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1、初二下学期英语的主要语法,句型,重点 2008-07-10 11:37:57卢传花成长博客1.宾语从句: 如果一个句子作为动词或介词的宾语,称为宾语从句。 (1) 如果一个特殊疑问句作某个动词或介词的宾语,一定要用其陈述的语序。如: they often ask him where he is from. 不能说成: they often ask him where is he from. (2) 某些特殊疑问句作宾语可以简写成“特殊疑问句 +to do” 的形式。例如: i am thinking about what to say 我正在考虑我该说点儿什么。 2. 一般将来时 : be g

2、oing to 结构的用法 : (1) 用 be going to+ 动词原形表示 ” 将要发生的事情或主观上打算 , 计划 , 决定要做的事 . 其后的时间状语通常为表示短期或近期含义的短语或表示固定时间的从句 . 如 :tomorrow morning,/tomorrow afternoon /tomorrow evening, next month /next week /next year /next saturday, this week /year/afternoon/saturday. 或者 when you grow up-? 等等 (2) be going to 结构中 ,b

3、e 是助动词 , 要按句中主语的人称和数的变化而变化 . 其后要接动词的原形 . 该句的否定式是在 be 后面加 not, 其疑问式将 be 提到句首 . 如 :she is going to help her mother clean the house this sunday./we are going to watch tv tomorrow evening. /are they going to have a sports meeting next month.? /there is going to be an english call tomorrow afternoon. (3)

4、, 在英语中 , 表示位置转移的动词 , 如 :come, go, fly, drive, leave, stay, 等 , 可用现在进行时表示按计划或安排即将发生的事 , 不必用 be going to 结构 . 如 :she is flying to nanjing herself. 明天她一个人飞往南京 . are you driving home ? 你开车回家吗 ? 3 . 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法: (1) 表示两者之间的比较时用比较级,常用于“比较级 +than ”结构。如: this box is heavier than that one . 这个盒子比那个重。 he i

5、s much taller than i ,. 他比我高很多。通常可用 much, a little , a lot , still , even 等词修饰比较级。还可以用“数词 + 名词”构成的名词短语表示确定的度量,来修饰比较级。如: i am ten years older than my little brother. 我比我的小弟弟大了十岁。 (2) 表示三者或三者以上的比较时用最高级,常用于“最 -“. 最高级的前面一般要加定冠词 the, 后面可带 of 短语来说明比较的范围。如: the one with nuts is the nicest of all . 里面夹果仁的月饼

6、是所有月饼中最好吃的。 li lei is the best at english in his class. 李雷在他们班英语学得最好。 此外,最高级还可以被序数词所修饰。如: the yellow river is the second longest in china. 黄河是中国第二大长河。 4 提建议的表达方法: 、 shall i / we do( 动词原形 )- ?表示“我 / 我们 - 好吗?” 例: shall we go to the zoo? 我们去动物园好吗? 、 lets do( 动词原形 )- 。表示“让我们做 - 吧” 例: lets make it half p

7、ast one. 让我们定在一点半吧。 iii 、 why not do( 动词原形 )- 表示“为什么不做 - 呢?” 例: why not give her some flowers? 为什么不送给她一些花呢? 5 怎样“表示需要”、“询问方向”和“指点方向” i 表示需要: 1.he needs some help . 2.you need a number 16 bus. 3.which number do i need ? ii. 怎样“问路(询问方向)”: 1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me.

8、 can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6.excuse me.can(could) you tell me how i can get to the hospital? 7.excuse me,can(could) you tell me where

9、the theatre is? 8.excuse me.where is the nearest hospital, please? iii. 怎样“指点道路”(指点方向): 1 、 its over there on the right /left. 2 、 its next to /in front of /behind /outside the school. 3 、 walk along /do down this road. 4 、 take the first turning on the left /right.=turn left /right at the first tur

10、ning. 5、 ts about two hundred metres along on the left /right . 6、 ts about five kilometers away. a) its about ten minutes walk from here. b) the nearest is about three kilometers away. you need a no.1 bus. c) take a no.3 bus on the right and get off at the sixth stop. 6. 序数词的用法:表示事物的顺序叫序数词。序数词往往与定冠

11、词 the 连用。 ( 1 ), 1-3 ,没有规律,要逐个记忆。 one first ; two second ; three third ; (2). 4-12. 有规律,其中 four, six , seven ,ten , eleven 是在基数词的后面加上 th, 而 five fifth , eight eighth , nine ninth , twelve twelfth 是没有规律,要逐个记忆。 (3). 13-20 有规律,是在基数词的后面加上 th 就行。 ( 4 )。第二十至第九十的整十的倍数都是在基数词后将词尾的 -y 改为 i, 再加 -eth 构成的。 ( 5 )

12、,十位以上的基数词变成序数词时,把个位数变成序数词即可,十位数不变。第一百、第一千、第一百万都是在基数词的后面直接加上 -th 构成。 ( 6 ),序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。 附: 基数词变为序数词的口诀: 基变序,有规律,词尾加上 th ; 一、二、三,特殊记,词尾字母 t,d,d ; 八减 t , 九减 e, f 来把 ve 替; 单词 ty 作结尾, ty 变成 tie; 若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。初二英语下册一、用所给词的正确形式填空:1. It is so cold. I dont want to wait any _ .( long )2.

