英文短剧 大灰狼与七只小羊.doc

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《英文短剧 大灰狼与七只小羊.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文短剧 大灰狼与七只小羊.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、The Wolf and the Seven Kids There was once upon a time a mama goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go into the forest and fetch some food. So she called all seven to her and said.很久以前,一只山羊妈妈有着七只小山羊,她和所有妈妈一样非常爱她的孩子们。一天,她想

2、要到森林里去找一些食物。所以她叫来她的七个孩子,说道羊妈妈:“Come on, children. ”小羊们:“Mommy”羊妈妈:“Im looking for some food. Dont go out. Be good, ok?小羊们:“Ok,mommy.羊1:“Come back soon, mommy.羊妈妈:“Ill come back soon.歌舞一Sunday Monday Tuesday There was a wolf whose mouth watered at the sight of the seven fat kids . He was very happy w

3、hen he saw the mama goat go outside. It was not long he had an exciting idea.有一只狼对这七只小肥羊一直垂涎欲滴。他看到羊妈妈出门,非常的开心。不一会儿,他就想到了一个兴奋的主意。(咚咚咚)大灰狼:“Come on, children. Open the door. Im mommy. I have a nice gift.小羊2:“Ah.Oh no. It isnt mommys voice. ”小羊们:“You arent mommy. Youre a wolf. Go away, go away. The wol

4、f pulled on a pair of gloves which made him look like a goat.(咚咚咚)大灰狼:“Come on, children. Open the door. Im mommy. I have a nice gift.小羊3:“Oh, yes.Its mommys voice.”小羊4:“Oh, Thats mommys paw. ”小羊们:“Haha, Lets open the door.Lets open the door.Lets open the door.(门开了)大灰狼:“HahahaIll eat you.Soon afterw

5、ards the mama goat came home again from the forest. Ah! What a sight she saw there! The house-door stood wide open. The table, chairs, and benches were thrown down, the washing-bowl lay broken to pieces, and the quilts and pillows were pulled off the bed. She sought her children, but they were nowhe

6、re to be found. She called them one after another by name, but no one answered. At last, when she came to the youngest, a soft voice cried,不久,羊妈妈从森林里回来了。啊!眼前一片狼藉。门大开着,桌椅板凳横七竖八,碗掉落在地上摔成了碎片,被子枕头也被拔下了床。她怎么都找不到孩子们。于是,她一个一个地开始叫他们的名字,但是听到任何回应。最后,当她交到最小的小羊时,一个细细的声音在回答,小羊5:“Mommy, Im here.羊妈妈:“Oh, my baby.

7、What happened, baby?”小羊5:“There, mommy.羊妈妈:“Oh,the bad wolf.She looked at the wolf on every side and saw that something was moving and struggling in his gorged belly. She thought her children can be alive. Then the kid had to run home and fetch scissors, and a needle and thread, and the mama goat cu

8、t and opened the monsters stomach.What rejoicing there was! All six kids were alived. They embraced their dear mother, and jumped like a sailor at his wedding. 她仔细地看了看狼,发现他的大肚子还在动。她想,也许我的孩子们还活着。小羊飞快地跑回家,拿来剪刀,针和线。羊妈妈剪开这个恶魔的肚子。让人开心的是,六只小羊全活着。他们拥抱着自己亲爱的妈妈,高兴地又蹦又跳。小羊123467“Mommy”歌舞二 Weather(周五晚二年级)羊妈妈:“Bring me some stones.小羊6:“Ok, here you are.羊妈妈:“Thank you. Now, lets go.(大灰狼睡醒,觉得渴了。)大灰狼:“Im thirsty. I want some water.(大灰狼掉水里了。)小羊门“Great!”“hurray歌舞三 Youre my sunshine


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