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1、M8 Unit 1 A Land Of DiversityLanguage study - Reading I,Revision,A Competition,Work in groups, translate the phrases handed out to you as quickly as possible.,have a population ofdiversity of culture50% (percent) of the students by means of in addition (to ),有人口 文化的多样性 50%的学生4. 用.方法5. 除之外还,6. 被统治7.

2、很大比例(的)8. 对宣战9. 实现.的梦想10. 开始/习惯于新的 生活方式/工作等,谋生,be ruled bya large percentage (of) declare war on achieve ones dream of doing.make a life,11. 保持,保存12. 成为的家园13. 到的时候14. 选择/决定做某事15. 不久以后,keep up become home toby the timeelect to dobefore long,key words & expressions,Language Study,Native Americans- Ind

3、ians,It is likely that Native Americans were living in California_. Scientists believed they came from Asia to Alaska _ _ _ a land bridge in prehistoric times.,by means of,at least 15000 years ago,2. by means of 借助手段;依靠方法 by _ means 当然可以;尽一切办法; 不惜一切地 by _ means 决不;完全不是 by _ means 用这种方法 Sometimes tea

4、chers and parents judge whether we are good or not simply _ what grade we get in exams. Thats why we try to get high grades _ and some even cheat in exams. _ they may get higher grades and please their parents for a while. But then most of them will feel upset or even ashamed. So _ should we cheat i

5、n exams.,this,no,all,by means of,by no means,by all means,By this means,means n. 手段;方法;工具;途径There is no doubt that television is an important means of communication.All possible means have been tried.Every possible means has been tried. * means 单复数同形。 means, way, method, manner区别,5. Its bad manners

6、to talk with your mouth full.,He caught up with the other classmates by means of hard work.,2. Only in this way can we learn English well.,3. The teacher is trying teaching language points with a new method.,4. She answered my questions in a cool manner.,means 方法、手段、工具,单复数同形,多与介词by 搭配。,way 方法,普通用语。可

7、用于任何处理 事物的方式。多与介词in搭配。,method 方法,理论,指合乎逻辑或系统的方法。多与介词with 搭配。,manner 单数形式: 方法,样式;举止,态度;较way庄重,多与介词in搭配。复数: 意为礼貌,礼仪;规矩,习俗。,单项选择:1) We look forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous _ of transport. A. means B. methods C. ways D. manners2) The quickest means of trave

8、l _ by plane. A. was B. were C. is D. are 改错: 1) By no means we will give in to difficulties. 2) Only in this method can you get much benefit from it when reading.,will we,with,A religious man,In the 18th century was ruled by _. _ the first Spanish to go California, _ were religious men.,Spain,Of,th

9、e majority,3. the /a majority (of) 大多数、大部分 n. 大多数 _ adj. _ _,majority,反义,反义,minority,minor,major,The / A majority speak(s) English.The /A majority were / was in favour of the policy.,The majority of students are hard-working. The majority of the damage is easy to repair.,单独做主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数, 强调个体时,

10、谓语动词用复数 。,the majority of + n. 后可加可数名词复数,也可加不可数名词,谓语动词由后面的名词决定。,占多数、过半数 be in (the /a) majority1).Those who are for the proposal _.in the majority B. are the majorityC. are in the majority D. is in the majority2).The number of students in our class _63 and the majority of them _ clever and work hard

11、.is; is B. are; are C. is ; are D. are; is,Gold miners,They came to California with the dream of _, but few achieved it. Some died or returned home, most remained there to _ for themselves.,make a life,becoming rich,4. 开始/习惯新的生活、工作等, 谋生 谋生 _ 继续生活或生存 _ 过着的生活 _ After graduation, he went to Beijing, wi

12、th the purpose of _there. However, he couldnt find a job and had to _by begging. He said he was _(过着悲惨的生活)but he would _and never give up no matter what happened.,lead / live a (adj.) life,make /earn a/ones living,live on,make a life,making a life,live on,living a miserable life,make a living,By the

13、 time California elected to become the 31st federal state of the USA, it was already a multicultural society. 5. elect Vi. 选择,决定做某事;Vt. 选举,推选 1). elect to do = choose/decide to do选择,决定做某事 翻译:现在越来越多的人选择在家工作。 Nowadays more and more people elect to work at home. 2). elect sb. (to be/as) 选举/推选某人为 翻译:美国人

14、民每隔4年选一次总统。奥巴马当选为美国第44任总统。 Americans elect a President every four years and Obama was elected as the 44th president of America. * adj. 候任的,当选而尚未就职的(用于名词后) the president elect 候任总统 *n. election 选举/推选,presidential election,stand/run for election,election results,to win/lose an election,6. keep up 坚持;维

15、持;保持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)翻译:我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去。我认为你应该鼓足勇气。We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up.I think you should keep up your courage.,keep 的相关短语阻止/妨碍做某事 跟上 记日记 (与)保持联系使离开, 避免接近,远离使不靠近/接触/远离抑制某事物的增长,使保持在低水平,keep up with,keep . from,keep a diary,keep in touch (with),keep away (from),keep down,keep off

16、,完成句子:It is because most immigrants _ their own cultures and customs that California has come the most multicultural state in the USA.,keep up,完成句子:,1) If this rain _, the garden will be ruined.2) This is my phone number. Lets _. 3) The police asked the people to _ the scene of the accident.4) We ap

17、peal to the government to _ the high prices of houses, about which many people are complaining.5)The noises made by my neighbours when they play mahjong always _ me _ sleeping. 6) Its of great benefit for you _ in English.,keeps up,keep off/keep away from,keep down,keep in touch,keep from,to keep a

18、diary,Homework: Writing Write a passage of only five sentences according to the information below, using as many words and expressions weve learnt as you can.,深圳是中国南部海滨城市,位于广东省南部。现有人口约860万,其中40%为原住民客家人(Hakka)。改革开放(reform and opening up)后,随着其经济的飞速发展,深圳吸引了很多来自全国各地的人,使之成为一个具有多元文化的城市。他们中的大多数通过自己的智慧和努力习惯了新的生活和工作,实现了他们致富的梦想。但也有极少数人却选择以乞讨谋生。,


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