.I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would visit and the exciting adventures we would have.I think about the moment many times during my “adventures

19、”I didnt know how predictive those words would be.But I know that she is still with me.31Where has the doctor been in the past few years?ASome countries where he could set up clinics.BSome African countries where flu broke out.CThe places where the earthquakes happened.DThe places where the horrible

20、 disasters struck.32How would the doctor describe his life after he had worked in Afghanistan?ATired and troublesome.BBusy and risky.CMeaningful and helpful.DFrightening and depressing.33The underlined word “refugees” means people_Awho are robbed, killed, or woundedBwho suffer from flu in movable cl

21、inicsCwho like to take adventuresDwho have lost homes because of disasters34Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe doctors wife encouraged him to work in foreign countries.BWhat the doctor said to his wife before her death became reality.CThe doctors adventures made him underst

22、and the love of his wife.DWith the true love of his wife,the doctor started to change his life.BA Tshirt a day has kept unemployment away for an American man “who is making about $85,000 a year by selling advertising space on his shirt.”Jason Sadler,26,was once a former marketing expert from Florida

23、.In 2008,he founded his own company,“iwearyourshirt”,with the idea to wear a Tshirt supplied by any company and then use social media tools to develop the company.Sadler charges the “face value” of the day for his human billboard(广告牌)service.So January 1 costs$1,while December 31 costs$365.He said t

24、his may not sound like a lot,but it adds up to $66,795 a year if he sells out every day,which he did this year.He also sells monthly sponsorships(赞助)for $1,500, adding another $18,000 to his income.“I walk around,take photos,wear the shirt all dayI blog about those photos,I put them up on Twitter,I

25、change my Facebook introductionand then I do a Youtube video.I made about $85,000 this year,” he told Reuters Television. The average US. income is about $615 a week or about $32,000 a year, according to the US.government.Sadler has already begun to plan for his year 2013.He is making services large

26、r by hiring another person to wear a shirt a day on the west coast of the United States.35What is Sadlers “face value” of the day December 30?A$364. B$365.C$615. D$1,500.36It can be inferred that Sadler didnt advertise on _.ATwitter BFacebookCYoutube DReuters37Jason Sadler has a new plan to _ for th

27、e year 2013.Aemploy another person to replace himBstart his business on the west coastCstay at home on the east coastDdouble the charge for the service38The passage is mainly about _ in a new way.Ataking photos Bwriting blogsCmaking money Dselling Tshirts.短文改错Dear Mary,I receive your email just now.

28、 Dont worry about me. Im getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interests. Im afraid I couldnt agree with you. I know it is difficulty to learn

29、English, but English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will be succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. Im looking forward to hearing good n

30、ews from you.Li Hua参考答案课时作业(二十四).1.D考查主谓一致和语态。not onlybut also结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数遵循“就近原则”;动词blame表示“责怪某人”时用be to blame。2C3. D考查固定句式。Its high time 后面的从句应用过去时,或用“should动词原形”,表示“是到了做的时候了”。4C考查定语从句和表语从句。第一空中which在定语从句中作told的宾语; 第二空的that引导表语从句。当主句部分出现the reason 或 why时,表语从句不用because引导,because只用来引导原因状语从句。5C6A7

31、. B 考查对建议的回答。How about doing sth表示“做怎么样?”从答句中表示转折的but后的内容可以断定空白处选择赞同的回答,故选B。8. A 句意:在电脑出现之前,人们绝不会想到它会给人类的生活带来如此巨大的变化。电脑不能说是“被发现”或“被形成”的,排除B、D两项。come into being意为“形成”,不能用于被动语态和进行时,排除C项,故选A。 9. D 考查定语从句。先行词为village children,定语从句的主语是parents。句中先行词与定语从句的主语之间存在所属关系,故用引导词whose。10D用those来指代上面谈到的可数名词复数parent

32、s;call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做某事; shoulder ones responsibility承担责任。. 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国人在赴宴时以及宴席上应遵循的礼节与习俗。11. A 由第一段首句“Every country has its own dining customs.”后面的解释可以推测,成为有礼貌的客人的第一准则是准时赴宴。12. B 根据逻辑,请人吃饭,主人自然希望客人能准时到。本题最容易错选D,但hope不能用于hope sb to do sth结构中。13. A 主人希望客人能准时到或至多延后几分钟。14. C 根据上下文之间的关系可知

33、,此处表达结果,所以用so that引导结果状语从句。15. C 根据“the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come”可推测,如果客人来晚了,食物味道就没有那么“好”了。16. D 根据上文内容以及逻辑可知,女主人会对此感到“失望”。 17. A 根据语境可知这里是表示假设情况。18. A 根据习惯用法,在时间点前面应用介词at。19. C 根据后文内容可知,客人带哪种东西取决于当时的情况。20. D 根据常识,客人给主人准备礼物表达客人对主人的感激,所以用sign,意为“

34、标志”。21. B 根据常识及后面的内容可知此处应用men。22. B 根据下文“and continue to stand until she is seated”可知,这里应用动词stand。23. D 前后文是转折关系,所以用However。24. C 根据语法知识,这是个定语从句,先行词“most young people and some groups of elder people”在从句中作主语,所以关系代词用who或that。25. D be sensitive to表示“对敏感”。 26. A 根据文章中心意思及常识可知,这里应选A。27. B 然而,有些美国人已不再这样做了

35、。no longer“不再”。28. B29. C under way意为“在进行中”,所以用while表示“当的时候”。30. D 根据句意可知,这样做就有可能避免尴尬。 . A妻子的去世给作者造成了难以名状的心灵创伤,他几经辗转,全心投入到救援队伍中。紧张而劳累的工作抚慰了作者的内心。31D推理判断题。根据文章中所提到的阿富汗、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、苏丹以及伊拉克等国家当时的情况可知他在几年中所去过的地方都发生了可怕的灾难。32C推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可推测作者觉得自己的人生有益他人,很有意义。33D词义猜测题。上一句提到灾难接二连三地发生后,成百上千的人伤亡,更多的人不得不逃生。

36、再结合本句中提到的流动诊所以及具体数字可推测此词的含义是“难民”,即因为灾难而失去家园的人们。34B推理判断题。结合倒数第二段后半部分中的内容以及最后一段中的内容可推测,作者在他妻子去世之前对她说的话如今变成了现实。B本文介绍了一个美国人,他以独特的方式赚钱,开办了自己的公司并不断扩大业务。35A36D细节理解题。第三段给出了Sadler做广告宣传的方式,只有D项不属于其广告方式,故选D。37B细节理解题。最后一段告诉读者Sadler在2013年的打算。他计划到美国西海岸发展自己的事业。38C主旨大意题。从文章第一段及对Sadler赚钱方式的介绍可知C为正确选项。.Dear Mary,I re

37、ceivereceived your email just now. Dont worry about me. Im getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatlygreat surprise you say you will give up learnlearning English. The reason is becausethat you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interestsinterest. Im afraid

38、I couldntcant agree with you. I know it is difficultydifficult to learn English, but English is widely used in the world today. It will be an important tool in our future work. BesideBesides, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. Im looking forward to hearing good news from you.Li Hua


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