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《Unit1 Environment Protection.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1 Environment Protection.doc(24页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit1 Environment Protection教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 类别 要求掌握的语言知识和语言能力要点话题 Environment protection词汇environment protection collect eco-friendly rubbish step throw away cure save frighten weak painful die skin forest cut ocean pollute waste kill cover wound suddenly foreverresource unlimited

2、 damage serious breathe punish imagine well-being generation短语finish doing cut down be covered with wake up think about use up die from in the near future nothing but do ones best to do let do功能禁止与警告 ( Prohibiting and Warning )You cant (mustnt) do that.Dont If you , youll be fined / punished.Youd be

3、tter not do it.Look out! / Take care! / Be careful!语法状语从句一、时间状语从句:常由 when, while,before,after, as soon as 等引导。二、地点状语从句:常由where 等引导。三、条件状语从句:常由 if,unless 等引导。四、原因状语从句:常由 because,as,since 等引导。五、目的状语从句:常由 so that,in order that 等引导。六、比较状语从句:常由 more.than,as.as 等引导。七、让步状语从句:常由 although,though 等引导。八、结果状语从句

4、:常由 so.that,such.that 等引导。教学 建 议(Suggested teaching notes)一、单元内容分析 本单元的中心话题是“环境保护”,通过作者可怕的梦形象的说明了当今环境污染的严重性,从而呼吁大家从身边的小事做起,从自身做起,尽全力为环保事业尽自己的一份力。本单元的语言知识和技能都是紧密围绕这一主题展开的。(一) “热身” (Warming up) 部分中列举了日常生活中常见的和环保密切相关的图片,通过回答哪些是应该做的哪些是不应该做的让学生对于环保的相关知识有个大概的认识,引入本单元的主题。(二) “阅读”(reading)部分题为“我们的母亲地球”,通过作者

5、可怕的梦表达了从现在开始我们就必须尽全力保护环境的主题。全文分为四段:第一段描写作者做了一个梦,梦见我们的母亲地球前来看病,第二段描写了地球哭诉由于人类的污染,她已遍体鳞伤,第三段向大家敲响了警钟,环境污染问题越来越严重,第四段呼吁大家从我做起,尽全力保护我们的母亲地球。(三) “读后”(Post- reading)1. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)部分设置了2 个练习题,主要用来帮助学生更好的理解阅读课文的内容。练习1、练习2 均要求学生依据课文内容填写相关信息,这个练习一方面能够使学生对课文内容理解分析,同时能

6、够使其对课文的整体框架有个全面的把握。2. 热点词汇与短语训练(Useful words Expressions)“词汇学习” 部分主要是用来帮助学生更好的掌握阅读课文中的词语,有一项练习:要求学生在学习了课文后对课文中的重点词、词组、句型等进行操练,这项练习要求学生不仅要理解单词及短语的意思更要学会把单词及短语运用到句子当中。(四)“ 听力”(Listening)“听力”是一段三个朋友就水污染、声音污染和光污染对人类照成的危害的对话,要求学生根据录音选择每个人分别描述的是哪种形式的污染,其对人类的危害是什么。其目的是让学生在学习课文的基础上进一步了解环境污染的危害性,既是对课文知识的延伸,也

7、是对课文中热点词汇的复习和巩固。(五)“说”(Speaking)“说”(speaking)部分列出了我们在日常生活中常用的禁止与警告的句型,设计了一个练习,要求学生仿照例子编写对话。这个练习不仅让学生学习运用有关禁止与警告的句型,同时让其对公共场所随处可见的警示标语有所了解和学习。(六)“写”(Writing)写(writing)部分是让写邀请函。邀请函的书写格式和第一册书信的写作格式一致,只是要特别注意邀请函书写时叙事一定要清楚,言辞要准确。(七)“语法”(Grammar) “语法学习”部分主要是要帮助学生学习状语从句(时间状语从句、地点状语从句、条件状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、比

