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1、雅思阅读速度标准和提升方法 雅思阅读速度标准和5个提升方法为你带来雅思阅读考试中,怎样的阅读速度算是合格的速度的标准以及5个提高雅思阅读速度的小贴士。下面就和大家分享雅思阅读速度标准和5个提升方法,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读速度标准和5个提升方法无论是雅思还是托福阅读考试,很多考生都反映*太长时间太短,自己的阅读速度不够。那么雅思托福阅读考试对于考生的阅读速度要求是多少呢?实际上无论是雅思还是托福考试,在速读层面上,考生的阅读速度能够达到每分钟300-400词就足够了。当然这个速度指的是考生在做skimming and scanning时的速读,并非细节题处理阅读。想要更准确的测试出你在托福雅思阅

2、读中的速读速度,用考试难度的*测试会而更加精准。那么对于阅读速度还不高的小伙伴,收集了一些教大家提高阅读速度的小tips,大家学学看。1 避免默读或唇读这是很多考生在阅读英文的时候一定会陷入的误区,似乎只有默念甚至小声的读出来才能更有安全感的去理解*,然而实际上我们说英文的速读最快也只能达到250 wpm,与我们速读的要求相差很多。如果除去唇读的时间,单纯地把阅读变成一种视觉接受信息的方式,速度会有很大提升。当然这一点在初期矫正的时候会比较困难,如果你总是不自觉的吧你所看到的*读出来,你可以试着一边看*一边读1.2.3.4之类的最简单的词语。刚开始练习的时候你的英文理解专注力一定会受到干扰,但

3、是一段时间的练习之后你会发现你的视觉思维处理能力大大得到了提升。2 不要逐句翻译成中文这是另一个非常容易影响你阅读速度的习惯。正常来说我们处理英文的过程就是reading-understanding,然而很多同学习惯于reading-translating-understanding,增加了一个翻译的环节会大大降低你的阅读速度。我们在skimming and scanning 的时候是要快速把控*的大致结构和中心内容,因此考生不需要将每个单词都翻译成中文。另外一点,大家一定要习惯直接理解“英文”,要培养用英文的思维方式去理解英文材料的能力。无论是阅读还是其它的听说写,直接用英文的思维方式相互转

4、化,而不是一定要用“翻译成中文”作为中间环节。3 排除干扰项都说雅思托福考试时一场体力与精力的考验。60分钟的高强度阅读考试需要你的注意力高度集中。大家在练习的时候有没有过这样的情况:读着读着思路就飘走了,盯着一句话好几遍都反应不过来它的意思,实际上你的大脑精神早就不在reading上了。这是因为我们从小接触的各类英文考试很少是长达几个小时并且时间非常紧迫的。实际上注意力的集中时长是可以经过锻炼的。在托福雅思阅读中我们需要锻炼自己集中注意力的能力,不断提醒自己不要走神,习惯于高强度的英文阅读方式,这样才能提高我们的阅读速度与质量。4 熟悉*结构套路这一点不仅仅在各类考试中很重要,在大家出国留学

5、后面对海量的reading时,这方面能力会大大帮助你survive。以托福雅思作文中都很常出现的科技类说明文为例,一般*主体都会包括这项科技的起源以及发展历史、实验过程、实际应用、一些科学界或相关人士对它的评价等等。如果在速读过程中考生能够迅速判断一篇*的类别以及明确这类*一般会有的结构套路,那么你在快速浏览*的过程中,你的阅读速度会大大提高。当然这方面的能力需要建立在大量的阅读练习的基础上,这里也提醒大家,速读练习的时候最重要的一点就是摸清*的结构脉络。5 词汇语法能力作基石最后一点真的不需要赘述了。你掌握了再多的速读技巧,没有强大的词汇量和语法能力作为支撑,一切都是空谈。这里教大家一个小技

6、巧:你在看*的时候不要仅仅看逐个单词,要习惯于把词组和固定搭配一起放在视线范围内,这样在提高阅读速度的同时也能够提升英文理解质量。这也要求我们在背单词的时候要同时熟悉单词的常见词组以及固定搭配。以上就是雅思阅读速度标准和5个提升方法的全部内容,我们从文中可以看出,要提高雅思的阅读速度,需要做的是2件事,一件是提升自己的阅读能力,这个从提升词汇面,句型面以及养成英文思维的这几点可以做到,另一件就是熟知雅思阅读的*的类型和结构。雅思阅读材料:美甲护甲的小知识Q:My nails grow quite long, but they break off. Ive tried nail hardener

7、s, but they dont seem to help.我的指甲很长,但很容易折断。我试过用一些指甲硬化剂,但是没用。A:Nail hardeners should be used when nails are bendy and flexible, rather than when theyre brittle and prone to snapping.是在指甲比较柔软的时候用硬化剂,如果指甲很脆弱,易折断,那不要用硬化剂。Q:Whats the best type of nail file?什么样的指甲锉刀比较好用?A:Some of the best nail files are

8、professional grade files, available in different types or grits. The grit is marked on the packaging or file as a number.的指甲锉刀是分级别的那种,有不同型号和粒度(甲锉上数字单位的面积颗粒数,表示甲锉的粗糙程度)。粒度是用数字来表示的。The higher the number, the finer and less abrasive the grit, the lower the number, the harsher the grit. The best file to

