Basic and special suturing techniques in surgery..ppt

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1、,BASIC AND SPECIAL SUTURING TECHNIQUESIN SURGERY,Andrea FerenczSemmelweis University,Faculty of MedicineDepartment of Surgical Research and Techniques,,Gentle handling of the tissues Closing dead space Supporting and strengthening wounds until healing Approximating wound ed

2、ges for structural,functional and an aesthetically pleasing result Minimizing the risks of bleeding and infection,THE PRIMARY GOALS,Medieval period,Type and anatomic location of the wound Thickness of the tissue Degree of tension Desired cosmetic result in the case of skin,THE CHOICE OF SUTURE TECHN

3、IQUE,Basic types of sutures,WOUND CLOSURE,Interrupted sutures:simple interrupted suture vertical mattress suture(sec.Donati,sec.Allgwer)horizontal mattress sutureRunning sutures:simple running suture running-lock suture running intradermal suture running vertical mattress suture sec.Donati running h

4、orizontal mattress suture,Special techniques,ClipsStaplersWound closure without knottingZipLineAdhesive strips,SIMPLE INTERRUPTED SUTURE,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture,Simple Interrupted Suture-Skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture-Skin

5、,Simple Interrupted Suture fixation of drains,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Roman sandal,Simple Interrupted Suture-gingiva,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture-cornea,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture mikrovessel,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,1 mm,Simple Interrupted Suture nerve suture,n.medianus,BASIC

6、 SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture mesenterium,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Suture mesenterium,Dehiscence,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Evisceration-Disruption platzbau”,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Interrupted Stithes,as a retention suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Complications,BASIC S

7、UTURE TYPES,Vertical Mattress Suture sec.Donati,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Vertical Mattress Suture sec.Donati-skin,Mario Donati(1879-1946),BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Vertical Mattress Suture sec.Allgwer,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Martin Allgwer(1917-2007),Vertical Mattress Suture sec.Allgwer-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Horizo

8、ntal Mattress Suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Horizontal Mattress Suture-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Horizontal Mattress Suture,as retention suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture abdominal wall,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,

9、Simple Running Suture-GIT,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture-uterus,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture-tongue,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture vessel suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture vessel anastomosis,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture ves

10、sel anastomosis,Simple Running Suture-cornea,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Simple Running Suture,as retention suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Running-locked Suture,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Running-locked Suture-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Running-locked Suture-gingiva,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Running Intracutan Suture,BASIC SUTURE

11、TYPES,Running Intracutan Suture-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Running Intracutan Suture-skin,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,Complications,BASIC SUTURE TYPES,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Clips-skin,Linear Staplers-GIT,Hmr Hltl(18681940),Aladr Petz(1888-1956),SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Circular Staplers-GIT,SPECIAL TE

12、CHNIQUES,v.pulm.superior sin.,Staplers lungs,bronchi,big vessels,a.pulm.sin.,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Wound closure with knotless suture,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,ZipLine-skin,1936,Kenya,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Steri-Strip Adhesive strips,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Alternative abdominal wall closure techniques,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Dorylus,army ants,Ants-skin,SPECIAL TECHNIQUES,Recovered wound,PRACTICE OF THE SUTURES,PRACTICE OF THE SUTURES,


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