1、网络(Networks)检索报告传播学概论第7章 小群体传播P105 7.7 群体传播网络当我们以群体传播中的个人为节点,将信息的发出者和接受者用线段连接起来时,就行程了群体传播的网络结构图。在小群体传播中有5中最常见的信息传播网络。圆形网络、轮形网络、链形网络、Y形网络、全渠道形网络实际上,传播网络只是一般性地揭示了传播结构。网络Network / Networks传播网络 Communication network / Communication networks当代社会科学大辞典 索书号:C61/40 词条:传播网络 communication network 在信息传播系统中,由若干媒
2、介组成的、用以使信息按一定要求传输的传播渠道的总和或一部分,构成传播网络。传播网络具有不同的形式和功能。 注意这里用的英文单词是network而不是networks。社会科学百科全书 索书号:C61/14 词条:传播网络 Communication Networks 网络可以定义为联结那被称为网络“中心点”的一群人或目标的一种特殊的关系类型(Mitchell,1969)。传播关系的定义是,构成一个社会系统的人们传送信息的各种渠道(Farace et al. 1977)。有的时候,研究者们感兴趣的是考察在同一组“中心点”中的多重关系。因为不同的关系类型规定不同的网络,这些“多重”关系将产生出各自
3、不同的网络。例如,在同一组人中,“寻求劝导”的关系与“调情”关系相比,可能创造出一种完全不同的网络。人们已经在各种社会系统中和不同的分析层次上研究了传播关系。在小群体行为方面,一系列研究长期集中在不同网络结构对从事于解决问题的群体成员的行为和愉快心情所产生的影响方面(Collins and Raven,1969;Shaw,1964)。很多例子都以“人”作为传播网络的中心点,但这并非唯一的一种研究方式。如里夫斯与博格曼(1983)就以传播网络分析去说明其影响,表明传播学领域内9种主要杂志的引文类型。 这里对传播网络的解释,着重从解释网络的传播关系入手。所以本词条虽然基本上都在解释“网络的传播关系
4、”,但实际上就是对“传播网络”进行解释。 词条:网络 Networks社会科学家面临的长期存在的问题之一是把诸如社会、制度和群体之类的抽象概念与实际的人们的活动和关系联系起来。解决这个问题的途径之一是把亲戚和朋友圈、群体和制度性复合体看作连结各层次的人的社会网络。社会网络的概念是由拉德克利夫布朗于1940年第一次提出,巴恩斯(1954)和博特(1957)于二十世纪五十年代中期首先使用。网络的概念在为系统的基础上研究互动中的人们提供了途径,互动的人们的行动可能变革他们参与其中的制度。社会网络被认为具有一种影响人们的行为和人格的各个方面的明确结构。反之,它们也受到生物因素、物质环境、居住和气候的影
5、响,当然也受到意识形态的影响。 此书此处解释实际上偏重解释“社会网络”。但也有助于我们理解“网络”和“传播网络”。Encyclopedia of Communication and Information 索书号:G2061/En19(v.1) 词条:Networks and CommunicationThe network approach has been applied to studying a wide range of topics, such as referrals among community helping agencies, overlaps in company bo
6、ards of directors as part of antitrust investigations, changes in friendship among elementary school students, rumor diffusion in organizations, interactions among transients and regular patrons at late-night diners, citation patterns among members of scientific disciplines, the role of formal organ
7、izational communication networks compared to emerging informal networks, the structure of international telecommunication traffic, and contributions to nonprofit agencies. Georg Simmels 1908 The web of Group Affiliations, and Jacob Morenos 1934 Who Shall Survive? Were some of the first books to desc
8、ribe and apply this approach. Other early studies considered kinship networks in trial villages, relational patterns among families, interactions among workers in manufacturing or mining sites, and the development of class and group identity through joint attendance at social events.美国大词典 索书号:D771.2
9、-61/2 词条:network1a complex, interconnected group or system2an extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support 本书对此词条有多项解释,选取了和本检索有关的两个解释。网络分析 Network analysis社会科学百科全书 索书号:C61/14 词条:传播网络 Communication Networks法拉西
10、和马比指出(1980),网络分析的两个主要目标是结构联系和网络测量。在结构连接中,个体被指定为派系成员、联络人和孤立者几类不同的网络角色。联络人不属于某个别团体,但同两个或更多的团体中的人有着信息联系,在联结各个团体时经常扮演重要的角色;孤立者,顾名思义,他在网络中的联系很少(如果有的话)。研究表明,联络人、孤立者和团体成员在传播网络中具有不同的特点和相当不同的功能(Roberts and OReilly,1978)。网络测量涉及网络各个方面的数量指标,研究得最多的指标包括所及范围、密集度、中心点及优势。观测传播网络的技术是多种多样的。人们经常要回忆他们与所有其他网络成员的相互作用,报告这些接
12、料的分析,无论是网络联结还是网络测量,都是费力的,如果用手工的话尤其如此。所以,绝大多数网络资料都通过计算机进行分析 词条:网络 Networks社会网络的概念是由拉德克利夫-布朗于1940年第一次提出,巴恩斯(1954)和博特(1957)于二十世纪五十年代中期首先使用。在以后的15年里,许多人类学家继续发展了网络分析,后来社会学家和政治科学家从他们那里借用了这一概念。对于网络分析的热情是与理论取向开始偏离结构功能分析的状况有关的。到六十年代后,后者已经统治了英美社会科学达30年之久。网络的概念在为系统的基础上研究互动中的人们提供了途径,互动的人们的行动可能变革他们参与其中的制度。这就在关于法