8、较状语从句、让步状语从句和结果状语从句)。通过练习要求学生能够熟练运用区分不同的从属连词。(八)“小结” (Summary Up) 部分涉及两项内容:1、让学生总结所学到的词语,句型;2、让学生总结本单元新出现的热点名词、代词、有用表达方式,语法等知识。(九)“英语学习小知识”(Learning Tip)部分向学生介绍了除在说练习中出现的其他常见日常警示标语。(十) “一首英文歌”(An English song):陶冶情操,培养乐趣。本单元涉及的要点是:一、学习并理解“我们的母亲地球”中的内容。二、学习有关禁止与警告的词汇及表达。三、学习并掌握本单元“教学目的和要求”中的词汇和短语。四、学习

9、并掌握状语从句。五、初步学习邀请函的写作格式。二、教学建议与参考(一)热身1可先问学生是否是绿色环保者。日常生活中常见的对环境污染的现象有哪些,自己又都做了哪些对环保有益的事情。2. 观看热身部分的图片,然后根据列举的词组说出对于环境保护哪些是应该做的,哪些是不应该做的。这部分可帮助学生进一步熟悉话题,激发他们的阅读兴趣和欲望。在教学中,老师可让学生自己先表达其所知道的有关环境保护的知识,然后再学习热身中出现的各种情况的英语表达。(二) 阅读1. 本课文的阅读目的是:(1) 让学生了解环境污染问题现在已经相当严重,我们必须立刻采取措施,从身边的小事做起,从自身做起,为环保事业做力所能及的事情。

10、(2)让学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如速读、精读、细读,总结、归纳内容的能力等。(3)学习描写方面词汇,句型等。(4)学习并掌握本课的热点词语、表达方式、语法等。2. 本节阅读材料呈现大量的细节内容,对于课文的教学步骤,建议教师引导学生:(1)速读:要求学生独立速读课文,对课文整体把握,检查并指导学生快速阅读的能力。(2)细读:要求仔细阅读每段课文的意思,划上不懂的单词,学生对自己不懂的句子、语句提问,教师可针对学生的问题进行讲解;在老师的点拨引导下掌握每一段的意思, 完成细节理解。如:Whats wrong with our mother-the earth in the dre

11、am?What we have done to the earth?Whats the environment before? How about now?As a student, what should we do?这样老师引导,突出了学生的主体地位。自我检查更正Post-reading 中的练习答案,老师提问部分学生检查学习效果。(3)精读:通过以上步骤学生初步掌握文章整体脉络后,让学生再精读课文,加强对具体信息细节及重要细节的把握,加深对文章的理解。同时,教师也根据学生的基础就课文中的出现的热点词汇、句型等进行讲解。完成Post-reading II Practice of Words

12、 and Expressions 中的练习。(4)赏读:在学生对课文有了整体的理解后,让他们再听录音欣赏全文,体会文章里表达贴切,内涵丰富的词句。通过听课文录音,跟读模仿,帮助学生练习纠正发音。同时也可引导学生再赏读课文,以达到进一步全面深刻领会全文的目的。(5)复习巩固:完成练习册中的练习,检查学生对课本中语言知识的掌握情况。(6)总结归纳:在这一环节教师和学生一起总结归纳所学知识, 以学生为主体,教师引导。(7)知识补充:视学生对课本知识的掌握情况,对课本中的相关知识进行补充和引申。(三)阅读理解阅读理解部分设计的两个练习都是紧扣课文内容,帮助学生在阅读中掌握段落大意与文章的细节,可以让他

13、们在速读课文这一环节后独立完成,通过提问检查学生的完成情况。Suggested answers:I. Reading ComprehensionRead the text and fill in the forms according to the text.Form 1What we have done to the earthskinthe forests are being cut down by peoplebloodthe river and oceans are being polluted by the waste from the factorieschildren peopl

14、e and animals are killing each otherForm 2the environment before a. people did not have to think about itb. few people on the earthc. natural resources seemed to be unlimitedthe environment nowa. the world has become too crowded.b. natural resources are being used up and the environment is beingpoll

