新版深圳牛津七级下Chapter 1 People around us.doc

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1、新版Chapter 1 People around us1. Cheerful Cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的Why is he so cheerful?Cheerful是由名词cheer+ful构成。表示“充满”的意思。比如说:useful,helpful,beautiful,thankful. Cheer n 欢呼,高兴,愉快Her help brought cheer to our hearts. Cheer v. 欢呼,使高兴,加油She failed the exam,and we want to cheer her up.2. Hard-working Hard-wor

2、king adj 工作努力的,勤勉的Simon is a student.区别:Work hard 动副结构Simon works hard.3. Patient Patient adj 耐心的 (impatient 没耐心的)搭配:be patient with sb 对待有耐心 Patient n 病人The nurse is very patient with her patients.3. Time Take time to do sth 花时间做某事You should take some time to check your answer. is the time for sb t

3、o do sth 是某人做某事的时候It is the time for you to work hard. It takes sb some time to do sth. Sb spends some time on sth in doing sth. It takes me one hour to go to school. I spend one hour in going to school.4. Probably Probably adv 很可能 You are probably right. Probable adj 可能的It is probable to finish the

4、 work before dark.5. With 具有(外貌特征),带有 He is tall with blue eyes. 与,同,和 I am talking with my friend. 用(工具,手段) Cut meat with a knife.6. the best 形容词最高级前要加the. Tom is the best football player in our class. In the world = all around the world 全世界7. ForgetForget v . 忘记 Forget to do sth doing sth 忘记去做某事 忘

5、记做过某事Dont forget to reply to Jane in the morning.He forgot closing the door.相似用法:remember 记得 remember to do sth doing sth 记得去做某事 记得做过某事8. Taste n 味道 v. 尝起来 The dish tastes delicious.(感官动词+adj)相似的用法还有smell. n 气味 Many people dont like the smell of durians. v. 闻,嗅 The meat smells nice,but tastes terrib

6、le. 9. As well 又,也,同样地too ,also , as well 的区别as well,too 都放在句末,too 前要用逗号隔开.also放在句中.He speaks English and Spanish as well.= He speaks English and Spanish, too.= He speaks English and he also speaks Spanish.10. Take care of = look after 照顾Nurses take care of patients in hospital.= Nurses look after p

7、atients in hospital.Careful adj. 仔细的,小心的11. miss miss sb. very much 非常想念某人 v. 想念 v. 错过(机会) I missed the train yesterday. n 小姐,女士(未婚)12. Tell jokes 讲笑话 Dont tell jokes in class.Make sb do sth. 使某人做某事The teacher made the students do lots of homework.拓展:Make + sb sth. + adjThe news makes me happy makes

8、 me sad.Make fun of= laugh at 嘲笑,取笑We shouldnt make fun of the disable.13. Be good at= do well in 擅长He is good at Chinese. = He does well in Chinese.He is good at speaking Chinese. = He does well in speaking Chinese.反义词:Be poor at 不擅长14. remain v. 仍然是,保持不变 We will remain friends forever. (remain +n)

9、I asked her a question,but she remained silent.(remain +adj) v. 逗留He remained in Beijing for three months last year.15. Be full of = be filled with 充满The bottle is full of water. = The bottle is filled with water.16. lots of = a lot of + 可数名词复数 不可数名词17. He uses lots of games in his teaching.Teaching

10、:意为“教学” 作为名词eg:Linda wants to go into teaching.17. Be strict about sth 对某事要求严格Our teacher are always strict about our homework.Be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格He is very strict with his students.18. Encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb to do sth.Our teacher encourages us to do more sport. n. encouragement Thanks

11、for your encouragement.19. Support n. 支持 (不可数名词)Betty needs our support . Lets give her a hand. v. 支持 My mother always support me . 20. “Never give up and youll be successful.”Never give up 是祈使句. 句子结构是:祈使句+ and +句子(一般将来时,表达结果)Give up 放弃 Give up(sth.)I gave up this idea. give up doing 放弃做某事 My father