16、网络分析基本上是不复杂的:它提出有关谁与谁有联系、该联系的性质和其性质如何影响行为的问题。这些问题相对来说是比较直接的,这些问题的解答是相当简单的。它们应该成为每个实地工作者的基本研究方法中的一部分。Encyclopedia of Communication and Information 索书号:G2061/En19(v.1) 词条:Networks and CommunicationNetwork analysis is the study and interpretation of influences on, forms of, and outcomes from, patterns
17、of relations among entities. The overall structure of a network, the relationships among the network members, and the location of a member within the network, are critical factors in understanding social behavior. They influence, among other things, access to resources, the distribution of social an
18、d organizational power, the spread of new ideas as well as diseases, career success and mobility, workplace diversity, job satisfaction, and even personal health and longevity.Network Data, Measures, and AnalysisFor network analysis, the data consists of the relationships among the entities. The ent
19、ities may be people, organizations, words, events, and so on. The relations may be communication, trade, co-occurrences, hierarchies, or the like (through the rest of this entry will refer to “people”). The strength of such relations among the people might be measured by such things as frequency, at
20、traction, length, and dependency. This is thus a “people by people” dataset. The relations among people might be identified by observation, surveys, archival data, information-system-collected data, transcribed conversations, or analysis of printed material, diaries, legal records, and so on. Note,
21、however, that network data are usually collected along with variable data, and often analyzed together. Further, a “people by variable” matrix can be converted into a “people by people” matrix.Data about these relationships can be collected at, and analyzed by, several levels of analysis. The most b
22、asic levels are the individual and the network level. Data collected at the individual or “ego” level involves measures of the relations in general of a set of individuals or their relations to specific others, without knowledge of the complete network of relations among all the others. These might
23、include the number of friends a person has at School; the number of times a manager asked for advice from, or gave advice to coworkers; or the number of suppliers an organization uses. Analyzing such individual-level data would allow researchers to differentiate the people as being more or less popu
24、lar, seekers or givers of advice, or more or less dependent. The network level of analysis would describe or compare groups of people on such individual-level measures.Data collected at the network level involves measuring relations among all the members of a particular network (a group, an organiza
25、tional department, an academic discipline, an industry). This allows analysis of the interdependencies among the members, including indirect relations and both presence and absence of relations. Such analysis can characterize individuals network properties, including the in-degrees(the number of lin