15、uted by human beings.c. breathe the polluted air, drink the polluted water and eat the polluted food every day.(四)词汇学习词汇学习部分的练习密切联系全文,建议教师再引导学生精读课文后让学生独立完成这项练习,再小组核对,教师可举例说明词汇的用法,再让学生读写以加深印象。词汇部分要求学生不仅要理解词汇的意思更要学会把词汇运用到句子当中,老师在讲解时可以先举例说明每个单词或词组的用法,从而使学生能对其用法有一个巩固复习。Suggested answers:II. Practice of

16、Words and ExpressionsComplete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words or expressions in the box. 1) do our best to 2) wake up 3) is covered with 4) punished 5) think about 6) cut down 7) used up 8) died from 9) not onlybut also 10) nothing but(五)听力听力的要求是:首先能够听懂对话的内容。其次了解不同形式的污染及其

17、所造成的危害。听力活动的教学步骤建议如下:1. 看图片,让学生对对话内容有一个大体的了解,准备听录音。2. 组织他们听第一遍录音,大概了解主要内容。3. 听第二遍录音,对在第一遍听力过程中遗漏的进行补充。4. 核对答案。先由学生尝试回答,听第三遍录音小组内部核对,最后教师补充。5. 学生分组朗读。Listening Text and the AnswersFill in the blanks according to what you have heard.Listening Text:speaker 1: The environment in China is becoming worse

18、and worse. It makes people sick.speaker 2: Yes, water pollution is one kind. The river is becoming so dirty that no living things can live in it and the water is unsafe to drink.speaker 1: Noise pollution is another. It is bad for peoples hearing. Sometimes even makes people deaf.speaker 3: Besides

19、these two, light pollution is also serious. It makes people feel terrible. It is bad for our eyes.speaker 2: We should protect our environment now.Suggested answers:picture 1 It is air pollution picture aspeaker 1: picture 2 It is noise pollution picture dspeaker 2: picture 4 It is water pollution p

20、icture cspeaker 3: picture 3 It is light pollution picture b(六)说 说的要求是:学生能够运用根据不同的场景表达有关禁止与警告的句型。说的教学步骤建议如下:1. 让学生先试着说出自己所知道的有关禁止与警告的句型。2. 参考 Model 完成练习。3. 了解学习公共场所常见的警示标语。Suggested answers:Follow the model and make new dialogues with your partner.Sample:1. A: Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant take

21、 photos here.B: Is that so?A: Yes. Dont you see the “No photos” sign ?B: Oh, sorry. I really didnt notice.A: If you do it again, youll be fined.2. A: Look out!B: Ouch!A: Dont you see the “Wet floor” sign?B: Oh, I really didnt notice.A: Be careful next time.3. A: Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant pa

22、rk your car here.B: Is that so?A: Yes. Dont you see the “No parking” sign?B: Oh, sorry. I really didnt notice.A: If you do it again, youll be fined.(七)写写作的要求是:能够掌握邀请函的书写格式。写作教学要求如下:(1)组织学生两人一组讨论,明确要求。(2)复习书信的书写格式。(3)教师提供1,2 篇邀请函写作为参考,帮助学生明确写作的要求。(4)学生独立完成写作项目,并相互检查。(5)学生完成后可选几篇文章作为点评。Sample:Dear Dav

23、id, This Sunday is my birthday, and I will hold a party at Joy Restaurant. Would you like to join my birthday party? If you and your friends could come to my party, I should be very grateful. I will be expecting you and your friends at 11 a.m. this Sunday. Yours, Tony(八)语法状语从句语法部分涉及的要点是状语从句中常用的从属连词。

24、在教学中,建议教师根据学生的实际情况进行补充。状语从句根据其用途可分为:时间状语从句、地点状语从句、条件状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、比较状语从句、让步状语从句和结果状语从句。. 时间状语从句时间状语从句表示动作发生的时间,可以由when (当时),while(在期间),as(当),before(在前),after(在之后), since(自从以来),till(或until,直到),as soon as(一就),once(一旦) 等引导。As the boys walking along the lake, they sang happily. 这些男孩一边沿着湖走,一边愉快地唱歌。T

