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1、雅思写作高分技巧:关联词的妙用朗阁海外考试研究中心 总所周知,关联词连接着前后两个句子,让文章更加完整和通顺。在雅思写作考试中,关联词更是起着至关重要的作用。熟悉这些常用的关联词,对你的考试会有非常重要的作用,而且如果关联词使用得当,还会使你的文章更加语意连贯,准确,句子、段落乃至整篇文章都显得更加顺畅。那么雅思关联词总共分为哪几类呢?笔者认为雅思写作常用关联词可以分为以下几大类:1. 并列(and)关系类A. 排序(sequencing)起:first of all in the first place to begin with first(ly) the first (reason) i

2、s承:after this/that then following this/that afterwards合:finally/eventuallyB. 递进(reinforcing)Also besides furthermore In addition moreover whats morenot onlybut alsoC. 等同(equating)In the same way likewise similarly. accordingly equally importantD. 总结(summarizing)In conclusion, in summary, in short, l

3、astly, to conclude, finally, to sum upE. 举例(referring)For example, for instance, in particular, Particularly, such as, that is to say, Namely, a (good) case in point to illustrate is F. 结果(showing results)As a result, consequently, hence, so, Therefore, thereby, thus, for this reason, Leads to, caus

4、e2. 选择(or)类A. 推断(inferring)In other words, in that case, then (or), else otherwiseB. 替换(giving alternatives)Alternatively, then againC. 重复(restating)In other words, that is to say, to put it simply3. 转折(but)类A. 比较/对比(contrasting)Conversely, in comparison, in contrast to this, Instead, nevertheless,

5、however, on the contrary, On the other hand whereasB. 让步(conceding)After all, all the same, even if while Although/though/even though, however stillIn spite of / despite this/ that nevertheless nonetheless yet那么究竟应该怎样学习关联词呢?朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,学习关联词首先把连接词词性掌握,并掌握各词性的用法,就会简便得多。关联词大体可分为三大词性:连词,副词和短语,它们各自的用

6、法又不一样。下面笔者结合一些例句给大家做一些解释和示范:1. 连词在雅思写作中常用的并列连词有4个,即and, while, but和so, 后面直接跟句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。例1:So from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.这里的so充分说明了这个句子和前面句子之间有并列的关系,并很好的连贯了

7、上下文的意思。2. 副词副词连接并列句,前面用句号或分号,后面用逗号,在雅思写作中常用的副词有however, obviously, therefore, overall, instead等。例2:The crime rate is increasingly high; therefore, the government needs to enforce more laws to curb this situation.用了therefore使得整个句子自然,连贯,流畅,而且让读者读的时候能很顺利的过渡到下面的句子。例3:Obviously, education systems are bas

8、ed on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music.待添加的隐藏文字内容2有了这个obviously, 就很明显的感觉到这个句子和上一个句子之间有明显的承上启下的关系,加了这个词后可以使语义更加流畅。3. 短语其实根据笔者的经验,考官非常钟爱将短语作为关联词使用,希望考生们注意到这一特点。雅思写作中常用的短语有in conclusion, in other word

9、s, in terms of, regardless of, in addition, because of, as a result of, In spite of , in the other hand, rather than, to begin with等。例4:In other words, there is more to the skill than a learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter how good the teacher or how frequently a chil

10、d practices.例5:They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please.这些in other words, regardless of等词很好的处理了上下文的关系,使句子起到推论和递进的关系,这就是关联词在句子中的神奇作用,这点请同学们不要忽视。现在我们来看一下一篇优秀雅思作文的节选,看一下作者是怎样运用关联词来连接上下文,使整篇文章的语义更加流畅的。Example ArticleTo begin with, most of the childre

11、n get to know these advertisements by watching TV on which there are always full of vivid and graphic descriptions which have deeply captured the hearts of the children. Therefore, children, nave and innocent, have kept asking their parents to buy those toys, snacks or other goods which they have se

12、en on TV. Furthermore, pressures come from their friends, usually called peer pressure, have also made some kids unhappy with their life because the parents of their friends have bought the goods but their parents do not. In this case, not only the kids, but also their parents, are under great press

13、ure.On the other hand, however, we sometimes have to admit that some of the advertisements do provide useful information. For example, many food advertisements often involve the trends and tastes that most children would have, which could be helpful to the doctors or teachers in the field of childre

14、ns health. Nevertheless, the drawbacks of it are more obvious, the purpose of these ads will never change-making money on kids and they provide misleading messages as well.In addition, they always do not concentrate on the qualities or values of the goods but how they look like or in which way do th

15、ey attract children, etc. As a result, parents have to pay much money and their kids are not necessarily satisfied with what they get because they are not as good as they are depicted in the advertisement.其中红色的单词,很好的作为连贯词起到了承上启下的作用,使上下文读起来行云流水,语义通顺,是同学们写作很好的学习连贯词的模板和例子。最后笔者想说的是,学习雅思作文用好连贯词是一个很重要的部分,因为在雅思写作四大评分标准中,连贯性与衔接是其中的一项评分标准,连贯性与衔接性其中一方面就是使用连接手段(即关联词)来实现的。如果关联词应用恰当,就会使整个句子、段落通顺流畅。要做到这点还是希望广大考生能够通过平时的努力学习,扎扎实实的打好关联词的基础,争取在考试中能够学以致用。


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