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2、履行的义务,报告内容,研究背景研究地点三个研究案例土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循环的影响生态学SCI论文写作和发表,研究地点,内蒙古多伦县。地理范围:115o50116o55E,41o4642o39N海拔:1 150 1 800 m之间 年均降水量为385.5 mm,潜在蒸发量为1 748 mm,其中68月降水量占全年的67年均气温为1.6,最暖月(7月)平均气温为18.7,最冷月(1月)平均气温为-18.3,无霜期100 d左右,10 积温为1 917.9 天然植被以典型草原为主,优势植物包括羊草、克氏针茅、冰草和

3、冷蒿等 农田以小麦、燕麦、苦荞麦、青贮玉米等为主,野外调查,凋落物分解,样方调查,洗根,物种调查,报告内容,研究背景研究地点三个研究案例土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循环的影响生态学SCI论文写作和发表,土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响,Research objectives,Quantify the influence of different land-uses on soil carbon and nitrogen stores;Identify the suitable land-use and managemen

4、t options for carbon sequestration and socio-economic activities;Examine the inter-relationship between carbon and nitrogen stores and productivity as influenced by land-uses for the semi-arid grassland ecosystems of northern China.,Purpose of the study,To provide regionally based,policy-relevant in

5、formation on the impact of land-use change on carbon stock as called for by the international carbon cycle research communities(GCP 2003),and to identify carbon sequestration potential of the region through improved land management.,研究方法,样地设置6种土地利用类型每种土地利用类型4个30 x30m标准样方测定指标植被地上生物量,ANPP地表凋落物生物量土壤分层根

6、系生物量土壤容重植物组织和土壤的碳、氮含量,六种不同土地利用类型,围封草地,刈割草地,放牧草地,人工草地,农田,弃耕地,放牧草地,Key results(1),Among the six land-use types,ANPP varied markedly and highly significantly(p APFLGEMWFG;The ANPP for the CP was between nearly five-to more than 18-folds greater than other five land use types.,Key results(2),Total below

7、ground soil nitrogen stores ranged from 0.4 kg N m2 for the FG to 0.8 kg N m2 for the AP;The CP only ranked the third in the total belowground carbon stores and the fifth in the total belowground nitrogen stores.,Key results(3),Among the carbon pools belowground,litter was most variable across the l

8、and-use types;The AP was ranked the highest in carbon store for all the three pools;The lowest carbon store was displayed by the CP in litter and roots.,Key results(4),Patterns of nitrogen store with land-use were slightly different from the carbon store such that nitrogen stores showed less variati

9、on in roots and SOM across most of the land-use types;The ground-floor litter nitrogen store varied greatly among the land-use types,and was greatest in the AP and least in the CP;The AP had the greatest nitrogen store in both roots and SOM;the least nitrogen store was displayed by the AP in roots,a

10、nd the FG in SOM.,Key results(5),With exception of the CP,SOC and SON stores apparently increased with ANPP across the land-use types;Within the same land-use types such trend did not seem to exist.,Key findings,Among the six land-use types,alfalfa pasture clearly ranks the best from perspectives of

11、 feed-stock and soil carbon and nitrogen stores;The state of free-grazing sites suggested apparent overgrazing and severe land degradation;Restoring severely degraded and overgrazed grasslands could potentially increase soil organic carbon and nitrogen stores by more than 55%;conversion from the nat

12、ive grasses to alfalfa could potentially double the aboveground biomass production,and further increase soil organic carbon and nitrogen stores by more than 20%.,Issues to consider,Despite of the promising outlook for the alfalfa pastures,large-scale conversion of the native natural vegetation to al

13、falfa pastures should be treated with caution as alfalfa has not been proven to survive the extreme events of low winter temperatures and drought.Uncertainty with diseases in long-term alfalfa systems may also constrain the wide use of alfalfa hay in the region;Mechanized mowing is not necessarily a

14、 long-term solution to carbon sequestration for the purpose of mitigating global climate change due to the costs of fossil fuel consumption;Diversity in land-uses in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China should be viewed as necessary for addressing issues concerning both regional productivity

15、and global climate change,Major conclusion,Through improved management and land-use conversion for better productivity,the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China could be utilized as a significant carbon sink in the context of mitigating global climate change while maintaining adequate productivity

16、 for servicing the regional socio-economic development.,报告内容,研究背景研究地点三个研究案例土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循环的影响生态学SCI论文写作和发表,土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响,Research objective,To determine how land use affects the diversityproductivity relationship in semi-arid steppe ecosystems.Hypoth

17、esis:the mode and intensity of disturbance due to anthropogenic activities contributed to the relationship between species diversity and community productivity,研究方法,样地设置三种土地利用类型每种土地利用类型4个30 x30m标准样地测定指标Aboveground biomassPlant abundanceSpecies composition and richnessCover,物种调查,样方调查,土地利用类型,围封草地,刈割草地

18、,放牧草地,Measures of biodiversity traits,Measurement of species frequency,On each site,species frequencies were measured from 25 randomly placed quadrats(0.50.5 m)by recording the presence of species within each quadrat.Species frequency was expressed as the proportion of quadrats containing a given sp

19、ecies(Duncan et al.1997).,Key results(1),The values of Pielou and ShannonWiener indices and species richness were significantly higher on both types of grazing exclusion plot(GE and MW)than on the FG plots,while the MW site had a markedly higher level of plant abundance than the other two land-use t