9、 shape artificial nails would be a 180 grit.粒度越高,指甲锉就越细致,粒度越小,锉刀就越粗糙。美甲之后用粒度为180的锉刀打磨指甲。Q:How can I make my nail varnish stay put longer?如何让指甲油保持更长时间?A:Before painting nails, ensure theyre oil-free by wiping clean with nail polish remover to help the polish stick to nails more effectively.涂指甲油之前,确保指

10、甲是干净的,没有沾染油污。用洗甲油把指甲清理干净。Q:Do you have any tips on how I should file my nails?对于打磨指甲你有什么好的建议吗?A:Too often, were tempted to saw at our nails, from side to side. This is the worst thing you can do. Make sure your nails are totally dry before you begin to shape them to avoid splitting or tearing.我们经常会来

11、回磨指甲,这样不对。在打磨指甲之前,确保指甲是干的,以免打磨时发生断裂。Position the nail file at a 45-degree angle under the nail, and file the nails from the left hand corner to the centre of the nail for a few long gentle strokes. If necessary, use nail clippers to shorten the nails first. Most people opt for a squovalshape, but th

12、is summer is all about round shapes for short nails or almond shapes for long nails.将锉刀以45度角放置于指甲下方,从指甲的左边慢慢磨到中间,如有必要,先把指甲剪断一点再磨。许多人喜欢由方形过渡到椭圆的指甲形状,但是今夏的潮流是:短指磨成甲圆形,长指甲磨成杏仁形。雅思阅读材料:高额学费导致英国大学生减少17%The government says undergraduate numbers have returned to record levels.英国政府表示本科生数量“降至新低”。There was a

13、17% fall in the number of first year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, official figures show.官方数据显示,在年高昂的学费面前,英国大学的本科生的数量减少了17%。In 20XX-13 UK universities were allowed to treble their yearly fees to 9,000.在20XX-13年间,英国大学被默许增加每年的学费至9000英镑。England saw a 12% fa

14、ll in new full-time undergraduate students overall.英格兰新的全日制本科学生整体减少了12%。The government acknowledged the fall but stressed that demand for full time higher education has already returned to record levels.政府承认总体数量有所减少,但强调对全日制高等教育的需求已经“回到过去的水平”。A spokesperson for Department for Business, Innovation and

15、 Skills said the figures were influenced by a higher number of students taking up places the previous year, rather than having a gap year.英国政府商业创新和技术部的发言人表示,这数据受到了一些学生的影响,他们更多是提前一年申请上大学的,而不是选择间隔年。A reduction in entrants in 20XX was well documented and the numbers were affected by the significant num

16、ber of students who opted not to defer their place from the year before, she said.她表示:“20XX年的新生的减少也揭示,新生数量受到相当一部分学生的影响,他们没有选择从一年前推迟他们的位置。”Direct consequence直接的后果The decline had not continued into the current year, she added.下降并没持续到今年,她补充道。Application rates for some of the most disadvantaged young pe

17、ople have risen to an all time high in England and more students than ever before are being successful in securing a place at their first choice institution.“在英国,一些处于弱势地位的年轻人的申请率已升到了一个前所未有的高度,比以往更多的学生成功地在他们的学校取得了一席之位。”The figures, collated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (Hesa), are offici

18、al confirmation of other indications that there was a fall in the number of people going to university last year.由英国高等教育统计局整理的数据,可以作为去年上大学人数减少迹象的官方确认。Previously released figures had shown declines in applications and offers of places, and the admissions body Ucas also reported a fall.此前发布的数据显示申请数和录取

19、通知书发放数量有所下降,招生机构英国高校联合招生委员会也报道了下降。In Scotland, where the government still pays for the tuition of Scottish students studying within the country, there was a 2% rise in the number of students taking up places on full-time undergraduate courses.而在苏格兰,政府仍然为苏格兰学生在国内的学习付费,全日制本科生人数总体有2%的增长。The academics u

20、nion, UCU, however, said the overall decline was a direct consequence of the rise in tuition fees.The unions general secretary, Sally Hunt, said it was no great surprise that the number of students going to university fell off considerably.大学联盟总秘长萨莉.亨特表示,上大学的学生人数大幅度减少没什么好惊讶的。She also believes there

21、may be long-term effects.她还认为这可能存在长期影响。Only the government seemed to think the policy was progressive and, while we have seen a recovery in the number of people applying to university, the fear remains that some may never fulfil their potential because of the new funding regime, she added.她表示:“只有政府认

22、为政策是进步的,虽然我们已经看到申请大学的数量在恢复,但由于新的融资制度,人们仍然有顾虑,而有些人可能永远不会实现他们的潜力。”The Hesa figures also show a one per cent decline in non-EU students coming to the UK to study.英国高等教育统计局整理的数据同时显示了非欧盟学生来英国上大学人数减少了1%。A rise in the numbers of students from China and Hong Kong was off-set by a 25% fall in Indian students.而来自中国内地和香港学生人数的上升被印度学生下降了25%的数量所抵消。It has previously been suggested they are being put off from the expense of study in the UK by a fall in the value of the rupee, and by improvements in Indian universities.之前有迹象表明,由于卢比的贬值和印度大学整体的进步,印度的学生在英国高昂的留学费用面前望而却步.雅思阅读


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