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1、,Buddhism,The Brief IntroductionThe Origin of BuddhismThe Development of BuddhistBasic DoctrinesEarly Chinese BuddhismBuddhism in the Modern WorldChan/ZenTen Bulls,The Brief Introduction,For centuries,Buddhism has been the dominant religion of the Eastern world.Today it remains the major religion in

2、 China,Japan,Korea,and much of southeast Asia.,The Origin of Buddhism,Buddhism arose in the fifth century BC in the northeast of ancient India on the basis of pantheistic(泛神论)Brahmanism(婆罗门),the ancient form of Hinduism(印度教).,婆罗门教的冥神,The Brahmans(婆罗门),The Brahmans were priests who were empowered to

3、perform rituals to the gods of the Vedas,the ancient collections of hymns(圣歌)to the gods.Another class of religious specialists were the wanderings ascetics(苦行僧),who practiced meditation and various austerities(禁欲生活).,Who is Buddha?,A brief introduction of Buddha:In a broad sense,Buddha is a kind of

4、 person whose sense,emotion and ability have been fulfilled to the upmost at the same time.They can lead the ordinary people to get rid of the sufferings in mortal world and to a new level of life.In a narrow sense,Buddha is Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼)who created Buddhism and who has fulfilled himself to be a B

5、uddha.,Siddhartha Gautama(c565BCc486BC),The son of a king of ancient IndiaEnlightenment(觉悟)Under the Bo tree(菩提树)Sakyamuni(释迦摩尼),Siddhartha Gautama(c565BC-c486BC),His father Suddhodana 净饭王 was the ruler over a district near the Himalayas which is today the country of Nepal.Suddhodana sheltered his s

6、on from the outside world and confined him to the palace where he surrounded Gautama with pleasures and wealth.Despite his fathers efforts,Gautama one day saw the darker side of life on a trip he took outside the palace walls.,What is Buddhism?,Buddha is a human being,not immortal.Buddhism is the on

7、ly religion that has no gods or goddesses.When Sakyamuni was born,his first words were“I alone am honored in Heaven and on Earth”(天上天下 唯我独尊).Here,“I”doesnt refer to himself but refers to all the individuals in the world.Sakyamuni believes that everyones life is determined by his own deeds and even B

8、uddha cant decide who should go to the Heaven and who to the Hell.,What is Buddhism?,Buddha is an equality supporterWe all know that Buddhism preach“infinitely merciful and compassionate”(大慈大悲),which means holding affectionate love to everyone no matter who they are and considering all the human bei

9、ngs as a entirety including yourself.Also,Buddhism disapprove that non-human creatures are created to give humans food.,What is Buddhism?,Buddha is not unique,everyone has an opportunity to be a Buddha.Buddha is a human being,and the only difference between him and the ordinary people is the time of

10、 awareness(觉悟时间的先后).“Buddha”is a name for all the aware people,not only refers to Sakyamuni.,What is Buddhism?,Buddha is not unique,everyone has an opportunity to be a Buddha.Buddhism doesnt believe there was a first“start”of the universe.A new“start”is the end of the former affair.The causal relati

11、onship(因果关系)is circulating and endless.宇宙的原素是永恒的,生命的因素也是永恒的,前者是物质不灭,后者是精神不灭。,What is Buddhism?,Buddhism preaches the view of getting into the world,not getting out of the world.The Buddhism Scripture said that:“佛法在世间,不离世间觉,离世求菩提,恰如觅兔角”.(禅宗六祖慧能大师有偈云)The final goal of Buddha is“化人间为庄严净土,变地狱为极乐世界”,The“

12、Three Jewels”(三宝),Buddha the teacher,Dharma法 the teachings,Sangha the community,The Development of Buddhist,From the beginning of the fifth century to around the end of the sixth century,northern and southern China came under separate rule.The south remained under native dynasties while non-Chinese

13、rulers controlled the north.The Buddhist in southern China continued to translate Buddhist texts and to lecture and write commentaries on the major texts.Their rulers were devoted Buddhists who saw to the construction of numerous temples,participated in Buddhist ceremonies and organized public talks

14、 on Buddhism.,In northern China,except for two short periods of persecution,Buddhism flourished under the lavish royal patronage of rulers who favored the religion.By the latter half of the sixth century,monks were employed in government posts.,With the rise of the Tang Dynasty at the beginning of t

