infoX V100R001.3D3 错误码说明书.doc

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1、产品名称密级infoX产品版本共28页V100R001infoX V100R001.3D3 错误码说明书Prepared by 拟制陈向荣Date日期2003-12-3Reviewed by 评审人Date日期Approved by批准Date日期Revision Record 修订记录Distribution List 分发记录Copy No.Holders Name & Role 持有者和角色Issue Date 分发日期12345Catalog 目 录1简介52SMPP话单错误码53CMPP消息应答错误码63.1CMPP协议登录错误码63.2CMPP异步流程错误码63.3CMPP3.0同

2、步流程错误码63.4CMPP2.0同步流程错误码73.5CMPP状态报告错误stat含义73.6给GNS应答错误码说明94接口断连错误码说明94.1infoX接口断连的原因概述94.2业务模块发送的消息协议错误104.3握手或接收异常错误104.4TCP/IP的SOCKET关闭或产生异常114.5WINDOWS平台SOCKET错误码说明114.6UNIX平台SOCKET错误码说明195维测及网管错误码说明196错误码说明216.1.1AAAA网关错误码216.1.2BBBB SCP返回的错误码236.1.3CCCC ISMG返回的错误码256.1.4DDDD SP返回的错误码256.1.5EE

3、EE DSMP返回的错误码256.1.6FFFF SMC返回的错误码276.1.7GGGG SPACE返回的错误码296.1.8XXXX消息发往SCP、SP、DSMP、SMC出错时错误码296.1.9ZZZZ为SMSC返回的状态报告中ERR的值29 infoX错误码说明书Keywords 关键词:Abstract 摘 要:List of abbreviations 缩略语清单: Abbreviations缩略语Full spelling 英文全名Chinese explanation 中文解释SMPPShort Message Point to Point Protocoll 点对点短消息协议

4、SMSC( SMC)Short Message Service Center短消息中心CMPPChina Mobil Point to Point移动短消息点到点新协议DSMP数据业务处理平台SCPService control point业务控制点1 简介该文档 适用于infoXV100R001.3D2版本网关。文档读者:infoX维护人员2 SMPP话单错误码错误码含义AAAA网关错误码1XXXX消息发往SCP出错时错误码2BBBBSCP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中BBBB为SCP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值3XXXX消息发往下一级ISMG出错时错误码4CCCC下一级ISMG返回错误应答

5、时的错误码,其中CCCC为下一级ISMG返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值5XXXX消息发往SP出错时错误码6DDDDSP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中DDDD为SP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值7XXXX消息发往DSMP出错时错误码8EEEEDSMP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中EEEE为DSMP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值9XXXX消息发往SMC出错时错误码10FFFFSMC返回错误应答时的错误码,其中FFFF为SMC返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值11XXXX消息发往SPACE出错时错误码12GGGGSPACE返回错误应答时的错误码,其中FFFF为SPACE返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值 有关A

6、AAA、XXXX、BBBB、CCCC、DDDD、EEEE、FFFF和GGGG的含义参见错误码说明内部等待状态报告错误吗: 错误码含义98004等待状态报告实体数不够98005等待状态报告超时98009等待状态报告短信中心地址为空3 CMPP消息应答错误码3.1 CMPP协议登录错误码14为CMPP协议标准错误码,5557为网关扩展错误码,59保留错误码含义1消息结构错2非法源地址3认证错4版本太高55超过系统接口数56超过帐号设置接口数57SP登陆IP错误58创建soap处理线程失败59保留3.2 CMPP异步流程错误码错误码含义参见AAAA的取值说明3.3 CMPP3.0同步流程错误码110

7、000:网关错误码2000130000:SCP错误码4000150000:前转网关错误码6000170000:SP错误码8000190000:DSMP错误码100001110000 :SMC错误码120001 :SPACE错误码错误码含义AAAA网关错误码2BBBBSCP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中BBBB为SCP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值4CCCC下一级ISMG返回错误应答时的错误码,其中CCCC为下一级ISMG返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值6DDDDSP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中DDDD为SP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值8EEEEDSMP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中EEEE为DSM

8、P返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值10FFFFSMC返回错误应答时的错误码,其中FFFF为SMC返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值12GGGGSPACE返回错误应答时的错误码,其中GGGG为SPACE返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值3.4 CMPP2.0同步流程错误码 1100:本网关错误码 101200:前转网关错误码 201240:SCP错误码 241255:SMC错误码错误码含义AA(199)网关错误码,AA的取值参见AAAA的取值说明100AA 下一级ISMG返回错误应答时的错误码201239SCP返回错误应答时的错误码,其值含义参见相应网关的配置文件CmppErrMap.dat。其中201为