12、 cant give up smoking.Successful Successful adj 获得成功的 Tom is a Successful businessman. success n 成功 They finally got a big success. succeed v. 成功 Jim succeeded in getting the first place in English exam.课堂练习一、翻译短语(A):也,又 照顾,照料 讲笑话 嘲弄,取笑 对要求严格 放弃 上班夜以继日 擅长于 世界上 充满 鼓励某人做某事 使某人做某事 忘记去做某事 忘记做过某事 在教学中_二、

13、填写单词A 根据括号中的汉语提示写单词。1. Mary is a (勤奋的)student.2. He (放弃)drinking two years ago.3. Our teacher uses some games in her (教学).4. The (气味)of the flower is sweet.5. The oranges (尝起来)nice.6. Be (耐心的)with the children.7. The new student is (聪明的)and quick to learn.8. My teacher (鼓励)me to read more books in m

14、y free time.9. I need your (支持)to do this job.10. He is a nice (人),and we all like to make friends with him.B.根据括号中的释义写单词 6. I think she will soon be _again .(happy) 7. We should _students to speak English in class.(give.a lot of hope) 8. Thank you for all your _(encouragement and help) 9. He _silen

15、t for a short time.(still kept) 10.The young people had _ at the party.(enjoyment; pleasure)三、选词填空Task1从方框中选择适当的单词填入空格中,如有必要,需改变单词的形式。(A)remain strict encourage miss person patient1. Susan has been in the USA for three years. We all her very much.2. When Judy came back from the UK, she found that he

16、r hometown nearly the same.3. Do you know the in back? He is our new English teacher.4. You need to be when you take a test. You should do it carefully.5. Miss Wang is a very teacher. She asks us to do our homework again if we dont write it clearly.6. Parents should often their children but not puni

17、sh them.(B)joke successful care smart probably forget 7. I believe that you will be in the future if you always work hard. 8. We all felt tired on the way to the top of the mountain so Mr Li stopped to tell us a to make us happy.9. Angela to buy some bread yesterday. She had to get up early to buy s

18、omething for breakfast this morning.10. Alice was so that she was able to finish the difficult problem in only three minutes.11. Eddie will be a vet in the future because he likes animals very much.12. You should look after your puppy very well because it needs a lot of love and .(C)cheerful smell s

19、upport laugh hard-working13. Mr Li woke Ted up and asked him to answer the question but what he said made the whole class .14. Betty is . She is always very happy.15. As a student, Susan always listens to her teachers and does her homework carefully.16. What are you cooking now, Mum? I can get a ver

20、y nice .17. I cannot do it by myself. I need your .Task2从方框中选择适当的词组填入空格中,如有必要,需改变单词的形式。take time as well take care of tell jokes makelaughmake fun of remain friends be full of be strict about give up1. You are eight years old. You need to learn to yourself now.2. Kelly is a happy girl. She always an

21、d makes others happy too.3. They Mary because of her strange hairstyle.4. Would you please to help me take the luggage to my room?5. I need some sugar in my coffee. Oh, I need some cream .6. If you lie to me, we may not be able to .7. The room smoke. The child coughed again and again.8. For your hea

22、lth, you should smoking right now.9. We all must the school rules. If you dont follow them, you will be in trouble.10. There are many ways to us , such as listening to cross talks.四、单选题1. Miss Wangs class is always full happiness and activities.A. in B. to C. with D. of2. These children are very lov

23、ely .They are quite kind to others.A. also B. too C. as well D. either 3. My grandmother was a short woman grey hair.A. in B. about C. with D. of4. My mother is a tall woman with _.A. a long hair B. long hairs C. long hair D. many long hairs5. Work hard you will finally find the answer to the questi

24、on.A. and B. but C. or D. so6. -Dont forget your homework to me by email,Peter?-Sure,Mr Anderson.A. send B. to send C. sending D. to sending7. My grandfather two years ago and I miss him very much.A. die B. dies C. died D. is dying8. I havent seen my grandparents for a long time. I _.A. very miss th

