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3、能。惯性权重和压缩因子是目前应用比较广泛的对基本粒子群算法的改进,能够改善优化性能但是收敛较慢。文献中将粒子群算法和遗传算法在方向图综合上的应用做了比较,可以看出粒子群算法较之遗传算法有计算量小易于实现等特点,但也可以看到基本的PSO算法和遗传算法的收敛速度都不快或往往在某个局部极值停滞过久很难跳出。粒子群优化算法(PSO粒子群优化(PSO:Particle Swarm Optimization)是一种进化计算技术(evolutionary computation)是一种有效的全局优化技术,有Eberhart博士和kennedy博士发明。源于对鸟群捕食的行为研究PSO是一种基于叠代的优化工具。


5、多样性;适当地缩放适应值,与随机规则共同决定某个粒子作为速度公式中的全局极值。用于PSO算法后期,形成新的PSO算法(NPSO:New PSO)。NPSO能有效地改善算法,具有摆脱局部极值的能力。在给定的条件下,选用3个函数进行了测试。实验结果显示,在获得平均适应值方面,该算法比PSO算法提高1162%1615%,明显优于基本的普通用于函数优化,神经网络训练,模糊系统控制以及其他遗传算法的应用领域。人工生命“人工生命”是来研究具有某些生命基本特征的人工系统。人工生命包括两方面的内容(1)研究如何利用计算技术研究生物现象(2)研究如何利用生物技术研究计算问题我们现在关注的是第二部分的内容。现在已

6、经有很多源于生物现象的计算技巧。例如,人工神经网络是简化的大脑模型。遗传算法是模拟基因进化过程的。针对基本粒子群算法的早熟收敛、易收敛于局部极值的特点,提出一种改进的粒子群优化算法效果,给出了该方法应用于阵列天线方向图综合中的模型和仿真实例。现在我们讨论另一种生物系统-社会系统。更确切的是,在由简单个体组成的群落与环境以及个体之间的互动行为。也可称做“群智能”(swarm intelligence)。这些模拟系统利用局部信息从而可能产生不可预测的群体行为例如floys和boids,他们都用来模拟鱼群和鸟群的运动规律,主要用于计算机视觉和计算机辅助设计。在计算智能(computational i

7、ntelligence)领域有两种基于群智能的算法。蚁群算法(ant colony optimization)和粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization)。前者是对蚂蚁群落食物采集过程的模拟。已经成功运用在很多离散优化问题上。粒子群优化算法(PSO)也是起源对简单社会系统的模拟。最初设想是模拟鸟群觅食的过程。但后来发现PSO是一种很好的优化工具,它采用对全局最优粒子的微扰和跳变的惯性权重策略,很好地改善了算法的优化速度和收敛精度。同时,针对参数组合难以确定的问题,采用PSO算法本身来进行优化,选择出了合适的参数组合。把这种方法运用到矩形阵列天线旁瓣优化和二维稀疏阵列方

8、向图综合问题上,取得了很好的效果。算法介绍前所述,PSO模拟鸟群的捕食行为。设想这样一个场景:一群鸟在随机搜索食物。在这个区域里只有一块食物。所有的鸟都不知道食物在那里。但是他们知道当前的位置离食物还有多远。那么找到食物的最优策略是什么呢。最简单有效的就是搜寻目前离食物最近的鸟的周围区域。PSO从这种模型中得到启示并用于解决优化问题。PSO中,每个优化问题的解都是搜索空间中的一只鸟。我们称之为“粒子”。所有的例子都有一个由被优化的函数决定的适应值(fitness value),每个粒子还有一个速度决定他们飞翔的方向和距离。然后粒子们就追随当前的最优粒子在解空间中搜索PSO初始化为一群随机粒子(


