On the Establishment of Personal Internet Banking VIP Service Center.doc

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1、 On the Establishment of Personal Internet Banking VIP Service Center Submitted by LuxiaoliStudent ID number:320112197811241623Supervised by SunminA paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University

2、September, 2007北京外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学士学位论文作者签名:陆晓黎 日期:2007年09月28日论文摘要中国银行股份有限公司是国内上市较早的四大国有股份制商业银行之一,经过几十年的经营,各项业务呈现出飞跃式发展。中国银行立足于外汇业务,网络遍布世界各地,是中国在全球的一家标志性金融机构。为了适应




6、客户对个人网银使用的满意度, 同时也稳定了我行主要的客户群及相应的市场份额。我由衷地感到:银行业要想得到持续发展,必须想客户所想,急客户所急,适时有效地推出为客户所满意的服务项目将是一个行之有效的重要策略。Abstract This dissertation presents a detailed report of a project implemented by Dachang branch, Bank of China, to establish a Personal Internet Banking VIP Service Center for providing more pract

7、ical, professional and efficient services to our customers of Personal Internet Banking. Based on the hypothesis that if the Personal Internet Banking VIP service center is established, and offer more professional services for them, then customers will receive all necessary knowledge and convenience

8、 to apply and handle the Personal Internet Banking business. Thus we not only can enable them to obtain safe, convenient, express and efficient Personal Internet Banking services at any time, but also make our bank more competitive in the same business among all the banking.As a personal banking man

9、ager in Dachang branch, Bank of China, I am in charge of the implementation of this project. We take eight weeks to complete this project from 5 March to 23 April 2007. This dissertation follows the project from identification and analysis of the problem, through to discussions of the project concep

10、tion and desired objectives, the hypothesis and rationale for the project and finally implementation and measurement of the results of the project. The goal was achieved through the team efforts of all the project members. Success was measured by customer reaction. After the implementation of this p

11、roject, customers are now able to receive the new business at their convenience. The great majority of customers were satisfied with the VIP service center. Customers not only received the necessary knowledge but also improved their ability and skill in solving the problem of the Personal Internet B

12、anking business. The project hypothesis has proved to be reasonable and applicable. The project successfully achieved its objectives, better satisfying customers needs and wants, improving the satisfaction rate of our customers by at least 30%. The project has enabled our customers to obtain secure,

13、 convenient and fast quality services at any time. This is a significant change which will improve the development of Personal Internet Banking dramatically.Table of Contents PagesAbstract in Chinese1Abstract in English11. Introduction 12. Summary of the Preliminary research2 2.1. Problem 2 2.2. Pro

14、blem analysis3 2.2.1 Companys current situation3 2.2.2 Needs and wants analysis5 2.2.3 SWOT analysis73. Project Objective and Hypothesis93.1. Project Objective93.2. Project Hypothesis104. Project Rationale105. Project Design115.1. Planning activities115.1.1 Activities with time-scale115.1.2 People i

15、nvolved and responsibilities125.2. Costing125.2.1 Cost of material and equipment125.2.2 Cost of time and labor135.2.3 Cost of finance135.2.4 Contingency allowance135.3. Risks analysis145.4. Management and control156. Project Implementation166.1. General introduction of time, place of project impleme

16、ntation166.2. The working steps of implementation166.3. Monitoring177. Project Findings and Discussion177.1. Results177.2. Discussion198. Conclusion20Bibliography23Appendix: Questionnaire24Appendix II: The project framework26Appendix : Flow chart of time-scale of activities27Appendix : Flow chart sh

17、owing critical path28On the Establishment of Personal Internet Banking VIP Service Center 1. IntroductionBank of China(short for BOC)was founded in 1912, has been included within the Fortune Global 500 for 13 consecutive years, starting in 1989. BOC Dachang Branch was founded in Dachang District in

18、1989, which has a five-storey building on the south side of the main road in the center of Dachang Town. It possesses about 130 employees and five business offices as well as seven departments. I have been working in the Personal Banking Department as a personal relationship manager for nearly three

19、 years. Developments in Internet technology and e-business have fostered both a completely new set of economic concepts and a revolution in business models, which make our dreams come true more quickly than ever. With the rapid development of the Internet, BOC has developed a series of new business,

20、 especially the Personal Internet Banking for people who have easy access to the Internet. However, the Personal Internet Banking business opened by other merchant banks have been developed remarkably rapid during recent years, the numbers of account opening in our bank have exceeded 3 million. The

21、amount is three times than that of 2004. It brings customers convenience as well as trouble. Because many people who are persuaded to open the account often dont know how to use it. At the same time, the Personal Internet Banking business between stock merchant banks becomes more competitive. The in

22、dex amount assigned to our bank has increased vertically in recent years. We feel the pressure on our shoulders is extremely heavy.With the rapid increasing numbers of Personal Internet Banking accounts, we have received a lot of complaints from customers that there should be a VIP service center in

23、 our bank, which faces only to customers of Personal Internet Banking. We want to design a project to better satisfy our customers demand for professional banking services in fast, secure and easy ways. Thus our bank felt an enormous pressure facing such a rising market full of other stock merchant