15、he seventh century,Buddhism reached out to more and more people.It soon became an important part of Chinese culture and had great influence on Chinese Art,Literature,Sculpture,Architecture and Philosophy of that time.,Basic Doctrines,Karma(因缘),transmigration(轮回),liberation(解脱),Basic Doctrines,Three

16、important concepts in understanding Buddhism are karma(因缘),samsara/transmigration(轮回),and moksa/liberation(解脱).Karma refers to the law of cause and effect in a persons life,reaping what one has sown.Buddhists believe that every person must go through a process of birth and rebirth until he reaches t

17、he state of nirvana涅槃 in which he breaks this cycle.,The second key concept to understand is the law of Samsara or Transmigration(轮回).The law of Samsara holds that everything is in a birth and rebirth cycle.Buddha taught that people do not have individual souls.There are six levels of transmigration

18、:gods,demigods(修罗),humans,animals,hungry ghosts,and demons(地狱).The desirability(愿望)of liberation from the cycle of samara,is called nirvana(涅槃)in Buddhism.,What is the fundamental cause of all suffering?,Desire!,Therefore,extinguish the self,dont obsess about oneself.,What did the Buddha teach?,Four

19、 Noble Truths,Four Noble Truths四圣谛,1.There is suffering in the world.To live is to suffer.苦The Buddha found this out when he was young and experienced suffering and death in others.,Four Noble Truths,2.The cause of suffering is self-centered desire and attachments.集3.The solution is to eliminate des

20、ire and attachments,thus achieving Nirvana.灭,Four Noble Truths,4.To reach nirvana,one must follow the Eightfold Path八正道.,What is the Eight-Fold Path?(八正道),Wisdom:Right understandingRight motivation,Moral discipline:Right speechRight actionRight livelihood,Mental discipline:Right effortRight mindfuln

21、essRight meditation,Right Understanding 正见:正确的见解,It is the knowledge of the existence of suffering,the knowledge of the origin of suffering,the knowledge of the cessation of suffering,and the knowledge of the path leading to the cessation of suffering.,Right Motivation正思维:根据四谛的真理进行思维,It is resolve t

22、o free ones thoughts of delusion谬见,greed,and anger,to renounce sensual pleasures,it is the effort and resolve to have malice恶意 towards none,and the effort and resolve to have compassion for all living creatures.,Right Speech 正语:说话要符合佛陀的教导,To abstain from falsehood妄语,to abstain from slander绮语,to abst

23、ain from harsh language恶口,and to abstain from malicious gossip无益语.,正业:正确的行为 Right Action,To abstain from destroying life不杀生,to abstain from taking that which is not given one不窃盗,and to abstain from immorality不邪淫.,正命:过正当的生活Right Livelihood,It is abandoning an occupation that follows the wrong Way and

24、 keeping to an occupation that follows the true Way.,正精进:修行佛法以达到涅槃的理想境界 Right Efforts,*Right effort is detailed in four types of endeavours*1.evil qualities not yet arisen may not arise*2.evil qualities already arisen may be abandoned*3.good qualities not yet arisen may arise*4.good qualities alread

25、y arisen may be preserved,retained,increased and be perfected,正念:有意识地觉察界 Right Mindfullness,Right effort is detailed in four types of endeavours 1 evil qualities not yet arisen may not arise2 evil qualities already arisen may be abandoned3 good qualities not yet arisen may arise4 good qualities alre

26、ady arisen may be preserved,retained,increased and be perfectedWhenever a person has got rid of lust and grief,with respect to the mind,observant of the activities of the mind with strenuous,clearly conscious,attentive awareness.Right effort is detailed in four types of endeavours 1 evil qualities n

27、ot yet arisen may not arise2 evil qualities already arisen may be abandoned3 good qualities not yet arisen may arise4 good qualities already arisen may be preserved,retained,increased and be perfectedWhenever a person has got rid of lust and grief,with respect to the mind,observant of the activities

28、 of the mind with strenuous,clearly conscious,attentive awareness.,正定:专心修习佛教禅定以进入清净的境界 Right Meditation,A person,achieving isolation from sensual pleasures and from censurable traits,and still exercising reasoning,still exercising reflection,enters upon the first level of meditation,which is produce