10、的公式来更新自己的速度和新的位置(3-1) (3-2)是粒子的速度,是当前粒子的位置。 and 如前定义是介于之间的随机数。是学习因子。通常。在每一维粒子的速度都会被限制在一个最大速度,如果某一维更新后的速度超过用户设定的,那么这一维的速度就被限定为。粒子算法和PSO比较大多数演化计算技术都是用同样的过程(1)种群随机初始化;(2)对种群内的每一个个体计算适应值(fitness value)。适应值与最优解的距离直接有关;(3)种群根据适应值进行复制;(4)如果终止条件满足的话,就停止,否则转步骤2从以上步骤,我们可以看到PSO和GA有很多共同之处。两者都随机初始化种群,而且都使用适应值来评价

11、系统,而且都根据适应值来进行一定的随机搜索。两个系统都不是保证一定找到最优解但是,PSO没有遗传操作如交叉(crossover)和变异(mutation)。而是根据自己的速度来决定搜索。粒子还有一个重要的特点,就是有记忆。与遗传算法比较,PSO的信息共享机制是很不同的。 在遗传算法中,染色体(chromosomes)互相共享信息,所以整个种群的移动是比较均匀的向最优区域移动。在PSO中,只有(or )给出信息给其他的粒子,这是单向的信息流动。整个搜索更新过程是跟随当前最优解的过程。与遗传算法比较,在大多数的情况下,所有的粒子可能更快的收敛于最优解。人工神经网络和PSO人工神经网络(ANN)是模

12、拟大脑分析过程的简单数学模型,反向转播算法是最流行的神经网络训练算法。进来也有很多研究开始利用演化计算(evolutionary computation)技术来研究人工神经网络的各个方面。演化计算可以用来研究神经网络的三个方面:网络连接权重,网络结构(网络拓扑结构,传递函数),网络学习算法。不过大多数这方面的工作都集中在网络连接权重,和网络拓扑结构上。在GA中,网络权重和/或拓扑结构一般编码为染色体(Chromosome),适应函数 (fitness function)的选择一般根据研究目的确定。例如在分类问题中,错误分类的比率可以用来作为适应值演化计算的优势在于可以处理一些传统方法不能处理的

13、例子例如不可导的节点传递函数或者没有梯度信息存在。但是缺点在于:在某些问题上性能并不是特别好。另一个方面网络权重的编码而且遗传算子的选择有时比较麻烦。最近已经有一些利用PSO来代替反向传播算法来训练神经网络的论文。研究表明PSO是一种很有潜力的神经网络算法。PSO速度比较快而且可以得到比较好的结果。而且还没有遗传算法碰到的问题这里用一个简单的例子说明PSO训练神经网络的过程。这个例子使用分类问题的基准函数(Benchmark function)IRIS数据集。(Iris 是一种鸢尾属植物)在数据记录中,每组数据包含Iris花的四种属性:萼片长度,萼片宽度,花瓣长度,和花瓣宽度,三种不同的花各有

14、50组数据。 这样总共有150组数据或模式。我们用3层的神经网络来做分类。现在有四个输入和三个输出。所以神经网络的输入层有4个节点,输出层有3个节点我们也可以动态调节隐含层节点的数目,不过这里我们假定隐含层有6个节点。我们也可以训练神经网络中其他的参数。不过这里我们只是来确定网络权重。粒子就表示神经网络的一组权重,应该是4*6+6*3=42个参数。权重的范围设定为-100,100(这只是一个例子,在实际情况中可能需要试验调整)。在完成编码以后,我们需要确定适应函数。对于分类问题,我们把所有的数据送入神经网络,网络的权重有粒子的参数决定。然后记录所有的错误分类的数目作为那个粒子的适应值。现在我们

15、就利用PSO来训练神经网络来获得尽可能低的错误分类数目。PSO本身并没有很多的参数需要调整。所以在实验中只需要调整隐含层的节点数目和权重的范围以取得较好的分类效果。PSO参数设置从上面的例子我们可以看到应用PSO解决优化问题的过程中有两个重要的步骤:问题解的编码和适应度函数PSO的一个优势就是采用实数编码,不需要像遗传算法一样是二进制编码(或者采用针对实数的遗传操作)。例如对于问题f(x) = x12 + x22+ x32 求解, 粒子可以直接编码为(x1, x2, x3),而适应度函数就是f(x)。 接着我们就可以利用前面的过程去寻优。这个寻优过程是一个叠代过程, 中止条件一般为设置为达到最

