《英语1》(基础模块 高教版)教案:第七单元第一课时.doc

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1、Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?(第一课时教学设计)一、 学情分析本教案的授课对象为高一年级计算机专业学生。该班共有52名学生,其中女生10名。本班同学思维活跃,兴趣广泛,热爱篮球、足球等体育活动。有较强的计算机专业知识与操作技能。但大多数同学尤其是男生英语入学基础比较薄弱,对英语缺乏兴趣和信心。由于掌握的词汇量和句型结构少,造成大多数同学不敢开口说英语,课堂参与积极性和学习动机不强。针对以上问题,本教案力求降低教学内容的难度,更多采用集体教学的方法增强学生的自信和参与热情。二、 教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第七单元的第一课时,包括l

2、ead-in & listening and speaking 中的Dialogue A 两部分,具体内容为:运动图标与名称,打电话常用语句以及邀请王阳一起打篮球的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。同时打电话的话题使教师可以充分地在教学中把教学内容与学生的生活联系起来。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过学习打电话的对话,让学生掌握常用打电话语句。(2)教学难点学生记住关于运动项目的单词学生听懂有关打电话对话中的详细内容三、 教学目标1知识目标(1) 学生能掌握部分运动项目的名称,如volleyball, badminton, t

3、ennis, table tennis等,及message 一词的用法。(2) 学生能掌握打电话时的常用句型: A: Hello! This is . Can/May I speak to .? B: Speaking. / This is speaking. / .isnt in at the moment. Can /May I take a message? A: Ok, . B: All right, Ill tell him / her. A: Thank you. Bye!2能力目标(1) 学生能听懂关于打电话邀请别人参加某一体育活动的对话(2) 学生能根据常用打电话句型,打电话邀

4、请别人参加某一体育活动的对话练习3情感目标学生能懂得打电话的基本礼仪四、 教学步骤Step One Lead in 61. Activity One -Do you know the name of these sports item?Show some pictures of different sports items on the screen.Then ask students to tell the English name of these items. If students cant, they are allowed to speak Chinese. (Since they

5、 havent learned some of these words and the vocabulary of them is poor.)Learn these words together with the help of pictures. Students are asked to read them one by one following the teacher. Then they can read them together or read them by themselves.Ask students to read these words one by one to c

6、heck whether they can read or not.(设计意图:利用图片进行体育活动词汇的学习,可以帮助提高学生的兴趣和识记单词的有效性,同时此环节为后续环节增加必要的词汇量。)2. Activity Two-Tick the answer of the phone callT: According to the above sports, which do you like best?S: .T: Suppose you want to watch a match with Bush, you are making a call to him. What will you s

7、ay?Do activity 2. Read and tick. Ask students to tell the answers one by one.(设计意图:利用活动2环节,由词汇学习引入到电话开场白的选择,从而自然引出对话内容。)Step Two Listening 131. Activity 3 Listen and chooseTeacher explains the task of this part, and then asks students to listen to the tape and choose the answer. If they cannot catch

8、 the answer in the first listening, repeat the dialogue again.(设计意图:由于有活动2 的铺垫, 本环节学生不会碰到太多的困难。)2. Activity 4 Listen and tickTeacher explains three cards first, then points out the key of listening for this time is to catch the time and the content of the action.Students listen to the dialogue, tick

9、 the right note and check the answer together.(设计意图:听大意,了解对话基本内容。)3. Listen and repeatAsk students to listen to the dialogue. Then repeat it sentence by sentence.(设计意图:通过句句重复,使学生了解对话具体内容。)Step three Speaking 231. Read and underlineStudents read the dialogue in activity 5 individually, then they unde

10、rline some important sentences about the telephone call. Then teacher asks 2 or 3 students to tell others their opinions. Teacher writes down these sentences on the blackboard:A: Hello! B: Hello! This is . Can/May I speak to .? A: This is speaking. .isnt in at the moment. Can /May I take a message?

11、B: Ok, thanks. A: All right, Ill tell him / her. B: Thank you. Bye!(设计意图:学生通过阅读,独立找出打电话时的常用句型应该不难。因为这几个句子在前面的activity 2 和activity 3 、4中出现过。但学生在划线时并不一定会划全,故请两到三名学生给出答案,进行核对,能进行互相补充和增加信服度。)2. Performance: Make a callTeacher explains the rule: Make a phone call to your friend to invite him or her to ta

12、ke part in a sport item. But he/she is not in when you call. And his/her father answers the phone. The cards with sentences and words on the blackboard will help you to finish the dialogue.To: TomThings: come to school to watch the basketball match this eveningTo: JaneThings: come to the playground

13、to play volleyball together this afternoonT: You may change the role as the father and the call boy/girl in turn. You are given 5 minutes to prepare, then Id like to invite some groups to perform it on the stage. Of course, you may discuss it with your partners. Lets see which partners will bring us

14、 the most wonderful performance, and which partners will make the call naturally and politely.(设计意图:该步骤有助于学生进一步掌握打电话常用句型,并且通过具体操作能更加注意到打电话时应该注意到的礼仪。鉴于这种情形在日常生活中比较常见,且有黑板上的常用句型及相关内容的帮助,学生能顺利进行该活动。)3. EvaluationAsk students to evaluate which partners is the best.(设计意图:适时的评价能促进学生的积极性和自信心。)Step Four Sum

15、mary 2Ask students to review the sentence structure used in making the call. Ask them to repeat it or read it together.(设计意图:课堂小结,学生能进一步明确和巩固本节课所学句型结构)Step Five Homework 11. Read and copy the new words of this part.2. Write down the dialogue you made in the class on your exercise-book.(设计意图:进一步巩固所学词汇,训练学生的书面表达能力。)五、 板书设计 Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?A: Hello! volleyballB: Hello! This is . Can/May I speak to .? badmintonA: This is speaking. .isnt in at the moment. Can /May I take a message? tennisB: Ok, thanks. table tennisA: All right, Ill tell him / her.B: Thank you. Bye!


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