25、hey worked until it was too late. 他们一直工作到很晚。Once you begin, you must continue. 你一开了头,就应当继续下去。注:when 和while 都可以表示时间,其区别在于:when 为“当时”的意思,指某个具体的时间,表示一件事发生之时另一件也发生;while 为“在期间”的意思,强调主句的动作与从句中的动作在某一时间内同时发生。When I pressed the button the radio stopped. 当我按下按钮,收音机就停了。While you are listening, try to answer t

26、he following question. 你在听录音时,尽量回答下列问题。. 地点状语从句地点状语从句表示动作发生的地点。它由从属连词 where(在地方)whenever(无论什么地方)等引导。Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。They followed the taxi wherever it went. 不管出租车开到哪里,他们都跟着。. 原因状语从句原因状语从句表示动作发生的原因,由because(因为), as(因为,由于),since(既然,由于),now that(既然)等引导。Now that everyone i

27、s here, lets begin our discussion. 既然大家都到了,我们就开始讨论吧。注:在 because, as, since 这三个从属连词中,以because 语势最强,since 次之,as 又次之。because 表示“原因”的语气最强,回答“why”,所引导的从句是全句重心所在。as 所引导的从句往往放在主句前面,用来说明原因,这种原因往往比较明显。since 和as 相似,但表示稍加分析后的原因。We hurried because it was getting dark. 我们很赶因为天变黑了。As it was raining hard, they sta

28、yed home. 由于雨下的很大,他们只好呆在家里。Since he is busy, I wont trouble him. 既然他很忙,我就不打扰他了。. 条件状语从句条件状语从句由if(假如), unless(除非,若不), suppose (假如),as (so) long as(只要)等词引导,如果主句是将来时,条件状语从句用一般时表示。Suppose he does not come, what shall we do? 他要是不来,我们该怎么办?As long as you dont lose confidence, you will succeed. 只要你不失去信心,你就会

29、成功。. 比较状语从句比较状语从句由more.than(比), as.as(和一样), not as (so) .as(和不一样), the .the(越越) 等引导。I can not remember things as well as you. 我的记性没有你好。The more we can do for you, the happier we will be. 我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴。. 让步状语从句让步状语从句由although(尽管), though(虽然), even if(即使), even though(即使), no matter(不管)引导。He did well

30、 in his examination, even if he didnt get a prize. 尽管他没有得到奖学金,但他还是考得好。Tony had to have his car fixed no matter how much it cost. 托尼必须把汽车修好,不管花多少钱。. 结果状语从句结果状语从句由so that(结果,因而), so.that(如此以致),such.that(这样以致)引导。Speak clearly so that they may understand you. 说清楚点,这样一来他们都会明白。Practice of GrammarComplete

31、the following sentences with when, while, where, if, because, more.than, as.as, although, so that, such.thatSuggested answers:1. When 2. Although 3. while 4. if 5. because6. asas 7. so that 8. suchthat 9. morethan 10. where三、教学评价建议(一)自我评价(略)(二)测试性评价1. Translate the following sentences into English a

32、ccording to the given words inthe bracket.1) 我还没读完这本书。(finish doing.)2) 他们昨天砍倒了那棵树。(cut down)3) 天啊!我们该怎么办?(bless me)4) 他们用布盖住桌子。(cover with)5) 他从来没有考虑过这个问题。(think about)6) 在不远的将来,她将成为一名优秀的教师。(in the near future)7) 她可怕的容貌吓到了我。( frightened )8) 你再这样,你会受到惩罚。( punish )2. Complete the following sentences

33、with when, while, where, if, because, as soon as, as.as, although, so that, such.that1) Well have a big party for him gets here.2) I work late, I will get tired.3) it was quite late, they were still working.4) Some plants die winter arrives.5) the teacher explained the text, the students listened an

34、d took notes.6) He worked _ hard _ he fell ill.7) Lei Feng was always ready to give help _ help was needed8) Is Africa _ large _ Asia .9) His idea was _ a good one _ we all agreed to it.10) I like my job very much _ the work is interesting.Suggested answers:1. Translate the following sentences into

35、English according to the given words in the bracket.1) I havent finished reading the book yet.2) They cut down that tree yesterday.3) Bless me! What shall we do?4) They covered the table with a cloth.5) He never thinks about this problem.6) She will be a good teacher in the near future.7) Her terrib

