新课标 小学英语[原创]六级语法和句型复习.doc

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1、小学英语原创六年级语法和句型复习 一语法复习:比较级运用: 运用于对事物、动作等进行对比,用于两者之间的比较。构成方法:a. 直接+er,比如:tall tallerb. 双写+er ,比如:big biggerc. +r ,比如:late laterd. y i + er ,比如:heavy heavierf. 特殊变化,比如:well better写出下列单词的比较级:A. 直接加er/rtall-_light-_young-_old-_strong-_ small-_late-_long-_short-_ low-_slow-_high-_ fast-_late-_B. 双写加erbig

2、-_ fat-_ thin-_C. 去y改i加erheavy-_ early-_D. 不规则变化:far-farther, well(good)-better , much/many-more bad-worse句型: Su Hai is taller than Su Yang.Ben jumps higher than his friends.Who gets up earlier, Nancy or Yang Ling?根据中文填空:我比海伦瘦矮。I am _ and _ than Helen.王海的足球比大卫的足球大。Wang Hais football is _ _ Davids fo

3、otball.谁的教室大一些,我们的还是他们的?Whose classroom is _, ours or theirs?高山的爷爷比他的奶奶大一岁。Gao Shans grandfather is _ _ _ than his grandmother.她比我高5厘米。She is _ centimetres _ than me.我比凯特小一岁。Im one _ _ than Kate一般现在时态:表示通常状态下发生的事情或动作。比如:David does his homework at half past six in the evening everyday.Ben jumps highe

4、r than most of the students in his class.There is a map of the world on the wall in our classroom.句式结构:主语+谓语动词+其他: I go to school at seven in the morning.表示一般现在时的时间词语:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every day/morning/Sunday/week/year/etc.如果主语是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式。第三人称单数形式的构成法和名词复数相同,

5、具体如下:(插入名词复数的变化)a. 一般情况直接在词尾+ s,如:deskdesks, horse horses, play playsb. 如果是s, ss, x, sh, ch, o结尾+ es,如:bus buses, box boxes, dish dishes, watch watches, tomato tamatoes, etc.(photo photos,名词变复数,以o结尾的单词表示的事物是没有生命的,直接加s )c. 辅音字母+y结尾,改y为i+es,如:family families, city cities.d. 以f或者fe结尾,改f为v之后+es或s,如:leaf

6、 leaves, knife knives.e. 特殊变化,如:man men, foot feet, child children变复数1. policeman _ 2. boy _3. sweater _ 4. family _5. bus _ 6. postman _7. box _ 8. pencil-box _9. chair _ 10. shop _11. locker _ 12. city _13. shelf _ 14. knife _15Chinese_ 16. people_写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。sit swim read make runwrite type g

7、o watch cleancry wash jump come study用do does填空(does 用于第三人称单数,其余用do)1. _ you ride a bike after school? Yes, I _.2._ _ your sister like PE? No, she _ not.3. What_ the students have? They have some pens.4. How_ Linda go to school? She goes to school on foot.5. He _ not speak English. He speaks Cjinese

8、.6. _ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they _ .7.My father and mother _ not read newspapers on Saturday.用一般现在时填空。(每句若有两个空要填一般第一个空填do 或does,第二个空填动词原形)1.What _ he _ (have)? He _ (have) a toy plane.2.My mother _ not_ (like) English. She _ (like) Chinese.3._ you _ (go ) to school by bus? No, I _ (go) to s

9、chool by car.4. Miss Wang _ (swim ) every day.5.I _(like) English . Tom _ _ _(not like ) English.6. The moon _ (go) around the earth.7.When_ you _ (go ) to school? I _ (go) to school at five every day.一般过去时态:表示过去发生的事情或进行的动作。比如:I went to the supermarket with my cousin yesterday afternoon.I saw Jack i

10、n the teachers office a moment ago.句式结构:主语+动词的过去式+其他+表示过去的时间。Su Hai went for a walk in the park yesterday afternoon.表示一般过去时的时间词语 :just now/yesterday/last week/last Friday/etc.过去式的构成法:词尾+ed,具体如下:a. 一般+ed,如:openopened;b. 重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾,双写这个辅音字母+ed,如:stopstopped;c. 辅音字母+y结尾,改y为i +ed,如:studystudiedd. 末尾有

11、不发音的e,+d, 如:taste tastede. 特殊变化,如go went, put put, am, is was写出下列动词的过去式sit swim read make watchmeet drawsing do write type gofly runwatch clean study stop is have seecry wash jump comeare am drink eat用一般过去时填空1. I _(go) to the cinema last Saturday.2. He_ (is ) ill yesterday.3. We _ (have ) an Art les

12、son yesterday.4. What _your uncle _(do) yesterday morning? He _(read ) English.5. She _ (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon.现在进行时态:表示正在发生的事情或进行的动作。比如:Look, Mr Wang is putting the pictures in the windows near our school gateListen! Mike is sing a song.句式结构:主语+be+动词的现在分词+其他+now.Mr Wang is puttin