13、Tom spent several hours in _ his homework. ( do )3. I am not used to _ to bed so late. ( go )4. Can you help me search some information about the _ ( develop ) of computers on the Internet?5. Many _ (busy) people can speak English. 二、选择填空:1. -Have you ever had such a pleasant time?-_. A. Yes. I did.

14、 B. No, I hadnt. C. Yes, I had. D. Yes, I have.2. He ordered the boy _ there. A. to go not B. to not go C. not to go D. did not go3. Since he came here last September, we _ in trouble. A. are B. were C. have been D. has been4. He wanted _ help raise money _ Project Green Hope. A. / ; for B. to ; for

15、 C. for ; for D. to ; to 5. Han Meimei is good at _. A. singing and to dance B. to sing and to danceC. to sing and dancing D. singing and dancing 6. It takes _ time to go to Beijing by plane than by train. A. more B. fewer C. longer D. less7. If you dont take more _, youll get fat. A. medicine B. ex

16、ercises C. exercise D. lessons8. We _ English five years ago. We _ it for five years. A. learned; learned B. learn; have learned C. have learned, have learned D. learned, have learned9. “ Its never too late _,” mother said to me. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt10. Hello, Mr. Huang! -Im so

17、rry, _ I dont think I know you. A. and B. or C. but D. because11. Jack _ his homework yet, so he wont go out with his friends. A. finishes B. has finishedC. doesnt finish D. hasnt finished 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Would you like _ ( sing ) at the party?2. Sorry, I kept you _ ( wait ) for me so long.3. It w

18、as difficult for him _ ( give ) up smoking.4. My parents want me _ ( be ) a teacher.5. They will go fishing instead of _ ( swim ).6. They decided _ ( not tell ) him the bad news.7. They used to _ ( stay ) at home on Sundays.8. _ your mother _ ( wash ) clothes yet?9. They _ ( read ) books when the te

19、acher came in.10. Computers _ ( sell ) almost everywhere.11. Thanks for _ (invite ) me.12. What about _ ( skate ) on the ice?四、中译英1. 我们为我们伟大的祖国而骄傲We are _ _ our great country.2. 谢谢你给我这么多苹果Thank you for _ me _ _ apples.3. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不动This box is _ heavy _ me _ carry.4. 我花了两天时间做完了我的功课I _ two days _, _

20、 my homework.5. 他昨天把伞忘在公园了He _ his umbrella in the park yesterday. 六、完形填空In England, people dont like _1_ very much. You can go on a bus, _2_ on a train , and people just sit looking _3_ the window.Often they read, they read books and papers. But they dont talk _4_ .When you meet English people, the

21、y often talk about one thing, _5_. So when you meet _6_ in England, you should say, “ Nice weather _7_ the time of year!”“ But it was _8_ cold yesterday.” Someone may answer. “ Well, it will get a bit warmer later!” You can say. Talk _9_ this, and the English will think. “ How _10_ you are!”( )1. A.

22、 laughing B. going about C. talking D. playing( )2. A. or B. and C. either D. but( )3. A. from B. through C. at D. out of ( )4. A. much B. a bit C. a little D. sometimes( )5. A. the food B. the work C. the time D. the weather( )6. A. a man B. a woman C. everyone D. someone( )7. A. at B. in C. on D.

23、for( )8. A. much B. not C. a bit D. more( )9. A. with B. in C. like D. for( )10. A. happy B. funny C. friendly D. careful 七、 阅读理解PDAs are very useful. They are like small computers. You can put a lot of information into them. For example, you can put in telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Many p

24、eople use PDAs to remember important dates. Some of these super machines can even send and receive e-mails.PDAs are small and convenient. A few years ago, they were expensive. Now, they are cheap. Many people use them at work and at school. People can carry PDAs in their shirt pockets.But, its impor

25、tant to be careful. These little machines are easy to lose. People put so much important information into their PDAs. Its really terrible to lose them.1. What is the main idea of the article?A. PDAs are like small computers. B. PDAs are cheap.C. You can do many things with a PDA. D. Too many people

26、use PDAs2. The article does not say a PDA can _A. talk to youB. send e-mail C. remember informationD. do some things like a computer3. What do we learn about PDAs?A. They are not very expensive now B. Students do not like to use themC. All of them can send and receive e-mails D. They are very large.

