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1、李阳疯狂英语 之手势突破发音注:以下注音均为美国发音的IPA标法手势突破元音A: i: Please 穿针引线长衣音 Please speak English with me.pli:z spi:k INglIF wID mi:B: I Difficult 经典收小腹短衣音 Its not difficult to speak English. Its nAt dIfIklt tE spi:k INglIFC: e Everything 小开口45音 Everything is ready evrITIN Iz redID: Q Practise 90大嘴音 Practice makes pe

2、rfect.。 PrQktIs meIks pE:rfIkt 熟能生巧。E: V Wonderful经典收小腹短啊音 My mother is a wonderful teacher. maI mVDEr Iz E wVndErfl ti:tFErF: E:r Perfect 重读卷舌音 He speaks perfect English. hi: spi:ks pE:rfIct INgliFG: ER Remember 轻读卷舌音 Remember to call your mother.rImembEr tE kOl JOr mVDErH: E Together 经典收小腹放松短鹅音 Am

3、erica and China should always work together.EmrIkE Qnd tFaInE FUld OlweIs wE:rk tEgeDErI: A: Bother 感叹祖国大好山河音 Sorry to bother you. sA:rI tE bA:DEr Ju:注意:美式英语中没有X音,其对应的为A:或O:J: A:r Charming You have a charming smile. Ju: hQv E tFA:rmIN smaIl重点单词charming 迷人的K: O: Always Always say “please” and “thank

4、you”. O:lweIs seI pli:z Qnd TQNk Ju:L:O:r Important Its important to practise English every day. Its ImpO:rtEnt tE prQktIs INglIF evrI deI单词家族practice n. 练习M: U Should 经典收小腹短乌音 You should work harder. JU: FUld wE:rk hA:rdErN: u: Food 长乌音 Whats your favorite food? wA:ts JO:r feIvErIt fU;d注意:英式英语中:fav

5、ouriteO: eI Mistake 嘴角咧到耳朵上音 Dont be afraid of making mistakes. dEunt bi: EfreId Ev meIkIN mIsteIks同义词error 后者更正式,经典例子是P: aI China 超级饱满夸张阿姨音 Is this your first time in China? Iz DIz JO:r fE:rst taIm In tFaInEQ: OI Enjoy I really enjoyed talking to you. (when you were disgusted, the polite way of end

6、ing a conversation is to say”) aI ri:lI IndZOId tO:lkIN tu: Ju:R: Eu Hope 舀水音 I hope to see you again.aI hEup tE si: Ju: EgeInS: au Outstanding 狼哭鬼嚎音 You are outstanding. ju: A:r austQndIN类似词terrific,fantastic,wonderful,fabulous,greatT: Ir Clear Its very important to have clear pronunciation. Its ve

7、rI ImpO;rtEnt tE hQv klIr prE;nVnsIeIFnpronunciation n.发音(学发音必须学会的单词)U: wr Care We should all care about the environment. wi: Fuld O:l ker Ebaut DE InvaIrEnmEntV: ur Sure I am sure youll enjoy it. aI Qm Fur Ju:l IndZOI It手势突破辅音A: p Impossible Nothing is impossible.单词家族possible可能的B: b Believe Believe

8、 in yourself.注意believe in 与believe的区别C: t Time Dont waste time. D: d Decide Let me know what you decide.重点语法;宾语从句What you decide作know的宾语E: k Keep Keep up the good work. 再接再厉F: g Government Our government does a good job.E: f Feel I feel a little sick today. ill 和sick都有生病的;有病的之意,但用法并不完全相同。ill 表示生病的;有

9、病的这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如病人可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。又如:She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father .她在照顾她生病的父亲。 sick 有恶心的;厌倦的之意。如:The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感到恶心。 ill 作定语修饰名词时是坏的;邪恶的之意。如:He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人理论的东西,不要过分深究!理解就行!F:

10、 v Leave When are you leaving?G: s Nervous Dont be nervous.H: z Business Do you do a lot of business in China?I; F Special This is a special local dish.Local dish当地菜J: Z Pleasure It is a pleasure to be here today. 超级演讲句型It is a great pleasure to It is a great pleasure to have this opportunity to giv

11、e my best regards to friends from various countries and regions. 我非常高兴能有机会向来自不同国家和地区的朋友们表达我最美好的祝愿H: T Bathroom 咬舌音 I need to use the bathroom.I: D Weather 咬舌音 Are you used to the weather here?J: h Help Let me help you.K: r Terrific You look terrific today.L: tF China China is changing every day.更牛的表

12、达式是China is really a fast-changing country.M: dZ Language English is a international language.international Chinese国际化中国人(死李阳嘴里常挂的一个词)N: m Memory I have a poor memory.单词家族memorize v.记忆,记住O: n Number Can you give me your telephone number?P: N Wrong 撒娇音 Is there anything wrong?Q: l Learn Learn somethi

13、ng new every day.注意比较:everyday 每天的R: h Help Youre very helpful.S: l Welcome You are welcome to join us.T: j Yesterday I arrived yesterday morning.U: tr Trouble I dont want to trouble you.Trouble亦可作名词V: dr Drink What would you like to drink?W: ts Lots I have lots of friends.Lots of=a lot of 可接可数或不可数名词X: dz Words Words cant express how grateful I am.高级表达


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