25、em B. think them very much C. am always remembering them D. miss them very much9. Our class teacher usually makes us a lot of homework every day.A. A. to do B. do C. doing D. does10. Peter is my English teacher. He always encourages me .A. to study hard B. study hard C. studying hard D. studies hard

26、11. It takes time her baby.A. look after B. to look after C. looking after D. looked after12. It me two hours the work.A. took,to finish B. spent,finish C. cost,to finish D. paid,finishing13. Now they study in different school,but they good friends.A. remain B. keep C. go on D. still be14. We should

27、 be strict our study.A. about B. with C. to D.on15. Who your child when you were away.A. looks after B. took care of C. make fun of D. tell jokes16. He becomes the managers of the company because he is .A. work hard B. hard-working C. working- hard D. work- hard17. My uncle plants .flowers in his ga

28、rden.A. a lot B. lot of C. lots of D. a lots18. 6.-What does your mother do _your family?-She cooks and takes care of my family.A. in B. for C. about D. to 19. Her uncle is short but _.A. A. tall B. thin C. fat D. strong20. He likes to play football and basketball_Aeither B、as well as C、also D、as we

29、ll五、适当形式填空1. We all felt very when we watched the performance by Class 4. (cheer)2. I think Jake is a very movie star. We should proud of him. (success)3. Tom says that he will be a fireman when he grows. (probable)4. I (forget)to close the door when I left home.5. Would you please help me take (car

30、eful)of my little dog?6. My mother often (encourage)me to do more exercise in the morning.7. Although his family was poor,her parents (support)him to go abroad. 8. There are many (person) going for a walk by the river.六、按要求完成下列题目。A 同义句改写1. She is a tall girl wearing glasses. She is a tall girl _ gla

31、sses.2. Bens grandpa was always happy. Bens grandpa was always _.3. Mr. Green is a good cook. Mr. Green is _ _ _. Mr. Green _ _ _ cooking.4. Dont laugh at others. Dont _ _ _.5. The box is filled with books.The box is _ _ books.B汉英翻译6. 这种表或许是世界上最好的。This kind of watch is _. 7.我永远不会忘记他的帮助。I _ his help.

32、 8.这个女孩能歌善舞。 This girl is _ and _. 9.我们的英语课充满了乐趣。Our English classes are _. 10.永不放弃,你就会成功。_.七、完形填空WLinda loves her dog Davy. They went to New York City last Saturday. _(1) Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog _ (2) his box and ran away. The station was _(3) and Linda couldnt se

33、e Davy _ (4) . _(5) Linda shouted his name, some people looked at her _ (6) Davy didnt come. Then she called the police. While she _ (7) on the phone, Davy met another dog outside the station. While police were coming, Linda walked around the station and called Davys name. She didnt think about _ (8

34、) outside the station. Finally, a little boy said to her, “ Did you look outside? I saw a big black dog when I came in.” When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with _ (9) dog. There was a police officer _ (10) them. The police officer said to Linda, “ I think my dog found your dog.”

35、( )1. A. When B. Before C. While D. After ( )2.A. got up B. got out of C. got over D. got into ( )3.A. crowding B. crowd C. crowded D. to crowd ( )4.A. somewhere B. nowhere C. any places D. anywhere ( )5.A. When B. While C. If D. Though ( )6.A. so B. then C. however D. but ( )7.A. talked B. is talki

36、ng C. was talking D. talks ( )8.A. to look B. looking C. looks D. looked ( )9.A. another B. other C. the others D. others ( )10.A. with B. next to C. in D. on 八、阅读理解 In England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just

37、 like in spring. An hour later, clouds come out and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, and it will be summer. In England, you can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can swim sometimes, and in summer you

38、 should(应该,将要) sometimes take warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them on the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at(嘲笑) them. When it rains later, you will laugh yourself.Read the passage and answer the question

39、s.1. What do people in England often do? 2. How many seasons can they have in England in one day? 3. What do people need to take when they go out? 4. Can you swim in winter in England? Why or why not? 5. Whats the weather like in England? Chapter 1 People around us(B)知识点补充:1. Keep +adj.doing 2. Try to do try doing& Stop to do s


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