16、大循环数或者最小错误PSO中并没有许多需要调节的参数,下面列出了这些参数以及经验设置粒子数:一般取2040。其实对于大部分的问题10个粒子已经足够可以取得好的结果,不过对于比较难的问题或者特定类别的问题,粒子数可以取到100或200粒子的长度:这是由优化问题决定,就是问题解的长度粒子的范围:由优化问题决定,每一维可是设定不同的范围Vmax:最大速度,决定粒子在一个循环中最大的移动距离,通常设定为粒子的范围宽度,例如上面的例子里,粒子属于 那么Vmax的大小就是20学习因子:和通常等于2。不过在文献中也有其他的取值。 但是一般等于并且范围在0和4之间中止条件:最大循环数以及最小错误要求。例如,在




20、列的旁瓣电平进行优化,取得了良好的效果。并且对于随机分布的稀疏阵列也有很好的优化效果。虽然粒子群优化算法的研究才刚刚起步,其在电磁优化问题中的应用也不多,但是该算法已经在诸多领域显示出巨大的潜力,说明该算法有着普遍的适用性,具有广阔的应用前景。PSO intreduce1. IntroductionAt the same time, wanted in the time domain, the frequency range or the code territory further enhances the system capacity already extremely to be di

21、fficult. In this kind of situation, the people went to the air zone the judge ment, expected can seek the new fountainhead. More and more high along with the people regarding the wire less mobile communication request, specially to the high speed multimedia transmission urgent demand, can enhance th

22、e system capacity with It correlation the technology also to start to receive the peoples pecially to take. 20 Since the 1990s, groups of intelligent gradually on the rise.Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995 put the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), as a simple and effective method of optimization rapidly

23、 in various fields have been widely applied. PSO is the ideological source of feeding the flock in the process embodied in the collective wisdom. Natural biological usually is not a single intelligent, but the entire groups of organisms has shown dealing with complex issues, This group is smart. Var

24、ious biological accumulation of biological species, has its inherent pattern of behavior, And as a senior human biology, the study and mastery of this law, simulating various design and optimization algorithm applied to a wide variety of issues. Similar is the biological reproduction characteristics

25、 of the genetic algorithm, ant communities to food acquisition process simulation of ant colony algorithm. PSO algorithm has been widely used for function optimization, neural network training, Fuzzy control systems and other genetic algorithms related to the fields of application.PSO algorithm comp

26、ared to other optimization algorithm is simple, not many parameters to be adjusted. But it also has a fast convergence, the convergence to the local extreme phenomenon, particularly in the face of high-dimensional complex issues such as array antenna pattern synthesis problem. People made a lot of i

27、mprovement algorithms to improve the performance of PSO algorithm. Inertia weight and compressibility factor is the widespread use of the particle swarm algorithm, Optimal performance can be improved but slower convergence. Literature will PSO and Genetic Algorithms in the direction of the comprehen

28、sive plan application of the comparison, Can be seen PSO than genetic algorithm calculation is easy to implement small features ,But we can see the basic PSO and Genetic Algorithm convergence speed faster or more often, not in a local minimum stagnation over long is difficult to jump out. In frequen

29、cy spectrum resources anxious today, wanted through to in crease the frequency spectrum width day by day to enhance the system capacity the method already very to be difficult to realize; Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computation is an efficient stochastic global optimization

30、technique. technique developed by Dr. Eberhart and Dr. Kennedy in 1995, inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. PSO is a population based optimization tool. The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. Howeve

31、r, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, are flown through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. Particle Swarm optimization (PSO) is a robust stochastic evolutionary computation technique

32、based on the movement and intelligence of swarm, which is very easy to understand and implement. This paper introduces a conceptual over2 view and detailed explanation of the PSO algorithm, as well as how it can be used for antenna array design, and presents several results optimized by PSO , which