24、banks fierce competition.It is hypothesized that if we can provide the customers of Personal Internet Banking with the VIP service center, then we can offer more services for them so as to enable them to obtain safe, convenient, express and efficient Personal Internet Banking services at any time. W

25、e launched a two-month project to design and rebuild the VIP service center from March 5th, 2007 to April 23rd, 2007. The period of the whole project is eight weeks. Most of those design and construction of the project was taken place in our bank.In order to carry out the project I read several book

26、s for studying how to analyze the problem. I did find out many useful methods for analysis including interviews, face-to-face discussion, focus groups, brainstorming and SWOT analysis. My project design was based on the needs and wants analysis and the current situation of our bank, the financial re

27、source, human resource, and physical resource. This dissertation used a series of monitoring and evaluating tools to ensure the scheduled activities were fully carried out, which included Project Schedule, Project Progress Checklist, and so on. The special evaluation standards and result analysis we

28、re also adopted for plan evaluation. It was expected that with the mentioned special tools for the project, careful arrangement, and hard working of all involved persons this project would take place smoothly and the objective would be achieved successfully. When the project was accomplished and run

29、 through a quarter, we interviewed some customers possessing the Personal Internet Banking accounts and some managers from different departments. From the collected information and their satisfaction, we could be sure that the project had been very successful as our expectation. 2. Summary of the pr

30、eliminary research2.1ProblemI work as a personal relationship manager in the Personal Banking Department of Dachang Branch, Bank of China. Our branch has been apportioned the duty of opening 3000 Personal Internet Banking accounts this year. The index amount is much more than that of last year. Pers

31、onal Internet Banking is a new kind of business area launched several years ago, which is quite different from the traditional business run in our bank. In order to meet the demands of the rapid development of the Internet, Bank of China, inheriting her tradition of technological innovation, has pro

32、vided her customers with a safe, convenient, express and efficient internet banking service, Personal Internet Banking, by using the advanced internet technology. However the new business isnt as flourishing as our original intention. Thus our bank felt an enormous pressure facing such a rising mark

33、et full of other stock merchant banks fierce competition. It is difficult or even impossible for us to fulfill the task in time. In order to complete the index task smoothly on schedule, wed better have a better understanding of the customers apart from a general picture of its own place in the Pers

34、onal Internet Banking market. It is believed that market research on consumer behavior will help provide a clear picture of its customers needs and wants, and give us a firm basis for measures to improve customers satisfaction. Wed better make a practical project to popularize the Personal Internet

35、Banking accounts effectively.2.2Problem analysis2.2.1 Companys current situationBank profileBank of China(short for BOC)was founded in 1912, has been included within the Fortune Global 500 for 13 consecutive years, starting in 1989. Between 1992 and 2002, BOC was awarded the Best Domestic Bank by Eu

36、romoney nine times (the Best Bank in China in 2001), whose earnings have been the best amongst its Chinese peers. BOC Dachang Branch was founded in Dachang District in 1989, which has a five-storey building on the south side of the main road in the center of Dachang Town. It possesses about 130 empl

37、oyees and five business offices as well as seven departments. I have been working in the Personal Banking Department as a personal relationship manager for nearly three years. Developments in Internet technology and e-business have fostered both a completely new set of economic concepts and a revolu

38、tion in business models, which make our dreams come true more quickly than ever. With the rapid development of the Internet, BOC has developed a series of new business, especially the Personal Internet Banking for people who have easy access to the Internet. This would reduce their financial cost an

39、d improve operational efficiency.Current situation of the Personal Internet Banking businessIn order to meet the demands of those people who have little time to queue in business halls and adapt to the development of finance market, BOC offers a wide range of Personal Internet Banking business which

40、 provides you with services integrating banking, investment, and assets management, and enables you to fully enjoy unrestricted pleasures of modern life. You can access our global network through more than 11,000 offices in 27 countries and regions, as well as our internet banking services via Inter

41、net in any where, at any time. Since BOC launched the e-Banking business in May 2004, Personal Internet Banking has over 60 functions in 12 classes, is able to meet various banking service demands of customers at different levels, and provides highly safe, individualized services for you. The Person

42、al Internet Banking businesses in BOC are evaluated the most competitive e-Banking brand.However, the Personal Internet Banking business opened by other merchant banks have been developed remarkably rapid during recent years, the numbers of account opening have exceeded 3 million. The amount is thre

43、e times than that of 2004. It brings customers convenience as well as trouble. Because many people who are persuaded to open the account often dont know how to use it. At the same time, the Personal Internet Banking business between stock merchant banks becomes more competitive. The index amount ass

44、igned to our bank has increased vertically in recent years. We feel the pressure on our shoulders is extremely heavy.Customer profile of the Personal Internet Banking businessIn order to popularize the Personal Internet Banking business and increase the opening amount, wed better get a further under

45、standing of our target customers. The conditions of the customers are quite different due to their respective economic status, so we divide our target customers into four groups: (1) The first group should be white collars who take pleasure in attempting the new business.(2) The second group should

46、be civil servants and teachers who have easy access to Internet.(3) The third group should be undergraduates who love to pursue new methods of life through Internet.(4) The fifth group is identified as the high-ranking managers who would be wild about the convenient, swift and cost-effective solution on financial services


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