13、g the pictures in the windows near our school gate.现在分词的构成:+ing,具体如下:a. 一般情况下,直接+ing, 如:go going, visit visiting, open openingb. 词尾有不发音的e, 去掉e+ing, 如:drive driving, come comingc. 重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾,双写这个辅音字母+ing,如:sit sittingd. 末尾是i或ie的, 改其为y+ing, 如:lie lying写出下列动词的现在分词。直接加ing去e加ing 双写加ingsit swim read ma

14、ke run watch singdo jump come write type go skiclean study stopsay cry wash用进行时填空。1. I _ _ (read ) English now.2. He _ _ (go) to the park now.3. We _ _ (have ) an English class.4. What _ they _ (do ) ? They _ _ (sit) in the park.5. My mother _ _ (clean ) the room now.一般将来时态:表示将要发生的事情或进行的动作。比如:We are

15、 going to have a science festival next Friday.She will come to our school this afternoon.句式结构:主语+will/shall/be going to+动词原形+其他+表示将来的时间。表示将来的时间词语:this afternoon/tomorrow/tomorrow morning/next Sunday/week/year/etc.We are going to have a football match at school on Friday afternoon.根据中文填空,注意动词的形式:这个周末

16、你准备做什么?星期六去参观历史博物馆,星期天和我的表姐一起购物。What _ you _ _ _ this weekend? I_ _ _ _ the history museum on Saturday. On Sunday, I _ _ some shopping with my cousin.在横线处填入合适的介词。1. Can you see a map _ China _ the wall?2. Go _ this street, and turn left _ the second crossing. The park is _your right.3. There is a ma

17、n _ the door.4. Where is the cat? Its _the tree.5. David goes _school _foot every morning. His sister goes _school _bus every day.6. The twin brothers look _ each other.7. We can see _ our eyes.8. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes.9. Here is a present _ you. Its _ your grandfather.10. Su Yang

18、s dad id going to work _ New York _ one year.用代词的适当形式填空。1. There is a letter for _ (her hers) mother.2. That is _ (she ) coat. The coat is red. _ (its)is a new one.3. Whose pens are these? _(their) are _ (we).4. Give _(he) a toy, please.5. _(we) eyes are black. _ (us) come from Japan.6. Tim and Bill

19、 are twins. _ (their)are from England. _ (them) parents are teachers in No 6 school.待添加的隐藏文字内容37. Give the book to _(I ).8. These books are _(we).用动词的适当形式填空。1. My mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2. Please _ (have) some oranges.来源:( - 六年级语法和句型复习_朱祥慧_新浪博客 3. Its seven oclock. I _ (g

20、et) up now.4. School is over. The pupils can _ (play) games.5. _ you _ (go) to school every day?6. Dont _ (run) in the school now.7. We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)8. Let me _ (go) to the cinema.9. Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now? Yes.10. My hands are dirty. Let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them.1

21、1. Look, Miss White _(have ) a maths lesson. We _(like) maths.12. The workers _ (want) some tea. They are thirsty.13. Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park?14. The runners _(run) every morning.15. I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.二句型复习:特殊疑问词单词意思用法when什么时间问时间who谁问人whose谁的问主人where在哪里问地点whi

22、ch哪一个问选择why为什么问原因what什么问东西what time什么时间问时间what colour什么颜色问颜色what about怎么样问意见what day星期几问星期what date什么日期问具体日期what for为何目的问目的how怎么样问情况how old多大问年龄how many多少问数量how much多少问价钱how about怎么样问意见how far多远问路程练一练1. A: _ is the boy in blue?B: Hes Mike.2. A: _ wallet is it? B: Its mine.3. A: _ is the diary? B: It

23、s under the chair.4. A: _ is the Chirstmas Day? B: Its on the 25th of December.5. A: _ are the earphones?B: They are 25 yuan.6. A: _ is the hairdryer?B: Its blue.7. A: _ is it today?B: Its Sunday.8. A: _ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October.9. A: _ this red one?B: Its beautiful.10. A: _ i

24、s it from here? B: Its about two kilometre away.11. A: Can I have some crayons? B: _ ?A: I want to make a kite.12. A:_ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? B: The blue one.13. A:_ is your cousin?B: Hes 15 years old.14. A:_ do you have dinner? B: At 6 oclock.句子的种类类别用法标点例句陈述句肯定叙述一件事情或说明说话人的看法.T

25、his is a bag.Thats my book.否定I can see a bag over there.I dont know.疑问句一般用于提出问题?Are you a student?Do you like puppets?Can you speak English?特殊Whats your name?Wheres my bag?How many trees are there?选择Is your friend a boy or a girl?反意Its a fine day, isnt it?祈使句表示命令或请求、建议.或!Put it here!Look at the noti

26、ceboard.感叹句表示惊讶、喜悦、赞美、厌恶或愤怒等强烈感情!How smart!Glad to see you!What a nice pencil case!练一练:1. Its a book. (改一般疑问句)2.My father is in the study. (对划线部分提问)3. Do you watch TV every Sunday? (做肯定回答)4. This picture is very beautiful. (改为以what引导的感叹句)5. Kick the ball to me! (改为否定句)6.I have a big present. (对划线部分提问)7.There are some orange trees on the farm. (改为单数句子)


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