36、le looking frightened me.8) If you do it again, youll be punished.2. Complete the following sentences with when, while, where, if, because, as soonas, as.as, although, so that, such.that1) when 2) If 3) Although 4) as soon as 5) while 6) so that7) where 8) as as 9) such that 10) because补充参考资料(Supple

37、mentary reference materials)一、补充注释1. One day after I finished curing a patient, another one came in. 一天,当我给一个病人治疗后,又进来一个。finish doing “完成”。又如:I finished reading the book yesterday. 昨天我把那本书读完啦。英语中有些动词只能用动名词(或名词)作宾语,常见的有:enjoy (享受),finish (完成), mind (介意), practice (练习), suggest (建议), give up (放弃)等。又如:

38、I wish I could give up drinking. 我希望我能戒酒。cure “治疗(疾病),治愈(病人)”。又如:The pills will cure your headache.这些药能治好你的头痛cure of “治好的”。又如: The doctor cured me of a cold. 医生治好了我的伤风。2. Her terrible looking frightened me. 她可怕的容貌吓到了我frightened “害怕的、恐惧的”。常用来修饰人。又如:Everyone was frightened by what he said. 每个人都被他说的吓了一

39、跳。类似的形容词还有:excited, interested, surprised, moved, bored 等。frightening“可怕的,令人恐怖的,引起恐惧的”。常用来说明人/物所具备的特征。又如:a frightening experience 可怕的经历类似的形容词还有:exciting, interesting, surprising, moving, boring 等。He is frightened at the frightening traffic accident. 看到这次可怕的交通事故,他很是恐惧。He was deeply moved by the movin

40、g story. 他被这个感人的故事深深感动了。3. My whole body is covered with wounds. 我已遍体鳞伤。cover “用东西覆盖,遮盖”常与with 连用。又如:She covered her face with her hand. 她以手遮面。4. More and more people die from the illnesses caused by pollution and now nature is punishing us. 越来越多的人因环境污染所引起的疾病而死去,大自然正在惩罚我们。die from “死于”(原因常是来自外部)。又如:

41、die from a would ( lack of food, an accident, over work, drinking ) 死于受伤(缺乏食物、事故、工作过量、饮酒过量)die of “死于”(原因常是来自内部,情感、冻饿,生病等)。又如:die of hunger ( cold, poison, illness, a disease, thirst, a fever ) 死于饥饿(寒冷、中毒、病、疾病、渴、发烧)punish for / doing “因而惩罚”。又如:The teacher punished him for cheating in the exam. 他因考试作

42、弊受到老师的处罚。5. At that time, we can do nothing but cry for what we have done to nature. 到那时,除了为我们所做的哭泣,就什么也做不了了。but 前有实意动词do 时,but 后的不定式需省去to。又如:Last night I did nothing but watch TV. 昨晚我除了看电视什么也没干。比较:The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking. 医生除了让他戒烟,其他什么都没有说。6. Just imagine, if there were no t

43、rees, no flowers and no animals in the world, only pollutants were left, how terrible it would be! 设想一下,如果地球上没有树木、花草和动物,只剩下污染物,那将是多么可怕啊!此句为与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。条件状语从句用did;were ,主句由would/should+动词原形构成。又如:If I were you, I would consider the plan again.如果我是你,我会重新考虑这个计划。二、背景知识:(略)World Environment Day(世界环境日)Tea

44、ching Guide for the Workbook练习册指导I. USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1. Complete the passage below with the correct forms of the words or expressions in the box.Suggested answers:Have you ever leave rubbish here and there? Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls? Have you ever step on the grass? Hav

45、e you ever cut down trees? If your answers are “No”, it means that you have already done something to protect our environment. It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself,“Have I ever collected waste paper or used batteries for recycling (再循环)? Have I ever planted a

46、ny trees or flowers in or near my neighborhood? Have I ever used eco-friendly bags?” If your answers are “Yes”, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. Everyone should do his best to protect our environment.2. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese in the brackets.Suggested answers:1) finish doing homework 2) is covered with3) wake up 4) used up5) died from 6) in the near future7) nothing but 8) let her9) do your b


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