外研版初中英语八级上册教案:Module8 Unit1.doc

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1、Module 8 Accidents一、 教学内容:Unit 1 What did you do?二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1. To mater the words and phrases: round, corner, hit, glad, in time, side by side , fall off , pay attention to2. To listen and understand what was happening at a specific time.3. To understand conversations about

2、 accidents4. To talk about what was happening at a specific time 5. To know how to avoid accidents 四、 教学重难点:1、能够运用过去进行时简单叙述发生的事故。2、过去进行时while、when的用法。五、 教学准备:本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听力技能。课堂上采用多媒体手段辅助教学,在轻松愉快的氛围中,在较真实的语境下,并联系学生生活实际,结合已有的知识和经验,运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习、互相学习,让学生在语言实践中相互启发、生成,体验成功。培养学生的合作精神,发展其思维和想象等能

3、力。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。六、 预习要求:1、 根据音标自学本课新单词;七、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)Lead in1.Organize the Ss to see a video of the accidents and answer:(1)What is the movie about ?2. Free talk:Talk something about the movie and ask the stude

4、nts: We should obey the traffic rules1. See the video and try to answer the questions .2. Talk something about the movie with the students . 让学生观看一则国外的交通安全宣传片,通过看视频回答问题引入今天的主题,通过这个环节,既可以调动课堂气氛,还吸引了学生的学习兴趣。Step TwoPre-task(6)Task1:Check the new words.1.Show some pictures and things to get the student

5、s to say out the new words.2.Organize the students to read the new words together.3.Play a game : What is missing ? 1.See the pictures and things to say out the new words.2. Read the new words together.3. .Play a game : What is missing ? 引导学生谈论ppt上的图片,检查学生对词汇的掌握程度,训练学生的表达能力,通过图片、情景学单词,做到词不离句。Check完词

6、汇后玩一个单词记忆游戏,加深学生对新单词的记忆。Step ThreeWhile-task (23)Task2:listening(1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and underline the correct words .(Activity 2)(2).Guide the students to listen to the conversation and answer the questions (Activity 3).Did the car hit the boy?_ was talking on his mobile phone

7、.Task 3: Reading(1) Organize the students to look at the video to understand the conversation .(2).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation. (3). Organize the students to compete in groups . Task 4: Solve the language points(1).Organize students to find out the language points w

8、hen they are reading and then check . (2).Help the students to solve the difficult points. (1). Listen to the tape and underline the correct words. Then check . (2). Listen to the conversation and and answer the questions. Then check.(1) Look at the video . .(2) Read the conversation in groups.(3).

9、Organize the students to compete in groups . (1). Students show out some language points, the other students listen to them carefully and note . (2).solve the difficult points. with the teachers help.利用听读,练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养学生细节听力的技巧,能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧。通过看视频听读对话,帮助学生进一步理解课文内容。小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生

10、充分地实践运用语言,并培养团结合作精神。通过让学生在阅读中找出相关的短语并展示,既培养了学生的胆量,又培养了他们自主学习的能力。Step FourPost-task(11)Task 6:Do some speaking(1) Ask the students to talk about what he was doing when the accident happened according to the pictures ( Activity 6) .(2). Have the Ss act out their new dialogues.Task 7:Talk about the ris

11、k of an accident when you are riding a bike. Task 8. See some interesting movies and learn:What else can we do/cant do to avoid the accidents . Task 9 .Ask students to do someexercises and then check.(1). Make dialogues in groups with the teachers help.(2). Act out the new dialogues.Talk about the r

12、isk of an accident when you are riding a bike. See some interesting movies and learn :What else can we do/cant do to avoid the accidents . Task 9. Do the exercises, then check.通过做对话训练学生说的能力,能使学生加深对课文内容的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。通过讨论学习文章中的一些骑自行车注意事项,进一步通过观看短视频的形式延伸道课外的交通规则,既让学生感兴趣又能让学生铭记这些交通规则。通过笔头练习,

13、进一步巩固所学。Step FiveSummary(2)1.Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学

14、习英语的信心。Step SixHome-work(1)Homework请根据下面的简介,以“An Accident ”为题,写一篇不少于80词的文章。1、 上周四下午,四个学生正在他们放学回家的路上(on their way home )2、 突然,他们看到一辆卡车(truck)从拐角处快速的开过来。3、 这时,一个骑车的女人摔倒在地,碰伤了膝盖。(fell off . hurt ones knee)他们当中一人拨打电话报警,并把伤者送进了医院。Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。当堂训练一单项选择1. Safety comes fir

15、st. We should _ to keep safe on the road. obey the traffic (交通) rules be careful of passing cars and buses run fast after others not read the messages on our mobile phones play basketball with our friends A. B. C. 2. I _ a meal when you _ me. A. cooked, were ringing B. was cooking, were ringing C. w

16、as cooking, rang D. cooked, rang3. They _ a football game from 7 to 9 last night. A. were watching B. watch C. watched D. are watching4. Would the driver see him _? A. on time B. in time C. for time D. at time 5. The old man _ his bike yesterday afternoon. A. fell off B. fell down C. fell of D. fell up6. Everyone should pay attention _ the risk of the accident. A. for B. to C. at D. under


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