9、没有对应关系的SCP错误241255SMC返回错误应答时的错误码,其值含义参见相应网关的配置文件CmppErrMap.dat,其中241为没有对应关系的SMC错误3.5 CMPP状态报告错误stat含义Message StateFinal Message StatesDescriptionDELIVEREDDELIVRDMessage is delivered to destinationEXPIREDEXPIREDMessage validity period hasexpiredDELETEDDELETEDMessage has been deleted.UNDELIVERABLEUNDE

10、LIVMessage is undeliverableACCEPTEDACCEPTDMessage is in accepted state(i.e. has been manually read on behalf of the subscriber by customer service)UNKNOWNUNKNOWNMessage is in invalid stateREJECTEDREJECTDMessage is in a rejected stateNOROUTENOROUTE查找路由失败MA:xxxxMA:xxxxSMSC不返回响应消息时的状态报告MB:xxxxMB:xxxxSM



13、状态报告的状态值为UNKNOWNMN:zzzzMN:zzzzSMSC返回状态报告的状态值为REJECTDMH:zzzzMH:zzzz其它值注意:其中ACCEPTED为中间状态,网关若从短信中心收到后应丢弃,不做任何操作;Stat字段长度为7个字节,填写时应填表一中Final Message States中的缩写形式,如状态为DELIVERED时填写DELIVRD,依此类推;3.6 给GNS应答错误码说明错误码含义0系统操作成功1没有匹配路由2源网关代码错误3路由类型错误4本节点不支持更新(GNS分节点)5路由信息更新失败6汇接网关路由信息时间戳比本地路由信息时间戳旧9系统繁忙10Update_

14、type错误11路由编号错误12目的网关代码错误13目的网关IP错误14目的网关Port错误15MT路由起始号码段错误16MT路由截止号码段错误17手机所属省代码错误18用户类型错误19SP_Id错误20SP_Code错误21SP_AccessType错误22Service_Id错误23Start_code错误24End_code错误4 接口断连错误码说明4.1 infoX接口断连的原因概述接口断连的原因一般可分为三类,分别为:A、握手超时(Enquire Link)B、业务模块发送的消息协议错误C、TCP/IP的SOCKET关闭或产生异常。以下将对各情况进行描述。4.2 业务模块发送的消息协


16、后消息错位,接口将断连97008接收太多的握手接口将断连97009地址错误,NPI、TON不支持只删除此消息,不断开接口97010时间格式错误只删除此消息,不断开接口97011DCS错误只删除此消息,不断开接口97012协议不支持只删除此消息,不断开接口9701397999保留例:2001/05/28 15:31:03 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:97001,ErrorType:04.3 握手或接收异常错误错误码原因分析后续操作19000保留19001接收消息的Buff出了问题接口将断连19002解码返回的值不对(只能是0/-1/0)接口

17、将断连19003握手超时接口将断连19004对端主动关闭Socket19005连接对方服务器的间隔时间,到时重连19006发送Login请求后,等待对方服务器的应答消息超时19007进行Socket底层的连接建立,等待connect函数的时间19008Dsmpfep read消息错误4.4 TCP/IP的SOCKET关闭或产生异常此情况是由于客户端主动关闭退出产生的提示信息,错误代码为“0”;例:2001/05/28 15:32:14 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:0,ErrorType:0或者由于SOCKET底层的其它异常错误,导致接口断

18、连,此时的错误码将有多种多样,详细描述请见WINDOWS平台SOCKET错误码说明及UNIX平台错误码说明。例:2001/05/30 15:49:32 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:10054,ErrorType:04.5 WINDOWS平台SOCKET错误码说明MSDN对于SOCKET异常ID的描述错误码值错误码标识含义10004WSAEINTRInterrupted function call. A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall

19、.10013WSAEACCESPermission denied. An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST). 10014WSAEFAULTBad address. The system detected an invalid p

20、ointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument of a call. This error occurs if an application passes an invalid pointer value, or if the length of the buffer is too small. For instance, if the length of an argument which is a struct sockaddr is smaller than sizeof(struct sockaddr). 10022WSAE

21、INVALInvalid argument. Some invalid argument was supplied (for example, specifying an invalid level to the setsockopt function). In some instances, it also refers to the current state of the socket - for instance, calling accept on a socket that is not listening. 10024WSAEMFILEToo many open files. T

22、oo many open sockets. Each implementation may have a maximum number of socket handles available, either globally, per process or per thread. 10035WSAEWOULDBLOCKResource temporarily unavailable. This error is returned from operations on non-blocking sockets that cannot be completed immediately, for e

23、xample recv when no data is queued to be read from the socket. It is a non-fatal error, and the operation should be retried later. It is normal for WSAEWOULDBLOCK to be reported as the result from calling connect on a non-blocking SOCK_STREAM socket, since some time must elapse for the connection to