27、4. What kind of person would not use a PDA?A. A business person B. Someone who hates computers.C. A student D. A person with a busy schedule. 八、作文请用所学的知识写一篇有关你对慈善机构的认识,可举例说明,字数不少于80字【试题答案】一、longer; doing; going; regularly; medicine; first; beautifully; medical; development; business二、1-5 D C C B B 6

28、-10 B A D A D 11-15 B D D D D 16-20 C D B C D 三、to sing; waiting; to give; to be; swimming; not to tell; stay; Has, washed; were reading; are sold; inviting; skating; does, do; isnt flying; are having四、proud of; giving, so many; too, for to; spent, finish doing; left五、1. can- could; 2. they- he; 3.

29、live- living; 4. will be- is; 5. careful- carefully; 6. too- so; 7. of- to; 8. used- is used 9. an- /; 10. finish- to finish六、1-5 C A D A D 6-10 D A C C C 七、C A A D 八、UNICEF is an international charity for children. It was set up in 1946 after the war in Europe to help children. Now it helps childre

30、n all over the world. It works in 158 countries and areas. It helps governments and families make the world a better place for children. UNICEF wants children to be healthy and to go to school. UNICEF raises money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other fund-raising activities. People can he

31、lp UNICEF by making donations or doing some voluntary work. 某市20092010学年度第二学期期中考试II书面部分 (共80分)一、单词拼写(本大题共10分,每小题1分) (A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。1. The government has done a lot to _ (减少) the water pollution in Wuxi. 2. Stop to have a rest. Overwork will do _ (伤害) to your health.3. Can you tell me the tim

32、e of their _ (到达) ?4. On Christmas Day, all of us _ (简直) cant wait to open the presents. 5. There are fewer _ (工厂) in the city center than there used to be.(B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. The book shows the _ (develop) of those small villages in mountain areas.7. The way is so long and the trip seems to

33、be _ (end ).8. Are these colourful bags those _ (lady)?9. Its so cold today! So it is. Im afraid the temperature will be much _ (low) tomorrow.10. Does the singer sing _ (nice)? Yes,no one sings better.二、单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共12分,每小题1分)1. We _ a lot _ people in Sichuan after the 200

34、8 earthquake. A. provide; forB. provide; withC. provided; withD. provided; for2. My cousin _ America. She will come back next month.A. has gone toB. was goingC. has been toD. has been in3. I hope my father_ ask me only about my marks any more.A. notB. not toC. wontD. dont4. Nancy Green lives _, but

35、she never feels _. A. lonely; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone5.Isyourfatherateacher? Well,he_. Now he is a driver. A. usedtoB. wasusedtoC. usedtobeD. isusedtobe6. More than 20 people _ in traffic accidents _ last May.A. are dead; forB. have been dead; sinceC. have died; sinceD.

36、 have been dead; for7. His father only looked _ at him and said nothing.A. angryB. happyC. sadlyD. friendly8. Do you know how long the Wuxi airport has been _?A. on serviceB. in serviceC. to serviceD. for services9. Dont get too_ after hearing the_ news.A. excited; excitingB. excited; excitedC. exci

37、ting; excitingD. exciting; excited10. Im going to have a trip to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. _.A. GoodbyeB. Help yourselfC. Im sorry to hear thatD. Enjoy yourself11. Look, _ the roller coaster _!A.How high speed, is movingB.What high speed, is movingC. How high speed, is moving atD. What high spee

38、d, is moving at12. _ people came to the meeting and _ the people was over 2000.A. A number of; the number ofB. The number of; a number ofC. A number of; a number ofD. The number of; the number of三、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)1. Someone _ (ring) the doorbell. Can you hear it?2. By the way, how

39、 long does it take _ (drive) to your school?3. They may have a picnic if it_ (not rain) tomorrow.4. A young boy _ (fall) from that tree and hurt his leg 3 days ago.5. The Greens _ (live) here since they moved to our city in 1985.6. When I got home last night, Mum _ (watch) TV.7. We _ (hold) a party

40、at my home next week. Would you like to join us?8. I feel sick today, I am not interested in _ (eat) anything.四、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)Today Id like to tell you something about chocolates. Most of us 1 chocolates, but do you know 2 states of the chocolates there are and 3 they are made of ? Chocolate has three states. People _4_the first state of chocolate from the


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