29、d by isolation and characterized by joy and happiness.,Eightfold Path,Nirvana涅槃,Nirvana is a peaceful,detached state of mindAchieving Nirvana means escape from the cycle of rebirth,Early Chinese Buddhism:Theravada(小乘佛教)and Mahayana(大乘佛教),Mahayana Buddhism one doctrine(教条)is that everything in the wo

30、rld originates from“emptiness of self-nature”(缘起性空).The other doctrine is the concept of universal Buddha-nature(一切众生,皆有佛性)Theravada is the only surviving school of Hinayana(印度教).They think human life is a suffering and people should practice extreme austerities to achieve salvation.,般若波罗蜜经,金刚经,Budd

31、hism in the Modern World,Estimates of the number of Buddhists vary between 230 and 500 million,with 350 million as the most commonly cited figure.In northern Asia,Mahayana remains the most common form of Buddhism in China,Japan,Korea,Vietnam and Singapore.Theravada predominates in most of Southeast

32、Asia,including Burma,Cambodia,Laos and Thailand,as well as Sri Lanka.,Chan/Zen(禅),Chan is the most school of Chinese Buddhism that practices meditation.This involves a“mind-to-mind transmission”(以心传心),something that cannot be captured by words.Bodhidharma(Damo in Chinese,达摩,菩提达摩),the 28th Indian pat

33、riarch,is said to have brought the teaching from India to China in 520 and is known as the first Chinese master of Chan.,Huineng(六祖慧能)Northern Chan“gradual approach(渐悟)”Southern Chan“immediately enlightenment(顿悟)”,Spread in China,Buddhism was spread to China during the Han Dynasty.In general,the dev

34、elopment of Buddhism in China can be divided into four periods.The first period is Buddhism in Han Dynasty when it was just introduced into China.During this period,many Buddhist scriptures were translated and explained.The White Horse Temple was built during this period of time and it signifies the

35、 first time of Buddhism doctrines delivered in China.,The second period is in Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties when more Buddhist scriptures were translated and Buddhist writings came out.The Buddhist ideas were popularized across the land.The number of Buddhists was on increase.,南朝四百八十寺,The thir

36、d period is the Sui and Tang Dynasties when Buddhism welcomed its heyday and got unprecedented development.During this period,many new Buddhist denominations/schools were founded.Buddhism got a rapid and great development in China.,However,in the late of feudal society,because of the social unrest,C

37、hinese Buddhism was slow in development.After the founding of Peoples Republic of China and the implementing of the policy of freedom in religion belief,Chinese Buddhism embraced its new growing age.Now it is developing greatly and the international academic exchanges are expanded.,Influence on Chin

38、ese Culture,Through the cultural exchange between China and India in ancient times,Buddhism has given a tremendous influence to the various areas of Chinese.,It had given a deep and tremendous influence to the Chinese philosophy.The philosophic concepts put forward by Neo-Confucianism were deeply in

39、fluenced by Buddhist ones.For instance,concepts like pure heart,everything in this world including man has a Taiji and phenomena might differed from one and the other yet reason just one which have something to do with those Buddhist terms like with a clear heart(mind)one sees true and mind is nothi

40、ng but Buddha.,Buddhism had given a deep influence to the Chinese literature as well.The novels in the Jin and Tang dynasties were inspired very much by those Buddhist sutras and the Sutra of the 100 Parables.It had also given an influence over the works of those ancient Chinese poets such as Tao Yu

41、anming陶渊明,Wang Wei王维,Bai Juyi白居易 and Su Shi.It has no doubt enriched the Chinese language and culture.,Buddhism had also given an influence to the classic Chinese art in various aspects.The architectural style of the Buddhist temples and pagodas in China shows a great influence of Buddhist culture o

42、ver the Chinese Architecture.The Brick Pagoda of Songshan Songyue Temple of Chinas Henan Province,the Wood Pagoda of Yingxian of Shanxi Province and the Stone Pagoda of Kaiyuan Temple of Fujian Province,all of these have served as the valuable objects for the study of history of the ancient Chinese

43、architecture.,Buddhism had contributed a great deal and given a influence to Chinas astronomy and medicine.According to those historical books of both the Sui and Tang dynasties,there are over 10 kinds of medicine and pharmacy books that were translated from Indian languages into Chinese.,Thank you!,Home Work,


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