20、ypes(GE and FG).,Key results(2),Pearsons correlation analysis revealed a significant and positive correlation between ANPP and ShannonWiener index on the MW site,and a significant but negative correlation on the FG site.,Key results(3),The relationship between ANPP and species richness can be best d

21、escribed as an exponential growth function on the GE and MW plots,and as an exponential decay function on the FG plots.,Key results(4),Compared with FG plots,the GE and MW plots were characterized by significantly(P0.05)greater frequency of Liliaceae species(Allium bidentatum,Allium tenuissimum,Alli

22、um neriniflorum,Allium ramosum,Allium senescens),most of which grow close to the ground surface with low productivity;The FG plots had significantly(P0.05)greater numbers of legume species(Oxytropis glabra,Melissitus ruthenica,Astragalus scaberrimus,Astragalus galactites),and a higher frequency of t

23、he rhizomatous species,especially Carex duriuscula,than the other two sites;The GE and MW plots differed from the FG plots by displaying greater importance of PF species and lesser importance of SS species in terms of relative contributions to ANPP,plant abundance and cover.,Key results(5),On both G

24、E and MW plots,above-ground production was comprised mainly of the PB,PF and SS functional groups,PF being the most dominant;whereas on the FG plots,above-ground production was predominantly and equally comprised of the PB and SS functional groups;The AB functional group contributed a meaningful fra

25、ction of total ANPP only on GE plots.,Key results(6),On the FG plots,above-ground production of the PB functional group increased with species richness,whereas above-ground production of the SS functional group decreased with species richness.,Key results(7),For plant abundance,the PF functional gro

26、up was most dominant on GE and MW plots,followed by the PR and PB functional groups;On the FG plots,the PR functional group ranked highest and PB next to highest,followed by PF;The PF functional group on the MW plots had much higher abundance than on plots of the other two land-use types.,Key result

27、s(8),Plant cover was almost the same for the PB,PF and SS functional groups on the GE plots,and about equal for the PF and SS functional groups on the MW plots,but was dominated mainly by the SS functional group on the FG plots.,Key findings,At the local scale,the relationship between biodiversity a

28、nd productivity could be strongly affected by the mode and severity of disturbance reflected in different land-use types in the semi-arid steppe ecosystems;Precise mechanisms underlying the relationship between species diversity and productivity can be very complex,and that the mode and severity of

29、disturbance are critical in regulating such a relationship;The mode and severity of disturbance are important factors for interpreting the relationship between species diversity and productivity in semi-arid steppe ecosystems.,报告内容,研究背景研究地点三个研究案例土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循

30、环的影响生态学SCI论文写作和发表,降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循环的影响,Research objectives,To determine whether microbes in the grasslands of northern China are energy-limited(in which case increased litter inputs are unlikely to result in soil C sequestration)or resource-limited;To determine whether SOC addition and irrigation s

31、timulate plant and microbial biomass and their respiration rates;To determine whether the enhanced inputs of water and SOC influence the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration.,研究方法,实验设计40 1x1 m plots4 POM addition rates(equivalent to 0,60,120 and 240 g C m2)to 10-20cm soil layer under either n

32、atural precipitation or with 50%increase in summer precipitation5 replications测定指标Soil CO2 effluxAboveground and root biomassSoil microbial biomass and activitySoil organic C content,Key results(1),The effects of irrigation and enhanced soil C inputs on SOC were marginal to absent;Irrigation signifi

33、cantly increased SMB-C and SMA in both the 010 cm and the 1020 cm soil layers;Enhanced soil C inputs did not increase SMB-C and SMA in the 010 cm soil layer,but significantly increased SMB-C and SMA in the 1020 cm soil layer.,Key results(2),Enhanced soil C inputs significantly increased aboveground

34、biomass and root biomass in the 1020 cm soil layer,but did not affect root biomass in the 010 cm soil layer;Irrigation had very little effect on standing biomass.,Key results(3),Irrigation and enhanced soil C inputs significantly increased cumulative soil C efflux,Key results(4),In all plots,RS was

35、strongly related to soil temperature;Irrigation and enhanced soil C inputs significantly increased RS10C and Q10.,Key results(5),RS10C varied significantly with time,and displayed peak values in mid-July regardless of levels of subsoil POM addition and precipitation,Key findings,Increasing rates of

36、subsoil POM addition in the 1020 cm soil layer increasingly stimulated soil respiration,SMB-C and SMA;Increasing SOM inputs greatly enhanced soil microbial biomass and activity and that soil C accumulation was relatively minor.This strong response of SOM decomposition to the below-ground supply of P

37、OM indicated the energy limitation of the microbial activity in this temperate grassland ecosystem.,Conclusions,Overall,increasing C inputs affect belowground processes in the temperate grassland ecosystems of northern China by(1)accelerating microbial SOC cycling,and(2)enhancing plant productivity,

38、possibly in response to the enhanced nutrient availability;The response of plant productivity to POM addition(and associated release of nutrients)leads us to believe that plant productivity in the semiarid grassland ecosystems of northern China is primarily limited by nutrients and not by water.,报告内容,研究背景研究地点三个研究案例土地利用对土壤碳氮储量的影响土地利用对局域尺度物种多样性与生产力关系的影响降水增加与土壤有机碳添加对地下碳循环的影响生态学SCI论文写作和发表,EcologyThe science of piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of the natural world,论文撰写过程中需要注意的问题,题目要能够充分反映研究内容拟解决科学问题的新颖和独特性实验设计符合科学规范结果描述与讨论内容紧扣主题论点明确、论据可靠、论证严谨、表述清晰Where,what,why,and how?,


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