33、show the abroad application foreground of PSO in the antenna array design.The detailed information will be given in following sections. Compared to GA, the advantages of PSO are that PSO is easy to implement and there are few parameters to adjust. PSO has been successfully applied in many areas: fun

34、ction optimization, artificial neural network training, fuzzy system control, and other areas where GA can be applied. it gives the new definition of glob a lextre me value inorigi nalpso algorithm.svelocity up date formula. The Main function is to make the particles keep variety. The other is that

35、it en larges or shrinks fitness value proper 2ly, which, combined with random rule, determines a certain particle as global extreme value in speed update formula. NPSO (New PSO ) form safer above two aspect so fim prevemnetsare use din running later stage of psoalgorithm. It can avoid getting struck

36、 at local optima effectively. The experiment results demonstrate that proposed algorithm is superior to original PSO algorithm obviously. Three test functions are selected. The mean fit2 ness value obtained by using NPSO is about from 1162% to 1615% highter than that obtained by using psoal go 2rith

37、m under given conditions. 2.Background: Artificial lifeThe term “Artificial Life” (ALife) is used to describe research into human-made systems that possess some of the essential properties of life. ALife includes two-folded research topic:(1) ALife studies how computational techniques can help when

38、studying biological phenomena(2) ALife studies how biological techniques can help out with computational problemsThe focus of this report is on the second topic. Actually, there are already lots of computational techniques inspired by biological systems. For example, artificial neural network is a s

39、implified model of human brain; genetic algorithm is inspired by the human evolution. In order to overcome the drawbacks of standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm , such as prematurity and easily trapping in local optimum , a modified PSO algorithm is proposed , in which special techni

40、ques , as global best perturbation and inertia weight jump threshold are adopted. The convergence speed and accuracy of the algorithm are improved. The test by some benchmark problems shows that it achieves relatively high performance. ,plications of the modified PSO in the radiation pattern synthes

41、is of antenna arrays are also presented.Here we discuss another type of biological system - social system, more specifically, the collective behaviors of simple individuals interacting with their environment and each other. Someone called it as swarm intelligence. All of the simulations utilized loc

42、al processes, such as those modeled by cellular automata, and might underlie the unpredictable group dynamics of social behavior. Some popular examples are floys and boids both of the simulations were created to interpret the movement of organisms in a bird flock or fish school. These simulations ar

43、e normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. There are two popular swarm inspired methods in computational intelligence areas: Ant colony optimization (ACO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). ACO was inspired by the behaviors of ants and has many successful applications in dis

44、crete optimization problems.The particle swarm concept originated as a simulation of simplified social system. The original intent was to graphically simulate the choreography of bird of a bird block or fish school. However, it was found that particle swarm model can be used as an optimizer. 3. The

45、algorithmAs stated before, PSO simulates the behaviors of bird flocking. Suppose the following scenario: a group of birds are randomly searching food in an area. There is only one piece of food in the area being searched. All the birds do not know where the food is. But they know how far the food is

46、 during each search iteration. So whats the best strategy to find the food? The effective one is to follow the bird which is nearest to the food. PSO learned from the scenario and used it to solve the optimization problems. In PSO, each single solution is a “bird” in the search space. We call it “pa

47、rticle”. All of particles have fitness values which are evaluated by the fitness function to be optimized, and have velocities which direct the flying of the particles. The particles are flown through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. PSO is initialized with a group of ra

48、ndom particles (solutions) and then searches for optima by updating generations. In every iteration, each particle is updated by following two “best” values. The first one is the best solution (fitness) it has achieved so far. (The fitness value is also stored.) This value is called pbest. Another b

49、est value that is tracked by the particle swarm optimizer is the best value, obtained so far by any particle in the population. This best value is a global best and called gbest. When a particle takes part of the population as its topological neighbors, the best value is a local best and is called lbest.Regarding the basic PSO algorithm, the superior individual has the possibility very quick control entire


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