26、ks a person receives from others), out-degrees (the number of links a person gives to others), density (percentage of all possible links each person has), centrality(the extent to which the person is close to or is part of all other relations in the network), integrativeness (the extent to which the
27、 person direct relations are also related).Typical organizational communication network roles include being a member of a group (or “clique”), the liaison (who connects groups but is not a member of any group), the bridge (who belongs to one group but provides a direct link to another group, this ma
28、y include the “gatekeeper”), the isolate (who does not belong to any particular group), the opinion leader (to whom others turn for leadership and legitimization of group norms), and the boundary spanner, environmental scanner, or cosmopolite (who provides a link between the organization and the env
29、ironment). Other roles include the broker (who passes information or resources along), a follower (who provides links to but nor from others), a leader (who receives links from but may not provide links to other), and people who occupy similar positions (who are “equivalent” even though they may not
30、 have direct relationships among themselves).Such analysis can also characterize network properties of dyads (such as reciprocity and similarity in the network) or triads (such as transitiveness, the extent to which a relation between entity A and B and a relation between B and C also involves a rel
31、ation between C and A). Finally, Network-level analysis can characterize properties of the network as a whole, such as overall density, centrality, integrativemess, power/prestige, reciprocity, transitiveness, and other measures of structure. However, network-level analysis can also provide a wide a
32、rray of network-level portrayals, such as separate and overlapping cliques within the network, positions within the network that include people that are similar to each other with respect to their relations to all other entities, multidimensional visual portrayals of the relations among the entities
33、 within the whole or positions of grouped together in hierarchical fashion depending on the strength of the relation.其它检索一期刊1上海郊区农村传播网络的调查分析陈迪复旦学报(社会科学版), Fudan Journal(Social Sciences Edition),编辑部邮箱 1984年 06期 2社会网络与选任机制:以J市个案调查为例林彬中国农业大学学报(社会科学版), Journal of China Agricultural University(Social Sci
34、ences Edition), 编辑部邮箱 2007年 03期 3社会网络分析的范式特征兼论网络结构观与地位结构观的联系和区别张文宏江海学刊, Jianghai Academic Journal, 编辑部邮箱 2007年 05期 4构、界面规则与利益表达:社会和谐构建的社会网络范式许苏明东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science), 编辑部邮箱 2007年 05期 二网络百度百科网络分析,又称为关键路径分析,是一种项目规划技术,它将项目分解成组成该项目的活动,然后以网络的形式表示这
35、些活动和它们之间的相互关系。利用网络图,通过考虑完成每个活动所需的时间和资源,可以找到活动的关键路径,以保证项目所用的时间最少,达到资源最优使用。总结 Summary“网络(networks)”一词在各大百科全书、工具书中的解释都偏向于自然科学方面(数学方面、物力方面,较新的工具书中更加重了互联网internet这一方面的解释),这是因为在社会科学中使用的“网络”一次本身就是从自然科学借用的;所以在检索的过程中,关于“网络”或“networks”的词条并不少见,但真正能被用上的却不多。中文对此概念的翻译为“网络”或“社会网络”,实际上指的就是连结社会中各个层次实体(entity)个人、组织等的关系类型。而传播网络并不能说是网络的一个“分支”,而是在网络中使用了各种不同的传播关系,对这些不同传播关系的研究就是传播网络研究。网络分析是检索所得内容中占很大比例的一部分内容,此部分内容简明为我们解释了社会学家们是如何对网络进行分析的(数据、测量方式、分析等)。如进行网络分析十分重要的几个指标是范围、密集度、中心点及优势等。利用网络分析我们可以对社会网络(当然也包括传播网络)进行更好的分析。教材中为我们列举的集中小群体的信息传播网络圆形、轮形、链形、Y形、全渠道形其划分也是依据了网络分析的几个指标。例如,从中心点来看,轮形网络最佳。