24、 be established.10036WSAEINPROGRESSOperation now in progress. A blocking operation is currently executing. Windows Sockets only allows a single blocking operation to be outstanding per task (or thread), and if any other function call is made (whether or not it references that or any other socket) th

25、e function fails with the WSAEINPROGRESS error. 10037WSAEALREADYOperation already in progress. An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress - i.e. calling connect a second time on a non-blocking socket that is already connecting, or canceling an async

26、hronous request (WSAAsyncGetXbyY) that has already been canceled or completed.10038WSAENOTSOCKSocket operation on non-socket. An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. Either the socket handle parameter did not reference a valid socket, or for select, a member of an fd_set was no

27、t valid. 10039WSAEDESTADDRREQDestination address required. A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket. For example, this error will be returned if sendto is called with the remote address of ADDR_ANY. 10040WSAEMSGSIZEMessage too long. A message sent on a datagram socket was larger

28、than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. 10041WSAEPROTOTYPEProtocol wrong type for socket. A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket t

29、ype requested. For example, the ARPA Internet UDP protocol cannot be specified with a socket type of SOCK_STREAM. 10042WSAENOPROTOOPTBad protocol option. An unknown, invalid or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.10043WSAEPROTONOSUPPORTProtocol not supported.

30、 The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists. For example, a socket call requests a SOCK_DGRAM socket, but specifies a stream protocol. 10044WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORTSocket type not supported. The support for the specified socket type does not exist in

31、 this address family. For example, the optional type SOCK_RAW might be selected in a socket call, and the implementation does not support SOCK_RAW sockets at all. 10045WSAEOPNOTSUPPOperation not supported. The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. Usually this occur

32、s when a socket descriptor to a socket that cannot support this operation, for example, trying to accept a connection on a datagram socket.10046WSAEPFNOSUPPORTProtocol family not supported. The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. Has a slightly

33、 different meaning to WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, but is interchangeable in most cases, and all Windows Sockets functions that return one of these specify WSAEAFNOSUPPORT. 10047WSAEAFNOSUPPORTAddress family not supported by protocol family. An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. All sock

34、ets are created with an associated address family (i.e. AF_INET for Internet Protocols) and a generic protocol type (i.e. SOCK_STREAM). This error will be returned if an incorrect protocol is explicitly requested in the socket call, or if an address of the wrong family is used for a socket, e.g. in

35、sendto. 10048WSAEADDRINUSEAddress already in use. Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/IP address/port) is normally permitted. This error occurs if an application attempts to bind a socket to an IP address/port that has already been used for an existing socket, or a socket that wasnt clos

36、ed properly, or one that is still in the process of closing. For server applications that need to bind multiple sockets to the same port number, consider using setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR). Client applications usually need not call bind at all - connect will choose an unused port automatically. When bin

37、d is called with a wild-card address (involving ADDR_ANY), a WSAEADDRINUSE error could be delayed until the specific address is committed. This could happen with a call to other function later, including connect, listen, WSAConnect or WSAJoinLeaf.10049WSAEADDRNOTAVAILCannot assign requested address.

38、 The requested address is not valid in its context. Normally results from an attempt to bind to an address that is not valid for the local machine. This can also result from connect, sendto, WSAConnect, WSAJoinLeaf, or WSASendTo when the remote address or port is not valid for a remote machine (e.g.

39、 address or port 0). 10050WSAENETDOWNNetwork is down. A socket operation encountered a dead network. This could indicate a serious failure of the network system (i.e. the protocol stack that the WinSock DLL runs over), the network interface, or the local network itself. 10051WSAENETUNREACHNetwork is

40、 unreachable. A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network. This usually means the local software knows no route to reach the remote host.10052WSAENETRESETNetwork dropped connection on reset. The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operat

41、ion was in progress. It can also be returned by setsockopt if an attempt is made to set SO_KEEPALIVE on a connection that has already failed. 10053WSAECONNABORTEDSoftware caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine, possibly due to a data trans

42、mission timeout or protocol error. 10054WSAECONNRESETConnection reset by peer. A existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, or the remote host used a hard close (see setsockop

43、t for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket.) This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail

44、 with WSAECONNRESET.10055WSAENOBUFSNo buffer space available. An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. 10056WSAEISCONNSocket is already connected. A connect request was made on an already connected socket. Some implementations also return this error if sendto is called on a connected SOCK_DGRAM socket (For SOCK_STREAM sockets, the to parameter in sendto is ignored), although other implementations treat this as a legal occurrence. 10057WSAENOTCONNSocket is not connected. A request to send or rec


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